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东湖底泥肥料化利用研究——以培养小白菜为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李伟斯  杜耘  吴胜军 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(31):15202-15204
通过研究不同体积比例分配的东湖底泥和黄棕壤混合物对小白菜生长的影响,初步探讨了在营养元素和重金属方面利用东湖底泥种植小白菜的可行性。结果表明,东湖底泥营养元素远超过背景值,但是重金属污染并不严重。小白菜在基质中生长状况良好。底泥中Cd、Zn、Cu含量虽超过国家土壤环境二级标准,但是所培养的小白菜体内Cd、Cu、Zn含量基本在蔬菜重金属标准范围内。Zn值接近蔬菜重金属标准,成为利用东湖底泥种植小白菜的限制性因素;  相似文献   
夏苏青是以两个自交不亲和系苏-1-3-1-3-4-2-3、广-7-11-4-6-9-3-1为亲本选育而成的耐热青菜一代杂种。叶深绿色、卵圆形,叶柄绿色,生长速度较快,耐热性好,适合在夏季播种,30 d(天)生长期平均株高14 cm,开展度26cm,叶片数12.4片,最大叶片长17.5 cm,叶宽7.2 cm,平均单株质量40 g,夏季30 d(天)生长期每667 m^2净菜产量可达1 271.0 kg。适合在江、浙、沪地区夏季栽培。  相似文献   
华绿4号是以W-1-8-1为母本,S-1-2-9为父本配制而成的普通白菜一代杂种。株型较直立,株高21 cm,开展度29 cm,叶色油绿,叶面平展,叶柄绿,叶柄宽5.3 cm,叶柄厚1.4 cm,单株质量260 g。品质脆嫩,味浓,纤维少。夏秋季播种每667 m2产量2 800 kg以上。田间抗病毒病、霜霉病、软腐病能力强于对照京冠1号,耐热性好,适合在我国北方地区夏秋季栽培。  相似文献   
刘娟  黎黎  陆柄辰  邓朴  艾辛 《中国蔬菜》2019,1(9):37-43
以64 份普通白菜种质为试材进行露地栽培试验,通过对耐抽薹指标和主要农艺性状进行主成分分析、相关性分析 以及隶属函数、聚类分析,综合评价普通白菜种质的耐抽薹性。结果表明:利用主成分分析法将普通白菜9 个指标转化为抽 薹时间、植株生长状态和生长量3 个主成分因子,累积贡献率达79.147%。相关性分析结果表明,抽薹期、现蕾期、开花期 之间呈极显著正相关,其中现蕾期的观测最为简单可靠,可快速评价普通白菜的耐抽薹性。运用隶属函数法将64 份材料分 为5 个耐抽薹等级,并筛选出4 份极耐抽薹种质和6 份耐抽薹种质。聚类分析将隶属函数法筛选出的极耐抽薹种质和耐抽薹 种质均划分到第Ⅱ类群,说明隶属函数法和聚类分析法均能有效鉴定普通白菜的耐抽薹性,其中隶属函数法更为简便直观。  相似文献   
采用盆栽试验的方法,研究了水溶性螯合肥不同施用方式对小白菜产量及品质的影响,从试验结果看,螯合肥灌溉施用对小白菜增产效果明显,而且可以大幅度降低肥料用量,提高肥料利用率。但灌溉施肥溶液浓度过低时,也会造成供肥不足导致减产。螯合肥灌溉施用的方式可以改善作物的品质。与施用普通化肥对照相比,螯合肥灌溉施用800mg/kg小白菜叶片中维生素C含量增加,且硝酸盐含量下降幅度最大,比对照下降了51.3%。  相似文献   
[目的]研发土壤重金属修复材料,为土壤重金属污染治理修复提供研究资料。[方法]以巯基改性膨润土(巯基土)及其与钠化改性膨润土(钠化土)按1∶1质量比制备成的混合黏土为重金属修复材料,研究其对盆栽小白菜吸收累积Pb的影响,同时探讨改性黏土对土壤中Pb污染的修复效果。[结果]巯基土和混合黏土对土壤Pb污染都有良好的修复效果,有助于降低小白菜对Pb的吸收累积。在高污染土壤中,巯基土最高可比CK降低小白菜Pb含量31.6%。在中污染土壤中,按1.0%、2.0%添加混合黏土,可分别降低小白菜Pb含量38.9%、56.8%。形态研究显示,混合黏土材料施加到一定量后有助于降低土壤中Pb的有效态含量,最高可降低47.5%。[结论]巯基土及其与钠化土制备成的混合黏土对土壤中Pb有良好的修复效果。  相似文献   
选取9份青菜商品种,对其在自然高温条件下的耐热性进行比较,通过产量、亚硝酸盐含量等指标的测定及耐热性比较,综合考虑,正大青秀F1、青冠、三伏,3个品种的耐热性好,产量较高,且亚硝酸盐含量较低,是适用于夏季高温季节栽培的优质、耐热青菜品种材料。  相似文献   
在两个不同地点,同时开展田间小区试验,每处设置大量元素水溶肥叶面喷施(T1)、常规尿素叶面喷施(T2)、等量清水叶面喷施对照(T3)3个处理,研究天泰大量元素水溶肥对小白菜生长和产量的影响。结果表明,商洛天泰商贸有限责任公司新研发的大量元素水溶肥能使小白菜平均增产304.92 kg·667 m-2,增幅37.76%,667 m2净增纯收入666.29元,效果较为显著,同时叶面喷施该肥料后,小白菜叶色深绿,叶片较厚,纤维少,品质好,品种特性突出。  相似文献   
耐热青菜新品种长征2号的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红石串是以04-1-6-3-5-7-9为母本、F12-2-16-2为父本配制的中熟番茄一代杂种.无限生长型,果实深红色,扁圆形,果实大小均匀,平均单果质量150~200 g,耐贮运,可溶性固形物含量5.60%,总糖含量3.84%,VC 含量31.03 mg/100 g(FW),有机酸含量0.40%,每667 m2产量4000 kg左右.已在华中、华南、西南各省大面积推广种植.  相似文献   
Background, aim, and scope  The Zn content in the human body is tremendously higher than that in the plant. It is vulnerable to Zn nutrition deficiency in the human body. Those who consume less animal products are subject to Zn deficiency and mainly live in the developing regions. The preventive measures against Zn deficiency in the human body, for example, Zn supplements from chemicals and Zn-fortified food, are expensive and often unattainable. We have been working on finding solutions to Zn malnutrition by screening Zn-efficient varieties of crops which can absorb more Zn from Zn-deficient soils and transfer more Zn to the edible part of crops. Pakchoi is a popular vegetable in many parts of the world. The Zn deficiency in the human body could be rectified by consuming Zn-efficient pakchoi cultivars. Rhizosphere is the ‘hotspot’ for plant–soil–microbe interactions, and the rhizospheric interactions play a key role in the micronutrient acquisition. However, little attention has been paid to the rhizosphere effects of different plant genotypes on the expression of nutrient efficiency. The aim of this study was to examine the difference of rhizosphere effect between two pakchoi cultivars with different Zn efficiencies. Materials and methods  A Zn-deficient calcareous purple soil was collected from central China. There were two Zn treatments, one with Zn addition (5 mg kg−1 soil) and the other, which acts as a control, with no Zn addition. Two pakchoi cultivars were Wuyueman of Zn-efficient and Heiyoubaicai of Zn-inefficient plants. Ten seeds of each pakchoi cultivar were sown in the rhizobag. The plastic pot was filled with 0.8 kg soil with 37% of the soil in the rhizobag. The seedlings were harvested on day 45 after planting. The rhizosphere and bulk soil samples were analyzed for their physical and chemical properties, microbial biomass, and Zn concentrations. Zn in the plants was also determined. Results  The cultivar Wuyueman demonstrated a much higher depletion rate of available Zn in the rhizosphere than did the cultivar Heiyoubaicai. The available Zn in the rhizosphere of Wuyueman was lower in the rhizosphere soil (0.47 mg kg−1) compared with that in the bulk soil (1.08 mg·kg−1), and the depletion rate of available Zn was 56.5% under Zn deficiency. This was closely associated with the capacity of cultivar Wuyueman to take up more Zn from the soil, especially under Zn-limiting conditions. The rhizosphere pH of pakchoi cultivars was lower than that in the bulk soil, while the microbial biomass carbon in the rhizosphere was significantly higher than that in the bulk soil. Under Zn-deficient conditions, the rhizosphere pH of the cultivar Wuyueman was lower but the microbial biomass carbon was higher than those of the cultivar Heiyoubaicai. Discussion  Soil-available Zn was substantially depleted in the rhizosphere of two pakchoi cultivars, with the greater depletion rate being found in the cultivar Wuyueman rather than in the cultivar Heiyoubaicai, especially under Zn-deficient conditions. This was related to the mobilization of Zn induced by the plants with different Zn efficiencies and, thus, Zn bioavailability in the rhizosphere. The pH decrease and the increase of microbial biomass carbon in the rhizosphere of the cultivar Wuyueman might have contributed to the translocation of Zn in its rhizosphere, which allows Zn to be absorbed more easily by Wuyueman than by Heiyoubaicai. This suggests that root-induced changes in the rhizosphere of pakchoi have a certain effect on the expression of zinc efficiency. Conclusions  Root-induced changes mobilized Zn in the rhizosphere of two pakchoi cultivars and increased its bioavailability. The rate of Zn mobilization was higher in the rhizosphere of the Zn-efficient cultivar than that of the Zn-inefficient cultivar at low Zn levels. Recommendations and perspectives  Root-induced changes in the rhizosphere are important factors for the nutrient dynamics and, thus, also for the mineral nutrition of plants. Soil conditions near the roots are different from those in the bulk soil. Many results have shown that these differences depend on soil properties, fertilizer application, plant species, and other factors. Further research should focus on the environmental effects of the rhizosphere on nutrient availability.  相似文献   
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