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于1993 至1998 年间在上海农学院农场和芦潮港农场,通过在夏、秋季节高温、干旱的田间自然逆境条件下选择耐逆性强的单株和单株行,并结合室内种子发芽试验,选择其中发芽生根快的单株行,使之在空间隔离条件下分株混合繁殖, 得到了适合于人工介质生产草皮卷的新品种SAC1 。与国外引进的品种Montauk 和自繁种子的国外引进的品种Duke 相比,SAC1 根系较长,根量较丰富,有利于草皮卷的快速生成。  相似文献   
高羊茅草leafy-ipt基因的转化和生物性状变化的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用基因枪法将leafy-ipt基因导入高羊茅草(爱瑞3号),获得11株阳性植株。对部分株系的生物性状(叶长、叶宽、株高、冠径、穗长、抽穗数和分蘖数)进行检测,结果表明:阳性植株的株型变小,抽穗数减少,分蘖数增加,但变化的幅度有差异:L i1的变化极其显著,L i2次之,L i3没有变化。  相似文献   
2006~2007年在上海的自然条件、人工接种褐斑病菌(Rhizocwnia Solani Kfihn)和涝害胁迫条件下开展了田间高羊茅草坪草(Festnca arundinacea Schreb)种质资源比较试验,对13个高羊茅草坪草种质资源的形态、色泽等坪用特性、抗褐斑病性和耐涝性方面作了较全面的评价。结果表明:引进品种平均评分第一的为“Duvana”,得分8.7;其次为“Plantation”,得分8.6和“Justice”,得分8.4。我们自育的品种“沪青矮”及其组成成分的新品系具有株型较矮的遗传特性,综合性状评分居第3、4、5位(得分为8.5~8.4).也值得应用。在适当的管理条件下,例如:排水性良好的坪床,不少于每月1次的修剪、适当的肥水管理和及时的病虫害防治,上述推荐品种都能在长江中下游地区建植周年常绿的绿化草坪。  相似文献   
为研究干旱胁迫下玉米素对高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea)和多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne)抗旱性的影响,试验在土壤含水量分别为90%、60%、40%、25%的干旱胁迫和土壤含水量始终为90%的充分浇水条件下,设4个玉米素浓度处理(0,10,50,100μmol/L),测定了两种草坪草的坪观质量、叶片相对含水量、叶片萎焉、电导率、脯氨酸、丙二醛(MDA)和地下生物量等指标变化。结果表明:与不施加玉米素处理相比,干旱胁迫下,施加玉米素能显著提高两种草坪草的草坪质量和相对含水量(P0.05),减轻草坪草叶片细胞电解质渗漏和萎蔫度(P0.05),降低脯氨酸和丙二醛(MDA)含量(P0.05),提高高羊茅和多年生黑麦草抗旱性。在干旱胁迫后期,高浓度玉米素处理(50μmol/L或100μmol/L)的高羊茅和多年生黑麦草各项指标均表现出更加显著的优势(P0.05),表明高浓度玉米素对草坪草抵御干旱胁迫的作用更大。  相似文献   
Perennial grasses provide forage and environmental benefits in the agricultural systems of southern Australia, but persistent cultivars are lacking for the lower rainfall inland margins (<600 mm average annual rainfall). Potential new cultivars of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. = syn. Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.) and phalaris (Phalaris aquatica L.) have been developed in response to this need. These and older cultivars were evaluated for persistence at five sites in south‐eastern Australia from 2009 to 2013. A wide range in rainfall was experienced, but survival was principally reduced by a severe spring–summer–autumn drought in the final year in which all species began to decline in persistence once the spring 2012 to autumn 2013 cumulative climatic moisture deficit became higher than about 700 mm and declined very severely at deficits over 1000 mm. The highly summer‐dormant cocksfoot ssp. hispanica control cultivar Kasbah showed outstanding survival of this event in the cropping zone of southern New South Wales, but not at the drier of two sites with acidic soils in central Victorian where all cocksfoot cultivars showed similar survival. Potential new summer‐active tall fescue cultivars survived well at the higher rainfall Victorian site and under high rainfall in northern NSW. All tall fescue cultivars experienced high mortality during a period of high moisture stress in the spring of the establishment year in southern NSW, but the Mediterranean cultivar Grasslands Flecha MaxP gradually recovered. Differences among phalaris cultivars were not large with new cultivars of North African origin being marginally more persistent at the drier site in southern NSW. Comparisons with results from the Mediterranean Basin are discussed. Although there was no clear evidence of differences in persistence between the new and old cultivars, some of the new cultivars were considered to show potential for commercial release.  相似文献   
A three-year study was conducted to investigate the effects of endophyte-free (E−), endophyte-infected (E+) and novel endophyte-infected (EN) tall fescue on the growth and pregnancy rate of beef heifers during the spring. Each year, 48 beef heifers were strip-grazed on stockpiled fescue from December through February, fed fescue hay during late February to early April and then rotationally grazed on spring growth of fescue until June. At the end of the trial, heifers had been maintained on E+, E− or EN (pasture or hay) for a total of 152, 188 and 191 d in years 1, 2, and 3, respectively. In late March, heifers were synchronized using a controlled intravaginal drug-releasing device, (CIDR®) for 7 d followed by injection with PGF2α (Lutalyse®). Heatmount detectors (Kamar®) and observation for behavioral estrus were used to detect estrus for 63 d. Heifers were artificially inseminated 8 to12 h after the onset of standing estrus. Conception was determined by transrectal ultrasonography at approximately 30, 60 and 90 d after synchronization. Reproductive performance did not differ among treatments (P ≥ 0.20). Pregnancy rate was 54, 65, and 65% for E+, E− and EN, respectively. However, during the spring, growth and prolactin were decreased (P < 0.01) for heifers on E+. Gains on spring pasture were 0.24, 0.75, and 0.71 kg/d (SEM ± 0.03) for E+, E− and EN, respectively. Based on these results, the wild type endophyte-infected fescue can be used in production systems as a source of winter forage but producers should consider placing heifers on alternative forage (such as the novel endophyte-infected fescue) in the spring.  相似文献   
盐胁迫对高羊茅生长及抗氧化系统的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
樊瑞苹  周琴  周波  江海东 《草业学报》2012,21(1):112-117
研究了不同浓度NaCl(0,50,100,200,300 mmol/L)胁迫对高羊茅生长及抗氧化系统的影响。结果表明,中、低浓度(50,100 mmol/L)盐胁迫下,高羊茅生物量和MDA含量与对照组相比没有显著变化;高浓度(200,300 mmol/L)盐胁迫后,生物量明显降低,MDA含量显著升高。抗氧化酶(SOD、POD、CAT)活性随着盐胁迫时间的延长先上升后下降,盐浓度越高3种酶活性下降幅度越大。盐胁迫初期,除类胡萝卜素含量略有上升外,GSH和还原型AsA均有不同程度的下降,随着胁迫时间的延长,3种抗氧化物质含量逐渐降低,200,300 mmol/L盐处理下降明显。  相似文献   
王子玥  常智慧 《草地学报》2020,28(2):298-304
苇状羊茅(Festuca arundinacea Schred)是我国广泛用于牧草生产、草坪绿化、生态修复等方面的草本植物。本文主要对苇状羊茅品种及育种进展进行总结。研究表明:苇状羊茅在我国存在大面积适宜区,适合大面积推广种植;近20年,一共有14个品种通过国家审定,其中5个自育品种均由常规育种技术得来;生物技术方面,已获得转Leafy-ipt,CRY8DB等基因的高抗病虫害株系,EST-SSR分子标记、指纹库也在建设中。未来苇状羊茅育种工作应该广泛收集野生资源;重视培育高消化率、抗腐霉病以及具有生态修复价值的新品种;育种进程结合高新技术,尝试引入“智慧育种”的概念;积极开发分子工具;引导使用国产优良种质,推动草产业发展。  相似文献   
春施多效唑对高羊茅生长及饲草品质影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
春施不同浓度的多效唑对高羊茅Festuca arundinacea的生长及饲草品质影响的研究结果表明,多效唑对高羊茅的营养生长具有显著的抑制作用,多效唑处理后30 d,处理浓度为250,500,750和1 000 mg/L时,株高分别比对照降低了37.9%,43.5%,62.6%和71.1%.多效唑处理后叶色加深,叶片变小,叶面积指数下降,光合有效面积减小,地上部干物质积累量减少,与此同时单株茎蘖数增加,叶茎比提高,饲草中粗蛋白含量增加,中性洗涤纤维含量下降,饲草品质得到了改善.  相似文献   
苇状羊茅(Festuca arundinacea)是重要的冷季型草坪草和牧草,被广泛用于牧草生产、草坪绿化、生态修复等方面。本研究收集了36份不同来源苇状羊茅种质材料,利用表达序列标签-简单序列重复(EST-SSR)引物对材料进行遗传多样性分析,并结合种子表型特征,对它们的种质资源遗传多样性进行了综合评价与分析。结果表明:14对EST-SSR引物共扩增出140条带,多态条带总数为133条,多态带百分率95%;聚类结果具有一定的地域性趋势,但是不明显。当遗传距离在0.54时其聚类结果与种子特征的K均值聚类结果相似;欧洲群体的种子厚度和千粒重的变异系数最大,分别为25.02%和23.35%,其千粒重显著低于亚洲、北美洲群体(P<0.05)。多角度遗传分析表明36份材料具有高度异质性。本研究对苇状羊茅遗传资源的科学评价、核心种质创新和新品种选育具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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