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对丹232×N04和B尖8×N05两个普×爆组合F6、BC1S4和BC2S4选系的膨爆特性、穗粒和植株性状表现及其相关分析结果表明:2个组合各类选系间所有性状均存在较大差异;普×爆F1与爆裂亲本回交可以较快恢复膨爆特性,同时显著改良穗粒性状;各性状间的相关存在组合和不同选系间的差异,在后代选择过程中应注意协调各类性状间的关系。  相似文献   
生物全降解地膜的降解过程及其对玉米生长的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
生物全降解地膜可以有效解决白色污染问题,试验研究了生物全降解地膜的降解过程及其对玉米生长的影响.结果表明:生物全降解地膜的降解过程由破孔出现开始,然后逐渐变大并出现裂口,到作物收获时,暴露在地表的地膜大量破碎成小块;扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察表明:田间降解170 d后,生物全降解降解地膜表面开始出现大小不等的孔洞;生物全降解地膜在玉米生长前期保温、保水的效果显著,到中后期增温作用不明显;覆盖生物全降解地膜具有极显著增产效果,与普通地膜之间差异不显著.  相似文献   
High moisture corn (HMC) can undergo fermentation during storage that may improve its nutritional value for pigs. Stored HMC used in this study contained (n = 4) 75% dry matter (DM), and, on a DM basis, 63.8% starch, 0.5% mono and disaccharides, 9.9% protein, 19 mM acetic acid, 18 mM lactic acid (LA), 1.25 × 107 cfu g− 1 of LA producing bacteria, 2.88 g kg− 1 total phosphorus (P), and 1.26 g kg− 1 soluble P. The soluble P content was higher than in freshly harvested HMC (0.27 g kg− 1 DM) and indicates P release during storage. Studies were aimed at altering the nutritional value of stored HMC by controlled fermentation or steeping. Changes in LA content were not affected (P > 0.05) by addition of exogenous Lactobacillus and Bacillus bacteria. Steeping of HMC with phytase (Ronozyme) was examined at four inclusion levels (0, 500, 750, 1000 FTU kg− 1) and at either 21 °C or 37 °C. At 37 °C added phytase released virtually all phytate P within 6 h irrespective of the level (levels increased by 1.44 g P kg− 1 DM); at 21 °C, the increase was maximized at 1.2 g P kg− 1 DM after 24 h. The feeding value of HMC for pigs can be altered by steeping with exogenous phytase and does not appear to require microbial inoculants.  相似文献   
Based on correlations calculated from the database of long-term fertilization experiments carried out in Hungary between 1960 and 2000, a new, cost-saving, and environmentally friendly fertilizer recommendation system was developed. The aim of the new system is to apply the lowest possible nitrogen (N)–phosphorus (P)–potassium (K) rates required to achieve good yields and maximum income per unit area. The World Phosphorus Institute (IMPHOS) agreed to finance a 3-year program to test various Hungarian fertilizer recommendation systems (the new RISSAC-RIA [Research for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry‐Research Institute for Agriculture] system, the Talajer?gazdálkodás integrated soil fertility management system, and the intensive MÉM NAK [Department of Plant Protection and Agricultural Chemistry of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture] system) when applied to three major crops grown on three characteristic Hungarian soils. The first five treatments in the experiment represented a classical deficiency experiment, aimed at checking the correctness of the NPK supply categories determined by the various systems. On all three soils and for all three crops the IMPHOS experiments confirmed the basic principles of the new cost-saving, environmentally friendly fertilizer recommendation system and the correctness of the methods used for calculating fertilizer rates. In this article, diagnostic plant analysis, soil analysis data, and NPK balances obtained in the different recommendations are discussed. In most cases the plant NPK contents of all the recommendations exceeded the lower limits of the good NPK supply category for wheat and barley shoot as well as for corn leaf. Crop NPK contents in Talajer?gazdálkodás and MÉM NAK treatments (with greater recommended NPK doses) were most cases better than in the RISSAC-RIA treatments; however, the better crop NPK status did not result in extra grain yield in the former treatments. Taking into account that similarly high yields were obtained using the RISSAC-RIA system and the Talajer?gazdálkodás integrated system with much smaller NPK doses than those recommended by the intensive MÉM NAK system, it was more advantageous from agronomic, environmental protection, and economic points of view. Differences in PK balances correlated well with the differences in the measured soil ammonium lactate (AL)–PK contents after the third year of the experiment.  相似文献   
为比较青贮玉米秸秆添加与不添加饲用微生物添加剂的效果,进行了饲用微生物添加剂青贮玉米秸秆饲喂陶赛特×小尾寒羊F1代杂种肉羊育肥效果的试验。结果表明,用饲用微生物添加剂制作青贮玉米秸秆饲喂3~6月龄杂种肉羊,全期只均日增重达230.56g,较青贮玉米秸秆对照组提高7.44%.试验组只均盈利253.5元.盈利提高29.60%,经济效益显著。饲用微生物添加剂适宜在杂种肉羊生产上推广应用。  相似文献   
分析了银北地区历年6~9月光、温、水条件,通过田间试验复种青饲玉米,确定合适的播期,为银北灌区发展畜牧业提供青饲种植的技术依据,并提出了在该区发展青饲青贮玉米推广种植的策略方针。结果表明,成熟度5成以上所需积温≥2260.0℃·d,气候保证率在80%,延长灌浆期5d会使熟度提高1~2成。随着播期的推迟,其温度、降水的保证率明显下降。复种青饲玉米最适播期在7月10日前,适宜在6月下旬收获的蔬菜、粗杂粮田块复种,在水肥保证条件下成熟度可达4成以上,产草量和青贮营养能同时提高。早熟马铃薯、单种小麦在7月上旬之前收获后复种,成熟度难以保证,但产草量仍较高。麦套玉米不适宜复种麦带青饲玉米,热量明显不足,产草量、养分显著下降。  相似文献   
不同株高玉米果穗性状对种植密度的反应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了阐明玉米不同株高品种果穗性状对密度的反应,试验采用双因素裂区设计,主处理选先玉335、郑单958和高优1号3个不同株高品种,副处理设45 0005、3 250、61 500、69 750和78 000株/hm25个密度,调查玉米农艺性状。结果表明:密度对穗长、穗粗、秃尖度、穗行数、行粒数、穗粒重、结实率、苞叶与花丝干重、穗轴和穗柄干重均有极显著影响,其中穗长、秃尖度、行粒数、穗粒重、结实率、苞叶和花丝干重6个性状因密度处理的变化幅度3品种有显著差异,穗长、行粒数、穗粒重、结实率、苞叶和花丝干重5个性状因密度处理的变异系数呈现了高秆品种大于中秆、中秆品种大于矮秆的规律性变化。增加密度,主要通过降低行粒数使穗粒数减少,秃尖增加幅度大于穗长和穗粗的降低幅度,出籽率是玉米品种在密度影响下表现较为稳定的性状。  相似文献   
Corn and wheat plants were grown in a nutrient culture solution at four levels of phosphorus (0,0.12,0.60 and 3.0mmol L^-1) and two levels of cadmium(0 and 4.0umol L^-1) in greenhouse for a 18-day period.The concentrations of phosphorus and cadmium in cell wall,cytoplasm and vacuoles of roots and leaves were examined by cell fractionation techniques.With increasing phosphorus in medium,the contents of P in cell wall,cytoplasm and vacuoles of corn and wheat roots and leaves increased.The highest content of P was observed in cell wall,next in vacuoles,and the lowest in cytoplasm.The wheat subcellular fractions in both roots and leaves hab higher concentrations of phosphorus than those of corn.Increasing phosphorus in medium significantly inhibited the intracellular Cd accumulation in both species,However,at P concentration up to 3.0mmol L^-1,the Cd content in cell wall was increased.Increasing phosphorus resulted in reduction of the subcellular Cd content in cell wall was increased.Increasing phosphorus resulted in reduction of the subcellualr Cd content in corn and wheat leaves.Compared with corn,the wheat roots had a higher Cd content in the cell wall and vacuoles and a lower in cytoplasm,while in leaf subcellular fractions the wheat cell had a higher Cd content in its vacuoles and a lower one in its cytoplasm,The results indicate that phosphorus may be involved in sequestration of Cd ionic activity in both cell wall and vaculoes by forming insoluble Cd phosphate.  相似文献   
保持鲜食型玉米优良品质性状的栽培技术研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
朱文东  陈苏维 《安徽农业科学》2006,34(23):6162-6163
介绍了鲜食型玉米的生理特性,并提出保持不同鲜食型玉米优良品质性状的栽培技术措施。  相似文献   
蛋白质合成抑制剂对萌发玉米超弱光子辐射的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示种子萌发过程中超弱光子辐射机理,分别采用蛋白质合成的转录抑制剂放线菌素D(actinomyin D,AMD)和翻译抑制剂环己亚胺酮(cycloheximide,CHM)处理萌发玉米种子,研究了玉米萌发过程中鲜质量的变化以及自发光子辐射和外界光诱导的延迟光子辐射的变化。结果表明,50μg/m L的AMD部分抑制了萌发玉米鲜质量的增长,100μg/m L的CHM完全抑制了萌发玉米鲜质量的增长,萌发玉米自发光子辐射强度的增长与种子鲜质量的增长呈现正相关(相关系数r分别为0.95492、0.93218和0.96235)。研究还发现,在玉米萌发过程中,AMD和CHM对延迟光子辐射的增长有不同的抑制作用,CHM部分抑制了延迟光子辐射的初始光子数、相干时间和积分强度的增大,AMD则使初始光子数、相干时间和积分强度不再增加。研究结果为揭示种子萌发过程中超弱光子辐射的机理及其技术开发提供参考。  相似文献   
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