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该文基于弹齿的运动轨迹,建立了遗漏率理论模型并进行了仿真,利用MATLAB编程实现捡拾器凸轮机构的参数化设计。对凸轮轨道为正弦加速度规律运动的捡拾器进行遗漏率理论分析,并利用高速摄像系统进行试验,理论与试验的漏捡区高度线性拟合调整R~2为0.998 8,漏捡区面积线性拟合调整R~2为0.960 4。在捡拾器机器前进速度4~6 km/h,滚筒转速40~90 r/min时,应用遗漏率理论模型进行中心组合响应曲面法分析和目标优化,得到的理论工作参数最佳组合为前进速度4.0 km/h,滚筒转速54.299 r/min,此时,漏捡区高度0.796 cm,漏捡区面积6.369 cm~2。在前进速度4 km/h和滚筒转速55 r/min的条件下进行不同含水率牧草的捡拾试验,遗漏率均低于国家标准要求的25%。该研究为捡拾器设计提供了理论基础,且能更好地指导实际生产。  相似文献   
王伟鹏  李晓鹏  刘建立 《土壤》2012,44(1):10-16
土壤水力学性质的空间变异对于区域土壤水分溶质循环模拟研究至关重要。基于Markov链的条件模拟是一种能融合多源信息技术的地统计学模拟方法,与传统插值法和基于变异函数的条件模拟相比有诸多优势。目前,该方法在土壤水力学性质空间变异性领域的研究并未全面展开。实现区域土壤水力学模型参数的随机模拟,对于实现区域土壤水分运动和溶质运移的随机模拟,分析土壤水力学性质空间变异性对土壤水分运动和溶质运移模拟结果的影响,特别是参数采样点变化对土壤水分运动和溶质运移结果影响的不确定性等研究都有重要意义。本文旨在综述基于Markov链的地统计学模拟在土壤学相关领域的研究进展,以期为区域模拟中面临的参数获取难题提供帮助,为区域农业生产管理,水分高效利用,农田生态环境保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   
针对水产养殖污水净化对内循环流化床反应器的相关要求及流化状态下反应器结构、操作参数与相流体力学行为的密切关系,该文利用构建的描述不同结构、操作参数反应器气液两相流动的计算流体力学数学模型,分析了不同结构、操作参数下反应器液体流场、液体循环流量、气含率的变化规律,得到了对于内径200 mm、底部采用均孔布气盘的反应器,在表观气速为0.5~2.5 cm/s时,导流筒与反应器的内径比0.5,导流筒高度与反应器内径比6,导流筒下端到反应器底部距离50 mm,导流筒上端到液面距离100 mm为最优值;针对液体循环流量,使用相关数学模型求解理论值并与试验值进行比对,通过偏差分析探究了数学模型应用的局限性;使用MATLAB最小二乘法拟合了反应器在最优结构参数下表观气速与液体循环流量、气含率的关系,验证了拟合公式的精确性。该研究为内循环流化床反应器在水产养殖污水处理中的设计应用提供理论和技术参考。  相似文献   
Soil water-retention characteristics at measurement scales are generally different from those at application scales, and there is scale disparity between them and soil physical properties. The relationships between two water-retention parameters, the scaling parameter related to the inverse of the air-entry pressure (αvG, cm-1) and the curve shape factor related to soil pore-size distribution (n) of the van Genuchten water-retention equation, and soil texture (sand, silt, and clay contents) were examined at multiple scales. One hundred twenty-eight undisturbed soil samples were collected from a 640-m transect located in Fuxin, China. Soil water-retention curves were measured and the van Genuchten parameters were obtained by curve fitting. The relationships between the two parameters and soil texture at the observed scale and at multiple scales were evaluated using Pearson correlation and joint multifractal analyses, respectively. The results of Pearson correlation analysis showed that the parameter αvG was significantly correlated with sand, silt, and clay contents at the observed scale. Joint multifractal analyses, however, indicated that the parameter αvG was not correlated with silt and sand contents at multiple scales. The parameter n was positively correlated with clay content at multiple scales. Sand content was significantly correlated with the parameter n at the observed scale but not at multiple scales. Clay contents were strongly correlated to both water-retention parameters because clay content was relatively low in the soil studied, indicating that water retention was dominated by clay content in the field of this study at all scales. These suggested that multiple-scale analyses were necessary to fully grasp the spatial variability of soil water-retention characteristics.  相似文献   
The paper compares semi-automated interpolation methods to produce soil-class maps from profile observations and by using multiple auxiliary predictors such as terrain parameters, remote sensing indices and similar. The Soil Profile Database of Iran, consisting of 4250 profiles, was used to test different soil-class interpolators. The target variables were soil texture classes and World Reference Base soil groups. The predictors were 6 terrain parameters, 11 MODIS EVI images and 17 physiographic regions (polygon map) of Iran. Four techniques were considered: (a) supervised classification using maximum likelihoods; (b) multinominal logistic regression; (c) regression-kriging on memberships; and (d) classification of taxonomic distances. The predictive capabilities were assessed using a control subset of 30% profiles and the kappa statistics as criterion. Supervised classification and multinominal logistic regression can lead to poor results if soil-classes overlap in the feature space, or if the correlation between the soil-classes and predictors is low. The two other methods have better predictive capabilities, although both are computationally more demanding. For both mapping of texture classes and soil types, the best prediction was achieved using regression-kriging of indicators/memberships (κ = 45%, κ = 54%). In all cases kappa was smaller than 60%, which can be explained by the preferential sampling plan, the poor definition of soil-classes and the high variability of soils. Steps to improve interpolation of soil-class data, by taking into account the fuzziness of classes directly on the field are further discussed.  相似文献   
普通菜豆抗旱生理特性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用盆栽试验,以抗旱性较好的品种跃进豆、260205和敏感品种奶花芸豆为试材,设置干旱和正常供水2种处理,测定产量、产量构成因素及相关生理生化指标,分析干旱胁迫下参试品种各性状及生理指标的变化及对干旱胁迫的生理响应。结果表明,干旱处理36 d,跃进豆和260205的根干重为总生物量的20.2%和20.6%,荚干重为总生物量的30.0% 和28.9%,而奶花芸豆的根干重和荚干重仅为总生物量的10.6%和17.1%,光合产物向根系和籽粒的有效分配与普通菜豆抗旱性关系密切;跃进豆在干旱胁迫后期的水分利用效率较对照增加 230.5%,而奶花芸豆的增幅仅为84.3%,较高的水分利用效率有利于CO2的有效扩散和高效固定;其他生理特性分析表明,抗氧化酶与光呼吸共同作用有效降低了膜脂过氧化程度,减少了叶片的损伤;脯氨酸和可溶性糖是普通菜豆主要的渗透调节物质,能够较好地保持自身叶片的水分平衡。普通菜豆抗旱性是多种生理调节机制协同作用的结果,主要包括形态调节、气孔调节、渗透调节以及抗氧化能力的调节等。  相似文献   
明确高产广适性与肥料高效利用相关性状的遗传特性对培育优良新品种具有重要意义。本研究以京411及其衍生后代共15个品种(系)为材料,在4个正常施肥和1个常年不施肥环境下研究品种(系)的产量构成因素和生理性状,结合90K SNP芯片,解析骨干亲本携带的产量和生理性状等位基因信息,探讨优异基因对高产品种的贡献。结果表明,正常施肥环境下,京411衍生后代的产量和收获指数均随世代增加呈逐渐上升趋势,其中收获指数增加较为显著(P0.05)。冠层温度对籽粒产量有重要贡献(P0.05),而叶面积指数和光合速率对收获指数有显著贡献(P0.05)。两种施肥条件下中麦175具有较高且稳定的产量和生物学产量,主要与其较高的肥料吸收效率有关。控制产量和生理性状的遗传区段主要分布在A和B基因组上,2B、3A和5A染色体分别携带控制穗粒数、叶面积指数和光合速率的位点。京411携带31个对产量和生理性状为正向效应的等位基因,衍生品种CA0958和中麦175携带的正向效应区段最多,分别占正向效应位点总数的53.85%和51.35%。中麦175的高产潜力和广适应性可能与其携带较多有利等位基因有关。  相似文献   
A dynamic mathematical model for simulating the coupled heat and moisture transfer through walls was proposed with variable material properties. Relative humidity and temperature were chosen as the driving potentials. The temperature and relative humidity and heat flux of wall surface were calculated under varying boundary conditions and compared with those without taking moisture transfer into account. The results show that without and with absorption and desorption processes, the wall interior surface temperature amplitude of the former case is lager than that of the latter, and the average difference temperature of two cases is 0.9℃. The phase change latent heat caused by absorption and desorption of wall surface takes up 27.5% of the total heat transfer quantity, which cant be neglected.  相似文献   
周竹青 《种子》2002,(3):18-19,23
本文对不同类型小麦品种(系)的11个与产量密切相关的农艺性状,生理指标进行了主成分分析。11个原始指标综合成为三个独立的新指标,分别表示“光合同化因子”、“库与碳氮代谢因子”、“库与氮素营养因子”。主成分值与产量相关分析表明,小麦产量与第一、第二主成分值有极显著正相关关系。通过回归分析,建立了小麦产量与主成分值之间的回归方程。它能较好地反映不同类型品种的产量水平。  相似文献   
提出了一种基于关节力传感器的并联六自由度机构结构参数标定方法.从力学角度出发,通过测量并联六自由度机构各关节驱动力,利用并联六自由度机构自身的运动学和动力学模型构造相应的辨识模型,实现其结构参数的标定.通过标定仿真验证了该方法的实用性和有效性.  相似文献   
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