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The successful application of an interstitial brachytherapy course is reported in a 14-month-old male Anglo European Studbook (AES) foal for the treatment of a recurrent dermal vascular hamartoma at the dorsal aspect of the pastern on the right hindlimb. The lesion was irradiated four times over 4 days to a total dose of 28 Gy. Progressive tumour shrinkage and necrosis were observed over 2 months. No significant acute side effect was reported at the end of the treatment, with excellent and long-lasting cosmetic results observed. The only reported late effect was permanent leukotrichia within the treated area, which remained otherwise tumour-free 1224 days after treatment. Results of this report suggest the potential use of radiation therapy (and specifically brachytherapy techniques), as an effective and safe treatment modality for vascular malformations in horses.  相似文献   
三倍体桑树不同叶位表观光合速率测试   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
吴飞  王代钢  李勇 《蚕业科学》2005,31(3):337-339
三倍体桑品种的叶片表观光合速率随着叶位的不同而变化幅度较大。试验以三倍体桑品种嘉陵16号为材料测得从第3叶位到第7叶位,叶片的表观光合速率呈急剧上升趋势,在第7叶位出现峰值(38.78mg.dm-2.h-1CO2),从第7叶位到第11叶位,叶片的表观光合速率呈平稳、略有下降趋势。不同叶位表观光合速率值的变化体现出同一张叶片光合效能变化的规律特征。  相似文献   
为了探索千里光提取物冻干粉(SsE)的药物代谢动力学特征,首次采用耳肿胀度抑制率药理效应法测定SsE药动学参数。结果发现,在一定剂量范围内给小鼠腹腔注射SsE,能较迅速地产生药理效应,使耳肿胀度抑制率显著提高;SsE最低有效量为57.40 mg/kg,在小鼠体内代谢符合一级反应一室模型,模型表达式为:C=1 436.227 e^(-0.133 4 t)-1436.227 e^(-0.237 t),表观药动学参数为:一级消除速率常数Ke=0.133 4 h-1,消除半衰期t1/2Ke=5.194 9 h,一级吸收速率常数Ka=0.237 h-1,吸收半衰期t1/2Ka=2.924 1 h,血药峰浓度Cmax=1 436.227 mg/kg,达峰时间tmax=5.547 4 h,清除率Cl=0.055 3mg/kg.h,药-时曲线下面积AUC=16 826.35 mg/kg.h,表观分布容积V=0.414 2 mg/kg,滞后期t0=0.010 4 h。表明SsE具有良好的抗炎作用,在小鼠体内起效快,消除慢,生物利用度高,在机体内分布有限,较集中于血浆,组织摄入少。  相似文献   
禾本科牧草K~+/Na~+与其耐盐性的关系   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
翁森红  聂素梅 《四川草原》1998,(2):22-23,30
耐盐牧草有选择性吸收K+的能力,通过比较在相同盐份中生长的不同牧草种的叶片K+/Na+,可鉴定出种间耐盐性,K+/Na+值大的材料耐盐性强。  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo evaluate the effects of a constant rate infusion (CRI) of lidocaine alone or in combination with ketamine on the minimum infusion rate (MIR) of propofol in dogs and to compare the hemodynamic effects produced by propofol, propofol-lidocaine or propofol-lidocaine-ketamine anesthesia.Study designProspective, randomized cross-over experimental design.AnimalsFourteen adult mixed-breed dogs weighing 15.8 ± 3.5 kg.MethodsEight dogs were anesthetized on different occasions to determine the MIR of propofol alone and propofol in combination with lidocaine (loading dose [LD] 1.5 mg kg?1, CRI 0.25 mg kg?1 minute?1) or lidocaine (LD 1.5 mg kg?1, CRI 0.25 mg kg?1 minute?1) and ketamine (LD 1 mg kg?1, CRI 0.1 mg kg?1 minute?1). In six other dogs, the hemodynamic effects and bispectral index (BIS) were investigated. Each animal received each treatment (propofol, propofol-lidocaine or propofol-lidocaine-ketamine) on the basis of the MIR of propofol determined in the first set of experiments.ResultsMean ± SD MIR of propofol was 0.51 ± 0.08 mg kg?1 minute?1. Lidocaine-ketamine significantly decreased the MIR of propofol to 0.31 ± 0.07 mg kg?1 minute?1 (37 ± 18% reduction), although lidocaine alone did not (0.42 ± 0.08 mg kg?1 minute?1, 18 ± 7% reduction). Hemodynamic effects were similar in all treatments. Compared with the conscious state, in all treatments, heart rate, cardiac index, mean arterial blood pressure, stroke index and oxygen delivery index decreased significantly, whereas systemic vascular resistance index increased. Stroke index was lower in dogs treated with propofol-lidocaine-ketamine at 30 minutes compared with propofol alone. The BIS was lower during anesthesia with propofol-lidocaine-ketamine compared to propofol alone.Conclusions and clinical relevanceLidocaine-ketamine, but not lidocaine alone, reduced the MIR of propofol in dogs. Neither lidocaine nor lidocaine in combination with ketamine attenuated cardiovascular depression produced by a continuous rate infusion of propofol.  相似文献   
棵间土壤蒸发是控制性交替灌溉条件下农田土壤耗水的重要组成部分,为了了解沈阳地区潮棕壤土条件下大豆田不同控制性交替灌溉制度下的土壤蒸发变化规律,对土壤蒸发进行预报,采用Micro-lysimeters(MLS)对不同灌溉处理下的土壤蒸发量进行了测定,并建立了以气象因子、土壤含水率和叶面积指数为自变量的土壤蒸发的预报模型.结果表明,在本试验的条件下,各处理的相对土壤蒸发率(E/ET0)与表层土壤含水率(θ)的关系均呈指数函数形式,决定系数在0.71以上.各处理的E/ET0与LAI之间亦呈很好的指数函数关系,决定系数均在0.78以上.  相似文献   
不同砧木对藤稔葡萄光合特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以少毛变叶葡萄191(LDP-191)、LN33、巨峰为砧木,藤稔为接穗,利用CI-310便携式光合测定仪对在自然条件下藤稔葡萄3种嫁接苗和自根苗的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、光合有效辐射和胞间CO2浓度进行了测定。结果表明:3种嫁接苗与自根苗在晴天的净光合速率的日变化均呈双峰曲线,且3种嫁接组合的净光合速率明显比自根苗的净光合速率高;藤稔自根苗的日均气孔导度明显高于藤稔/LDP-191、藤稔/LN33;不同砧木嫁接的藤稔葡萄光合特性有明显差异,而LDP-191砧木与自根苗相比除净光合速率外其他光合指标均有显著性差异,说明LDP-191砧木对藤稔葡萄是较好的砧木。  相似文献   
本文对厦门地区灰叶荆群落的生长和更新能力进行了研究。该植物3、4年生群落植株基径年增量为0.71~0.91cm;当年播种植株高和基径年增量分别为299.4和3.38cm;4、5年生群落母桩萌条的高和基径年增量分别为304.4~264.0cm和2.25~1.55cm。光照,温度和雨量是影响该植物生长和萌更的主要生态因子。光照的差异使群落内个体分化为被压木和优势木两类。该植物自然更新能力差,但其种子发芽力强,耐贮;影响种子发芽的主要因素是气温和采种期。  相似文献   
西瓜未授粉子房的离体培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨西瓜未授粉子房诱导率的影响因素,以‘早春红玉’、‘西农9号’和‘小绿皇’为供试材料进行西瓜未授粉子房的离体培养,研究供体植株的黑暗热激处理、基因型、不同取样时间、2,4-D浓度和不同激素浓度组合等因素对其芽点诱导率的影响。结果表明:西瓜未授粉子房离体培养以33℃的条件下黑暗热激4 d效果最佳;以开花前1 d的子房诱导率最高为17.2%;3个品种中仅‘早春红玉’获得了再生植株,且在激素组合为4.0 mg·L-12,4-D+2.0 mg·L-16-BA+0.5 mg·L-1NAA时芽点率最高为15.0%;根据再生植株的根尖染色体数目,初步鉴定再生植株中有单倍体植株,还有二倍体和四倍体植株。  相似文献   
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