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Hymenoscyphus fraxineus causes a destructive invasive tree disease known as ash dieback threatening the survival of common ash not only in the forests, but also in urban and landscape settings. Pruning is a potential management practice that could help maintain tree vitality and aesthetics in parks, gardens, alleys and recreation areas, as well as maintaining veteran trees having high heritage or cultural value, or trees with high genetic importance (e.g. located in clonal seed orchards). In this study we investigated the maximum distance proximal to the lesion margin at which H. fraxineus can be detected on individual branches infected by the fungus in order to provide recommendations for pruning. Pruning of branches was carried out on 38 trees in southern Sweden. Tissue samples including bark and wood were collected from the margin of the lesion and at 5 cm intervals proximal to the lesion. Molecular analysis revealed presence of H. fraxineus in 91.3% of the investigated lesions. The proportion of lesions at which H. fraxineus could be detected declined with increasing distance from the lesion margin, with a significant reduction in the number of positive samples at 10 cm proximal to the margin. At 30 cm from the lesion edge the pathogen was never detected. Our results suggest that routine pruning may help maintain the vitality of younger trees. Pruning branches at least 35 cm from visible, active lesions in the bark should exclude the fungus and therefore reduce the probability of stem infection by H. fraxineus, however this cultural control tactic may only be economically feasible for high value amenity trees.  相似文献   
本文阐述了紫薇的繁殖培育方法及苗木的修剪管理技术。  相似文献   
Fine root and nodule production and turnover in pruned 2- and 8-yr-old Erythrina poeppigiana (Walp.) O.F. Cook trees were estimated under humid tropical conditions by applying the compartment flow model (CFM) to fine root and nodule biomass and necromass measured in sequentially taken core samples. Shoot pruning intensities compared were complete pruning (i.e., complete removal of shoots) and partial pruning (i.e., retention of one branch on the pruned stump). The CFM provided reasonable estimates of nodule dynamics but did not apply to fine root data. Over a five-month observation period, nodule production in completely and partially pruned 2-yr-old trees was 58.2 and 115 g tree–1, respectively, and the corresponding values in 8-yr-old trees were 26.8 and 26.4 g tree–1. Senescent nodules and fine roots pass to soil organic matter via decomposition. Partially and completely pruned 2-yr-old trees added 95.4 and 50.4 g tree–1 decomposed nodules to soil, respectively. The respective value for 8-yr-old trees were 26.7 and 36.5g tree–1. Nodule and fine root turnover was compensated for by new production at 10–14 weeks after pruning. The retention of a branch on the pruned E. poeppigiana tree stump allows better fine root and nodule survival, and enhances tree biomass production.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
An alley cropping plot was established in 1990 on a degraded alfisol on sloping land at Ajibode village near the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The influence of Glomus deserticolum on biomass production of three hedgerow trees i.e., Leucaena leucocephala, Gliricidia sepium and Senna siamea, and their nutrient contribution to cassava Manihol esculenta in four consecutive cropping seasons were investigated. Inoculation only promoted hedgerow leaf-biomass and nutrient (N, P, and K). contribution to cassava and consequently cassava tuber yield in the second year but did not affect them afterwards despite increased AM infection. Tuber yield declined with succeeding cropping seasons in all plots except uninoculated plots with Senna where it showed 142% and 11.5% increases respectively at 2 and 3-months pruning regime when compared with the first year’s yield. Biomass production increased marginally with age in all hedgerows with concomitant increase in leaf production depending on partitioning of assimilates between leaf and stem. Generally, hedgerow biomass diversion to leaf was higher at 2 than at 3-month pruning regime and was in the order Senna Gliricidia Leucaena. Hence, while Senna provides sustained adequate leaf mulch to cassava, pruning at quarterly interval during the first pruning year and at bimonthly intervals in subsequent years is also recommended.  相似文献   
麻疯树2年生人工林构筑型对修枝与土壤肥沃性的响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文首次采用固定枝级划分方法,试验研究了麻疯树构筑型对土壤肥沃性的响应,并探究了构型调控效果的资源反应。结果表明:1)土壤肥沃时麻疯树分枝率高、分枝角度小、枝长较长,构型为密集型;土壤瘠薄时麻疯树分枝率低、分枝角度大、枝长较短,构型为游击型;2)人为修枝也没有明显影响构型对土壤肥沃性的响应策略,但却显著增加了肥沃生境下构型的密集性(30→22°);3)人为修枝改变了贫瘠生境下一级枝长度、一级枝枝径与二级枝长度,具有壮枝作用,而对肥沃生境树体枝条大小影响不明显(二级枝枝径例外);4)据分析,同龄顶芽间距离为间隔子,分枝间夹角为分枝角度,分枝率是分枝强度,类似于克隆植物构型;5)构型枝级划分采用了固定枝序法确定,主干分枝为一级枝,一级枝分支为二级枝,增加了枝级的稳定性,与传统枝级划分方法相反;6)分析还发现,麻疯树构型对资源异质性的响应根源在于一级枝分枝角度,该参数塑造了游击性与密集性的构型特性。  相似文献   
日光温室内辣椒剪枝再生栽培技术初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为解决山西北部地区常规日光温室栽培辣椒只能春提前、秋延后生产,无法进行越冬茬栽培的问题,根据辣椒成株较幼苗耐低温能力强且具有再生能力的特点,探索了辣椒日光温室剪枝再生栽培技术。结果辣椒可跨越两个年头生产,单产达22.5万kg/hm2。  相似文献   
试验比较了盛果期灰枣树对不同修剪方法的反应。结果表明,枣树连年修剪,根的数量、冠幅、干周均大于(牙刂)枣处理树。萌发枣头的数量、质量和抽生有效枣拐的数量等也表现出相似的结果。修剪树有效枣股数多于(牙刂)枣树,差异显著;百果鲜重较(牙刂)枣处理多40.1g,单株产量提高15.3%。叶片总糖和全氮测定结果:修剪处理在6月下旬含量较高,此时正值枣吊、枣头生长,花芽分化,开花和幼果发育的关键时期,这对树体的生长发育和产量提高都起到良好的作用;其次,修剪与环切结合的效果优于修剪+(牙刂)枣,但次于修剪处理。  相似文献   
Producing high value veneer wood requires that the tree bole be branch-free. This can be accomplished by natural or artificial pruning. Since wild cherry does not self prune well, pruning artificially is the only practical option. The study analysed the effect of conventional whorl-wise pruning and selective pruning, on height growth, diameter growth and secondary shoot development of wild cherry. Four pruning treatments were applied on cherry trees in summer 2007, one group of cherries was left unpruned to serve as a control: treatment C1 (upper 5 whorls left), C2 (upper 3 whorls left), S1 (removal of branches larger than 3 cm or with an angle to the stem < 40°), S2 (removal of branches larger than 2 cm or with an angle to the stem < 40°), N (unpruned). Data showed that height growth was not affected by pruning. In contrast, diameter growth at breast height of the C2 pruned cherry was reduced by approximately 5% (SE = 2.7%) in the year of pruning (trees were pruned in July). This pruning treatment produced significant (p = 0.028) nine percent less diameter growth than the control in the second year following pruning. The diameter increment of the C1 pruned trees with five whorls left after pruning and the selective pruned cherries were only about 4% (SE = 4.0%) smaller than the control after two years. This loss was statistically not significant. Analyses showed that on selective pruned trees the survival rate of secondary shoots was significantly reduced compared to those on whorl-wise pruned trees. Significant differences in the size of the secondary shoots were only found between the C1 and S1 (p < 0.05) pruned trees. We did not find differences in the total number of secondary shoots per tree among pruning treatments. Solely from a tree growth perspective, the moderate whorl-wise pruning treatment C1 and the selective prunings were equally effective in minimizing the reduction of diameter growth and are recommended in practice. However it was found that the survival of secondary shoots was reduced on selective pruned trees although the amount of pruning work needed in selective pruning was slightly greater than conventional moderate pruning.  相似文献   
太湖流域西部丘陵茶园修剪前后蒸散速率的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了评估太湖流域土地利用类型之一——茶园的生态系统水量调节能力,探究茶园修剪前后土壤植被大气连续体水分传输过程中的蒸散过程,在太湖流域西部丘陵地区西渚镇盛道茶场,选择3年和9年2种不同植茶年龄的茶园,通过静态箱/红外气体分析仪监测茶园水汽浓度,比较分析茶株修剪前、后茶园蒸散速率的变化。结果表明:茶园修剪前后与未经修剪茶园蒸散速率日变化趋势一致,蒸散速率呈以12:00为峰值的单峰曲线,但茶株修剪后蒸散速率大幅下降,3年茶园蒸散速率日均值下降幅度(36.73%)小于9年茶园(48.32%),植茶年龄的增加会加大修剪后蒸散速率的下降幅度;茶园修剪前后日均气温相近、土壤含水量较高,两者均不是茶园修剪后蒸散速率大幅下降的限制因子,而茶株被剪掉的枝、叶覆盖在茶株间,增加了株间土壤的荫蔽,降低了土壤的蒸发作用,并且茶株高度的降低,可能导致界面层导度减小,减少了水分从茶株向大气的传输,从而降低蒸散作用。  相似文献   
李冬云 《安徽农业科学》2014,(21):6951-6952
[目的]对鲁西种植的3个抗虫棉品种的不同整枝方式进行研究,为该区域棉花简化栽培提供依据。[方法]供试抗虫棉品种分别为鲁棉研28、K638和K836,以鲁棉研28为对照。设不整枝(除打顶外不整枝,叶枝顶和赘芽也要保留)、精细整枝(按常规精细管理,去叶枝、抹赘芽、打边心、去无效蕾等,去叶枝时保留主茎叶)、粗整枝(6月10日前后将果枝以下的枝叶全部捋去,即撸裤腿,以后除打顶外不再整枝)3个处理。[结果]鲁棉研28和K638粗整枝既能够保证较高子棉产量、皮棉产量,较好的纤维品质,又能够有效减少棉田用工,在用工价格越来越高的实际情况下,棉农的纯收益最高;K836子棉产量、皮棉产量、纤维品质在精整枝、粗整枝、不整枝的整枝方式下差别较小,但不整枝较粗整枝的整枝方式田间治虫效果差,会增加一定棉田用工,建议也以粗整枝方式为主。[结论]在鲁西区域土壤肥力中等的种植条件下,鲁棉研28、K638进行粗整枝,K836进行粗整枝或不整枝,能够有效减少棉田用工,获得最高纯收益。  相似文献   
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