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便携式X射线荧光光谱仪实验室异位检测法的实用性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用分步取样法验证便携式X射线荧光光谱仪的实验室异位检测法的实用性,以ICP-AES法为基准,对土壤重金属Cr、Cu、As、Pb的含量进行测定,试验中选用70%土壤样品建立一元线性校准模型,30%土壤样品进行校准模型的验证。结果表明,便携式X射线荧光光谱仪实验室异位检测法的检出限分别为Cr 17.7 mg/kg,Cu 10.4 mg/kg,As 5.4 mg/kg,Pb 6.2 mg/kg,均低于国家土壤环境质量一级标准。对国内外标准物质进行多次重复测定,RPD在–8.9%~7.9%,说明仪器在异位测定重金属含量时具有较好的精密度与准确度。分析PXRF法与传统方法测定建立的拟合方程,其决定系数分别为0.817 3、0.787 0、0.673 3和0.722 1,表明PXRF室内异位法可用于土壤重金属Cr、Cu、As、Pb的快速测定;二次采样建立的验证模型R2分别为0.912 4、0.897 9、0.772 3、0.872 9,逐渐靠近理想模型,充分验证PXRF异位法的实用性和校准曲线的准确性,可适用于农田土壤Cr、Cu、As、Pb的快速测定、污染筛查,为土壤重金属速效测定提供有力依据;但仪器在异位测定As元素时准确性降低,建议异位测定时需进行数据校准。  相似文献   
基于设计模板的快速变型设计方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
传统的变型设计方法存在变型过程复杂,容易产生约束冲突的问题.针对零部件之间依赖关系复杂,设计过程需要通过交互和人工干预的形式才能完成配置与变型的问题,提出了在模板框架下的快速变型设计方法.利用模板的灵活性和信息载体功能,提出了可变型单元的概念,通过可变型单元之间建立相互关联实现对象之间的参数联动,在模板定义域范围内实现产品零部件的快速变型.以变速箱为实例,通过产品的结构变型实现产品的系列化,在同系列产品中通过几何参数的变更实现产品的多样化.  相似文献   
以四季凤仙的幼嫩茎段为外植体,MS为基本培养基,对四季凤仙的组织培养及快繁技术进行了研究。结果表明:最佳的外植体除菌方式为5%的NaClO处理5min;四季凤仙的最佳不定芽诱导培养基为:MS+6-BA0.5mg/L+NAA0.10mg/L+GA30.01mg/L;芽的最佳增殖培养基为:MS+6-BA1.5mg/L+NAA0.5mg/L;最佳生根培养为:1/2MS+IAA1.0mg/L。  相似文献   
以结球甘蓝无菌苗的胚轴和子叶为材料,几乎不生长愈伤组织,分化出不定芽。不定芽在添加6-BA的MS培养基上增殖很快,适宜的生根培养基为1/2MS+IBA0.5mg/L+ NAA0.1mg/L。通过增加培养基中糖和琼脂粉的用量,提高培养时的光照强度等有效控制了玻璃苗的产生。  相似文献   
The majority of studies on the immunobiology of Trichinella species have centred on the larval muscular phase (L1) with a view to identifying immunodominant antigens located on the surface of the cuticle and in the larval secretions; the nucleus of the parasite-host interaction. These antigens have been classified as eight groups (TSL-1-TSL-8), of which those belonging to the group TSL-1 have been most intensely studied. The principal constituents are glycoproteins, glycan carriers that contain a unusual sugar, the tyvelose (3,6-dideoxy-d-arabinohexose). Studies aimed at improving serodiagnostic techniques to detect trichinellosis indicate that these antigens are ideal candidates. They are capable of inducing a strong humoral response involving the generation of specific antibodies against beta-tyvelose, a sugar that seems to be exclusive to the Trichuroidea. Furthermore, these glycoproteins appear to fulfil an important function in the development and maintenance of the parasite in the muscular niche, and they appear to be fundamental for the invasion of the intestinal epithelium. It has also been demonstrated that specific monoclonal antibodies against tyvelose can mediate a degree of immunoprotection in the rat through the phenomenon known as rapid expulsion.  相似文献   
变异连翘的组织培养及快速繁殖的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以具有二次开花变异性状的连翘休眠芽为外植体,在附加不同浓度的BA、IAA、IBA、NAA和2,4-D的MS、1/2MS、B5、N6、White培养基上进行离体培养。结果表明:1/2MS+6-BA0.2mg·L^-1+NAA0.1mg·L^-1+IAA0·2mg·L^-1是休眠芽生长的理想培养基;MS+AgNO30.5mg·L^-1+6BA1.0mg·L^-1+NAA0.1mg·L^-1-0.3mg·L^-1是生长芽分化培养和不定芽继代培养的理想培养基;1/2MS+IAA0.2mg·L^-1NAA0.4mg·L^-1是生根培养和生根继代培养的理想培养基;移植的试管苗保持了二次开花的变异性状。  相似文献   
The factors influencing the decision of smallholder farmers to adopt new farming technologies were studied with reference to rubber–tea intercropping in Sri Lanka. Rubber–tea intercropping has been recommended previously to rubber farmers as a means to improve productivity and income during the early pre-tapping phase of rubber growth. Although crop trials have shown that the two crops are agronomically compatible and potentially produce a combined economic yield superior to the yield of a sole crop grown on the same area of land, there is little evidence of widespread adoption of this practice among smallholder farmers in Sri Lanka. The aim of the study was to determine the major factors that influence the decision to undertake rubber–tea intercropping and to construct a predictive model that describes the likelihood of adoption of intercropping by traditional smallholder rubber growers. A rapid rural appraisal (RRA) was undertaken based on semi-structured interviews of 90 smallholder farmers in the main rubber growing low wet zone of Sri Lanka. Among a number of factors shown to significantly influence the decision to intercrop tea with rubber, three were shown to operate independently, namely level of income, source of income (i.e. solely from own farm or from farm plus additional off-farm enterprises), and availability of land considered suitable for tea cultivation. A statistical model developed through correlation and logistic analysis, which predicts the likelihood of a smallholder adopting intercropping based on these factors, is presented and discussed. The most likely combination of circumstances (82% probability) under which rubber–tea intercropping is practiced is shown to be where the farmer’s income is greater than Rs. 10,000 per month, where the farmer’s income is based solely on own farm enterprises, and where more than 80% of the farmer’s land area was judged to be suitable for tea cultivation. Conversely, 30% of smallholder farmers that chose not to intercrop did possess land suitable for tea cultivation. Qualitative responses to the RRA indicated that limitation of technical knowledge was the main problem subsequently faced by rubber farmers who had adopted rubber–tea intercropping. Results indicate that there is need for both income support through farm subsidies and further agricultural extension services, if rubber–tea intercropping is to be adopted more widely in Sri Lanka. The wider usefulness of the developed logistic model in determining the likelihood of adoption of intercropping by smallholder farmers is discussed.  相似文献   
[目的]为单粒精播快繁技术在花生良种快繁上的应用提供科学依据.[方法]以吉花3号(多粒型)为研究材料,系统研究大田单粒精播节本增效高产栽培技术和大棚单粒精播高效快繁技术对花生植株性状、产量和繁殖系数的影响.[结果]两种单粒精播技术均可明显降低花生株高,增加单株结果数及饱果率,提高产量和繁殖系数,其中大棚单粒精播高效快繁技术的繁殖系数达到34.3,比常规双粒穴播提高84.5%.[结论]两种快繁技术在节种增产、提高繁殖系数上效果明显,可作为花生新品种快速蘩育的可行技术.  相似文献   
国内洋桔梗组培快繁技术的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过查阅现有洋桔梗组织培养资料,对洋桔梗组培快繁技术体系的研究进展进行了综述,主要介绍了洋桔梗组织培养中的外植体的选择、初代培养、增殖培养、生根培养及练苗移栽等程序的研究进展.  相似文献   
本文建立了一种用高效液相色谱法检测指甲中烟碱的方法。指甲在5%NaOH溶液中微波消解,CH2Cl2萃取,N2吹干,5%的溶液和无水乙醇以1:10的比例混合做溶剂直接进样。紫外检测波长为260nm。标准回收率95%~102.3%,相对标准偏差为3.1%,本方法用于被动吸烟和主动吸烟者指甲的测定,结果令人满意。  相似文献   
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