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江一帆 《湖南农机》2015,(1):109-110
日本文学课程作为日语专业高年级阶段课程,在日语专业人才培养中占有重要地位。文章拟从协同教育理论角度出发,探讨日本文学精品课程群的创建模式,旨在为日益繁盛的日本文学课程教学改革模式研究提供可行性参考。  相似文献   
为了建立健全产品质量安全风险管理体系,加强产品质量安全风险预警的要求,同时最大程度地利用过去成功的风险评估案例,构建了基于案例推理的产品质量安全风险评估系统。针对某种产品,根据专家的知识建立风险评估指标体系,并将每个评估指标赋权重,计算与案例库中的各个案例相似度,寻找出最大相似度案例,据此,辅助相关人员对目标案例进行风险分析与评估。  相似文献   
Soil structure forms a key component of soil quality, and its assessment by semi‐quantitative visual soil evaluation (VSE) techniques can help scientists, advisors and farmers make decisions regarding sampling and soil management. VSE techniques require inexpensive equipment and generate immediate results that correlate well with quantitative measurements of physical and biochemical properties, highlighting their potential utility. We reviewed published VSE techniques and found that soils of certain textures present problems and a lack of research into the influence of soil moisture content on VSE criteria. Generally, profile methods evaluate process interactions at specific locations within a field, exploring both intrinsic aspects and anthropogenic impacts. Spade methods focus on anthropogenic characteristics, providing rapid synopses of soil structure over wider areas. Despite a focus on structural form, some methods include criteria related to stability and resiliency. Further work is needed to improve existing methods regarding texture influences, on‐farm sampling procedures and more holistic assessments of soil structure.  相似文献   
王璐  王海燕  何丽鸿  刘鑫 《土壤通报》2016,(5):1223-1230
以吉林汪清林业局金沟岭林场中41块天然云冷杉针阔混交林样地为对象,采用主成分-聚类分析,结合GIS技术,对该区域土壤肥力质量进行综合评价。结果表明,按主成分-聚类分析结果将41块样地分为4类:第1类土壤肥力质量综合得分为11.17~18.86(优),包括5块样地;第2类土壤肥力质量综合得分为3.01~7.44(良),包括8块样地;第3类土壤肥力质量综合得分为-6.97~1.27(一般),包括24块样地;第4类土壤肥力质量综合得分为-12.40~-9.63(差),包括4块样地。然后采用Arc GIS软件对综合得分进行普通Kriging插值,其标准均方根预测为0.9544,在1的附近,这基本达到插值精度的要求。从生成的研究区土壤肥力质量综合得分空间分布图来看,森林土壤肥力质量由西向东呈现先降低后升高的趋势;由北向南,森林土壤肥力质量变化幅度逐步减小,表明研究区南部土壤肥力质量变化较北部均匀。就研究区的整体土壤肥力质量而言,土壤肥力质量中等以上(优,良,一般)样地数占所研究区样地总数比例为90.24%,表明所研究区森林土壤肥力质量整体处于良好水平。  相似文献   
Extreme droughts and heat waves due to climate change may have permanent consequences on soil quality and functioning in agroecosystems. During November 2010 to August 2011, the Southern High Plains (SHP) region of Texas, U.S., a large cotton producing area, received only 39.6 mm of precipitation (vs. the historical avg. of 373 mm) and experienced the hottest summer since record keeping began in 1911. Several enzyme activities (EAs) important in biogeochemical cycling were evaluated in two soils (a loam and a sandy loam at 0–10 cm) with a management history of monoculture (continuous cotton) or rotation (cotton and sorghum or millet). Samplings occurred under the most extreme drought and heat conditions (July 2011), after precipitation resulted in a reduction in a drought severity index (March 2012), and 12 months after the initial sampling (July 2012; loam only). Eight out of ten EAs, were significantly higher in July 2011 compared to March 2012 for some combinations of soil type and management history. Among these eight EAs, enzymes key to C (β-glucosidase, β-glucosaminidase) and P cycling (phosphodiesterase, acid and alkaline phosphatases) were significantly higher (19–79%) in July 2011 than in March 2012 for both management histories regardless of the soil type (P > 0.05). When comparing all sampling times, the activities of alkaline phosphatase, aspartase and urease (rotation only) showed this trend: July 2011 > March 2012 > July 2012. Activities of phosphodiesterase, acid phosphatase, α-galactosidase, β-glucosidase and β-glucosaminidase were higher in July 2011 than July 2012 in at least one of the two management histories. Total C was reduced significantly from July 2011 to March 2012 in the rotation for both soils. Only the activities of arylsulfatase (avg. 36%) and asparaginase showed an increase from July 2011 to March 2012 for both soil types, which may indicate they have a different origin/location than the other enzymes. EAs continued to be a fingerprint of the soil management history (i.e., higher EAs in the rotation than in monoculture) during the drought/heat wave. This study provided some of the first evidence of the adverse effects of a natural, extreme drought and heat wave on soil quality in agroecosystems as indicated by EAs involved in biogeochemical cycling.  相似文献   
浙蒲8号是以自交系G7-4-3-1-2-1为母本、自交系J63-1-6-3-2-1为父本配制而成的耐热瓠瓜一代杂种。植株生长势较强,早中熟,以侧蔓结瓜为主,坐瓜性较好。商品瓜中棒形,上下粗细较均匀,平均瓜长约30cm,横径约5cm,瓜皮绿色,具光泽,单瓜质量0.4~0.5kg。耐高温性较强,高温期商品瓜率较对照杭州长瓜高6个百分点;品质佳,游离氨基酸总量1304.193μg·g-1,其中谷氨酸含量85.663μg·g-1;田间对枯萎病和白粉病的抗性强于对照杭州长瓜。适宜作露地栽培和夏秋季设施避雨栽培,夏秋季栽培每667m2产量2600kg以上。  相似文献   
质量控制图在水产饲料氨基酸分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对实验室自制标准物料-豆粕样品中氨基酸含量的多次测定,建立X-S质量控制图,开展水产饲料氨基酸分析日常质量控制。试验按照GB/T 18246-2000,通过微波水解-离子交换-柱后衍生-紫外检测法对豆粕样品氨基酸含量进行连续测定,并以FAPAS奶粉标准物质验证,利用偏度-峰度检验法对离群值进行判断,建立赖氨酸、甘氨酸、氨基酸总量质量控制图。结果显示,质量控制图中豆粕质控样赖氨酸、甘氨酸、氨基酸总量测定的RSD值均小于4%,FAPAS奶粉标准物质测定值落在参考范围内,建立的质量控制图能对日常氨基酸检测结果进行有效监控。结果表明,所建立氨基酸质量控制图直观有效,能对过程存在的异常因素起到预警作用,并可节约成本。  相似文献   
本试验旨在根据肉鸡生长曲线及动态营养需要,研究动态细分饲粮营养供给对肉鸡生产性能、肉品质、氮、磷代谢率及血清生化指标的影响。选取1日龄爱拔益加(AA)肉鸡240只(公母各占1/2),随机分为3个组,分别为A组:每3.5 d 1个营养标准(1~7日龄1个营养标准);B组:每7 d 1个营养标准;C组:每14 d 1个营养标准。每组8个重复,每个重复10只鸡,试验期42 d。结果表明:1)C组肉鸡的平均日增重(ADG)显著高于A、B组(P0.05),料重比(F/G)显著低于A组(P0.05)。A、B组肉鸡生产性能指标差异均不显著(P0.05)。不同动态细分饲粮营养供给方式对肉鸡肉品质的影响无显著差异(P0.05)。2)不同动态细分饲粮营养供给方式对肉鸡氮、磷代谢率的影响无显著差异(P0.05)。3)肉鸡28日龄时,C组肉鸡血清尿素氮(UREA)含量显著高于A组(P0.05);42日龄时,C组肉鸡血清UREA含量显著高于A、B组(P0.05),但A、B组肉鸡血清UREA含量差异不显著(P0.05)。4)不同动态细分饲粮营养供给方式对肉鸡血清皮质酮(CORT)含量及总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)的影响差异不显著(P0.05)。综上所述,每14 d 1个营养标准可使肉鸡的生产性能达到最佳,从实际操作的复杂性考虑,每7 d 1个营养标准可更好地满足饲粮的氨基酸平衡。  相似文献   
卓越人才教育培养计划是我国高等教育现有条件下的素质教育,它立足专业开展素质教育,让素质教育通过具体的培养标准渗透到专业教育的各门课程和教学环节之中,是对素质教育内容和形式的拓展和创新。厘清卓越人才培养模式改革的深刻内涵,全面贯彻素质教育思想,使卓越人才培养与素质教育有效契合,是实施卓越人才教育培养计划的关键所在。  相似文献   
为了分析叶片营养元素对黔南州核桃优树坚果品质的影响,通过方差分析和相关分析研究了叶片营养元素与坚果品质之间的相关关系。结果表明:不同品种的核桃优树单株的坚果品质指标间存在显著差异;叶片钙、铜和锰显著影响核桃坚果品质。可以通过核桃叶片营养元素的诊断来提高坚果品质。  相似文献   
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