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A retrospective analysis of 619 upper and lower cheek teeth from 62 horses was performed. Based on clinical findings, as well as radiographic and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging findings, the teeth were classified into five groups. There were 20 teeth with abnormal MR imaging signals as well as clinical alterations and 599 healthy teeth. Using MR imaging, the appearance of pulp in diseased and disease‐free teeth was compared, and the appearance of abnormal pulp was studied. Subsequently, the ability of MR imaging to diagnose pulpitis and pulp necrosis in teeth with normal external appearance was investigated. In horses with clinically verified dental disease, abnormal MR imaging findings were confirmed in the pulp of all affected teeth. An enlarged blurred pulp image with a lower signal intensity was observed only in clinically diseased teeth and was a reliable criterion for diagnosing dental disease on MR imaging. On the other hand, partial or complete absence of pulp in all MR imaging sequences was observed in both diseased and nondiseased teeth. These data demonstrate that pulp changes in equine cheek teeth can be evaluated using MR imaging.  相似文献   
非饱和土壤水分扩散率是研究土壤水分运动规律必不可少的基本参数之一。本文应用水平土柱入渗法测定了科尔沁沙地沙质农田表层土壤的非饱和水分扩散率,并对氯化钴试纸在测定水分扩散率中的应用作了初步尝试和研究。主要结论如下:沙质农田表层土壤湿润锋迁移速率随着入渗距离的增大而减小,呈幂函数关系;波尔兹曼参数与土壤含水量呈直线关系;土壤水分扩散率与土壤含水量之间的关系,符合经验公式并呈指数函数变化。在应用水平土柱法测定非饱和土壤水分扩散率的过程中,氯化钴试纸法可以用于测定湿润锋的位置,特别是在高土壤含水量时,相比目视法而言更能显示其优势,在一定程度上可以提高测定结果的可靠性。  相似文献   
本文分析了马尾松管胞长度和木材密度这两个性状在树木个体内不同方向上及个体间的变异趋势,得出了管胞长度在个体高度方向上变异的几种数学模型。方差分析表明,两个性状在个体内的变异程度大于个体之间并且有极显著的统计学差异。同时还建立了胸径处两性状值与株加权平均值间的线性回归方程。讨论了不同年龄,不同林分密度对这两个性状的影响,结果是林分年龄的不同对管胞长度无显著影响,林分密度的不同,在23—24年左右时,对管胞长度有极显著影响。林分年龄和林分密度的不同,对木材密度无显著影响。  相似文献   
响应面分析法优化新鲜树莓浆酶解工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以新鲜树莓为原料,利用果胶酶对树莓浆进行酶解,在单因素试验的基础上,采用BoxBehnken中心组合试验,建立二次回归方程模型,采用响应面分析法确定树莓浆的最佳酶解工艺条件。试验结果表明,树莓浆酶解的最优工艺条件为:酶解温度49.7℃、酶解时间1.25 h,果胶酶用量0.039%,在此条件下,树莓浆的出汁率理论值为70.96%,实际验证结果为70.04%。  相似文献   
以纸浆材示范林和种子园子代测定林为基础材料,兼顾扦插生根率、造林成活率、采穗母株的生长量及材性性状(木材密度)等综合指标,经过初选和复选,最终筛选出纸浆材优良无性系39个 这批无性系6年生林分材积、胸径、树高生长量均超过实生林分的226%、75%、42%,生根率超过初选无性系28%,木材比重的选择增益平均达到8 7% 可为建立马尾松采穗圃首选材料  相似文献   
造纸黑液与马铃薯淀粉废水对沙性土壤的改良作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]研究造纸黑液和马铃薯淀粉废水混合废液对沙性土壤的改良作用,在解决废水环境污染问题的同时改善生态环境。[方法]将不同体积比的混合废液(马铃薯淀粉废水:造纸黑液=1:1,2:1,3:1,4:1,5:1)经过常温发酵30d,通过对混合废液pH变化的研究,确定最佳混合比例及混合发酵条件,并考察处理后混合废液对沙性土壤的改良效果。[结果]马铃薯淀粉废水与造纸黑液以体积比2:1比例混合,经过常温发酵15d后可得到稳定的pH接近中性的混合废液,将其以质量比1:4的比例施入沙性土壤,可提高沙性土壤的pH值,降低干容重,增加土壤有机质含量,有效提高土壤持水能力。[结论]该研究对治理环境污染,废水资源化及生态环境建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Experimentaldatarevealedthattherelativeratiosofmajorpo1ysaccharidecontentswereasfOllows'arabin(Ar.):xylan(Xy.)'galactosan(Gal)'mannan(Man)'glucosan(Glu)=l.oo:2.8o.5.5l.7.-o4f2l.82.Underthesulfonationconditionsinvolx:ed-dissolvingrateswereobservedtobefGal.>Ar.>Man.>Xy.xG1u.Dissolutionofligninbehaveddifferentlywthdifferentsulfonationtemperatures.C,forn1ulasforL.gmeliniheartwoodandsapwoodmilledwoodlignin(MWL)wereC,H,95O,87(OCH,51andC,H,.,o,oo(OCH,),.,'respectively.Itwasfoundthatthecarb…  相似文献   
用红麻造的纸据国内外试验试产结果,同木料制浆的纸相媲美,具有光泽耐撕、不变色、耐贮存。加工时比木、竹节能低,它可制练出高白度红麻浆制成各种新闻纸、书刊纸、证券纸、印钞纸、卷烟纸及打字纸和包装牛皮纸等。红麻适应性广,对土壤选择不严。从我省土地、气象、自然条件看,完全适合种植红麻,可充分利用全杆,比单纯提供韧皮纤维产值高,我省主产麻区的金溪、永丰、余江、上高等地均有种植红麻习惯,栽培历史悠久,利用这些资源优势,有效地调整农业结构,扩大造纸材料,替代木浆进口,节省外汇和缓解以毛竹、木材制浆原料的不足,是可行的。  相似文献   
Resistance to common scab pathogen Streptomyces turgidiscabies of seven potato varieties was compared in the field with a newly developed paper pot method. Seedlings raised in soil in paper pots containing inocula at 1 × 103 to 107cfu/g soil were transplanted into a scab-free field and grown for 3 months. The disease severity of the seven varieties in the field trials differed in iteration and from year to year, even though their resistance levels were approximately similar at the expected levels. With the paper pot method, the seven varieties had different resistance levels, which were almost completely consistent with the results of the field trials, at more than 1 × 105cfu/g soil. Significant differences in disease severity between resistant and susceptible varieties were observed (P = 0.05) for 2 years, and the resistance level of the varieties was elucidated.  相似文献   
西瓜劣质果严重影响西瓜的品质和经济价值。总结了空洞果、开裂果、脐腐果、瓤质劣变果、黄带果等几种常见西瓜劣质果的特征及发生原因,并提出了西瓜劣质果的预防措施。  相似文献   
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