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Effect of tillage and residue management on enzyme activities in soils   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
Recent interest in soil tillage and residue management has focused on low-input sustainable agriculture. In this study we investigated the effect of three tillage systems (no-till, chisel plow, and moldboard plow) and four residue placements (bare, normal, mulch, and double mulch) on the activities of four amidohydrolases (amidase, L-asparaginase, L-glutaminase, and urease) in soils from four replicated field-plots. Correlation coefficients (r) for linear regressions between the activities of each of the enzymes and organic C or pH and between all possible paired amidohydrolases were also calculated. The results showed that the effects of tillage and residue management on pH in the 28 surface soil (0–15 cm) samples were not significant. The organic C content, however, was affected significantly by the different tillage and residue-management practices studied, being the greatest in soils with notill/double mulch treatment, and the least with no-till/bare and moldboard/normal treatments. Within the same tillage system, mulch treatment resulted in greater organic C content compared with normal or bare treatment. The activities of the amidohydrolases studied were generally greater in mulch-treated plots than in non-treated plots, and were significantly correlated with organic C contents of soils, with r values ranging from 0.70*** to 0.90***. Linear regression analyses of enzyme activities on pH values (in 0.01 M CaCl2) of the 28 surface soils showed significant correlations for L-asparaginase, L-glutaminase, and urease, with r values of 0.74***, 0.77***, and 0.72***, respectively, but not for amidase (r=0.24). The activities of the four amidohydrolases studied in the 40 soil samples tested were significantly intercorrelated, with r values ranging from 0.72*** to 0.92***. The activities of the four amidohydrolases decreased with increasing soil depth of the plow layer, and were accompanied by a decrease in organic C content.  相似文献   
Secondary tillage performed under inadequate soil water contents usually leads to a poor seedbed. Under normal Swedish weather conditions, clayey soils ploughed during autumn form a very dry top layer in spring, which acts as an evaporation barrier so that deeper layers remain wet. Thus, the conventional approach considering soil workability in relation to a single value of soil water content is difficult to apply. Hence, a field experiment was carried out to study the effect of seedbed preparation date, the associated soil water contents and traffic consequences on the physical properties of a spring seedbed. The field was autumn ploughed and the experiment started as soon as the field was trafficable after winter thawing. The seedbed preparation consisted of three harrowing operations on plots 8 m×8 m (three replications) with a spring tined harrow and a tractor mounted with dual tyres and was performed on 10 occasions from the beginning of April to the middle of May. With the exception of some short periods after rain, the soil had a clear water stratification during the experiment, with a very dry superficial layer (5–20 mm thick) contrasting to water contents over 300 g kg−1 from only 40 mm depth. After the harrowing operation, the seedbed aggregate fraction less than 2 mm increased from about 40% at the beginning of April to about 60% for the last four treatments in May. Contributing factors to the rise were attributed to the lower water contents of the top layer (<40 mm) and the drying–wetting and freezing–thawing cycles that occurred in the surface layer during April. There were no significant differences in bulk density after harrowing between the treatments but an increase in penetration resistance up to a depth of 180 mm in the harrowed plots was statistically significant (P<0.001). In the non-harrowed soil, penetration resistance also increased, including in those soil layers where water contents kept nearly constant.

In conclusion, the seedbed preparation dates had only a minor effect on soil compaction, as measured by bulk density and penetration resistance, due to the slow drying beneath the dry top layer. The fraction of fine aggregates in the seedbed increased with time. Thus, the optimal time for seedbed preparation depended mainly on soil friability and not on the risk of compaction.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare predicted soil forces on a disk plow with measured forces within the tillage depth of clay (90 g kg−1 sand, 210 g kg−1 silt, 700 g kg−1 clay) and sandy loam (770 g kg−1 sand, 40 g kg−1 silt, 190 g kg−1 clay) soils. The model assumed the effects of both tilt angle and plowing speed. Two plowing speeds (4 and 10 km/h) at three tilt angles (15°, 20° and 25°) were compared and the draft, vertical, and side forces determined. A 3D nonlinear finite element model was used to predict the soil forces while a dynamometer was used to measure them on a disk plow in the field. An incremental method was used to deal with material nonlinearity and the Trapezoidal rule method was used to analyze the dynamic response of soil during tillage. Field tillage experiments were conducted to verify the results of the finite element model. It was found that increasing the tilt angle of the plow increased the draft and vertical forces and decreased the side force. Increasing plowing speed increased the draft and side forces and decreased the vertical force. Generally, the results from the finite element model were found to be compatible with the experimental results in clay soil, while in sandy loam the differences between predicted and measured data were probably due to problems of measuring soil mechanical characteristics in the triaxial test.  相似文献   
本文针对中亚热带低海拔地区的土壤气候特点,总结了从草种选择、地面处理、整地施肥到播种保苗的研究结果和实践经验,提出了红壤丘陵岗地建植人工草地的技术措施和草地初期管理意见.  相似文献   
Sustainable food production in semi-arid tropical countries can be achieved through efficient utilization of rainwater. A field experiment to assess the grain yield, seasonal water use (WU), water use efficiency (WUE) and precipitation use efficiency (PUE) of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) intercropped with cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) on two tillage systems was conducted during the 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 cropping seasons at the University of Venda (22°58′ S, 30°26′ E at 596 m above sea level). The experiment was configured as a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design with three replications. The tillage treatments were conventional tillage (CT) (control) and in-field rainwater harvesting (IRWH) system. The IRWH is a special crop production technique that promotes runoff on 2.0-m wide no-till strip between crop rows and collects the runoff water in basins where it infiltrates into the soil profile. The treatments in the cropping system (CS) consisted of a sole crop (sunflower or cowpea) and an intercrop (sunflower × cowpea). Results of the experiment revealed that IRWH led to a significant (P < 0.05) increase in sunflower grain yield in the second season but cowpea grain yield was not influenced by tillage systems. IRWH resulted in significantly higher WU, WUE and PUE of both crops compared to CT system in the second season. The CS had significant effects on sunflower grain yield in both seasons but none on the cowpea grain yield. WU was significantly higher in intercrops than in sole cowpea and sole sunflower in the first and second season, respectively. WUE and PUE were significantly greater in sole sunflower than in the intercrops but less in the sole cowpea than in the intercrops.  相似文献   
Plant-soil feedbacks are gaining attention for their ability to determine plant community development. Plant-soil feedback models and research assume that plant-soil interactions occur within days to weeks, yet, little is known about how quickly and to what extent plants change soil community composition. We grew a dominant native plant (Pseudoroegneria spicata) and a dominant non-native plant (Centaurea diffusa) separately in both native- and non-native-cultivated field soils to test if these species could overcome soil legacies and create new soil communities in the short-term. Soil community composition before and after plant growth was assessed in bulk and rhizosphere soils using phospholipid fatty acid analyses. Nematode abundance and mycorrhizal colonization were also measured following plant growth. Field-collected, native-cultivated soils showed greater bacterial, Gram (−), fungal, and arbuscular mycorrhizal PLFA abundance and greater PLFA diversity than field-collected, non-native-cultivated soils. Both plant species grew larger in native- than non-native-cultivated soils, but neither plant affected microbial composition in the bulk or rhizosphere soils after two months. Plants also failed to change nematode abundance or mycorrhizal colonization. Plants, therefore, appear able to create microbial legacies that affect subsequent plant growth, but contrary to common assumptions, the species in this study are likely to require years to create these legacies. Our results are consistent with other studies that demonstrate long-term legacies in soil microbial communities and suggest that the development of plant-soil feedbacks should be viewed in this longer-term context.  相似文献   
Seven mouldboard ploughing experiments were conducted to systematically investigate the effect of different tillage directions on soil redistribution on hillslopes. The present study included tillage directions other than parallel to the gradient or along the contour, that is, in our experiments the slope gradient changed simultaneously in tillage and in turning direction. Using physical tracers we developed a model of the two-dimensional tracer displacement as a function of topography and tillage variables. The displacements in tillage and in turning direction were separately described as 2nd degree polynomials in both tillage and in turning directions. This model fully accounted for the directionality of tillage. Displacement in turning direction additionally depended on tillage depth, while that in tillage direction was affected by tillage speed and soil bulk density. We found a large effect of tillage directionality on soil redistribution, and tillage at 45° to the gradient turning soil upslope was the least erosive tillage direction. We obtained non-linear relationships between soil redistribution and profile curvature, instead of the linear relationships reported previously. Consequently tillage erosivity varied in tillage direction and a unique tillage transport coefficient could not be obtained for all tillage directions.  相似文献   
J.A. Gmez  M.A. Nearing 《CATENA》2005,59(3):253-266
Soil surface roughness may significantly impact runoff and erosion under rainfall. A common perception is that runoff and erosion are decreased as a function of roughness because of surface ponding and increased hydraulic roughness that reduces effective flow shear stress. The objective of this study was to measure the effects of initial surface roughness on runoff and erosion under controlled laboratory conditions. Initially, rough and smooth surfaces were exposed to five simulated rainfall applications at 5% and 20% slopes. In all cases, runoff was delayed for the case of the initially rough surface; however, this effect was temporary. Overall, no statistical differences in either total runoff or erosion were measured on the 20% slope. At 5% slope, runoff was less on the rough surface for the first rainfall application but greater on the final three, probably due to the formation of a depositional seal in that case. This resulted in an overall insignificant difference in runoff for the sum of the five rainfall applications. Erosion was greater on the rougher slope at 5% steepness, probably due to concentration of flow as it moved around the roughness elements on the rougher slope. These results indicate that commonly held perceptions of the impact of soil surface roughness on runoff and erosion may not be entirely correct in all cases.  相似文献   
Soil and crop management practices may alter the quantity, quality, and placement of plant residues that influence soil C and N fractions. We examined the effects of two tillage practices [conventional till (CT) and no-till (NT)] and five crop rotations [continuous spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (CW), spring wheat–fallow (W–F), spring wheat–lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.) (W–L), spring wheat–spring wheat–fallow (W–W–F), and spring wheat–pea (Pisum sativum L.)–fallow (W–P–F)] on transient land previously under 10 years of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) planting on the amount of plant biomass (stems + leaves) returned to the soil from 1998 to 2003 and soil C and N fractions within the surface 20 cm in March 2004. A continued CRP planting was also included as another treatment for comparing soil C and N fractions. The C and N fractions included soil organic C (SOC), soil total N (STN), microbial biomass C and N (MBC and MBN), potential C and N mineralization (PCM and PNM), and NH4-N and NO3-N contents. A field experiment was conducted in a mixture of Scobey clay loam (fine-loamy, mixed, Aridic Argiborolls) and Kevin clay loam (fine, montmorillonitic, Aridic Argiborolls) in Havre, MT, USA. Plant biomass yield varied by crop rotation and year and mean annualized biomass was 45–50% higher in CW and W–F than in W–L. The SOC and PCM were not influenced by treatments. The MBC at 0–5 cm was 26% higher in W–W–F than in W–F. The STN and NO3-N at 5–20 cm and PNM at 0–5 cm were 17–1206% higher in CT with W–L than in other treatments. Similarly, MBN at 0–5 cm was higher in CT with W–L than in other treatments, except in CT with W–F and W–P–F. Reduction in the length of fallow period increased MBC and MBN but the presence of legumes, such as lentil and pea, in the crop rotation increased soil N fractions. Six years of tillage and crop rotation had minor influence on soil C and N storage between croplands and CRP planting but large differences in active soil C and N fractions.  相似文献   
Residue retention and reduced tillage are both conservation agricultural management options that may enhance soil organic carbon (SOC) stabilization in tropical soils. Therefore, we evaluated the effects of long-term tillage and residue management on SOC dynamics in a Chromic Luvisol (red clay soil) and Areni-Gleyic Luvisol (sandy soil) in Zimbabwe. At the time of sampling the soils had been under conventional tillage (CT), mulch ripping (MR), clean ripping (CR) and tied ridging (TR) for 9 years. Soil was fully dispersed and separated into 212–2000 μm (coarse sand), 53–212 μm (fine sand), 20–53 μm (coarse silt), 5–20 μm (fine silt) and 0–5 μm (clay) size fractions. The whole soil and size fractions were analyzed for C content. Conventional tillage treatments had the least amount of SOC, with 14.9 mg C g−1 soil and 4.2 mg C g−1 soil for the red clay and sandy soils, respectively. The highest SOC content was 6.8 mg C g−1 soil in the sandy soil under MR, whereas for the red clay soil, TR had the highest SOC content of 20.4 mg C g−1 soil. Organic C in the size fractions increased with decreasing size of the fractions. In both soils, the smallest response to management was observed in the clay size fractions, confirming that this size fraction is the most stable. The coarse sand-size fraction was most responsive to management in the sandy soil where MR had 42% more organic C than CR, suggesting that SOC contents of this fraction are predominantly controlled by amounts of C input. In contrast, the fine sand fraction was the most responsive fraction in the red clay soil with a 66% greater C content in the TR than CT. This result suggests that tillage disturbance is the dominant factor reducing C stabilization in a clayey soil, probably by reducing C stabilization within microaggregates. In conclusion, developing viable conservation agriculture practices to optimize SOC contents and long-term agroecosystem sustainability should prioritize the maintenance of C inputs (e.g. residue retention) to coarse textured soils, but should focus on the reduction of SOC decomposition (e.g. through reduced tillage) in fine textured soils.  相似文献   
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