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月季叶蜂Arge pagana panze是园林绿化的重要虫害之一[1-2],目前防治上主要采用化学农药,虽然化学药剂具有高效、稳定快速作用,但由于长期大量使用,使得抗药性、高残留、污染环境等不利影响日益突出.为此,人们期望从植物中寻找具有生物活性的物质,以开发毒性低或无毒,对环境影响小的植物源农药[3-4].现在,从生物源尤其是植物源中寻找有效和高效的生物活性物质并开发成新农药已经成为农药开发的一条重要途径[5-10].本研究应用12种植物提取液对月季叶蜂的杀虫活性进行了初步筛选,旨在为无残留、低毒、高效植物源生物农药的研制奠定基础.  相似文献   
玉竹糖蛋白的微波提取及抗氧化作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]微波辅助提取玉竹糖蛋白并对其抗氧化能力进行研究。[方法]以玉竹为原料,采用微波辅助提取糖蛋白,通过单因素和正交试验得到最佳提取工艺,并考察玉竹糖蛋白的抗氧化性。[结果]微波辅助提取玉竹糖蛋白的最佳工艺为料液比1∶30 g/m L、微波功率420 W、提取时间4 min、提取次数3次,在此条件下,验证玉竹糖蛋白得率为8.85%。玉竹糖蛋白具有显著的还原力和清除DPPH自由基的能力,但弱于VC。[结论]微波辅助提取玉竹糖蛋白是一种经济有效的办法,可为进一步开发玉竹产品提供依据。  相似文献   
杨玉红 《北方园艺》2011,(1):156-158
应用正交设计法研究了不同培养基和4种植物生长调节剂对黄精愈伤组织诱导的影响。结果表明:6-BA对诱导黄精愈伤组织生长效果显著,2,4-D、NAA和KT效果不显著;黄精愈伤组织诱导的最佳培养基为MS+2,4-D 3.0 mg/L+6-BA 1.0 mg/L+NAA 0.5 mg/L+KT 0.25 mg/L。  相似文献   
通过活性成分的跟踪分离和生物活性测试,研究从苍耳Xanthium sibiricum分离提纯的甾醇成分对小菜蛾Plutella xylostella的产卵忌避活性及其行为选择的影响。结果显示,分离出的5个结晶组分中,结晶组分V对小菜蛾的产卵忌避活性最高,处理后24h、48h和72h的选择性产卵忌避率分别达75.76%、85.45%和65.85%,结晶组分Ⅳ次之,分别为42.10%、39.33%和47.65%,其它结晶组分活性很弱或无产卵忌避性。用Y-型管测试苍耳结晶组分对小菜蛾成虫趋向行为选择的影响,结果发现组分V对小菜蛾雌、雄成虫均有明显的负趋向作用,选择系数分别为0.29和0.35;组分Ⅳ次之;同时,小菜蛾对所测试各结晶组分的选择在雌虫和雄虫间差异不显著。GC-MS分析,苍耳结晶组分V和Ⅳ均主要含有豆甾醇和谷甾醇,以及极少量的菜油甾醇,但各成分所占比例有差异。  相似文献   
利用高效液相色谱技术对不同品系玉竹的化学成分进行研究,建立玉竹药材指纹图谱。色谱柱为ZORBAXEclipseXDB—C18(250mm×4.6mm,5μm);流动相A为O.05%甲酸一乙腈,B为0.05%甲酸水溶液,梯度洗脱。体积流量1.0mL/min;检测波K210nm。试验结果显示,各品系玉竹化学组成稳定,品系内植株间相似度在0.9以上;2个玉竹品系化学组成类似,品系间平均相似度0.794。高效液相色谱指纹图谱可以用于玉竹品系鉴定与质量控制。  相似文献   
[Objective] The study was aimed to provide theoretical foundation for developing a new fungicide with high activity,low toxicity and low residua.[Method] Based on the plant growth rate and inhibition zone methods,the antifungal activity of extracts of every organ of Xanthium sibiricum,the fermentation liquid of endophytic fungi MC4-23,and the extract of mycelium were tested with six kinds of pathogenic fungi and three kinds of pathogenic bacteria respectively.[Result] The extract of every organ of Xanthium sibiricum,the fermentation liquid of endophyic fungi MC4-23,and the extract of mycelium all had antifungal activities.The acetone extracts of Xanthium sibiricum had stronger antifungal activities than the ethanol extracts of Xanthium sibiricum.The extracts of leaf have the strongest antifungal activities against fungi and bacteria.The inhibition rates of the six pathogenic fungi were all above 47.8%,and the inhibition diameters of the three pathogenic bacteria were all above 0.5 centimeter.The fermentation liquid of endophytic fungi also had strong activities against the fungi and bacteria.The inhibition rates of the six pathogenic fungi were all above 68.1%.The extracts of root of Xanthium sibiricum and the mycelium of endophytic fungi were all had antifungal activities.[Conclusion] Xanthium sibiricum and endophyic fungi MC4-23 had great value of development and utilization.  相似文献   
以盆栽玉竹为试验材料,分别用不同浓度的Cd、Pb进行处理,研究玉竹的生物量、重金属积累和部分生理指标的变化。结果表明,当土壤Cd浓度≤1mg.kg-1或Pb浓度≤1000mg.kg-1时对玉竹的生长有促进作用,超过这个浓度范围就表现为抑制作用。玉竹叶、茎、根对两种重金属的吸收都呈极显著正相关,且根的吸收能力大于茎和叶,玉竹对Pb有较强的抗性。Cd、Pb处理后,玉竹叶片SOD酶和POD酶活性的增加能在一定程度上减轻重金属胁迫引起的膜脂过氧化伤害,但长时间的Cd胁迫会对植株产生明显的抑制作用。Cd、Pb处理会使玉竹叶片脯氨酸含量在短时间内上升,但是高浓度的重金属处理和长时间的胁迫环境则会导致脯氨酸含量下降。MDA含量均随着Cd、Pb处理浓度的升高而增加,并且时间越长,增加越多。  相似文献   
[Objective] The study was aimed to provide theoretical foundation for developing a new fungicide with high activity,low toxicity and low residua.[Method] Based on the plant growth rate and inhibition zone methods,the antifungal activity of extracts of every organ of Xanthium sibiricum,the fermentation liquid of endophytic fungi MC4-23,and the extract of mycelium were tested with six kinds of pathogenic fungi and three kinds of pathogenic bacteria respectively.[Result] The extract of every organ of Xanthium sibiricum,the fermentation liquid of endophyic fungi MC4-23,and the extract of mycelium all had antifungal activities.The acetone extracts of Xanthium sibiricum had stronger antifungal activities than the ethanol extracts of Xanthium sibiricum.The extracts of leaf have the strongest antifungal activities against fungi and bacteria.The inhibition rates of the six pathogenic fungi were all above 47.8%,and the inhibition diameters of the three pathogenic bacteria were all above 0.5 centimeter.The fermentation liquid of endophytic fungi also had strong activities against the fungi and bacteria.The inhibition rates of the six pathogenic fungi were all above 68.1%.The extracts of root of Xanthium sibiricum and the mycelium of endophytic fungi were all had antifungal activities.[Conclusion] Xanthium sibiricum and endophyic fungi MC4-23 had great value of development and utilization.  相似文献   
为了建立基于电子鼻技术对多花黄精不同产地、不同生长年限及不同加工方法的药材的鉴别方法,本文通过电子鼻技术检测多花黄精不同药材样品的气味在传感器上的响应值,应用主成分分析(PCA)和LDA线形判别分析对特征数据进行统计学分析。结果表明,电子鼻检测不同产地、不同生长年限及不同加工方法的多花黄精药材的响应值有差异,气味有差异,PCA、LDA及雷达图分析均能判别。由此表明,电子鼻检测结合判别模式为多花黄精不同产地、不同加工方法和不同生长年限的药材提供了有效、客观和简便的定性鉴别技术。  相似文献   
为了探究健康和叶斑病害黄精叶片内生真菌群落的结构差异,采用Illumina NovaSeq技术对健康(JK)和染病(RB)黄精叶片内真菌的ITS rDNA进行测序,分析两组样品物种多样性和群落结构。结果显示,RB组叶片内物种多样性较JK组无显著变化,但物种丰度较JK组显著降低。RB组中的优势菌群为担孢酵母属、刺盘孢属、链格孢属和宙斯沸耳属,而JK组中的附球霉属、毛壳菌属和枝孢属的比例显著高于RB组。本研究证明了叶斑病害会导致染病黄精叶片内生真菌群落的丰度下降,使某些有害物种优势生长,该研究为黄精叶斑病病害的防治提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
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