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Nannochloropsis salina was grown on a mixture of standard growth media and pre-gasified industrial process water representing effluent from a local biogas plant. The study aimed to investigate the effects of enriched growth media and cultivation time on nutritional composition of Nannochloropsis salina biomass, with a focus on eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Variations in fatty acid composition, lipids, protein, amino acids, tocopherols and pigments were studied and results compared to algae cultivated on F/2 media as reference. Mixed growth media and process water enhanced the nutritional quality of Nannochloropsis salina in laboratory scale when compared to algae cultivated in standard F/2 medium. Data from laboratory scale translated to the large scale using a 4000 L flat panel photo-bioreactor system. The algae growth rate in winter conditions in Denmark was slow, but results revealed that large-scale cultivation of Nannochloropsis salina at these conditions could improve the nutritional properties such as EPA, tocopherol, protein and carotenoids compared to laboratory-scale cultivated microalgae. EPA reached 44.2% ± 2.30% of total fatty acids, and α-tocopherol reached 431 ± 28 µg/g of biomass dry weight after 21 days of cultivation. Variations in chemical compositions of Nannochloropsis salina were studied during the course of cultivation. Nannochloropsis salina can be presented as a good candidate for winter time cultivation in Denmark. The resulting biomass is a rich source of EPA and also a good source of protein (amino acids), tocopherols and carotenoids for potential use in aquaculture feed industry.  相似文献   
Tidal effects on net ecosystem exchange of carbon in an estuarine wetland   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
One year of continuous data from two eddy-flux towers established along an elevation gradient in coastal Shanghai was analyzed to evaluate the tidal effect on carbon flux (Fc) over an estuarine wetland. The measured wavelet spectra and cospectra of Fc and other environmental factors demonstrated that the dynamics of Fc at both sites exhibited a tidal-driven pattern with obvious characteristics at scales between 10 and 20 days (256–512-h). Environmental factors exerted major controls on the carbon balance at finer temporal scales. Fc was more sensitive to tides at the low-elevation site than at the high-elevation site. Overall, the mean nighttime Fc during spring tides was lower than that during neap tides, indicating suppressed ecosystem respiration under inundation. Larger differences were observed at the low-elevation site due to longer inundation durations. In contrast, daytime Fc was more variable since plants reacted differently in different growth periods and under different tidal elevations. The amplitudes of diurnal Fc during tidal periods were larger than those reported for other wetland types, implying a great potential for future carbon sequestration. Whilst tides would also transport organic matter to nearby estuaries and hence may incur carbon emission in the receiving ecosystems. Thus, further study on lateral carbon transport is required to investigate the tidal effect on the carbon sink/source role of the wetland.  相似文献   
For the large span and flat, together with the interaction effect of construction and disturbance of surrounding rock, the mechanical of large span and flat multi arch tunnel is very complicated, and the time space effect is different from that of two lane multi arch tunnel or separated tunnel. Adopting the “CTSSSRH”, the 3 D dynamic process of the tunnel construction was simulated. Analyzing the rule of surrounding rock displacement and stress with excavation, the time space effect of large span and flat multi arch tunnel was proposed.  相似文献   
平原河网区改善水环境引水配水方案设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引水配水已成为当前改善平原河网区水环境状况的重要技术手段,而科学合理的引水配水方案无疑是提高水环境改善效果的重要依托。其设计原则、引水方式、配水方式以及相应流量的确定是整个引水配水方案设计的关键,而根据不同边界条件与不同流量状况确立的"间断引水"与"连续引水"、"同时配水"与"轮流配水"则较好地解决了引水配水方案设计与调度管理中的技术问题,其出发点在于最大限度地改善河网的水力条件,并以水力条件的改善促进河网水环境状况的日渐好转。  相似文献   
[目的]筛选获得提取蟠桃果肉中总RNA的适宜方法.[方法]以盛花后100 d的蟠桃为材料,采用Transplant plus植物总RNA提取试剂提取法、RNAisoTM试剂盒法、改良SDS法、改良CTAB法等四种方法提取总RNA.[结果]两种试剂盒法提取的总RNA质量差,有严重的基因组污染;改良SDS法提取物中含有大量的多糖;采用改良CTAB法所得RNA完整性好,条带清晰无降解,无基因组污染.经过RT - PCR和Northern blot检测后,表明该RNA能够满足后续分子生物学操作的要求.[结论]蟠桃果实总RNA适宜提取方法-改良CTAB法的确定为后续果实发育分子生物学的研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   
[目的]研究沿海滩涂开发空间优化方法与管制策略,为探寻滩涂资源保护与开发的高效路径提供依据。[方法]以江苏省盐城市大丰区为例,通过集成开发适宜性评估与部门规划协调方法,揭示该区沿海滩涂资源开发空间优化格局;引入空间管制理念,讨论该区滩涂资源开发的空间管制路径。[结果]实证分析认为,该区沿海滩涂地区的生态保护、农业生产以及港口—工业—城镇开发三类空间适宜开发的规模分别为401,323和444km2,分别占34.3%,27.7%和38.0%。[结论]生态空间的环境质量底线保护和港工城空间的高效集约利用是滩涂区域空间管制的核心准则;同时,滩涂区域开发规模和强度控制仍然需要深入跟踪与分析。  相似文献   
随着农业技术的发展,消费者更加关注食品的安全性,对进食安全、绿色可食性保鲜剂的研制与应用,将会成为未来保鲜剂发展的方向。笔者经过多年探索,通过保鲜试验发现,将一特种葫芦科植物成熟果实的胎座,加入其14倍质量的水打浆、过滤、煮沸杀菌、冷却,浸涂四平头辣椒,在26~30℃,相对湿度48.6%~48.8%的环境条件下放置,与不做处理的对照相比,果体光泽好、表皮皱缩面积小、失质量率较低。用这种果实的胎座浆液浸涂四平头辣椒,具有一定的保鲜效果。  相似文献   
鲆鲽鱼营养生理研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文综述了鲆鲽鱼类营养生理的研究进展,涉及鲆鲽鱼对蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪、必需脂肪酸、碳水化合物、维生素和微量元素的需要量及各种营养元素的生理功能,评价饲料中各营养素缺乏和过量对鲆鲽鱼生长的影响,以及各营养素之间的相互关系。  相似文献   
滩涂围垦农田土壤饱和导水率的影响因素及转换函数研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
确定苏北沿海滩涂围垦农田耕层土壤饱和导水率的影响因素,构建适合该区的土壤转换函数,是研究该区田间土壤水盐运动和盐渍化防控的重要前提。本文在该区典型地块实测土壤饱和导水率和相关土壤基本理化性质,探讨了该区土壤饱和导水率的剖面分布特点,对影响饱和导水率的土壤基本性质进行了主成分分析,并建立了用于该区饱和导水率间接估算的土壤转换函数。结果表明:滩涂围垦农田土壤饱和导水率随剖面深度增加呈表土层高、亚表层低、底土层又升高的趋势,20~40 cm土层饱和导水率最小,介于2.75~6.73 cm·d-1,属低透水强度;土壤容重随剖面深度增加表现出与饱和导水率相反的变化特点。除了容重、孔隙度、质地等物理因素外,土壤肥力、盐分等化学性质也是影响饱和导水率的重要因素;影响滩涂围垦农田土壤饱和导水率的因素可由持水特性、盐碱状况、养分特征和土壤质地4个主成分反映,其累计贡献率达78.17%。在Vereecken转换函数中引入土壤盐分后可提高预测精度,修正函数Vereecken_1是最适合滩涂围垦农区土壤、具有最佳预测精度的转换函数。本文构建的土壤转换函数,可通过较易获得的砂粒、黏粒、容重、盐分和有机质对耕层土壤饱和导水率进行较高精度的预测,其结果可为滩涂盐渍化农区田间尺度土壤饱和导水率间接估算以及水盐运动数值模拟提供支持。  相似文献   
 ‘紫金早油蟠’是由‘早丰甜’בDN2-41’育成的早熟油蟠桃新品种。花蔷薇型,有花粉,自花结实。果实扁平形,平均单果质量120 g,大果158 g;果肉黄色,硬溶质,风味甜,含可溶性固形物12.7%,可溶性糖9.67%,可滴定酸0.17%;粘核。果实生育期87 d左右,南京地区6月中旬成熟。  相似文献   
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