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稻谷千粒质量近红外光谱定量分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用近红外漫反射光谱分析技术对稻谷千粒质量进行了测定和研究.通过对70个不同品种的稻谷样本进行近红外光谱扫描,将获得的光谱进行10种不同方法的预处理,然后应用PLS方法建立稻谷千粒质量预测的定标模型,根据交互验证决定系数(R2)和交互验证标准差(RMSECV)进行最佳定标模型选择,最后依据稻谷千粒质量预测值与真实值间的相关系数(r)和预测标准误差(SEP)进行模型预测能力评价.结果显示,在光谱区间11 998.9~7 497.9+6 101.7~5 449.8+4 601.3~4 246.5 cm-1、采用最小-最大归一化预处理方法建立的定标模型具有最大的交叉验证决定系数0.773和最小的均方根误差1.67 g;以最佳定标模型预测的稻谷千粒质量与真实值之间的相关系数为0.945,预测标准误差为0.76 g,表明近红外光谱分析技术可以用来进行稻谷千粒质量的快速测定. 相似文献
[目的] 探索近红外光谱(NIRS)分析技术在赤桉和细叶桉群体叶片水分状态相关生理指标快速检测中应用的可行性。[方法] 选取赤桉7个种源21个家系和细叶桉5个种源26个家系的幼苗,每家系选20株苗木植于等规格塑料盆中,对其按平均日蒸发量的100%,70%,50%,30%和0%5个等级进行控水。控水处理60天后,每家系每控水处理选择3株幼苗,测量其顶端第2对完全展开叶片的相对含水量(RWC)和水势(Ψw),用手持式近红外仪采集对应叶片的近红外光谱信息,持续测量18天。[结果] 利用近红外光谱技术检测赤桉和细叶桉叶片RWC和Ψw的结果显示,与赤桉和细叶桉水分性状关系最密切的近红外光谱区为1 860~1 960 nm。但经二阶导数处理后的近红外光谱则显示,样本叶片RWC和Ψw在近红外全光谱区间存在多个变异峰值。用于预测叶片Ψw建立的偏最小二乘法(PLS)模型的决定系数R2和均方根误差RMSE分别为0.92和0.25,预测叶片RWC的PLS模型的R2和RMSE分别为0.84和1.31。[结论] 对于桉树叶片水分状态生理性状的预测建模应选取近红外全谱段光谱信息,近红外光谱技术可为桉树群体的水分状态检测提供极大便利。 相似文献
Xuejian Li Huaqiang Du Fangjie Mao Guomo Zhou Luqi Xing Tengyan Liu Ning Han Enbing Liu Hongli Ge Yuli Liu Yangguang Li Di'en Zhu Junlong Zheng Luofan Dong Meng Zhang 《Land Degradation u0026amp; Development》2020,31(8):939-958
Properly mapping the sustainability of bamboo forest production plays an important role in providing basic strategies for decision makers to ensure sustainable use of bamboo resources. Understanding the response pattern of drought, poor management, elevation, and barren soil to bamboo forest ecosystem productivity is critical to formulating appropriate improvement strategies of sustainable management of bamboo forest productivity for addressing growing challenges of bamboo forest land degradation. The objectives of this study were to quantify differences in productivity, meteorological, topographical, soil, and bamboo distribution and structure factors under different sustainable management levels of bamboo forest ecosystem productivity in order to support management decision making in a spatiotemporally explicit context. We constructed an innovative three‐layer index system for the sustainable management of bamboo forest productivity by integrating productivity, meteorological, soil, topographic, bamboo distribution, and structure factors to promote sustainable management and spatiotemporal decision making, particularly in bamboo forest areas with low productivity. The partial least squares (PLS) path model was used to analyze the spatiotemporal effects of different factors on bamboo forest productivity and to create sustainable management maps that could be used for spatially informed decision making regarding bamboo forest production. The results showed the spatial and temporal variations in gross primary productivity (GPP), net primary productivity (NPP), and net ecosystem exchange (NEE) in bamboo forests. The sustainable management index was also mapped each year throughout the study area. We divided the index value range into five management‐friendly classes, which were shown to be directly related to GPP, NPP, NEE, Slope, Aspect, soil texture, hydrolytic nitrogen, and Abundance. We found that the areas with relatively high sustainable management levels (I and II) occupied only 18.94% of the bamboo forest area and exhibited a highly clustered distribution. Most of the other areas (78.67%) had relatively low levels of sustainable management (III and IV), and their distribution was rather scattered. The remaining 2.39% of the bamboo forest area that had the lowest sustainable management level (V) was small in area, fragmented, and not conducive to intensive management. The results of the present study can serve as a useful reference for bamboo forest management, which is of great importance for bamboo‐based ecosystems and economies. 相似文献
The GlutoPeak®-Test, a new rapid small-scale technique, was proposed as an alternative method for evaluation of wheat grain and tool for predicting the wheat flour quality. Samples obtained from an industrial mill were analyzed by a GlutoPeak test (whole grain flours) as well as by farinograph and extensograph tests (refined flours). Firstly, linear correlation coefficients between water absorption, dough stability, dough energy and defined parameters of GlutoPeak were calculated. Next, a sequential multiple quadratic regression analysis (backward, forward and stepwise), a logistic regression analysis and a PLSR analysis were applied. The correlation between the flour water absorption and most of the parameters obtained from the GlutoPeak test were strong (r ≥ 0.74, p < 0.001). For stability, the r value was 0.40, while for energy it was 0.44. Based on the obtained results it could be state that in the case of water absorption, the best fit was the sequential regression model, for dough stability sequential regression model and the PLSR model had the best fit, whereas logistic regression model was the best fitted to the energy. Unfortunately, after cross validation it was found that the last model is not good enough for energy prediction. 相似文献
宁夏作为典型能源输出区,2010年人均碳排居中国首位,面临严峻碳减排压力。计算1985-2013年碳排总量,引入中国其它地区城市化率和宁夏电热产业区位商等对STIRPAT模型扩展,用偏最小二乘法(PLS)和Path分析法估计各驱动力直接和间接影响系数。研究结果:宁夏1985-2013年碳排量由1017.48万t增长到18314.95万t,年均增长10.48%,人均碳排量由2.45t/人增长到28.00t/人,年均增长8.76%;中国其它地区人口城市化通过人均GDP和电力、燃气及水的生产和供应业对宁夏碳排产生显著间接影响;宁夏碳排对总人口、单位GDP能耗、人均GDP、中国其它地区人口城市化率、宁夏人口城市化率和宁夏电力、燃气及水的生产和供应业区位商弹性系数分别为1.12%、-0.17%、0.25%、0.64%、0.80%和0.76%。 相似文献
为探索快速准确检测稻谷胶稠度的方法,本研究通过近红外漫反射红外光谱技术(NIRDRS)和傅里叶变换中红外漫反射红外光谱技术(FTIRDRS)结合偏最小二乘法(PLS),分别建立107个稻谷样品的胶稠度快速测定红外模型,而后利用区间偏最小二乘法(iPLS)及反向区间偏最小二乘法(BiPLS)对模型进行优化,得到较优的胶稠度测定分析通用模型。结果表明,DRIFTS原始光谱经7点平滑预处理和BiPLS优化,得到最佳模型的交互验证系数(R2)、交叉验证均方差(RMSECV)、预测均方差(RMSEP)及相对分析误差(RPD)分别为0.965 81、4.79、4.73及2.66。最佳近红外漫反射光谱模型是经多元散射校正(MSC)预处理、BiPLS优化后建立的,其R2、RMSECV、RMSEP及RPD分别为 0.964 58、4.35、3.68及3.42。10组外部验证性试验中NIRDRS模型的平均相对误差为1.93%,FTIRDRS模型的平均相对误差为2.60%,表明两种方法均对稻谷胶稠度含量有较强的预测能力和良好的预测效果,均有替代传统国标法测定稻谷胶稠度的潜力。 相似文献
为探明电子舌对调味料酒生产工艺的判别能力和理化指标的预测能力,本研究采用电子舌和理化检测手段,结合不同统计方法,对54份料酒样品分别建立定性和定量分析模型。结果表明,应用主成分分析(PCA)可以区分不同生产工艺的料酒样品,第一主成分为鲜味,贡献率62.4%,第二主成分为酸味,贡献率33.2%;应用簇类独立软模式法(SIMCA)可以准确判别酿造料酒和配制料酒,各传感器区分能力(DP)>5,识别率达到100%;应用偏最小二乘法(PLS)将传感器信号与行标方法检测结果进行拟合,总酸、氨基酸态氮和食盐的验证集标准偏差与预测标准偏差的比值(RPD)分别为12.1、6.5和14.1,建立的模型效果良好,可进行准确的定标和预测;酒精度RPD值为2.7,也可进行定量分析,但模型稳定性较弱。本研究结果为应用电子舌对调味料酒进行品质区分和检测提供了理论和实践基础。 相似文献
为建立适用于规模化奶牛场粪水中总氮含量的快速预测方法,以天津市23家种养结合型规模化奶牛场粪水治理全过程环节的样品为研究对象,探讨了基于中红外衰减全反射光谱技术快速预测粪水总氮含量的可行性。以偏最小二乘法分别建立了同一奶牛场粪水总氮含量的全程定标模型和不同奶牛场粪水总氮含量的全局定标模型,并采用独立的预测集验证了模型有效性。结果表明:全程模型总氮预测含量与实测含量的线性拟合相关系数为0.98,预测均方根误差RMSEP为130.18 mg/L,剩余预测偏差为4.97,可用于某一奶牛场粪水运移全过程环节总氮含量的快速预测;全局模型总氮预测含量与实测含量的线性拟合相关系数为0.97,预测均方根误差RMSEP为191.66 mg/L,剩余预测偏差为3.83,可用于不同奶牛场多元因素条件下总氮含量的快速预测。研究表明,基于中红外衰减全反射光谱可以实现对不同类型规模化奶牛场粪水治理全过程环节样品总氮含量的即时监测和跟踪。 相似文献
为了检测大白菜中马拉硫磷农药残留,该文采用表面增强拉曼光谱技术结合化学计量学方法建立马拉硫磷残留的快速检测模型。采用硫酸镁、N-丙基乙二胺、石墨化炭黑和C18去除大白菜中蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物等物质的影响。利用不同预处理方法对原始光谱信号进行预处理,建立大白菜中马拉硫磷残留的偏最小二乘模型。研究发现,大白菜中马拉硫磷的检测浓度达到1.082 mg/L以下;归一化预处理后建立的模型预测性能最好。配制5个未知浓度样本验证模型的准确度,预测值与真实值相对误差的绝对值为0.70%~9.84%,预测回收率为99.30%~109.84%;配对t检验的结果表明样本的预测值与真实值之间无明显差异,说明模型是准确可靠的。结果表明,SERS(surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy)方法可以实现大白菜中马拉硫磷残留的快速检测。 相似文献
运用偏最小二乘法(PLS)和人工神经网络(ANN)方法分别建立了0.9 mm筛分风干黑土土壤碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量预测的近红外光谱(NIRS)分析模型。使用偏最小二乘算法建立的碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾校正模型的决定系数R2分别为0.9520、0.8714和0.7300,平均相对误差分别为3.42%、13.40%和7.40%。人工神经网络方法建立的碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾校正模型的决定系数分别为0.9563、0.9493和0.9522,相对误差分别为2.67%、6.48%和2.27%,测试集仿真的相对误差分别为5.44%、16.65%和7.87%。结果表明,人工神经网络方法所建立的校正模型均优于偏最小二乘法所建模型;用近红外光谱分析法预测土壤碱解氮含量是可行的,而速效磷、速效钾模型的测试集样品仿真的相对误差较大,其预测可行性还需做进一步研究。 相似文献