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大白菜叶球相关性状的QTL定位与分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
 应用 35 2个标记位点的大白菜AFLP和RAPD图谱和一套品种间杂交获得的重组自交系群体 ,采用复合区间作图的方法 ,对大白菜叶球相关的 7个农艺性状进行QTL有定位及遗传效应研究。结果表明 ,在 14个连锁群上检测到 33个QTL ,其中控制生育期的有QTL 3个 ,控制外叶数的QTL有 3个 ,控制球高的QTL有 7个 ,控制球径的QTL有 5个 ,控制球叶数的QTL有 4个 ,控制球重的QTL有 4个 ,控制荒重的QTL有 7个。另外 ,估算了单个QTL的遗传贡献率和加性效应 ,其加性效应各不相等  相似文献   
Salinity is a major abiotic stress to barley (Hordum vulgare L.) growth and yield. In the current study, quantitative trait loci (QTL) for yield and physiological components at the late growth stage under salt stress and non-stress environments were determined in barley using a double haploid population derived from a cross between CM72 (salt-tolerant) and Gairdner (salt-sensitive). A total of 30 QTLs for 10 traits, including tiller numbers (TN), plant height, spikes per line (SPL), spikes per plant (SPP), dry weight per plant, grains per plant, grain yield, shoot Na+ (NA) and K+ concentraitions (K) in shoot, and Na+/K+ ratio (NAK), were detected, with 17 and 13 QTLs under non-stress and salt stress, respectively. The phenotypic variation explained by individual QTL ranged from 3.25 to 29.81%. QTL flanked by markers bPb-1278 and bPb-8437 on chromosomes 4H was associated with TN, SPL, and SPP under salt stress. This locus may be useful in the breeding program of marker-assisted selection for improving salt tolerance of barley. However, QTLs associated with NA, K, and NAK differed greatly between non-stress and salt stress environments. It may be suggested that only the QTLs detected under salt stress are really associated with salt tolerance in barley. D. Xue and Y. Huang contributed equally to the article.  相似文献   
季铵盐类消毒剂的质量检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对季铵盐类消毒剂进行定性定量检测以获取其质量信息。定性检测采取紫外分光光度法,定量检测采取两相滴定法。结果表明:除原料外的其他六种产品,中五种季铵盐含量达标。可见市场上流通的季铵盐类消毒剂存在不合格产品。  相似文献   
采用高抗芜菁花叶病毒C4株系(TuMV-C4)的大白菜高代自交系A52-2为父本、感病自交系高IV-5为母本杂交后获得的F2代263个单株作为作图群体,利用SRAP分子标记技术进行遗传分析,构建了1张包含10个连锁群,由152个 SRAP标记组成的大白菜分子遗传图谱。该图谱覆盖长度为1066.3cM,平均图距7.06cM。利用Windows QTL Cartographer V2.0软件和复合区间作图法进行分析,共检测到5个与抗TuMV-C4株系相关的QTLs。  相似文献   
中国耕地资源的基本态势及其近年来数量变化研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
耕地资源作为农业最主要的生产资料和农民最直接的劳动对象,是构成粮食综合生产能力的最基本要素之一,实现中国粮食安全的基础和保证。在分析中国耕地资源的现状、1996年以来中国耕地数量减少的途径进行分析的基础上,指出造成中国耕地非农化无序流转的主要原因在于盲目的城市化、土地管理法制化建设滞后、利益驱动、执法和监管不力等方面。  相似文献   
根据有机化合物的构性相关规则 ,用演绎推理的方法建立了有机化合物构性相关分析的解析程序。这一解析程序把有机化合物的构性相关分析归纳成 5个步骤 ,即写出靶结构式 ,找出官能团 ,分析官能团和烃基中所含的每 1根化学键 ,考察分子中各结构单元之间产生的相互影响 ,最后分类总结出有机化合物的全部性能。  相似文献   
利用常规气象观测资料,分析了2011年3月13—14日青海省一次大范围的寒潮天气过程的成因,并在此基础上根据局地温度方程,定量分析了过程中影响温度变化的主要因子和各自的贡献,结论如下:(1)此次过程是青海省一次典型的横槽转竖型寒潮天气,并且自西向东爆发。过程前期形成典型的寒潮中期倒大“Ω”流型。上游有强冷平流输送,500 hPa冷中心-44℃,700 hPa冷中心-28℃。青海上空西北风风速26 m/s,300 hPa高空西风急流入口区的横向非地转正次级环流也利于地面降温。(2)地面蒙古冷高压中心1060 hPa,影响青海的冷高压达1050 hPa。过程中青海西部的24 h最大正变压18 hPa,24 h负变温最大为-18℃,最低气温平均下降10~13℃,格尔木站下降幅度最大,达到16℃。东部的24 h最大正变压18 hPa,24 h时负变温最大-11℃,最低气温平均下降6~8℃,河南站下降幅度最大,达到16℃。同时东部和西部的地面风速在13日、14日白天都增大,并以偏西风为主。(3)此次过程中的温度变化主要由温度平流项和对流变化项决定,且这2项对青海西部的降温贡献大于青海东部。冷气团的个别变化项对降温也有一定贡献,对东部和西部的贡献基本相等。非绝热项对西部起增温作用,对东部的温度变化没有作用。(4)由强冷空气引起的寒潮天气过程中,温度平流变化和对流变化对降温起主导作用,过程前期应关注温度平流变化的影响,过程结束时应关注对流变化。个别变化项的影响程度依赖于冷空气强度和冷气团变性程度。非绝热项的影响决定于大气中发生相态变化的水汽含量,对温度变化有约束效应。  相似文献   
小麦萌发期对水分和盐胁迫敏感,对该时期水分和盐胁迫下种子萌发性状进行QTL定位具有重要的意义。本研究以小麦“泰农18×临麦6号” RIL群体为材料,以20%PEG-6000溶液和100 mmol·L-1 NaCl溶液分别模拟水分和盐胁迫环境,对种子萌发期10个性状进行了QTL定位。结果表明,在正常、水分胁迫和盐胁迫3种不同处理下各性状变异较大。相关分析表明,抗旱和耐盐可能是两个独立遗传的性状,胚芽鞘长可以作为节水抗旱的鉴定指标。3种处理下共检测到10个萌发相关性状的103个QTL,其中,17个为相对高频QTL(RHF-QTL),分布在7条染色体(1A、3A、3B、4B、7A、7B和7D)上,平均贡献率为7.55%~15.97%。这些RHF-QTL形成4个QTL簇(QTL cluster,QC),分布在3A、7A和7D染色体上。其中,7A染色体上的QC2包括3个RHF-QTLs( QSdw-7A.1 QGf-7A.1 QGi-7A.1),均与小麦耐盐性相关;7D染色体上的QC3包括2个RHF-QTLs( QGi-7D.1 QGdrc-7D.1),均与小麦节水抗旱性相关。这2个QCs增加效应均来自母本泰农18。本研究获得的RHF-QTLs和QCs,可为小麦萌发期节水抗旱和耐盐分子标记辅助选择提供理论和技术支持。  相似文献   
Plant eradication is difficult, particularly in remote, protected areas. The Southern Ocean Islands are very isolated and highly protected, but the flora contains many alien plants. Small restricted populations have been eradicated, but eradication of established species has proven difficult. A better understanding of the efficacy of control methods at sub‐Antarctic temperatures and their off‐target impacts may increase eradication success. With interest in controlling non‐native Poa annua in the region, we aimed to determine if physical and chemical methods can control P. annua (the sub‐Antarctic biotype) in sub‐Antarctic conditions and examined their impact on native plants. We quantified the effectiveness of physical control methods on P. annua in situ on sub‐Antarctic Macquarie Island through field‐based experiments and assessed their selectivity on P. annua compared with native grasses. We also quantified the effectiveness of several herbicides on P. annua at sub‐Antarctic temperatures and assessed their selectivity on native grasses. Of the four physical disturbance methods tested, none effectively reduced P. annua cover as one‐off treatments. Of the herbicide treatments, glyphosate and trifloxysulfuron sodium were effective and were less damaging to native grass species, indicating potential selectivity. Physical control was of limited effectiveness, but did not affect native species richness. An integrated weed management programme utilising the strategic use of selective herbicides with follow‐up chemical and physical intervention may balance control and biodiversity outcomes. This research highlights the importance of site‐specific testing of control methods and understanding off‐target impacts of control when managing alien plant species in protected areas.  相似文献   
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