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近红外反射光谱(NIRS)技术分析奶粉品质的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
奶粉中蛋白质和脂肪是影响奶粉营养品质的主要因素,利用近红外反射光谱分析技术对来自国内不同地区的奶粉共900份样品进行蛋白质和脂肪成分测定分析。研究了不同的样品数日、光谱预处理和散射校正技术对发展奶粉近红外测定定标模型的影响。结果表明.在样品数目为200—400范围内建立的定标分析模型较理想;数学预处理中以一阶导数较好,且以“1,4,4,1”的处理组合最为理想;光谱散射校正中采用“标准正态变量转换(SNV) 趋势变换法(De—trending)”的组合建立回归方程效果较好。利用改进最小二乘法回归技术(Modified PLS)建立多种定标模型,并进行交叉验证(cross—Validation)来分析各种因素对定标模型的影响。同时筛选出较理想的蛋白质和脂肪定标分析回归方程,其中蛋白质和脂肪含量的相关系数高速0.973和0.850。探讨了NIRS技术在建模应用中的一些影响因素,以及由NIRS技术建立奶粉分析模型用于快速分析和在线检测的可行性。  相似文献   
A study was conducted to investigate the possibilities to develop models for predicting the relative silage dry matter intake (SDMI) in dairy cows utilising information on chemical composition and in vitro gas production (GP) kinetics of silages. In five experiments, each with an average of 38 lactating dairy cows, SDMI was recorded for 15 grass silages made from primary growth and regrowth swards of timothy (Phleum pratense L.). The silages were characterised by chemical analysis and by utilising an automated in vitro GP recording technique with end point measurements of substrate residues. The silage samples were analysed both as dried and wet samples to evaluate the effects of sample preparation techniques on GP kinetics and their relations to SDMI. Relationships between feed variables and SDMI were investigated utilising simple linear and multiple regression. The wet silage samples had higher cumulative GP and different GP curves compared to the dried samples. The linear relationships between, GP variables, harvest number (first or second cut) of the grass, chemical characteristics of the silages and the relative SDMI show that the GP technique is a powerful tool to detect silage quality. By using the parameters from the dried samples the multiple regression analysis resulted in a relationship, relative SDMI (kg per 100 kg live weight (LW)) per day = 0.071 + 0.0029 × NDFD − 0.266 × C (R2 = 0.82, S.D. = 0.06). NDFD is the degradability of the neutral detergent fibre (NDF) (g/kg NDF) and C is the variable that regulates the switching characteristics of the GP profiles. By using the wet silage samples the multiple relationship did not include any GP variable; relative SDMI (kg per 100 kg LW per day) = 1.86 − 0.008 × acetic acid (g/kg DM) + 0.024 × ethanol (g/kg DM) (R2 = 0.62, S.D. = 0.08). The results from the regression analysis and the experience of the laborious sample preparation technique for wet samples, give the conclusion that dried silage samples are recommended for determining feed characteristics using the GP technique in intake studies.  相似文献   
本文从法国哲学家福柯的权力话语理论角度出发, 用外部权力话语、内部权力话语及中心话语等理论, 从翻译选材和译语选择两方面, 探讨了胡适翻译法国短篇小说《最后一课》的活动。认为胡适的翻译是在特定外部权力话语和内部权力话语的共同作用下, 以及受中心权力话语的影响而实现的翻译活动。  相似文献   
翻译原本的选择主要受一定时期的主流意识形态的影响, 其中最主要的是统治阶级的政治需要、社会转型期的社会需求以及译者的价值取向。中国历史上大规模的翻译活动可以分为四次: 早期的佛经翻译、明末清初的科技翻译、清末民初的小说翻译及五四运动以来的翻译活动。每一次翻译活动中翻译原本的选择都和那一特定时期的意识形态有着密切的关系。  相似文献   
基于GeoMedia环境下的森林防火系统数据处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以森林防火智能决策支持系统为例,介绍了GeoMedia的功能,重点讨论如何运用GeoMedia处理林火信息系统所涉及的空间数据、属性数据以及栅格文本数据,具有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   
lntroductionInordertosolvetheseriousecologicaIproblemwefacedandimprovethephenomenonoflanddesertifi-cationinthenorthareaofChina.ChinahasbeguntoconstructtheThree-NorthProtectiveForestSystemsince1978.Withthehardworkoftwentyyears,itistold"Thegreatestecologicalprojectoftheworld"and"ThegreengreatwaIl".AIthoughthecountryinvestedIotsofcapitaItobuiIdtheThree-Northshelter-forestsystemthroughmanywayssuchasThree-Northspecialinvestment,financeappropriatefunds,finan-cialloansandtakeoutfundsforbringup…  相似文献   
Cytauxzoonosis is a hemoprotozoal disease of cats and wild felids in the South and Southeastern United States caused by Cytauxzoon felis. Although the causative agent has been recognized since the seventies, no study has examined the local immune response in affected organs, such as the lung, and compared them to the lungs of uninfected domestic cats. Previous studies have suggested that the histopathologic findings in the lungs of C. felis-infected cats are caused by the release of pro-inflammatory mediators, such as cytokines and increased production of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), by the infected macrophages. Our laboratory had previously found an upregulation of the adhesion molecule CD18, which can stimulate the release of these pro-inflammatory mediators. The objective of this study was to characterize local pulmonary immune responses in cats naturally infected with C. felis. Immunohistochemistry was performed to detect tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, iNOS, and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II in 19 lungs from affected cats that died between 2005 and 2013. Results showed increased expression of all of these molecules when compared to lungs from uninfected, healthy cats. Furthermore, MHC II is expressed in the endothelium of C. felis naturally infected cats. These results support that there is a marked, local, pro-inflammatory immune response that can contribute to the pathogenesis of cytauxzoonosis in the lungs.  相似文献   
Our objective was to develop a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) inflammation model in calves to evaluate the acute-phase response with respect to the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and acute-phase proteins, fever development and sickness behaviour. Fourteen 4-week-old male Holstein Friesian calves were included and randomly assigned to a negative control group (n = 3) and an LPS-challenged group (n = 11). The latter received an intravenous bolus injection of 0.5 μg of LPS/kg body weight. Blood collection and clinical scoring were performed at 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 18, 24, 28, 32, 48, 54 and 72 h post LPS administration (p.a.). In the LPS group, the following clinical signs were observed successively: tachypnoea (on average 18 min p.a.), decubitus (29 min p.a.), general depression (1.75 h p.a.), fever (5 h p.a.) and tachycardia (5 h p.a.). Subsequent to the recovery from respiratory distress, general depression was prominent, which deteriorated when fever increased. One animal did not survive LPS administration, whereas the other animals recovered on average within 6.1 h p.a. Moreover, the challenge significantly increased plasma concentrations of tumour necrosis factor-α, interleukin 6, serum amyloid A and haptoglobin, with peaking levels at 1, 3.5, 24 and 18 h p.a., respectively. The present LPS model was practical and reproducible, caused obvious clinical signs related to endotoxemia and a marked change in the studied inflammatory mediators, making it a suitable model to study the immunomodulatory properties of drugs in future research.  相似文献   
Rainfall is the main cause of erosion of Brazilian soils, which makes assessing the rainfall erosivity factor (RE) and the erosivity density (ED) fundamental for soil and water conservation. Therefore, the objectives of this study were: i) to estimate the RE and ED for São Paulo State, Brazil, using synthetic series of pluviographic data; ii) to define homogeneous regions regarding rainfall erosivity; and iii) to generate regression models for rainfall erosivity estimates in each of the homogeneous regions. Synthetic series of pluviographic data were initially obtained on a sub-daily scale from the daily rainfall records of 696 rainfall gauges. The RE values were then estimated from the synthetic rainfall data, and ED was calculated from the relationship between erosivity and rainfall amounts. Monthly and annual maps for RE and ED were obtained. Hierarchical clustering analysis was used to define homogeneous regions in terms of rainfall erosivity, and regionalized regression models for estimating RE were generated. The results demonstrate high spatial variability of RE in São Paulo, where the highest annual values were observed in the coastal region. December to March concentrate approximately 60% of the intra-annual erosivity. The highest values of annual ED were observed in regions with intense agricultural activity. The definition of five homogeneous regions concerning the rainfall erosive potential evidenced distinct seasonal patterns of the spatial distribution of erosivity. Finally, the high predictive accuracy of the regionalized models obtained characterizes them as essential tools for reliable estimates of rainfall erosivity, and contribute to better soil conservation planning.  相似文献   
胡适译作《老洛伯》发表于胡适提倡白话文学,建设中国新文学的大时代背景下,它不仅是白话诗歌的范本,还是悲剧叙事诗的范本,具备多重文本功能。因此,在翻译策略上来说,既忠实于原文,又有所创新。译作从形式上忠实于原作文学体裁,遵从原作叙事风格和情节安排;同时,打破原作的韵律节奏,突出故事的悲剧性。  相似文献   
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