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Ug99(TTKS)为1999年在乌干达首次发现的秆锈菌新小种,对小麦抗秆锈病基因Sr31具有强毒力.此小种致病性极强,传播迅速,给全球小麦生产带来威胁.在肯尼亚用Ug99对我国118个小麦生产品种和材料进行抗病性鉴定结果表明,高感品种占98.3%.该小种一旦传入我国,将对小麦生产造成严重损失.笔者对国内外关于小麦抗Ug99遗传研究、抗病基因分子标记研究现状及我国应对措施进行了概述.  相似文献   
【目的】了解甘肃和青海小麦条锈菌(Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici)春季流行传播路线、群体遗传多样性和生殖模式,明确春季流行期两省小麦条锈菌的传播关系及菌源交流规律,进而为两省小麦条锈病的预测预报、确定越夏初始菌源来源和有效治理提供理论依据。【方法】选择条锈病常发生的地区作为调查和研究区域。甘肃省4个试验点:陇南市文县、陇东平凉市崆峒区、中部麦区定西市临洮县、临夏州临夏县;青海省2个试验点:西宁市城北区、海东市互助县。2017年秋季,在甘肃和青海省6个试验点内根据当地小麦播种适期依次种植82份变异观察圃材料。2018年4—8月,对试验点82份变异观察圃材料进行田间病害调查,并采集到551份小麦条锈菌标样,使用15对引物进行SSR分子标记分析。利用GenAlEx和POPPR v2.5.0软件对数据进行相关分析,不显著的rbarD值表示连锁平衡,用于推断群体是否发生有性重组。【结果】82份变异观察圃材料在甘肃地区发病比青海地区严重。15对引物组合共扩增出81个位点,每对引物组合产生的多态性位点为2—12个。551份样本克隆矫正后,共鉴定出505个多位点...  相似文献   

鉴定4个小麦WAKs/WAKLs基因,研究其响应条锈菌(Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici)侵染的表达模式。




所鉴定的TraesCS1B02G004100TraesCS6B02G459100TraesCSU02G079300TraesCS3A02G122300基因长度分别为3 194、5 117、3 208和2 934 bp,分别编码714、960、737和652个氨基酸,均包括胞外GUB结构域和胞内激酶结构域,均位于细胞膜。系统进化分析表明:TraesCS6B02G459100与水稻Os05g04460TraesCSU02G079300与水稻Os02g02120TraesCS3A02G122300与拟南芥AtWAKL15TraesCS1B02G004100与大麦HORVU.MOREX.r3.5HG0503880的亲缘关系分别最近。激酶部位氨基酸序列分析表明:TraesCS1B02G004100TraesCSU02G079300为与植物先天免疫机制相关的非RD激酶,TraesCS6B02G459100TraesCS3A02G122300为RD激酶。基因表达分析表明:4个WAKs/WAKLs基因在小麦接种条锈菌后均差异表达,其中TraesCS1B02G004100在抗病材料中的表达被抑制、在感病材料中不表达。



Summary The genetic constitution of two bread wheat accessions from the International Spring Wheat Rust Nurseries (E 5883 and E 6032) has been studied for reaction to four Indian races of stem rust. Analysis of E 5883 has revealed that for each of the races 15C, 21 and 40 a single dominant gene operates for resistance. The dominant gene against race 15C was identified as Sr6. The dominant genes for resistance against races 21 and 40 were found to be different from the genes described so far. Resistance against race 122 is controlled by a single recessive gene producing characteristically a 2 type of reaction. This gene was identified as Sr8.The resistance of E 6032 against each of the races 15C, 21 and 40 is controlled by two genes, one dominant and one recessive, which act independently. Dominant genes effective against 15C, 21 and 40 were conclusively identified as Sr6, Sr5 and Sr9b, respectively. From the correlated behaviour against races 15C and 40 as well as from the phenotypes of the resistance reactions rhe same recessive gene, undescribed so far, operates against the two races. The second recessive gene operating against race 21 was also observed to be different from those so far designated. E 6032 was, however, found to be susceptible to races 122.The presence of Sr6 both in E 5883 and E 6032 against race 15C was further confirmed through F2 and F3 segregation data.  相似文献   
Summary Twenty-four entries of wild emmer possessing temperature-sensitive genes for resistance to yellow rust were studied in the seedling stage, at two temperature-profiles, with 15 pathogenic races from 11 countries in South America, Africa, Asia and Europe. It was shown that the majority of the resistance genes in these wild emmer entries were race-specific. In most of these entries a more resistant reaction was displayed at the higher temperature-profile; however in three entries a shift in reaction towards resistance was observed with certain races but towards susceptibility with some of the other races, suggesting that two different kinds of temperature-sensitive genes were involved in each of these entries. The similarity of temperature-sensitive genes occurring in wild emmer and in cultivated wheat is discussed.  相似文献   
 选择合适的内参基因是采用实时定量PCR研究基因表达获得可信数据的关键。以小麦在条锈病菌及温度双因素胁迫为研究对象,采用实时荧光定量PCR评价了CDCRLIACTIN和26S基因的表达情况,采用geNorm和NormFinder软件进行了比较分析。结果表明,小偃6号小麦在常温(15℃±1℃)未接种条锈病菌,以及接种条锈病菌并培育至花斑期分别在高温(20℃±1℃)、变温(20℃到15℃)条件处理中,基因RLI表达不稳定,基因ACTIN在常温条件下以及在条锈病菌及高温处理条件下的表达量相对稳定,但在变温条件下波动较大。表达最稳定的基因是26S,其次是CDC基因,它们可以作为小偃6号-CYR32-温度互作体系中基因表达实时荧光定量PCR研究的内参基因,26SCDC是最佳内参基因组合。  相似文献   
小麦条锈病流行程度趋势预测专家系统雏型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文运用知识工程语言 M·1构造了一个用于小麦条锈病流行程度趋势预测的专家系统雏型。专家的知识用产生式规则来表示。知识库中的知识规则可相对独立,便于知识库的扩充和完善。  相似文献   
A. N. Mishra    K. Kaushal    S. R. Yadav    G. S. Shirsekar    H. N. Pandey 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(5):520-522
Recessively inherited gene Sr2 has provided the basis of durable resistance to stem rust (caused by Puccinia graminis tritici) in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide. The associated earhead and stem melanism or ‘pseudo‐black chaff’ is generally used as a marker for this gene. Sr2 has been postulated in many wheat cultivars of India including ‘Lok 1’, based on associated pseudo‐black chaff in adult plants, and leaf chlorosis in seedlings. However, dominant inheritance of the resistance factor operating in ‘Lok 1’, and a 13 : 3 (resistant : susceptible) F2 segregation in the ‘Sr2‐line’ (‘Chinese Spring’6 × ‘Hope’ 3B) × ‘Lok 1’ cross confirmed that Sr2 was absent in ‘Lok 1’. Susceptible plants with a pseudo‐black chaff phenotype were observed in F2 populations of ‘Agra Local’ (susceptible) × ‘Lok 1’, and the ‘Sr2‐line’ × ‘Lok 1’ crosses. Most of the F3 families derived from the susceptible F2 segregants with pseudo‐black chaff phenotypes were true breeding for the expression of pseudo‐black chaff with susceptibility to stem rust. Thus, linkage of pseudo‐black chaff with Sr2 in wheat can be broken, and hence, caution may be exercised in using pseudo‐black chaff as a marker for selecting Sr2 in breeding programmes.  相似文献   
河北省21个小麦品种抗叶锈基因的推导   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选用了18个小麦叶锈菌菌系对河北省的21个小麦品种(系)进行了抗性基因推导。通过与31个抗叶锈的单基因系的反应作比较,在河北省的品种中鉴定出Lr1,Lr3,Lr3Bg,Lr18,Lr26和Lr30共6个抗性基因。冀麦15有Lr3,冀麦3号有Lr3Bg;有8个品种有3个基因,其中7个品种例如冀麦23等,有Lr3,Lr3Bg 和Lr26,另一品种冀麦20有Lr18,Lr26和Lr30。有两个品系88-5424和84—5103有4个基因;前者有Lr1,Lr18,Lr26和Lr30,后者有Lr3,Lr3Bg,Lr18和Lr26。冀麦26和冬协4号有与供试的已知基因不同的基因;在丰抗8号等3个品种中没有鉴定出抗性基因。Lr26最为普遍,在13个品种中存在。  相似文献   
伊犁州是新疆小麦条锈病重灾区, 对该地区开展小麦条锈菌生理小种监测意义重大?本研究通过对2020年采自新疆伊犁4县的149份小麦条锈菌样品进行生理小种监测, 以期明确该地区小麦条锈菌生理小种组成及毒性情况?结果表明, 共监测到28个生理小种, 其中CYR 33?Su 11-1?Su 11-12?CYR 32及CYR 34出现频率较高, 分别为14.09%, 12.75%, 8.05%, 8.05%和7.38%; 水源11类群为优势类群, 出现频率高达44.30%?对抗条锈病基因Yr1?YrA?Yr3?Yr6?YrSu?Yr9的毒性频率均大于70%, 表明这些基因在伊犁州抗性基本丧失?新疆伊犁州4县小麦条锈菌毒性多样性分析显示, Nei’s 遗传多样性指数为0.34, Shannon 信息指数为0.50, 表明伊犁州条锈菌毒性多样性水平较高, 毒性组成丰富; 小麦条锈菌毒性相似系数在0.92~1.00, 其中伊宁县和巩留县的样品遗传距离最近, 察布查尔县与其他3县样品遗传距离最远?因此, 新疆伊犁州地区抗锈育种应以抗CYR 33和Su 11-1为主, 兼顾抗Su 11-12?CYR 32和贵农22类群中其他类型?另外不同县区应合理进行抗病基因布局, 以期实现小麦条锈病的区域间联合防治?  相似文献   
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