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水稻三系不育系香209A的选育与配组表现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
香209A是用香型保持系新香B与优良的两系核不育材料245杂交,在F4代选择含有香味的优良单株与新香A测交并连续回交转育而成。于2009年通过贵州省科技厅组织的技术鉴定。香209A不育性稳定、香味浓,其配组的杂交组合具有迟熟、高产的特点。  相似文献   
Soil moisture fluctuation (SMF) stress due to erratic rainfall in rainfed lowland (RFL) rice ecosystems negatively affect production. Under such condition, root plasticity is one of the key traits that play important roles for plant adaptation. This study aimed to evaluate root plasticity expression and its functional roles in water uptake, dry matter production and yield under SMF using three chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) with major genetic background of KDML105 and a common substituted segment in chromosome 8. The CSSLs showed greater shoot dry matter production than KDML105 under SMF, which was attributed to the maintenance of stomatal conductance resulting in higher grain yield. The root system development based on total root length of the CSSLs were significantly higher than that of KDML105 due to the promoted production of nodal and lateral roots. These results implied that the common substituted segments in chromosome 8 of the 3 CSSLs may be responsible for the expression of their root plasticity under SMF and contributed to the increase in water uptake and consequently dry matter production and yield. These CSSLs could be used as a good source of genetic material for drought resistance breeding programs targeting rainfed lowland condition with fluctuating soil moisture environments and for further genetic studies to elucidate mechanisms underlying root plasticity.  相似文献   
从理论与实践分析BT型、滇型粳稻不育系具有高度的遗传稳定性,发生混杂退化的主要原因在于:①繁殖过程中保持系的机械混杂;②杂交稻或恢复基因的迁移、扩散;③一般常规品种不育基因迁移及其连锁反应.针对BT型不育系混杂退化原因,提出“人工回交株系循环法“不育系原种繁种程序.  相似文献   
为明确马铃薯甲虫自然种群的抗寒性,利用热敏电阻测定仪对马铃薯甲虫不同虫态过冷却点和冰点进行了测定。结果表明:不同虫态过冷却点和冰点之间存在显著性差异,其中以卵和成虫的过冷却点最低,分别为:(-13.73±0.93)℃和(-7.89±0.07)℃,显著低于其他虫态。3龄幼虫的过冷却点和冰点最高,分别为:(-6.21±0.08)℃和(-2.80±0.08)℃;过冷却点由低到高顺序为:卵<成虫<1龄幼虫<蛹<4龄幼虫<2龄幼虫<3龄幼虫;冰点由低到高的顺序为:卵<1龄幼虫<成虫<2龄幼虫<蛹<4龄幼虫<3龄幼虫;同一虫态个体间的过冷却点频次分布出现不同程度的变异,但均服从正态分布。研究结果为制定马铃薯甲虫在我国潜在分布和风险分析提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
In system controlled,Sampling these parameters and with parameters for controller in time, it is an object to adaptive control. The article presents a scheme that the structure parameters on it's model and model parameters is robust identified by on line, while to optimal of algorithm on adaptive control is fulfilled. In control scheme, method of intelligent identifying to the structure parameters(levels of model) and algorithm of robust pole placement are introduced also It is advancer for already mentioned scheme. Whole scheme presents new model on adaptive control.  相似文献   
李超  王亮  赵猛  焦旋  王春生 《中国农学通报》2017,33(15):150-155
为延长山楂果实的保鲜期,提高果实贮藏品质,筛选适宜山楂果实冰温温度参数。在以普通冷藏(0±0.5)℃,以及果实温度为-0.4、-1.0、-1.6℃的4个不同温度的贮藏条件下,对贮藏期间‘敞口’山楂果实采后生理及品质变化进行研究。结果表明,-1.0℃的冰温处理降低了山楂果实的乙烯生成速率和最大生成量,减缓了果肉硬度、可滴定酸(TA)和维生素C(Vc)含量的下降,有效抑制了果肉中丙二醛(MDA)的积累,减轻了贮藏后期多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性的上升和酚类物质含量的减少,进而延缓了山楂果实的生理衰老进程,维持了山楂果实的良好贮藏品质;而在贮藏160天后,-1.6℃的冰温处理的山楂果实乙烯释放峰值显著增高,TA和Vc降解迅速,MDA含量显著上升,PPO活性明显上升和酚类物质含量迅速减少,加速了果实的褐变速率,生理伤害症状明显,品质劣变严重。综上所述,在-1.0℃的冰温条件下,山楂果实生理代谢被有效抑制且未出现生理伤害,贮藏效果最佳。  相似文献   
周军 《湖南农机》2007,(11):7-8
选择边坡内某些监测点的位移特征作为强度折减法的边坡破坏判据.为分析边坡滑面的位置和位移方式选取的合理性,分别对均质土坡建立数值模型,计算结果与实地调查相吻合.  相似文献   
为了解自主选育的水稻糯性品系的特征特性及在杂交稻育种中的作用,在福州早季对水稻早熟糯性品系的农艺性状、米质、抗性及恢复力进行了鉴定,结果显示,‘WX4’、‘WX8’和‘WX9’三个品系的农艺性状、米质、抗性和恢复力方面综合表现较好,是可以加以应用的恢复系。通过考察各品系与三个糯性不育系配组的杂交种关键性状看,糯性品系与‘嘉农WXA1’配组产量优势比较明显,在与‘嘉农WXA1’的配组中,嘉农WXA1/WX3,嘉农WXA1/WX4组合生育期符合福建早季选育标准、糯性得以保持,产量虽然比对照低,但差异不显著。结合恢复系和杂交稻的综合性状考量认为:恢复系‘WX4’综合性状好,经评价鉴定后可在常规稻和杂交稻选育方面有较好的利用价值,‘WX4’命名为‘福糯恢1号’。  相似文献   
Cytotoxicity of surfactants to the FHM-sp cell line   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MASAAKI  MORI  NAOYA  KAWAKUBO  MEIKO  WAKABAYASHI 《Fisheries Science》2002,68(5):1124-1128
Cytotoxicity of eight surfactants was determined by the neutral red assay with the fathead minnow (FHM)-sp cell line, a cell line in suspension culture from fish. The toxicity ranking of the surfactants was benzalkonium chloride > benzethonium chloride > sodium linear - dodecylbenzene–sulfonate (LAS) > potassium laurate > sodium dodecylsulfate > polyoxyethylene(20)sorbitan monolaurate > polyoxyethylene(20)sorbitan monooleate > betaine. The toxicity ranking of the surfactants classified into four groups based on the ion of the hydrophilic group was cationic surfactants > anionic surfactants > non-ionic surfactants > amphipathic surfactants. The FHM-sp cells, as well as the chinook salmon embryo (CHSE)-sp cells, could be inoculated directly to the microplate wells without dispersion by trypsin treatment of cell sheets at room temperature. Therefore, the cytotoxicity assay of the surfactants could be carried out quickly by using the FHM-sp cell line. The FHM-sp cell line had similar or higher sensitivity to sodium dodecylsulfate compared with several cell lines from mammals. The cytotoxicity assay could be shortened by the procedure exposing the surfactants to the FHM-sp cells before the cell monolayer formation in the microplate wells. To use the FHM-sp cell line as a screening tool prior to in vivo testing, studies on the correlation between in vivo data and in vitro data on the toxicity of surfactants are necessary.  相似文献   
Using double-circuit transmission line is the developing tide for main 500 kV configuration to reduce line holding ground, so analyzing it's lightning protection performance is important to extend double-circuit transmission line in ultra high voltage network. The lightning protection performance of 500 kV double-circuit transmission line is studied with EMTP and EGM. The statistical method is applied to analyzing the lightning protection performance of back stroke by considering the randomness of working voltage's phase when lightning stroked the top tower. The result is that the line lightning protection level is different when the working voltage of conductor is different. It also improved the EGM by considering the effect of wind speed when analyzing the lightning protection performance of shielding failure. Furthermore, the results are given that wind speed has effects on the protection angle and the rate of shielding failure by using the program to calculate it.  相似文献   
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