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麒麟菜与贝类混养体系净化富营养化海水的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
研究了热带亚热带类型双壳贝类沟纹巴非蛤(Paphia exarata Philippi) 和热带大型海藻异枝麒麟菜 (Kappaphycus striatum Schmitz) 净化富营养化海水的效果。发现沟纹巴非蛤和麒麟菜混养能有效地清除富营养化水体中的N、P和chla。影响综合评价指标、N清除率、P清除率和chla清除率的因素均为麒麟菜﹥贝;其中麒麟菜对各指标的影响均为极显著(P﹤0.01);贝对N清除率、chla清除率的影响为极显著(P﹤0.01),对综合评价指标、P清除率有一定影响,但不显著。最佳混养组合为:麒麟菜养殖量6Kg/m3、沟纹巴非蛤养殖量60只/m3(40g±2g/只)。 相似文献
Minju Joy 《Journal Of Aquatic Food Product Technology》2017,26(1):54-70
The bivalve mollusks Paphia malabarica and Villorita cyprinoides collected from the estuarine system located in the southwest coastal waters of India were evaluated for their nutritional composition. A balanced essential to nonessential amino acid ratio (> 1.0) with a greater quantity of sulfur-containing amino acids in these species demonstrated that they could provide well-balanced protein depositions. The n-3/n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio in P. malabarica was found to be greater than 2, and, therefore, can be considered as a healthy diet. The C20–C22 long-chain polyunsaturated n-3 fatty acids (for example, docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid) accounted for more than 23% of the total fatty acid content in P. malabarica as compared to about 7% in V. cyprinoides. P. malabarica showed greater hypocholesterolemic/hypercholesterolemic ratio (1.7) and lesser atherogenicity (0.7), thrombogenicity (0.3) indices when contrasted with those in V. cyprinoides, thereby indicating the nutritional superiority of the former. A greater content of vitamin D3 (> 150 IU), along with significant quantities of calcium and phosphorus (> 500 mg/100 g) in the clams, signified their importance in preventing osteoporosis. This study demonstrated the importance of bivalves, in particular, P. malabarica as a valued species for human consumption. 相似文献
笔者于2013年12月采用实验生态学方法,在室内进行不同体质量不同投饵时间、不同饵料密度对波纹巴非蛤[Paphia undulata(Born)〗滤水率的影响实验。结果表明:(1)波纹巴非蛤的滤水率(FR)随着体质量的增大而增大,单位体质量的滤水率(FR')随着其规格的增大而减小,FR'=0.330 3W-0.356 9(R2=0.996 5)。(2)分别以金藻和扁藻作为饵料,测定了8:00,14:00及20:00这3个时间点的滤水率,滤水率在8:00最大,14:00及20:00依次减小,3个时间点滤水率差异显著(P0.05)。(3)以金藻和扁藻作为混合藻,滤水率随着藻密度的增加而增大,当浓度超过3.06×105cell·L-1,滤水率反而下降。 相似文献
[目的]研究不同浓度Pb2+对波纹巴非蛤的急性毒性。[方法]采用水生动物急性毒性试验方法,研究了不同浓度(3.0~7.0mg/L)Pb2+对波纹巴非蛤(Paphia undulata)的急性毒性,分别对96 h半致死浓度(4.119 mg/L)和安全浓度(0.041 mg/L)下0~120 h各组织中Pb2+的蓄积量进行了测定。[结果]Pb2+对波纹巴非蛤24、48、72和96 h的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为7.187、5.788、4.646和4.119 mg/L,安全浓度(SC)为0.041 mg/L。铅对波纹巴非蛤的毒性级别为高毒级(LC50为1~100 mg/L)。在96 h半致死浓度和安全浓度下,120 h波纹巴非蛤各组织Pb2+的蓄积量从大到小均依次为鳃、内脏、肌肉。[结论]食用波纹巴非蛤有一定的安全风险。 相似文献
【目的】研究北部湾沿海 3 个织锦巴非蛤(Paphia textile)群体间的形态差异,对保护北部湾织锦巴非蛤的种质资源、识别其地理群体以及人工选育具有重要意义。【方法】利用形态特征分析、方差分析、主成分分析、判别分析和聚类分析等 5 种多元统计分析方法,对北部湾沿岸广西东兴、广西北海和广东湛江 3个野生织锦巴非蛤群体进行形态学比较分析。【结果】北海群体壳型最圆,壳高系数为 0.585,贝壳较厚重,壳厚系数为 0.033,壳质量系数为 0.388,软体部最饱满,软体质量系数为 0.134;东兴群体壳型最扁,壳高系数为0.571,贝壳薄且轻,壳厚系数为 0.032,壳质量系数为 0.135;湛江群体贝壳隆起程度最低,壳宽系数为 0.366,贝壳厚重,壳厚系数为 0.035,壳质量系数为 0.325。经主成分分析得到 3 个主成分,主成分 1、主成分 2、主成分 3 的贡献率分别为 37.366%、22.205%、12.718%,累积贡献率为 72.289%。通过判別分析建立了 3 个群体的判别函数,判别准确率 P1 为 94.00%~100.00%,P2 为 92.11%~100.00%,3 个群体的综合判别率为 97.56%。聚类分析结果显示,湛江群体和广西北海群体形态最为接近,而与广西东兴群体差异较大,同时广西东兴群体的趋异程度也最大。【结论】与广西北海群体和广东湛江群体相比较,广西东兴群体织锦巴非蛤形态差异最大,且种群内个体间形态差异也最大,而广西北海群体与广东湛江群体的织锦巴非蛤在形态上更为相近。 相似文献
Comparing the model forms estimating generalised diameter-height relationships in Tecomella undulata plantations in hot arid region of India 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Vindhya Prasad Tewari 《林业研究》2007,18(4):255-260
Four generalised diameter-height equations were developed and compared for pure and even-aged stands of Tecomella undulata in hot arid region of Rajasthan State in India. The data used to fit the equations consisted of 1 540 diameter-height observations collected from the plots laid out in uniformly stocked stands of varying age and density. The performance of four equations was tested by non-linear least squares regression and evaluated using different statistical criteria. Finally, these equations, with the same values of coefficients ob- tained during the fitting phase, were validated by an independent data set consisting of 854 diameter-height observations. Overall, equation (4) (Hui and Gadow function) was found to perform best for both the fitting data set as well as validation data set. 相似文献