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通过在陕西关中平原地区连续7年的田间定位试验,运用多元方差分析及因子分析法比较评价了冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系下4种耕作措施(深松、旋耕、免耕、传统耕作)及2种秸秆管理措施(玉米秸秆还田、不还田)对土壤质量的影响。结果表明:玉米收获后0~20 cm土壤容重免耕处理最大,旋耕、翻耕处理次之,深松处理最小;秸秆还田0~10 cm土壤容重较不还田处理降低2.33%,达显著水平。小麦、玉米收获后0~20 cm土壤养分组、有机质环境组及酶活性组指标变量受不同耕作措施的影响均大于受秸秆管理措施的影响。传统耕作两季土壤质量均最差。深松、旋耕有一定后效,且有机质养分因子得分较高,免耕则相反。综合土壤质量、作物产量及经济效益,玉米秸秆还田/深松/旋耕/播种小麦-小麦秸秆高留茬/免耕/播种玉米模式适宜在该区推广。  相似文献   
本文建立了超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(UPLC-MS/MS)同时测定豇豆中啶虫脒、阿维菌素、甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐、氟啶虫胺腈、灭蝇胺、苯醚甲环唑、吡唑醚菌酯和烯酰吗啉残留量的方法。样品经乙腈提取,采用ACQUITY_UPLCTMBEH C18色谱柱分离,应用UPLC-MS/MS正离子扫描进行定性定量分析。结果表明,在0.01~1μg/mL范围内,8种农药色谱峰面积与浓度均呈线性相关;3个添加水平下,回收率均在90%以上;8种农药在豇豆中的检出限为0.08~1.81μg/kg,定量限为0.024~0.603μg/kg。在实际豇豆样品检测中检测到5种农药残留,本方法灵敏度高、速度快,可为检测豇豆中8种农药残留量提供参考。  相似文献   
The reduction of pesticide use intensity is a societal and political ambition. Crop rotation is one important method to control pests and diseases in arable farming. We investigated the contribution of crop rotation to the variability of herbicide and fungicide use of 60 farms in four regions of Northern Germany. Our study aimed at answering the question: do diverse crop sequences lead to reduced herbicide and fungicide use in arable farming?Ten-year data on chemical plant protection measures and field management were examined for six field crops. We classified crop sequences (triplets of three succeeding crops) according to their susceptibility for weeds and diseases (= ’riskiness’). The Treatment Frequency Index (TFI) of the last crop in the triplet was set in relation to the crop triplet riskiness, additionally also in combination with tillage.In general, herbicide and fungicide use intensities were smaller in more diverse crop sequences. Diversified cereal sequences, involving roots and tubers, maize or spring cereals were less dependent on herbicides. Cultivation of maize in three subsequent years increased herbicide use. Crop sequences including high proportion of winter cereals increased fungicide use in cereals, while roots and tubers, winter oilseed rape and set-aside in the crop sequence decreased it. In winter oilseed rape, sequences with roots and tubers also increased fungicide use. In sugar beets, sequences with maize or a high concentration of sugar beets led to increasing fungicide use. If farmers chose riskier crop sequences tillage by plough decreased the need for herbicide and fungicide use.To reduce herbicide and fungicide use intensities we recommend increasing the diversity of crop rotations, including a higher number of crops per rotation together with ploughing. Simplifying both crop sequence diversity and tillage intensity implies higher use of herbicides and fungicides. Results will be useful for convincing farmers to diversify crop sequences.  相似文献   
Crop residue removal and subsoil compaction are limiting to yield improvement in the North China Plain (NCP). We conducted a field study composed of six consecutive crop growing seasons from 2010 to 2013 in Henan province, China, to determine responses of soil properties, crop root distribution and crop yield to tillage and residue management in a wheat–maize cropping system under irrigated conditions. Tillage practices comprised mouldboard ploughing (MP) to a depth of 15-cm, deep mouldboard ploughing (DMP) to a depth of 30-cm, and chisel ploughing (CP) to a depth of 30-cm. Crop residue management included crop residue retained (CRRet) and crop residue removed (CRRem). The results indicated that yields in DMP and CP increased by 6.0% and 7.3% for wheat and by 8.7% and 9.0% for maize, respectively, relative to MP. The CRRet treatment also increased wheat yield by 6.7% and maize yield by 5.0%. The yield increases under DMP and CP were related to reduced bulk density and soil penetration resistance, increased soil water content, improved total N distribution and improved root density (0–60-cm). Compared with MP, the root mass density under DMP and CP were increased by 43.4% and 42.0% for wheat and by 40.6% and 39.4% for maize, respectively. The yield increases under CRRet were also related to increased soil water content, reduced penetration resistance and increased N status (0–40-cm). Overall, for DMP + CRRet and CP + CRRet, a more favorable soil environment alongside greater root mass density and suitable spatial distribution resulted in higher grain yields of wheat and maize. Thus, compared with conventional shallow tillage practice, DMP or CP with residue application could improve soil quality and agricultural productivity under irrigated areas with loam soil in the NCP.  相似文献   
Public policies seeking to regulate pesticide use must be based on a clear identification of the factors influencing such use. Since the agricultural use of pesticides is primarily crop-dependent, agricultural land use change is potentially an important driver of the overall level of pesticide use in a given country. In this paper, we investigate the influence of agricultural land use changes on pesticide use in French agriculture over the period 1989–2013, during which important changes in the Common Agricultural Policy took place. Toward that end, we developed a method allowing the direct effects of agricultural land use changes to be disentangled from other factors affecting the intensity of pesticide use. On the basis of standard protection programs defined by crop protection experts, a fixed pesticide use intensity is estimated for 19 annual and perennial crops representing 90% of French arable land area and the bulk of pesticide use in French agriculture. These coefficients, combined with national agricultural land use statistics, are used to construct an artificial index of pesticide use in France whose variations depend solely on changes in agricultural land use. This index is calculated over the period 1989–2013. Our results indicate that the direct impacts of agricultural land use changes on pesticide use in France have varied depending on the time period considered, reflecting the influence of public regulations, notably the compulsory set-aside policy in force during the 1990s, and market conditions, particularly the context of high prices for cereal grains at the end of the 2000s. Over the six years from 2008 to 2013, this index is roughly constant, indicating that the 17% increase in French pesticide use in 2013 compared to 2008 (as assessed from annual pesticide sales) cannot be even partially attributed to agricultural land use changes. Since 2000, land use changes mainly corresponded to substitutions between crops with similar per-hectare pesticide use intensities, and/or to substitutions with counterbalancing impacts on these intensities. A prospective approach shows that other types of land use changes (e.g. a massive conversion of grassland to arable land or, conversely, a strong diversification of arable crop rotations), could have much higher impacts on pesticide use, with the effect of either offsetting or reinforcing efforts to reduce pesticide use intensity in arable crops. Thus, better coordination is needed between public policies aimed at regulating pesticide use and public policies influencing land use.  相似文献   
采用基质固相分散法从油菜籽中提取、净化油菜生产中常用的5种有机磷农药,用配有火焰光度检测器的气相色谱定性和定量分析。通过对基质固相分散吸附剂、洗脱剂、净化材料与方式的优化,建立了油菜籽中5种常用有机磷农药残留分析的前处理方法。利用所建立的方法进行3个水平(0.1 mg/kg,0.25 mg/kg,0.5 mg/kg)加标回收实验,结果表明,平均回收率80.3.%-104.4%,相对标准偏差<10%,方法的回收率和相对标准差满足农药残留检测中准确度和精密度的要求。在此基础上对收集到的150份油菜籽样品进行5种有机磷农药残留检测,检出率为2%。  相似文献   
建立了超高效液相色谱-质谱联用检测五氟磺草胺在水稻植株、稻田土壤、田水和糙米中残留的分析方法,结合田间试验研究了五氟磺草胺在稻田环境中的消解及残留特性,并对稻米中五氟磺草胺残留的膳食暴露进行了初步评估。结果表明:在0.005~0.5 mg/L范围内,五氟磺草胺的质量浓度与对应的峰面积间呈良好线性关系,检出限(LOD)为0.001~0.002 mg/kg,定量限(LOQ)为0.003~0.005 mg/kg。在0.005~0.5 mg/kg添加水平下,五氟磺草胺在水稻植株、稻田土壤、田水和糙米中的平均回收率在89%~106%之间,相对标准偏差在2.8%~8.5%之间。浙江、福建和黑龙江2年3地的田间试验表明:0.025%五氟磺草胺颗粒剂在水稻植株、稻田土壤和田水中的消解半衰期分别为1.5~3.3,3.0~4.7和1.6-3.0 d,说明该药剂在稻田环境中消解速率较快。以五氟磺草胺有效成分含量37.5和56.3 g/hm2分别施药1次,于水稻成熟期采样检测,发现其在糙米中的残留量低于0.005 mg/kg,表明其膳食摄入风险很低,该研究结果可为五氟磺草胺风险评估提供一定参考。  相似文献   
The advantages and disadvantages of varying mixture proportion of crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), used as winter cover crops, and cover crop biomass management before maize sowing (Zea mays L.) were studied in a series of field experiments in Eastern Slovenia. Pure stands and mixtures of cover crops on the main plots were split into different cover crop biomass management subplots: whole cover crop biomass ploughed down before maize sowing, aboveground cover crop biomass removed before ploughing and sowing, or aboveground cover crop biomass removed before sowing directly into chemically killed residues.Cover crop and cover crop biomass management affected the N content of the whole aboveground and of grain maize yields, and the differences between actual and critical N concentrations in the whole aboveground maize yield. The whole aboveground and grain maize dry matter yields, and the apparent remaining N in the soil after maize harvesting, showed significant interaction responses to cover crop × management, indicating positive and negative effects. Crimson clover in pure stand provided high, and pure Italian ryegrass provided low maize dry matter yields and N content in the yields in all the observed methods of biomass management. However, within individual management, mixtures containing high proportions of crimson clover sustained maize yields and N contents similar to those produced by pure crimson clover. Considering the expected ecological advantages of the mixtures, the results thereby support their use.  相似文献   
采集稻田水、土壤、水稻植株和糙米样品,建立同时对其吡嘧磺隆和苯噻酰草胺残留量进行分析的高效液相色谱分析方法。结果表明,稻田水样品用二氯甲烷萃取;稻田土壤和糙米样品分别用酸性甲醇和丙酮提取,再用二氯甲烷萃取净化;水稻植株样品用酸性二氯甲烷和乙腈的混合液(体积比1∶1)提取,再经弗罗里硅土柱净化,采用C18不锈钢柱(4.6 mm×150 mm,5 μm)分离,以甲醇、水、乙酸的混合液(体积比70.0∶29.7∶0.3 )为流动相,流速0.6 mL/min,柱温30 ℃,在240 nm下检测,吡嘧磺隆和苯噻酰草胺在质量浓度0.01~1.00 mg/L的线性关系良好,相关系数(R2 )达0.999 7~0.999 8;吡嘧磺隆和苯噻酰草胺的检出限均为0.01 mg/kg,在 0.05~1.00 mg/kg添加水平下,其添加回收率为84.00%~104.07%,相对标准偏差小于或等于8.55%。该方法符合农药残留量分析与检测的技术要求,可用于对水稻和稻田中吡嘧磺隆和苯噻酰草胺残留量同时进行分析与检测。  相似文献   
梁倩  朱晓华  王凯  吴光红 《水产学报》2012,36(5):779-786
检测水产品中氯苯酚及其钠盐含量的常规方法存在诸多问题, 建立气相色谱内标检测法可以降低乳化、衍生等前处理过程而造成提取物的损失, 增强方法可操作性和准确性, 降低检测的不稳定性, 通过对前处理方法中衍生温度、衍生产物提取液吹干与否对回收率影响的比较研究和色谱条件的改进, 建立了鲫、鳕、日本沼虾、中华绒螯蟹可食部分中五氯苯酚及其钠盐残留量的气相色谱内标法。样品中的五氯苯酚及其钠盐在酸性介质中全部转化为五氯苯酚, 由正己烷提取, 碳酸钾溶液反萃取, 萃取物经乙酸酐衍生生成五氯苯乙酸酯, 正己烷提取衍生物, HP-5MS (30 m×0.25 mm×0.25 μm)色谱柱分离, 用配备微池电子捕获检测器的气相色谱测定, 以2, 4, 6–三溴苯酚作为内标物, 内标法定量。结果表明: 该方法在0.2~20.0 μg/L范围内线性关系良好, 相关系数R2=0.999 6, 在加标水平为2.0、5.0、10.0、50.0 μg/kg, 内标为50.0 μg/kg, 加标回收率为85.8%~109.0%, RSD为0.8%~9.3%, 最低检测限为0.6 μg/kg。  相似文献   
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