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【目的】建立尾叶桉地径与胸径、树高、材积的数学模型,为利用地径测算林木立木材积提供测算方法。【方法】实测148株尾叶桉立木的地径、胸径和树高,运用SPSS软件建立尾叶桉地径与胸径、树高、材积的回归模型,进行选优和适应性检验。【结果】研究区尾叶桉地径—胸径、地径—树高、地径—材积最优模型分别为D1.3=0.857D0-0.539、H=0.966D01.048、V=0.0000481D02.749,尾叶桉地径与胸径、树高、材积均显著相关。地径—胸径模型适应性检验的总相对误差为-1.14%、平均相对误差为1.29%,精度为98.46%;地径—树高模型适应性检验的总相对误差为13.07%、平均相对误差为-14.32%,精度为94.88%;地径—材积模型适应性检验的总相对误差、平均相对误差分别为-3.87%、1.69%,精度为94.70%。【结论】选出尾叶桉地径与胸径、树高、材积的3个最优回归模型,其中地径—树高模型总相对误差和平均相对误差过大,不提倡以尾叶桉地径直接估算树高;地径—胸径、地径—材积模型预测误差均在±5%以内,方程预测精度较高,可以用于估算立木材积。  相似文献   
选择3种不同水保措施的径流小区,即百喜草(Paspalum natatu)全园覆盖处理、全园敷盖处理和全园裸露处理,分析和测定了不同坡位和深度土层中土壤有机质、全N和全P空间异质性之间的关系。结果表明:(1)有机质含量随着土层增加整体呈先增加后减少的趋势,在自上而下坡面上,有机质含量全园覆盖区无明显变化,全园敷盖区有递增趋势,全园裸露区则先增加后减少;(2)全N含量随着深度加深均呈下降趋势,各处理间无显著性差异。在坡面上,全N含量大小为:全园覆盖区全园敷盖区全园裸露区,且全园敷盖处理在坡面中部有富集作用,全园覆盖和全园裸露处理自上而下呈下降趋势;(3)全P含量随着土层加深,全园覆盖区逐渐减少,全园敷盖区和全园裸露区先增加后减少。在坡面上,全P含量大小为:全园敷盖区全园覆盖区全园裸露区,且在坡面中部有富集作用。该研究可为亚热带地区红壤坡地养分恢复途径提供科学依据。  相似文献   
阐述了园林地被的概念及分类并介绍了邢台市园林绿化中主要应用的地被植物及其应用形式。分析了邢台市园林绿化中地被景观发展的现状及存在问题,并在此基础上提出今后园林地被植物的应用前景及发展方向。  相似文献   
The effect was determined of a single dose of 2 mg kg-1 diphacinone on three blood-clotting parameters [Prothrombin Time (PT), Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT), and Protein Induced by Vitamin K Absence or Antagonists (PIVKA)] over a 120-h period in California ground squirrels, Spermophilus beecheyi. Diphacinone resulted in elevated PT, PTT and PIVKA within 24 h of squirrels receiving the dose. The most significant change was observed 72 h after dosing. As time following diphacinone dosing increased, there was higher individual variation in blood-clotting time. We suggest that increasing the interval between field bait applications should still result in squirrel mortality but reduce the potential for secondary hazards that may occur when squirrels have the opportunity to consume more than one lethal dose of diphacinone.  相似文献   
Ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) occur in all temperate agroecosystems, and have been implicated as predators of many pests, including aphids, lepidopterous larvae, and slugs. Most are polyphagous, and some are primarily spermophagous. The species assemblage present in any particular crop is determined by multiple factors, but usually comprises a limited number of abundantly active species, which may be common to many crop types. Abiotic soil factors, especially soil type and moisture status are important in determining the species present. Crop type affects the carabid assemblage indirectly through cultivation practices and microclimatic changes. Any soil cultivation affects the carabid assemblage, but studies comparing ploughing with reduced tillage have shown varying results, according to local conditions. Pesticides, especially insecticides have a localised and short-term effect, as many carabids rapidly re-invade sprayed crops. The long-term effect of pesticide usage at a landscape scale is, however, more difficult to predict, and may have contributed to the observed decline in carabid diversity in the wider countryside. Whilst fertiliser application is generally beneficial to carabids, comparisons of conventional and organic farming systems suggest that localised short-term variations in species abundances are more important than the overall farming system used. Non-crop habitats are very important to Carabidae, as many use adjacent hedges and field margins for shelter, breeding or dispersal. But other features such as roads may act as barriers to dispersal. It is concluded that further measures need to be taken if Carabidae are to realise their potential in integrated pest management systems.  相似文献   
在昆明独特的气候条件下,通过对运动场草坪、观赏草坪和护坡草坪三类草坪混播配方的调查研究,探讨出了适应云南地区种植的9种优化组合。运动场草坪:草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis L.)+高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)+多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.),草地早熟禾+高羊茅,草地早熟禾+狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon(L.)Pers.)+多年生黑麦草;观赏草坪:草地早熟禾+匍匐翦股颖(Agrostis stolonifera L.),草地早熟禾+紫羊茅(Festuca rubra L.),草地早熟禾(优异)+草地早熟禾(蓝月)+草地早熟禾(新哥来得)+草地早熟禾(肯塔基);护坡草坪:高羊茅+多年生黑麦草+狗牙根,高羊茅+多年生黑麦草+狗牙根+白三叶(Trifolium repens L.),高羊茅+多年生黑麦草+狗牙根+白三叶+紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)。  相似文献   
红薯藤地面青贮技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决旱季青绿多汁饲料短缺和全年饲料供应不平衡问题,在昆明市东川荣森种猪场进行了鲜红薯藤地面青贮技术研究,以葡萄渣、麦麸及糠类作为吸附剂,以不同比例(10%∶90%、20%∶80%及30%∶70%)混合进行青贮,结果以20%吸附剂与80%鲜红薯藤混合进行地面青贮最好,制成率97.6%以上,青贮pH 3.8、颜色正常、酒香味很好,总体评价为上等青贮。  相似文献   
We evaluated whether new information could be drawn from additional data collection and unconventional statistical analyses of an on-farm trial. First, we compared a conventional sampling method using a biomass estimate of weed abundance to repeated visual assessment of the percentage ground cover of weeds. The biomass was sampled once after the treatment, whereas the ground cover was repeatedly sampled once before weed control plus several occasions after weed control. Second, we contrasted the outcomes from analysis of variance ( anova ), taking samples from a single point in time with repeated measures (rm) anova and a multivariate method. As the outcomes and conclusions drawn were relatively similar, we conclude that the ground cover estimate of weed abundance was as reliable as the biomass estimate. The rm anova enabled us to follow the temporal trend in response to treatments in the most abundant species, including possible initial differences. Multivariate analysis went even further, by clearly displaying species-wise responses and treatment selectivity.  相似文献   
北方城市地被植物应用质量评价方法探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据地被植物固有的特征和北方城市配置应用特点,将地被植物分为基础型地被、骨干型地被和点缀型地被3类。运用频数统计法选择株高、生育期、观赏价值、绿色期、覆盖力、生长势、适应性、养护频度8项指标,构建了地被植物外观质量、生态质量和使用质量3大指标体系。制定评价标准,采用综合指数评价法,验证地被植物的质量等级。通过实例分析验证,该质量评价指标体系和评价方法具有较强的科学性和可操作性,评价结果符合客观实际,对于北方城市地被植物的评价选择应用,具有普遍的适应性和推广价值。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   Kawakawa Euthynnus affinis is the most abundant species among the small tuna in the coastal waters of Taiwan. The migration pattern of kawakawa to Taiwan was determined in the present study based on the species' feeding habits and reproductive biology and on temporal variation of catch for kawakawa and its prey fishes. Schools of this species successively migrate to Taiwan from September to May, and then move away in June. They travel to the waters off Taiwan with the warm Kuroshio current, migrate toward coastal waters for feeding and move away for spawning. It is suggested in the present study that the kawakawa spawning ground is in the waters of the northern Philippines. The migration of kawakawa exhibits size-segregating behavior. Schools of immature young fish first arrive in the coastal waters around Taiwan, followed by the adults.  相似文献   
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