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Summary Solanum commersonii Dun. is a diploid (2n=2x=24, 1EBN) wild species of potential value for potato breeding. It is a reproductively isolated species and cannot be crossed with Tuberosum haploids (2n=2x=24, 2EBN) or other diploid 2EBNSolanum species. In order to overcome the EBN barriers, triploid hybrids were produced between Phureja-Tuberosum haploid hybrids, which form 2n pollen grains by parallel spindles, and tetraploidS. commersonii. Microsporogenesis analysis of the triploids indicated a trend towards low values of chromosome distribution at Anaphase I; lagging chromosomes were often observed as well. Despite these abnormalities, the percentage of stainable pollen was very high, ranging from 5.0% to 74.3%. A high variation in pollen grain diameter was also evident. Parallel and tripolar orientation of spindles at Metaphase II of microsporogenesis was a common feature of all the triploids analyzed, but dyads and triads were observed at a very low frequency. Therefore, also the frequency of 2n pollen was very low; the different size of stainable pollen appears to represent the ploidy levels which are possible according to the distribution of chromosomes in Anaphase I. The results obtained also suggest thatS. commersonii could have minor genes acting at the end of meiosis in such a way that, despite the presence of parallel/tripolar spindles, dyads/triads are not formed.Contribution no. 124 from the Research Center for Vegetable Breeding.  相似文献   
Summary A combination of compatible second pollinations and embryo rescue was applied for systematic production of true tetraploid hybrids from crosses between disomic tetraploid Solanum acaule and tetrasomic tetraploid potato, S. tuberosum. Several genotypes of tetraploid potatoes were pollinated with S. acaule, and the compatible second pollinations were made on the following day, with a genotype of S. phureja, IvP 35 to promote fruit development. Embryo rescue was carried out in 21 families, 14 to 27 days after the first pollination. A total of eight plants were obtained from the embryo rescue and their chromosome numbers were counted in the root tips. Three of the eight plants were identified as tetraploid, and five others as diploid. Morphology, isozyme banding patterns, and pollen stainability, as well as potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) resistance, indicated the hybrid nature of the three plants. This is the first report of successful tetraploid hybrid production between disomic tetraploid S. acaule (4x) and tetrasomic tetraploid potatoes. Seed set from the crosses between one of hybrids and diploid potatoes indicated workable levels of both male and female fertility for introgression of valuable genes from S. acaule into the cultivated potato gene pool. The methodology used may be applied to other disomic tetraploid tuber-bearing Solanum species and with some modifications also to distantly related solanaceous species and genera.  相似文献   
为研究可食性酪蛋白膜对食品贮藏过程中油脂氧化和抗氧化能力的影响,以草莓、马铃薯、鸡胸肉为材料,研究不同可食性酪蛋白膜处理对其蛋白质含量、可溶性糖含量、抗坏血酸含量、过氧化值、TBA值和正己醛浓度的影响。结果表明,草莓涂膜组的蛋白质、可溶性糖、抗坏血酸含量最高,脂溶性涂膜组次之,水溶性涂膜组稍高于对照组;马铃薯涂膜组比对照组的氧化程度低;鸡胸肉涂膜与未涂膜样品感官明显不同,抗氧化作用明显。由此可知,酪蛋白涂膜液优于涂膜对食品的保鲜效果,脂溶性涂膜效果优于水溶性涂膜,涂膜食品保鲜技术具有较佳的抗氧化能力和抑菌效果,在一定程度上可延长货架期。  相似文献   
薯类收获机薯土分离装置在作业过程中,栅条容易粘着一层泥土,造成栅条之间的间隙变小,严重影响薯土分离效果,明薯率明显降低。为了解决这一技术难题,设计研制了橡胶圆辊式和螺旋叶片式栅条清土装置,在机具收获作业的同时对输送链条进行清土处理。试验研究表明:没有安装清理装置的栅条粘土厚度达到4.8 5 mm,而安装有螺旋叶片式和橡胶圆辊式栅条清土装置的栅条粘土厚度分别为2.9 0 mm和2.5 5 mm;两种栅条清土装置均具有明显的清理栅条粘土效果,满足实际生产要求,尤其是橡胶圆辊式清土装置对链条之间的粘土有很好的清理效果。  相似文献   
高雄  郝磊 《农机化研究》2016,(4):205-208
随着马铃薯种植规模的不断扩大,马铃薯种植机械化得到了快速发展。2CMG-4型马铃薯播种机性能优越、作业效率高、故障率低,因而对其排肥性能进行了研究,并进行了排肥稳定性和最大排肥量的试验。当地轮转动相同圈数,外槽轮工作长度分别取55、40、25mm时,总排量一致性变异系数分别为1.13%、1.14%、1.21%,各行排量一致性变异系数分别为2.27%、3.56%、3.97%。结果表明:排肥稳定性在规定的性能指标内;当外槽轮工作长度降低时,稳定性下降;最大排肥量为1 038.5kg/hm2,满足需求。  相似文献   
为探究IbWRKY7基因在甘薯响应蔓割病病原菌侵染过程中的表达模式,以高抗蔓割病品种‘鄂薯11’为供试材料,克隆到1个新的WRKY家族基因IbWRKY7,进行生物信息学分析;并对‘鄂薯11’和蔓割病敏感品种‘栗子香’在蔓割病病原菌侵染后IbWRKY7基因的表达模式进行分析。结果显示,IbWRKY7的CDS序列全长为945 bp,编码314个氨基酸;推测其编码不稳定的亲水性蛋白,蛋白分子质量为33.92 kU,pI 9.82,含有1个WRKY七肽保守序列和1个C2HC型锌指结构。IbWRKY7基因上游2 000 bp的启动子区域内存在多种类型的顺式作用元件,如植物激素应答元件Myb、胁迫响应元件MYC和MYB等。多序列比对及系统进化树分析结果表明,IbWRKY7蛋白与日本牵牛花InWRKY7和三裂叶薯ItWRKY7亲缘关系最近。亚细胞定位预测显示IbWRKY7蛋白定位于细胞核。实时荧光定量PCR结果表明,与蔓割病病原菌侵染0 h相比,侵染2、4、12、24、48、72、96和120 h后,‘鄂薯11’的IbWRKY7基因表达量均显著提高(P<0.05);而‘栗子香’的IbWRKY7基因表达量除侵染24 h外的其他7个时间点均显著高于0 h。侵染2~48 h,‘鄂薯11’的IbWRKY7基因表达量显著高于‘栗子香’。双因素方差分析结果表明,不同品种和侵染时间点的IbWRKY7基因表达量均存在显著差异。综上,甘薯IbWRKY7基因上游2 000 bp的启动子区域含有12种激素应答和胁迫应答相关的顺式作用元件。IbWRKY7具有WRKY家族的典型结构特征,属于第Ⅲ类WRKY蛋白,氨基酸序列与同源物种相似度高,进化上高度保守。IbWRKY7基因受蔓割病病原菌侵染诱导表达,且在不同蔓割病抗性的甘薯品种中表达量差异显著。  相似文献   
马铃薯产量与主要产量性状关系的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用灰色系统理论对天水地区8个参试品种产量与产量性状进行综合分析,结果表明,马铃薯产量与主要产量性状的关联度由大到小排序,次序为:单株块茎>株高>淀粉含量>大中薯个数比率>平均薯重>大中薯重量比率>分枝数.该结果对马铃薯育种目标的制定,品种改良具有实际意义.  相似文献   
鄂薯和华薯系列马铃薯品种是由湖北恩施中国南方马铃薯研究中心和华中农业大学马铃薯团队选育而成的品种.鄂薯系列马铃薯品种大多为中晚熟品种,适合西南山区种植;华薯系列马铃薯品种多为早熟品种,适于华中低山丘陵和平原地区种植.研究对2个系列品种部分晚疫病抗病基因进行了分子标记检测,同时对几个水平抗性相关基因SNP位点进行了检测....  相似文献   
茎尖菜用甘薯品种产量及品质分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以翠绿、Y2、京薯2号等3个菜用甘薯品种为试验材料,对不同生长时期的甘薯茎尖鲜产、品质进行筛选评价。结果表明:Y2在不同采摘期的鲜产都是最高的,总鲜产为97 409 kg/hm^2,其次是京薯2号为82 135kg/hm^2,翠绿鲜产最低为81 437 kg/h m^2。翠绿茎尖水分含量较高,京薯2号干物质量较高,维生素C含量最高;Y2产量、总糖含量最高。甘薯茎尖的适宜采摘期从7月14日至9月4日,共计50 d。  相似文献   
粤北马铃薯品种比较试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为筛选出适合粤北山区冬种的优质马铃薯品种,对经前期初步筛选的4个优质马铃薯品种进行了对比试验.结果表明,荷兰薯16号(F)为早熟品种,薯形好,品质、商品薯率、产量等综合性状最佳,鄂马铃薯1号(E1)次之,两品种具有较好的推广前景.桂红皮1号(G)和韶引I号(S)为中晚熟品种,中小薯偏多,增产潜力大,但需进一步试验.  相似文献   
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