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研究基肥施用方法、种薯切块大小和膨大素喷施次数对马铃薯生长、产量及品质的影响,试验结果表明:每667 m2用鸡粪375 kg+复合肥25 kg、种薯切块30 g、膨大素喷施2次(现蕾期和盛花期各1次)处理效果最优。  相似文献   
反义AcInv基因转化马铃薯方法的研究   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
马铃薯反义AcInv基因,采用农杆菌介导法,选用生产上推广的9个普通四倍体栽培种,对影响转化的各个因素进行了优化研究。结果表明:在愈伤组织诱导过程中,卡那霉素(Km)的适宜浓度为100 mg/L;生根过程中为50 mg/L。外植体的预培养为:茎段2 d,叶盘3 d效果较好;农杆菌浓度当OD600值为0.5时对茎段和叶盘的转化效果均较佳;茎段和叶盘侵染时间分别达8 min和10 min时转化率较高;外植体与农杆菌共培养时间分别为2 d和3 d时,茎段和叶盘的转化率较高;各个品种的外植体在卡那霉素抗性培养基上均能形成愈伤组织,但只有1号(“大西洋”)最后从愈伤组织上分化成苗,形成正常植株,植株再生率为11.2 %,PCR扩增检测表明大部分转基因植株为阳性。  相似文献   
为探究马铃薯与玉米复合种植对化感物质积累与细菌群落结构的影响,分析轮作、间作缓解连作障碍的机制,本研究以马铃薯连作、玉米连作、马铃薯||玉米间作、马铃薯-玉米轮作第8年的土壤为对象,利用GC-MS测定土壤中化感物质含量,并采用Illumina Miseq高通量测序技术对土壤细菌16Sr DNA V4-V5区域进行测序,分析土壤中细菌多样性和群落结构的变化,并对化感物质和优势菌属进行相关性分析。结果表明:玉米连作和马铃薯连作会导致化感物质的积累,玉米连作土壤积累了更多的油酸、亚油酸、花生酸、木焦油酸等脂肪酸,马铃薯连作土壤积累了更多的硬脂醇、二十烷醇等脂肪醇类物质。轮作降低了大部分化感物质的积累,间作降低的化感物质种类相对轮作较少。不同种植方式下土壤细菌群落结构发生了显著变化,相对于连作,间作和轮作Ace指数和Chao指数显著升高。在门水平上,轮作土壤放线菌丰度显著高于马铃薯连作土壤,间作土壤拟杆菌门丰度显著低于玉米连作土壤,两种连作土壤中酸杆菌门丰度都较轮作显著升高。在属水平上,一些有益细菌如节杆菌属、溶杆菌属等在复合种植土壤中相对丰度更高。通过相关性分析发现土微菌属、小梨形菌属与脂肪醇类物质呈显著正相关,黄杆菌属、溶杆菌属、微杆菌属等与脂肪酸类物质呈显著负相关。马铃薯与玉米复合种植降低了化感物质在土壤中的积累,从而抑制了土壤细菌丰度的降低,提高了有益菌属丰度,消减了连作障碍。  相似文献   
为高效利用水资源,提高农业生产效益,根据联合国粮农组织(FAO)推荐的参考作物蒸散计算方法和相关作物系数法,利用河北省马铃薯主要种植区域(冀北地区)23个地面气象站的资料,计算了冀北地区近50a(1969—2018年)马铃薯生育期内的需水量和缺水量,并分析了马铃薯生育期内降水量、有效降水量、需水量、缺水量变化趋势,以及不同区域不同生育期马铃薯需水量、缺水量的变化特征。结果表明:1)近50 a冀北地区马铃薯生育期内降水量、有效降水量年际变化可分为2个阶段:1969—2003年呈减少趋势,气候倾向率分别为–15.68 mm·(10a)~(–1)、–6.61 mm·(10a)~(–1);而2004—2018年呈显著增加趋势,气候倾向率分别为60.07 mm·(10a)~(–1)、9.68 mm·(10a)~(–1)。近50 a平均降水量、有效降水量分别为356.5 mm和148.6 mm;空间上均呈自西向东逐渐递减的带状特征。2)近50a马铃薯生育期需水量和缺水量年际变化也表现出1969—2003年减少、2004—2018年增多的趋势,且需水量多的年份缺水量也多,近50 a平均需水量和缺水量分别为497.8 mm、349.1 mm;空间分布上均呈自坝上高原向坝下山地增多特点,且需水量大的地区缺水量也多。3)马铃薯块茎膨大期需水量最多,期间也是缺水量最多的时期。研究结果显示1969—2018年冀北地区马铃薯生育期内水资源一直处于严重亏缺状态,在生产中需充分考虑马铃薯需水量对气象要素变化的响应,加强水分管理,确保水资源高效利用。  相似文献   
西藏马铃薯育种现状、存在问题及发展方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铃薯是我区仅次于青稞、小麦、油菜之后的第四大作物,近年来,我区马铃薯生产发展迅速,种植面积逐年增加,各类马铃薯生产加工企业不断兴起。与此同时,生产中品种用途单一,专用品种缺乏的矛盾也逐步显露,这些都对我区马铃薯育种工作提出新的要求。  相似文献   
A 3-year field study examined the effects of 1,3-dichloropropene or oxamyl on tuber yields in four early- and five late-maturing potato cultivars. The nematicide treatments increased total tuber yield by ≈ 12% for early-maturing cultivars, but by less than 2% for the late-maturing cultivars. The treatments reduced the numbers of root lesion nematodes (primarily Pratylenchus penetrans ), which were the dominant plant parasitic nematodes at the site. Covariance analysis indicated that treatment effects on total tuber yield were no longer significant after adjusting for root lesion nematodes in soil at harvest, confirming that these nematodes had a direct effect on the host. As expected, there were significant inverse relationships ( P  = 0·05) between total tuber yields and numbers of root lesion nematodes in soil and in roots. However, the application of nematicides in late-maturing cultivars was found to be of no practical value. Crop production systems designed to reduce or optimize pesticide applications can form one criterion in the development of more environmentally sensitive management strategies. The merit of utilizing chemicals for root lesion nematode control are considered with regard to cultivar maturity.  相似文献   
 采用抗原直接包被和双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附测定法(ELISA)对采自云南、福建、湖南烟区烟草花叶病样品进行了病毒种类检测,利用三抗体夹心ELISA对黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus,CMV)的亚组类型进行了鉴定。在云南采集的520个花叶病样品中,烟草花叶病毒(Tobacco mosaic virus,TMV)、CMV和马铃薯Y病毒(Potato virus Y,PVY)总检出率分别为71.74%、55.01%和6.35%;在福建采集的150个花叶病样品中,TMV、CMV和PVY的总检出率分别为94%、24.66%和8.00%;在湖南采集的74个花叶病样品中,TMV、CMV和PVY的总检出率分别为58.11%、51.35%和2.70%。部分样品为2种以上病毒复合侵染。云南、福建和湖南采集的64个CMV阳性样品中,属亚组Ⅰ的样品为57个,占89.1%;属亚组Ⅱ的样品为10个,占15.6%;其中3个样品为亚组Ⅰ和亚组Ⅱ的复合侵染。  相似文献   
马铃薯花色苷研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了马铃薯花色苷的分布、种类、结构、提取纯化方法、生理功能和应用等方面的研究进展,并介绍了块茎在发育和储藏期间花色苷的变化及光、温等外界因素对马铃薯块茎颜色的影响.  相似文献   
Amaranthus leaf mottle virus (AmLMV) was classified as a member of the genus Potyvirus on the basis of its particle morphology, serology, and biological properties (Casetta et al., 1986). Based on these properties, an Amaranthus viridis-infecting virus isolated in Spain, causing mottle and leaf blistering as well as reduced growth has been identified as AmLMV. The 3′ terminal genomic region of this and a reference isolate from Italy has been sequenced and reveals a 95% nucleotide identity between the two isolates. The sequenced part comprises the coat protein with 281 amino acids and 315 nucleotides of the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) preceding a polyadenylated tail. Pairwise comparisons and phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the CP and 3′ UTR of the cloned cDNAs with those of other potyviruses shows that AmLMV is a distinct potyvirus closely related to Potato virus Y.  相似文献   
The effects of origin of seed potatoes and the cropping history on the phenotypic structure of Phytophthora infestans populations was studied in northern Hessia, central Germany, from 2000 to 2002. Populations originating from fields with a history of potato cropping with only short or no rotation (old fields) were compared with populations from new fields, i.e., where no potatoes had been grown for at least 30 years and seed potatoes were either imported from breeders or produced on-farm (certified). The main goal was to determine the importance of seed potato infection in the establishment of new P. infestans populations. Isolates were characterized for mating type, virulences and rep- (repetitive extragenic palindromic) PCR fingerprints. Among a total of 639 isolates sampled from 31 sites, mating types A1 and A2 co-existed in all three years in 60–92% of the sites. Over all three years, 53 pathotypes were detected in a subsample of 272 isolates. Isolates originating from the new fields had significantly higher frequencies of the virulences v1, v2, v3, v6 and v7, indicating general effects of seed introduction into a new region. Thirty-six fingerprints were detected in a subsample of 281 isolates of which 22 were unique while four occurred in all three years and in many sites. Pathogen populations from potato fields that were grown from seed tubers of geographically different origin differed significantly based on χ 2 tests. While the Nei genetic distances were less than .1 among the local populations, distances to the US lineages US-1, US-6, US-7 and US-8 ranged from .22 to .47; however, the bootstrap values were not significant. Populations from old fields were more diverse and 14 of the 22 rep-PCR types occurred there among 132 isolates tested in comparison to six in the new fields (n = 140 isolates) and two among six isolates from volunteers. The results also suggest that both sexual and asexual reproduction play a role.  相似文献   
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