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曲靖市麒麟区生态安全评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 本文以曲靖市麒麟区为研究对象,以生态安全的相关安全评价理论为基础,采用联合国环境规划署(UNEP)和经济合作发展组织(OECD)提出的“压力(Press)—状态(State)—响应(Response)”模型,依据适用性、完备性、超前性和可操作性等原则构建了包括3个层次,共24个指标的生态安全评价指标体系。并应用主成分分析法对曲靖市麒麟区2004~2008年的生态安全现状进行评价,城市生态安全综合指标得分从2004年的2.92下降到2008年的-3.64,其中2004~2006,2007~2008年份内,下降速率相对较慢,分别为55.82%,29.08%。而2006~2007年份内,下降速率相对较快,为318.6%。各年的生态安全综合得分排序为2004>2005>2006>2007>2008。并提出了提高曲靖市麒麟区城市生态安全水平的建议。  相似文献   
An attempt was made to employ the reliability (Rel)–resilience (Res)–vulnerability (Vul) conceptual framework to develop a typical indicator system for quantitative assessment of watershed health. The study aimed to conceptualize and customize the RelResVul framework to watershed health assessment for the Shazand Watershed in Markazi Province, Iran, for the period of 1977–2014. To this end, four easily, reliable, available and accessible criteria viz. standardized precipitation index (SPI), low and high flow discharges (LFD and HFD), and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) were selected, and corresponding indices for reliability–resilience–vulnerability (RelResVul) framework were accordingly conceptualized and calculated. The thresholds of 0.1, 0.16 m3 s−1, 12.63 m3 s−1 and 25 mg l−1 day−1 were thus selected for SPI, LFD, HFD and SSC, respectively. The results showed a decreasing trend in Rel and Res, and an increasing trend in Vul for SPI and LFD in the Shazand Watershed. The results further showed an increasing trend in Rel, and a decreasing trend in Vul for HFD and SSC. A decreasing trend was ultimately recognized in watershed health index for all criteria except SSC. Additionally, the integrated hydrological watershed health index of 0.16 ± 0.11 obtained from the geometric mean of the RelResVul framework indices also showed a decreasing trend for the Shazand Watershed health during the study period. The results of the present initiative study can be considered as a baseline by decision makers and managers to effectively adjust watershed management strategies to handle land degradation issues in the area. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
观赏竹的园林应用、分类及评价分析   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
分析了观赏竹园林绿化上的应用 ,根据观赏竹的外形特征进行了特色分类以及特色评价与分析 ,为今后进一步开发利用观赏竹提供理论与实践的资料 .  相似文献   
续随子苗期抗旱性综合评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以不同地理来源续随子品系为试验材料,分别在干旱胁迫及对照条件下测定其形态及生理指标,并用基于主成分分析的隶属函数综合评价法对各品系抗旱性进行综合评价.结果表明,5个供试续随子品系抗旱性的综合评价值依次为安徽(0.839)>河南(0.524)>吉林(0.321)>福建(0.275)>重庆(0.179).安徽续随子品系在综合评价中表现出较强的抗旱优势,可作为续随子抗旱性研究的代表材料.以抗旱性综合评价值为因变量,以单项指标相对值为自变量,建立了评价续随子抗旱性的最优回归方程;筛选出MDA含量、SOD酶活性和根冠比等3个对续随子抗旱性有显著影响的指标.在苗期抗旱性鉴定中,有选择地检测这些指标有助于提高续随子抗旱性的鉴定效率.  相似文献   
为了解新研制的中药精液消毒剂的消毒效果和安全性,本研究开展了体外抑菌杀毒和安全性综合评价实验。体外药效学实验显示:该消毒剂对大肠杆菌高敏,对门氏菌、禽巴氏杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌均中敏,4种菌的体外MIC值分别为31.3、62.5、62.5和31.3 mg/mL;消毒剂按1∶400及以上浓度与新城疫病毒互作,可在5 min内对该病毒有100%杀灭率。安全性评价实验显示:该消毒剂的小鼠急性毒性LD50值>5000 mg/Kg,无毒性;对兔子的皮肤和眼睛染毒,无刺激;消毒剂按1∶10浓度及以下,对常温稀释保存的种公鸡精液中精子生存指数影响不大。临床应用实验显示:在冻融条件下,该消毒剂1∶10浓度组的种公鸡精液中精子存活率要显著高于其它试验组(P<0.01);消毒剂按1∶10浓度对种公鸡精液稀释消毒,种蛋受精率和孵化率都有明显提高,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。结果表明:该消毒剂不仅对种公鸡精液中常见病原微生物具有较好的杀灭效果,而且安全无刺激、无毒,对种鸡繁育无不良影响。  相似文献   
潘峰  王万峰  时蕾 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(8):2208-2210,2267
主要介绍了umu测试方法的实验原理和在环境科学中的研究现状.umu实验(即SOS/umu实验)起源于20世纪80年代中期,是用于检测环境致突变的短期筛选实验.它基于环境诱变物质损伤DNA后诱导SOS反应,表达umu基因,进而生成具有β-半乳糖苷酶活性原理设计而成.通过检测此酶的活性可确定受试物引起的DNA损伤程度.因该方法具有简单易操作、检出率高、廉价等优点,因而被广泛应用于遗传毒理学研究、酶代动力学分析、环境监测与质量评估以及药效学评价和新药筛选等方面.  相似文献   
One of the basic steps in objective analysis of sperm motility is the subdivision of a motile sperm population into slow, medium and rapid categories based on their velocity. However, for CASA analysis of quail sperm, the velocity values for categorization of slow, medium and rapid sperm have not yet been standardized. To identify the cut‐off values of “velocity curvilinear” (VCL) for quail sperm categorization, we captured and analysed 22,300 tracks of quail sperm using SCA®‐CASA. The median and mean VCL values were 85 and 97 μm/s. To define the VCL cut‐off values, we used two methods. In the first, we identified the upper (rapid sperm) and lower (slow sperm) cut‐off values using: (i) median VCL ± 25% or ± 50% or ± 75% of median VCL value; (ii) first and third quartile values of VCL data (i.e. 25% cut‐off setting); and (iii) 33% and 66% of VCL data. Among these settings, sperm categories and their corresponding motility characteristics recorded using the “25%” setting (i.e. slow ≤36 ≤ medium ≤154 ≤ rapid) were found the most realistic and coherent with male ranking by fertility. In the second method, we calculated heteroscedasticity in the total VCL data using PCA and the two‐step clustering method. With this approach, the mean of the high and low clusters was 165 and 51 μm/s, respectively. Together, the mean from two methods suggested that, for SCA®‐CASA categorization of quail sperm, sperm should be classed as “rapid” at VCL ≥160 μm/s and “slow” at VCL ≤45 μm/s.  相似文献   
益生菌是指一类活的、摄入足够量就能够对人体产生有益作用的微生物,目前广泛应用于食品和饲料工业领域。随着市场上商品化益生菌的不断出现,如何评价一个菌株的安全性及有效性成为人们关注的问题。目前,益生菌的评价主要从安全性和有效性入手,安全性和有效性评价又包括体内和体外的评价。很多企业在开发益生菌产品时很少对菌株做出全面的安全性评价,而且各国研究者采用的评价指标和评价方法也不尽相同。对于有效性评价,同样也没有统一的评价标准。针对目前益生菌评价存在的问题,亟需建立一套完善的评价方法,对益生菌的安全性和有效性进行系统、科学地评价。作者从益生菌可能产生的潜在危害及功效方面出发,着重论述了益生菌的溶血性、毒力因子、抗生素抗性和产有毒代谢产物的体外安全性评价方法,耐酸、耐胆盐、耐人工胃肠液、胃肠黏膜黏附性和抑菌活性的体外有效性评价方法,及体内的安全性和有效性评价方法的研究进展,期望为建立完善的益生菌评价技术体系和标准提供参考。  相似文献   
郑建锋  陈钦 《中国农学通报》2010,26(19):112-115
本文构建了福建省商品林投资风险评价指标体系。然后,采用因子分析法,对福建、浙江、广东、江西、湖南、湖北、云南等7个省份的商品林投资风险进行横向评价和比较,通过评价,发现2007年在7个比较省份中,福建省综合评价得分排名第二,风险较小。在此基础上,找出影响福建省商品林投资风险的薄弱因子,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   
为了了解不同产地西洋参的质量,应用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法、电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)法和分光光度法对不同产地西洋参有效成分进行测定和分析。结果表明,总皂苷、还原糖、总糖、氨基酸以及微量元素含量在不同产地西洋参中存在不同程度的差异。总皂苷含量从低到高的顺序依次为吉林抚松、山东文登、陕西留坝和加拿大多伦多样品,分别为3.12%、3.26%、3.44%和5.19%;留坝样品还原糖含量最高,为6.18%;多伦多样品总糖含量最高,为35.30%。各地西洋参样品微量元素存在差异,多伦多的铝、镁和钼含量最高,留坝的钙、钼、钾和硒含量较高,文登的钴、钾、锰、钠、铁、硒、锌、铝和镍含量较高。所有检测样品的重金属和有害元素含量均在国家对中药材的限定标准之内。  相似文献   
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