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Estimate of sediment yield in a basin without sediment data   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Vlassios Hrissanthou   《CATENA》2005,64(2-3):333
In this study, three mathematical models for the estimate of sediment yield, due to soil and stream erosion, at the outlet of a basin are presented. Each model consists of three submodels: a rainfall-runoff submodel, a soil erosion submodel and a sediment transport submodel for streams. The rainfall-runoff and the stream sediment transport submodels are identical in the three mathematical models. The rainfall-runoff submodel that is used for the computation of the runoff in a sub-basin is a simplified water balance model for the soil root zone. For the estimate of soil erosion in a sub-basin, three different submodels are used alternatively, owing to the fact that erosion or sediment yield data are not available. The soil erosion submodels are (a) a modified form of the classical Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE, [Foster, G.R., Meyer, L.D., Onstad, C.A., 1977. A runoff erosivity factor and variable slope length exponents for soil loss estimates. Transactions of the ASAE, 20 (4), 683–687]) taking into account both the rainfall erosion and the runoff erosion, (b) the relationships of Poesen [Poesen, J., 1985. An improved splash transport model. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 29, 193–211] quantifying the splash detachment, as well as the upslope and downslope splash transport, (c) the relationships of Schmidt [Schmidt, J., 1992. Predicting the sediment yield from agricultural land using a new soil erosion model. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on River Sedimentation. Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 1045–1051] including the momentum flux exerted by the droplets and the momentum flux exerted by the runoff. The sediment transport submodel for streams aims to estimate the sediment yield at the outlet of a sub-basin. This quantity results by comparing the available sediment amount in the main stream of a sub-basin with the sediment transport capacity by stream flow, which is computed by the relationships of Yang and Stall [Yang, C.T., Stall, J.B., 1976. Applicability of unit stream power equation. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 102, 559–568]. The mathematical models were applied to the basin of Kompsatos River, in northeastern Greece, with an area of about 565 km2. The whole basin was divided into 18 natural sub-basins for more precise calculations. Monthly rainfall data were available for 27 years (1966–1992); therefore, the calculations were performed on a monthly basis. The deviation between the three mean annual values of sediment yield at the basin outlet, for 27 years, resulting from the three mathematical models is relatively small.  相似文献   
通过对水泵性能差异引起的水泵出水量的变化分析,提出了调节级间流量差的小机组流量的确定方法,解决了多级提水泵站空流段的级间流量配合问题。  相似文献   
分析了大型立式轴流泵站时形进水流道实际过水断面的空间形状。用介于实际过水断面和平均过水断面之间的一种过水断面─—柱面论证了《泵站技术规范》中肘形进水流道使用平均过水断面的可行性。从工程实用性角度提出“近似过水断面”的设计思想,用解析的方法给出其数学模型;同AutoCAD绘图软件接口给出其输出结果。为证明其可行性,又将其与规范规定的平均过水断面的变化规律作了比较,结果令人满意。  相似文献   
【目的】研制高压静电灭虫器,为实现高压静电杀灭农作物害虫提供新的装置。【方法】研制10~60 kV可调高压静电灭虫器,以茶树害虫茶尺蠖和茶小绿叶蝉为杀灭对象,对其杀虫效果进行检测,并对高压静电灭虫器的放电特性及不同电压下其对植物的影响进行分析。【结果】当电极直径为0.5 mm、电极间距为40 mm、使用电压为30~50 kV、击穿距离取25~30 mm时,研制出的高压静电灭虫器对茶小绿叶蝉的防治效果为2.3%~12.8%,对茶尺蠖的防治效果为64.3%~71.1%。高压静电灭虫器的放电电压上升至30 kV以上时,在设定距离内能稳定持续放电,且随着电压上升,放电强度增强。高压静电灭虫器的电压设定为30 kV时,扫过茶树植株幼芽2~3 s,对茶树植株幼芽叶片杀伤无明显影响;当高压静电灭虫器的电压上升至40 kV时,对幼芽有轻微影响,有枯萎但能恢复;当电压上升至50 kV时,幼芽枯萎,不能恢复。当高压静电灭虫器扫过茶树植株幼芽的时间降为1~2 s时,50 kV电压下其对幼芽造成的枯萎可恢复。【结论】成功研制了一种高压静电灭虫器,其对茶树植株害虫茶尺蠖有明显的杀灭作用。  相似文献   
采用无缝线路技术在地铁中施工,能够使轨道的几何形态更加平顺,大大的增加了列车的行车速度,也减少了轨道对列车的磨损和轨道自身的磨损,为正式营运后的维修和保养节约大量的资金,由于此优势,乘客的乘车舒适感大大增加,也解决了有缝线路轨道间错台大,导致噪音大及列车出轨事故的技术难题,因此,无缝线路轨道以其低噪声、低维修率、高平顺性成为城市轨道交通中轨道结构的首选。  相似文献   
The clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic features of a horse with a wooden foreign body embedded in the deep portion of the right masseter muscle adjacent to the right orbit are presented. The purpose of this report is to describe the clinical presentation, magnetic resonance imaging findings and treatment of a penetrating wooden foreign body in a horse that had no history of trauma or evidence of a puncture wound. This report documents the usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging to detect a wooden foreign body embedded in the soft tissues of a horse with a chronic copious ocular discharge. Two surgical procedures were necessary, which is a frequent complication encountered with wooden foreign bodies.  相似文献   
采用模拟降雨的方法对鲁中山区坡面土壤降雨条件下产流、产沙和侵蚀方式的演变过程进行了研究,结果表明:产流量都是随时间递增最终达到稳定产流,但是各次降雨达到稳定产流的时间均随降雨强度和坡度的增大而递减。相同坡度条件下120mmh-1雨强产流较60mmh-1雨强先到稳态,而相同雨强条件下10°坡面则较5°坡面先达到稳态。产沙量呈递增趋势且逐渐达到稳定产沙,达到稳定产沙的时间随雨强和坡度的增大而递减。相同坡度条件下120mmh-1雨强处理较60mmh-1雨强处理先达到稳态,相同雨强条件下10°坡面比5°坡面产沙过程先达到稳定产沙状态;在降雨过程中坡面首先产生面蚀,后出现细沟侵蚀;面蚀率随降雨历时延长有减小趋势,但变幅较小,细沟侵蚀率随降雨时间先急剧增加后保持稳定。  相似文献   
In river channel beds composed of a wide range of grain sizes, the bed material is often arranged in discrete patches discernable by relative texture. These bed material patches are the primary source of entrainable coarse sediment within the channel system and their composition and size have been found to influence the composition and rate of sediment transport. Twelve coarse (gravel–cobble) sediment patches distributed throughout the channel network within a 4.53 ha watershed in southeastern Arizona were monitored for 2 years. Changes in patch area and grain size were measured and painted patch grains were monitored to confirm that patch grains were mobilized during flow. Individual coarse bed material patches exhibited variable persistence during flows with return frequencies ranging from approximately 1 year to 4.6 years. While no patch fully dispersed during the study period, two new patches formed. Most coarse patches remained relatively stable in area and grain-size distribution despite the entrainment of patch grains as lost grains were sufficiently replaced with sediment from upstream. Because of the grain replacement process and the effect of other sediment supply dynamics, the changes in patch area and grain-size distribution display a complex relationship with the magnitude of predicted grain mobilization within each patch. Results indicate that relative stability varies from patch to patch, influenced by the balance of patch grains transported out of the patch and the deposition of new grains into the patch. Predictive models of coarse sediment transport and yield that assume the channel bed is a fixed source of sediment supply may not adequately capture the sediment dynamics within patchy channel beds and should be used with caution when applied to these environments due to the possibility of patch instability as documented in this study.  相似文献   
城乡结合部地带的村镇生活产污已经成为滇池流域水环境污染的重要来源之一,研究村镇生活污水水质特征和污染排放规律,将有助于正确认识、科学把握农村面源污染特征,有利于流域污染控制策略的制定和治理工程的开展。选择入滇池的大清河小流域中的典型村镇,采用定点动态采样的方法,研究了城郊型村镇生活污水水质特征和污染排放规律,并估算了研究区典型村镇生活污水污染负荷。研究结果表明,研究区内村镇生活污水TN、TP、CODCr浓度高,BOD5/CODCr比值低。生活污水中污染物在早上8:00和晚上18:00以后浓度较高,排放通量以及污水排放量在上午10:00和晚上20:00有两个峰值;工作日污水中CODCr浓度显著高于周末,但其他指标在工作日和周末之间没有显著性差异。污染负荷估算结果表明,研究区内的城郊村镇雨季污染物排放总量高于旱季,尤其是可溶性无机盐的排放主要集中于雨季,雨季人均污染排放量也明显高于旱季。由此指出,研究区域的城郊村镇内,生活污水单位面积污染负荷高,早上和晚上是一天内生活污水污染控制的重要时段,雨季是一年内污染控制的重要时期。  相似文献   
新疆呼图壁河流域水文特征分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
呼图壁河是天山北麓中段第二大河流,根据该河多年统计资料,从流域气候、径流、泥沙、水质等方面对其水文特性进行分析。得出呼图壁河径流年际变化稳定、年内分配极不均匀;洪水特征为峰高、量大且持续时间长。洪水传播时间与传播速度与洪峰流量的量级、区间来水河段特征、洪水类型及洪水特性等因素有关;河流泥沙年际变化较大,年内分配极不均匀,与径流的年内变化基本一致;受人类活动的影响,河流水质沿程有恶化的趋势。  相似文献   
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