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基于染色体单片段代换系的水稻粒形QTL定位   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
水稻的粒形是影响水稻产量和品质的重要因子之一, 是由多基因控制的数量性状。染色体单片段代换系由于减少了个体间遗传背景的干扰, 已经成为鉴定复杂性状QTL的新型遗传材料。本研究以广陆矮4号为受体,日本晴为供体的119个染色体单片段代换系群体为试验材料,通过单因素方差分析和Dunnett’s多重比较,测验单片段代换系与受体亲本之间粒形的差异,鉴定了代换片段上粒形相关的QTL。以P≤0.001为阈值, 共检测到39个粒形相关的QTL。其中,粒长相关的19个,其加性效应值为0.18~1.06 mm,加性效应百分率为2.40%~14.13%;粒宽相关的14个,其加性效应值为0.09~0.31 mm,加性效应百分率为2.71%~9.15%;粒厚相关的6个,其加性效应值为0.05~0.10 mm,加性效应百分率为2.14%~4.46%。这些QTL的鉴定,为进一步精细定位并克隆相应QTL和高产、优质水稻新品种的分子标记辅助选择奠定了基础。  相似文献   
以遥感科学与技术的定量化发展为切入点,系统的阐明了光信息与定量遥感技术在我国现代农业中应用现状与发展趋势。详细阐述了遥感科学与技术定量化发展的含义和应用意义,从农业资源调查及动态监测、农作物估产、灾害监测与评估,以及农业气象应用等几方面系统的回顾了遥感技术在我国农业中的应用历史和现状;最后分析了光信息及定量遥感技术与现代农业发展模式之间的关系,给出了促进我国农业信息化的发展趋势与方向。  相似文献   
A genetic basis for variation in resistance to defoliating insects within Eucalyptus species has been identified in many studies. This variation has frequently been ascribed to variation in secondary metabolites but studies investigating variation in resistance to defoliation by paropsine chrysomelids have failed to correlate foliar chemistry with resistance. We found that the extent of crown damage due to defoliation by Paropsis atomaria (Chrysomelidae: Colepoptera) in two matched progeny trials of Eucalyptus grandis was a heritable trait that exhibited a strong correlation with provenance latitude. Despite this, neither foliar nitrogen or concentrations of a recently discovered group of compounds, formylated phloroglucinol compounds, could account for significant variation in defoliation. We also investigated whether defoliation in the field could be predicted from foliar near-infrared reflectance spectra. Such an approach takes into account all compositional variation simultaneously rather than relying on a restricted number of measured traits. Modified partial least squares regression models performed poorly in predicting variation in crown defoliation between trees within a site primarily due to the high level of variability and coarseness of the calibration data. Discriminant analyses however demonstrated a consistent difference between spectra from trees in families suffering low level defoliation from families more susceptible to defoliation by P. atomaria suggesting chemical differences between the two groups are important in determining resistance to this insect.  相似文献   
辽宁省刺槐人工林立地质量评价的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选择Richards生长函数H=a(1-e-bA)c作为辽宁省刺槐优势高生长模型.用差分法展开导向曲线编制了单形立地指数表;应用分组整理后解析木资料,拟合出最优多形立地指数模型,编制了多形立地指数表.在综合分析影响刺槐生长发育的环境因子基础上,选择了7个立地因子,运用数量化理论Ⅰ方法,建立与立地指数的回归模型,经减少项目法筛选出包含5个因子的立地指数最佳预估方程,编制了数量立地指数得分表.  相似文献   
2022年夏季,长江流域遭遇了罕见的“汛期反枯”极端水文事件,在此期间,汉江中下游首次发现了蓝藻水华。本研究选取叶绿素a浓度作为衡量水华的关键指标,基于偏最小二乘回归(Partial least squares regression,PLSR)量化了不同环境因子对2022年夏季汉江中下游(仙桃、宗关断面)水华生消的贡献率。结果表明:(1)仙桃和宗关断面叶绿素a浓度与溶解氧、pH值和水温均呈现出显著的正相关关系。溶解氧、pH值和水温对2022年夏季汉江中下游水华生消的贡献程度最高,三者对仙桃和宗关断面水华生消的贡献率分别为15.18%、13.68%、14.50%和18.06%、15.93%、15.65%。(2)基于偏最小二乘路径模型(Partial Least Squares Path Modeling,PLS-PM),本研究进一步解析了各环境因子对叶绿素a浓度变化的影响路径。结果表明气象因子是2022年夏季汉江中下游蓝藻水华暴发的诱导因子,高温无雨的极端天气导致水温和pH上升,加速了藻类的代谢反应速率。同时,河道流量减小延长了有机物和营养盐的传输和滞留时间,为藻类生长提供了稳定的营养条件。并且水华“萌发”时段可能与汉江中下游“涝旱急转”时段重叠。因此,本文建议下一步研究应结合准确的中长期气象预报信息,在“涝旱急转”时段实时优化汉江中下游水华防控调度的下泄流量与下泄时机,这将有可能大大提高水华防控的效率和效果。  相似文献   
The development of post-industrial landscapes at industrial sites plays an important role to fill urban green spaces. However, current research on the use and redevelopment of post-industrial sites has mainly focused on ecological restoration, and studies combined with objective and subjective data to quantify public preferences remain poorly understood. In this study, deep learning was used to semantically segment the post-industrial landscape, and a multiple stepwise regression model was used to analyze the non-linear correlation between quantitative indicators and public “restorative-repressive” perception, and structural equation model (SEM) between quantitative indicators and public perception data were established. We investigated and found (1) Semantic segmentation models for machine learning combined with principal component analysis (PCA) and non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis can categorize post-industrial parks into two groups dominated by artificial elements and natural elements. (2) Public perceptions varied more in the natural element-dominated group and less in the industrial element-dominated group. In addition, waterbody in the post-industrial landscape existed as a destabilizing factor. (3) There was a difference in the correlation between quantitative indicators and subjective perceptions in the two categories of parks. (4) Height of industrial building (HIB), function of industrial building(FIB), vegetation succession(VS) were significantly influenced public satisfaction. These findings informed that public satisfaction with post-industrial landscapes can be enhanced by taking full account of the different uses of natural and artificial elements and enabling researchers to analyze the redevelopment of post-industrial landscapes from a new perspective of evidence-based design.  相似文献   
利用重组自交系群体检测水稻耐铝毒数量性状基因座   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用Kinmaze / DV85 81个重组自交家系(RIL)作图群体,采用苗期单营养液水培鉴定方法,以相对根伸长量(RRE)作为耐铝毒性状的表型值,分析亲本和重组自交系群体对铝毒的耐性表现。利用Windows QTL Cartographer 1.13a软件共检测到5个耐铝毒QTLs,分别位于第1、5、8、9和11染色体上,各个QTL的贡献率在8.64%~18.60%之间,其  相似文献   
为探索冬小麦抗寒性的分子机制,以168个花培3号×豫麦57的双单倍体株系为作图群体,利用已构建含有324个SSR标记的遗传图谱,对电导法测定低温(−18℃)处理后的叶片膜透性进行QTL定位。利用完全区间作图法,在3种环境下共检测到21个与叶片膜透性相关的加性QTLs,分布于1B、2A、3A、3B、5B、6A、6B、6D、7B和7D染色体上,其中4个位点(qCMP-1B-1、qCMP-3B-2、qCMP-5B-1和qCMP-5B-4)遗传贡献率大于10%,属主效基因,其余QTL的遗传贡献率较小,属微效基因。3种环境条件下在5B染色体的Xgwm213–Xswes861.2区间检测到共同位点,与Xswes861.2的遗传距离为0 cM,其中qCMP-5B-1 (环境1)和qCMP-5B-4 (环境3)的贡献率高达17.5%和14.0%。研究结果对于小麦抗寒标记选择和抗寒育种具有应用价值。  相似文献   
为研究RNAi沉默转基因油菜fad2基因表达的效果及其器官特异性,实时荧光定量PCR法分析比较了转基因油菜W-4与非转基因对照Westar开花后第7天、第14天、第21天、第28天的种子以及越冬期油菜根、茎、叶器官中的fad2基因的相对表达量。结果显示:对照Westsr种子中fad2基因的相对表达量随开花后的天数呈逐渐增加的趋势,但W-4种子中fad2基因的相对表达量在开花后第21天、第28天较对照Westar显著下降,降幅达到60%。说明转基因油菜W-4在种子发育过程中表达的fad2基因的dsRNA干扰了fad2基因表达。W-4与Westar在越冬期根、茎、叶器官中fad2基因的相对表达量基本一致,无显著性差异。脂肪酸组成分析结果显示:W-4种子中油酸平均含量达到81.5%较Westar增加了近15%,而多不饱和脂肪酸平均含量为5.25%,较Westar下降了近70%;但根、茎、叶中的脂肪酸含量二者无显著差异;结果表明转基因油菜中RNAi干扰fad2基因表达具有种子特异性,不干扰其它器官的fad2基因表达。研究还发现转基因油菜fad2基因表达下降的时期与napin基因表达时期同步,均始于开花后21d左右,表明目标基因的表达受napin启动子的准确控制。  相似文献   
甘蓝类作物抽薹期及开花期数量性状的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从甘蓝类作物抽薹开花期数量性状研究的历史、甘蓝类作物抽薹期开花期性状的传统遗传学研究、甘蓝类作物与其它十字花科抽薹期和开花期的分子标记研究及与其它十字花科作物的抽薹及开花期的比较作图研究等几个方面,概述了甘蓝类作物抽薹期与开花期等数量性状的研究进展,并对以后的研究方向提出了建议。  相似文献   
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