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通过对引进的OP-367、DN-34、NM-6等3个北美杨品种与当地优良品种进行育苗、造林试验,结果表明:苗期DN-34杨封顶较早,高生长与其他品种有一定差异,造林成活率最高,为94.7%;扦插造林3 a来,OP-367杨生长量最大,胸径6.93 cm,树高8.8 m;造林5 a来,3个品种未发生冻害、风折等现象。  相似文献   
以九资河茯苓为主要原料,用稀碱浸提法提取茯苓多糖,研究了碱提浓度、碱提时间以及料液比等提取条件对茯苓碱溶性多糖提取率的影响,并通过正交实验对加工工艺进行了优化.结果表明,茯苓碱溶性多糖的最佳提取工艺为:料液比1:50、碱提浓度0.5 mol/L、提取时间8h.  相似文献   
近年来的研究表明,马尾藻中富含多种新型生物活性化合物,如海藻多酚、海藻多糖及多种硫酸多糖衍生物。在分离出的生物活性成分中,海藻多糖因其具有良好的保健作用和药用效果而备受关注。同时,有大量研究已经证明,马尾藻海藻多糖对人类疾病的预防以及恢复具有积极效果。因此,本文对近年来马尾藻海藻多糖的抗凝血、抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抗血管生成和抗炎症活性的最新进展进行了综述,以期能助推马尾藻海藻多糖的研究,并且协助填补理论研究与工业应用之间的知识鸿沟。  相似文献   
结合工作实际探讨藏书倒架的前期准备工作及倒架时的路线设计、人员组织安排和倒架后的环节完善。以期减轻图书馆人员在倒架工作中的劳动强度和工作量,提高工作效率。  相似文献   
为本科非英语专业学生开设计算机辅助的<英语新闻报刊导读>课很有必要.该课程以建构主义理论为基础,要求改变以教师为中心、单纯传授语言知识的传统教学模式,强调以学生为中心,在教师的组织、引导、帮助和促进下,利用情景、协作、会话等学习环境要素,充分发挥学生的主动性、积极性和创造性,使学生实现对所学的语言知识和其他相关知识的意义建构,提高学生阅读真实英语报刊文章的能力.文章从该课程的定位与实施、教学原则、教学模式与方法等方面进行了具体论述.  相似文献   
A method for quantitative evaluation of surveillance for disease freedom has been presented in the accompanying paper (Martin et al., 2007). This paper presents an application of the methods, using as an example surveillance for classical swine fever (CSF) in Denmark in 2005. A scenario tree model is presented for the abattoir-based serology component of the Danish CSF surveillance system, in which blood samples are collected in an ad hoc abattoir sampling process, from adult pigs originating in breeding herds in Denmark. The model incorporates effects of targeting (differential risk of seropositivity) associated with age and location (county), and disease clustering within herds. A surveillance time period of one month was used in the analysis. Records for the year 2005 were analysed, representing 25,332 samples from 3528 herds; all were negative for CSF-specific antibodies. Design prevalences of 0.1-1% of herds and 5% of animals within an infected herd were used. The estimated mean surveillance system component (SSC) sensitivities (probability that the SSC would give a positive outcome given the animals processed and that the country is infected at the design prevalences) per month were 0.18, 0.63 and 0.86, for among-herd design prevalences of 0.001, 0.005 and 0.01. The probabilities that the population was free from CSF at each of these design prevalences, after a year of accumulated negative surveillance data, were 0.91, 1.00 and 1.00. Targeting adults and herds from South Jutland was estimated to give approximately 1.9, 1.6 and 1.4 times the surveillance sensitivity of a proportionally representative sampling program for these three among-herd design prevalences.  相似文献   
本文介绍一种用于分离检测土壤中棉枯萎病菌的选择性培养基—植选2号。其成分为:KH_2PO_41g,MgSO_4·7H_2O 0.5g,K_2S_2O_50.2g,KCl0.6g,NH_4NO_3 0.5g,蛋白胨5g,山梨糖10g,蔗糖5g,琼脂20g,蒸馏水1000ml,PCNB 620mg,Oxgall1g,硫酸链霉素300mg,盐酸金霉素75mg。根据棉枯萎病在此培养基上的形态特征,能较容易地识别和检测该病菌。  相似文献   
铁皮石斛在人工光型密闭式植物工厂的适宜光照强度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人工光型密闭式植物工厂适于高附加值植物尤其是珍贵药用植物的大规模/低成本化生产,其环境调控对珍贵药用植物的产量和质量有重要影响。笔者研究探索在控制温度、湿度、CO2浓度和光周期的条件下,光照强度对铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale)组培苗生长发育的影响,以期找到铁皮石斛组培阶段在人工光可控环境下的适宜光照环境。鲜重约300mg的铁皮石斛单腋芽作为外植体在温度24±1℃、湿度65±5%、光周期12h/d、及光期CO2浓度800±50μmol/mol的环境条件下,设置光照强度为37、68、92、120μmol/(m2·s)的4组试验区,并使用容积为380mL的方型聚碳酸酯组培容器在人工光型密闭式植物工厂中培育92d。组培容器的顶部留2个直径为10mm的圆孔覆盖高分子透气膜用来与容器外进行气体交换。铁皮石斛组培苗的生长发育和生理活性在光照强度为68μmol/(m2·s)时最佳,超过92μmol/(m2·s)时呈现明显的光抑制;多糖含量随着光照强度的增强而增加,超过92μmol/(m2·s)时呈下降趋势,但是68和92μmol/(m2·s)光照强度试验区的多糖含量没有显著性差异。因此,铁皮石斛组培苗在人工光型密闭式植物工厂内培育的适宜光照强度为60 ̄70μmol/(m2·s)。  相似文献   
A new globally convergent algorithm was presented for a continuous differen-tiable nonlinear programming by defining a measure function deviating from the Kuhn-Tucker point. With this algorithm which can be used to get the optimum solution of the problem,the optimal lagrangian multiplier corresponding the optimal solution of the problem was also obtained. A new iterative algorithm for quadratic programming is obtained when applying the general algorithm to quadratic programming. Finally,a numerical example was given.  相似文献   
生物质气体燃料概述与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了生物质气体燃料的种类以及生产各种气体燃料的相应技术及其国内外发展概况和存在问题.生物质气化方面国内外有产业化实例;生物发酵制氢大多数处于实验阶段,关键是培育高效产氢发酵菌种、进一步提高系统的产氢能力、降低生产成本;厌氧发酵制取沼气生产技术比较成熟,在其生产过程中不消耗其它能源、没有环境污染、而且可降解各种有机废弃物,是目前最有希望的生物质能源之一.  相似文献   
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