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Oral soft tissue ulcers are common disorders of horses, but it is unclear if their prevalence is increased by riding horses with a bit and bridle. Oral examinations were performed on 113 horses and ponies, all which had received routine dental floating, that were divided into four groups depending on when they had last been ridden with a bit and bridle. The subjects comprised: group 1, a randomly selected population of ridden horses; group 2, a group of horses examined after being rested at pasture for 5 weeks; group 3, the previous group following 7 weeks of riding with a bit and bridle, and group 4, brood mares that had not been ridden for at least 11 months. Lip and intraoral soft tissue lesions were recorded at seven pre-determined locations, with lesions classified as large or small; acute or chronic.The examinations showed that horses that were currently being ridden with a bit and bridle had a significantly higher prevalence of large and acute buccal ulcers opposite the maxillary Triadan 06 teeth and of the commissures of the lips, as compared to horses that were not being currently ridden. It was concluded that using a bit and bridle can cause oral ulceration even in horses that have regular prophylactic dental floating. It is suggested that riding tack should be individually fitted for each horse and also that prophylactic dental treatments should be individually adapted for each horse.  相似文献   
Résumé— Il existe deux inhibiteurs de croissance des insectes (ICI) sous forme orale pour le contrôle des puces. Le lufénuron s'administre une fois par mois à la dose de 10 mg/kg chez le chien et 30 mg/kg chez le chat. La cyromazine s'administre quotidiennement à la dose de 10 mg/kg en association avec la diethylcarbamazine chez le chien. Aucun des deux produits n'est actif sur la puce adulte, mais cause plutôt une interruption de la production de chitine normale par différents modes d'actions spécifiques. Ceci entraine la mort des formes immatures de puces. Par conséquent, les 2 produits contrôle l'infestation par les puces adultes sur l'animal par le biais de l'élimination des formes immatures présentes dans le milieu. Il existe un délai de 6 à 8 semaines entre 1'administration d'inhibiteurs de croissance des insectes (ICI) et la reduction du nombre de puces adultes sur les animaux traités. Cette période réfractaire est due à la survie de puces immatures présentes dans le milieu avant le traitement aux ICI; elle peut être réduite si l'on démarre le traitement oral par les ICI simultanément à un traitement insecticide du milieu environnant et de l'animal. [Shipstone, M. A., Mason, K. V. The use of Insect Development Inhibitors as an oral medication for the control of the fleas Ctenocephalides felis, Ct. canis in the dog and cat (Utilisation d'inhibiteurs de croissance des insectes sous forme orale pour le contrôle des puces Ctenocephalides felis, Ct. canis chez le chien et le chat). Resumen— Existen dos inhibidores del desarrollo de insectos (ICI) para el control de pulgas. El Lefenuron se administra una vez al mes a una dosis de 10 mg × Kg-1 en perros y 30 mg × Kg-1 en gatos. La Ciromacina se administra diariamente a una dosis de 10 mg × Kg-1 en combinación con citrato de dietilcarbamacina en perros. Ninguno de estos compuestos produce efecto en pulgas adultas, sino que causa una interrupción en la producción normal de quitina por distintos mecanismos de acción. Ello causa la muerte del parásito en estadíos de inmadurez y crecimiento. Así, ambos controlan la infestación por pulgas adultas en el animal mediante la eliminación de estadíos vitales de la pulga. Existe un espacio de tiempo de 6–8 semanas entre el inicio de la aministración de ICA y la reducción del número de pulgas en animales tratados. Ésto et debido a la supervivencia de pulgas inmaduras que se encontraban en el entorno antes del inicio del tratamiento con ICI; este periodo de tiempo se puede reducir iniciando el tratamiento oral con ICI junto con tratamiento insecticida de la vivienda y sobre el animal. [Shipstone, M. A., Mason, K. V. The use of Insect Development Inhibitors as an oral medication for the control of the fleas Ctenocephalides felis, Ct. canis in the dog and cat (El uso de inhibidores del desarrollo de insectos como medicación oral para el control de las pulgas Cenocephalides felis y Ct. canis en el perro y en el gato). Abstract— There are two oral Insect Development Inhibitors (IDI) for the control of fleas. Lufenuron is administered once a month at 10 mg × kg-1 for dogs and 30 mg × kg-1 for cats. Cyromazine is administered daily at 10 mg kg-1 in combination with diethylcarbamazine citrate for dogs. Neither compound exerts an effect on the adult flea, but rather causes an interruption in normal chitin production through different specific modes of action. This causes death of the immature, developmental life stages of the flea. Thus, both control the adult flea infestation on the animal via the elimination of the environmental life stages of the flea. There is a lag phase of 6–8 weeks between the initiation of IDI administration and reduction in the number of adult fleas on the treated animals. The lag phase results from the survival of immature fleas that were present in the environment before the onset of IDI treatment; it can be reduced by initiating oral IDI treatment in combination with premise and on-animal insecticide treatments.  相似文献   
文章介绍了内服渔药配制的3种方法,并对科学使用内服渔药进行了阐述。  相似文献   
利用植物生物反应器生产口服疫苗的进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用植物生物反应器生产口服疫苗已成为目前研究的热点。与传统疫苗相比,植物源性疫苗具有安全、稳定、高效和廉价等优点。植物作为生产疫苗的载体可将抗原表达于植物的可食部位(例如种子和块茎)。当植物被食用或饲喂时,植物源性疫苗可激发保护性的黏膜免疫反应。随着生物技术的不断完善,植物生物反应器将会成为疫苗生产的有效途径,并部分替代传统疫苗的生产方式。本文综述了植物源性口服疫苗的研究进展,并对可能出现的问题及解决途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   
[目的]选取枣醋为主要原料,添加甘草汁、枸杞子提取物、玫瑰花提取物和蜂蜜,以开发一种养生益寿型复合枣醋饮料。[方法]首先用单因素试验确定甘草汁、枸杞子提取物、玫瑰花提取物和蜂蜜的添加量,在此基础上以L9(34)正交试验法确定复合枣醋配方,最后用超滤膜处理。[结果]养生益寿型复合枣醋的最佳配方为蜂蜜16.0%,玫瑰花提取物0.2%,甘草浸提液2.0%,枸杞子提取物0.2%,原枣醋为81.6%。[结论]可以得到优良口感、较好色泽的健康枣醋产品。  相似文献   
[目的]研究蒲公英口服液研制的最佳工艺参数,并对其黄酮和多糖含量进行测定。[方法]以蒲公英汁为主要原料,添加多糖、黄酮、蔗糖等辅料,研究蒲公英口服液的制作工艺。通过单因素、正交试验研究影响蒲公英口服液的因素,以感官评分标准以及口服液中黄酮和多糖含量作为指标,确定蒲公英口服液研制的最佳工艺参数。[结果]蒲公英口服液的最佳工艺参数:蒲公英汁35%,多糖添加量6%,黄酮添加量5%,蔗糖添加量10%。在此条件下,制作的蒲公英口服液呈天然红棕色,无分层和杂质,液体均匀且无沉淀。蒲公英口服液总黄酮和多糖的含量分别为6.71和15.00 mg/m L,以此作为保健功能的参考指标。[结论]在该工艺条件下研制的口服液基本保留了蒲公英中的营养物质和功能性成分,能充分体现蒲公英的营养价值和药用价值。  相似文献   
猪种布鲁氏菌2号苗(S#-2)是中国兽药监察所培育出的一株弱毒疫苗株。目前在世界上还没有好的疫苗预防猪的布鲁氏菌病的情况下,应用S#-2进行了实验性研究。结果表明,给怀孕猪皮下接种500亿S#-2活菌,给性成熟公猪肌肉内接种700-1500亿活菌,分别在猪体内连续通过5代,毒力没有增强,也不会造成怀孕猪流产。怀孕猪免疫接种S#-2第70天,攻击强毒,在对照猪70-87.5%感染的情况下,免疫组80-90%猪获得保护。公猪皮下接种186亿活菌,经测定,S#-2在猪体内停留时间小于60天。猪皮下接种S#-2后有轻微全身反应,1-2天后恢复正常。口服S#-2几乎没有任何副作用。无论采用注射或口服途径给猪接种,大约在35天补体结合反应转阴而凝集反应仍为阳性,据此,可以对免疫猪和感染猪进行鉴别诊断。布鲁氏菌2号苗毒力稳定,对各种动物都具有良好的免疫原性,用口服方法接种不会造成怀孕动物流产。本文综述了猪种布鲁氏菌2号苗在猪体上进行的免疫实验研究。  相似文献   
This study examined the efficacy of bithionol as an oral treatment for Atlantic salmon Salmo salar affected by amoebic gill disease (AGD). The current commercial management strategy of AGD is a costly 3 h freshwater bath. It is labour intensive and the number of baths needed appears to be increasing; hence, there is an effort to identify alternative treatments. Efficacy was examined by feeding AGD-affected Atlantic salmon twice daily to satiation with bithionol, an antiprotozoal, at 25 mg kg− 1 feed. Three seawater (35‰, 17 °C) re-circulation systems were used each consisting of three tanks containing 32 Atlantic salmon smolts with an average (± SEM) mass of 90.4 g (± 5.2). Three feeds were examined in the trial including bithionol, plain commercial control and oil coated commercial control. Feeding commenced 2 weeks prior to exposure to Neoparamoeba spp. at 300 cells L− 1 and continued for 28 days post-exposure. Efficacy was determined by examining gross gill score and identifying percent lesioned gill filaments twice weekly for 4 weeks post-exposure. Bithionol when fed as a two-week prophylactic treatment at 25 mg kg− 1 feed delayed the onset of AGD pathology and reduced the percent lesioned gill filaments by 53% and halved the gill score from 2 to 1 when compared with both the plain and oil controls during an experimental challenge. There were no palatability problems observed with mean feed intake of bithionol over the trial duration with fish consuming higher levels of the bithionol diet compared to both the oil and plain controls. This study demonstrated that bithionol at 25 mg kg− 1 feed, when fed as a two-week prophylactic treatment for Neoparamoeba spp. exposure, delayed and reduced the intensity of AGD pathology and warrants further investigation as an alternative to the current freshwater bath treatment for AGD-affected Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   
枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)是一种水产益生菌,最近也被用作口服疫苗的投递载体。本研究利用前期筛选到的柱状黄杆菌(Flavobacterium columnare)保护性抗原基因lip,与pBE2R载体连接后,以质粒的方式转入枯草芽孢杆菌WB800中,构建了重组菌株WB800 (pBE2R-lip)。聚丙酰胺电泳和免疫印迹实验表明,枯草芽孢杆菌WB800 (pBE2R-lip)能表达lip蛋白,其分子量约为32 kDa。利用枯草芽孢杆菌WB800 (pBE2R-lip)口服免疫草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)后,通过酶联免疫吸附实验,在受免草鱼血清中检测到特异性抗体效价的上升,在人工感染实验中,受免草鱼的免疫保护率为52.4%。本研究表明,利用枯草芽孢杆菌能有效表达柱状黄杆菌的lip基因,以其作为口服疫苗能引起草鱼的免疫应答并提供免疫保护效果。  相似文献   
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