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割茎再生技术对黄秋葵产量及品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用割茎再生技术,研究其对台湾五福、绿羊角、东京五角、早生五角、黄秋葵1号、黄秋葵2号等6种冬种黄秋葵品种的果实性状、品质以及经济效益的影响。结果表明:割茎再生技术可以使黄秋葵的采摘期提前40d左右,采收期延长30d左右;割茎再生技术可以在冬种黄秋葵种植采收末期应用,黄秋葵果实可作越夏蔬菜供应;割茎再生后的台湾五福黄秋葵的果实性状、品质及经济效益最好,每667m2纯收益增加8800~9750元,日均收益达62.0~68.7元,是最适宜在海南省三亚市进行割茎再生栽培的黄秋葵品种。  相似文献   
鸡脚叶标记的三系杂交棉光合特性的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
 以超鸡脚叶、鸡脚叶和正常叶棉花不育系及其恢复系为亲本材料,按NCⅡ交配设计,配制5类不同叶形的24个杂种,对各叶形杂种产量、品质和光合作用等性状的表现及其性状间的相关性进行了分析研究。测定发现,超鸡脚叶、鸡脚叶、中鸡脚叶、大鸡脚叶和正常叶5类杂种的生育期依次随叶面积系数增加而延长,中鸡脚叶杂种因具有适中的生育期和叶面积系数,产量和光合作用性状的综合表现最好。与对照(中杂29)比,中鸡脚叶杂种的籽棉产量增加1.16%,皮棉产量增加2.06%,纤维长度增加3.60%,麦克隆增加2.33%,生育期缩短10d。不同时期光合指标测定的结果表明,中鸡脚叶杂种除了生育后期Pn(净光合速率)、Gs(气孔导度)和Tr(蒸腾速率)稍低于正常叶杂种和对照外,其它时期Pn、Gs和Tr高于正常叶杂种和对照,且Ci(胞间CO2浓度)低于正常叶杂种。Pn与杂种产量的大多数性状呈正相关,其中与籽棉产量相关性最大,铃数和铃重次之,果枝数最小。考察不同叶形杂种结铃期上、中、下层叶光合性状发现,超鸡脚叶和鸡脚叶杂种下层的光照强度、透光率、Pn和Gs高于其它叶形杂种,其中超鸡脚叶杂种透光率和Pn最大,分别比对照高94.12%和45.54%,但上和中层叶的Pn较低。中鸡脚叶杂种上、中、下三层Pn和Gs高于正常叶杂种和对照, 上层Pn较对照高8.06%,中层Pn较对照高1.67%,下层Pn较对照高30.77%。认为中鸡脚形杂种具有良好的光合作用特性,对于产量和品质优势的表达具有重要促进作用。上层Pn较对照高5.4%,中层Pn较对照高1.7%,下层Pn较对照高30.8%。研究认为中鸡脚形杂种具有良好的光合作用特性,对于产量和品质优势的表达具有重要促进作用。  相似文献   
用正常叶和鸡脚叶杂交的F_3为材料,考查了不同叶型的产量、纤维品质、早熟性、虫籽率和僵瓣率。试验结果表明:鸡脚叶对纤维品质没有不良的影响,与正常叶比较,红铃虫为害的虫籽率和僵瓣率分别低36%和29.2%,皮棉产量持平,霜前花率高12.2%,霜前皮棉产量高17%,但其缺点是后期表现出明显的早衰现象。  相似文献   
Maize ogi was supplemented with 10 and 20% toasted and untoasted okra meals. Yields and chemical composition of ogi, and okra meal, and ogi substituted with okra meal were determined. Brabender paste properties of ogi and ogi substituted with okra meal mixtures were determined. Sensory acceptability of cooked colored and flavored ogi pastes was determined. Yields of ogi were 67.8% while yields of the toasted and untoasted okra seed meals were 35.1 and 39.9% respectively. Supplementing ogi with okra meal increased protein,ash, oil and fiber contents, but reduced ogi viscosity. Addition of yellow color did not significantly improve the color rating, but addition of vanilla flavor improved the flavor of ogi supplemented with untoasted okra meal significantly.  相似文献   
黄秋葵果荚中多糖的提取及其累积规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以台湾品种‘五福’黄秋葵为材料,采用热水浸提法提取多糖,同时在黄秋葵果实成熟过程对果荚中多糖含量进行测定比较。试验结果表明:黄秋葵中多糖得率为7.12%;黄秋葵果荚中多糖含量先随黄秋葵的发育成熟过程呈累积增加趋势,到第8d达到最大值,之后,随着果荚的老化,其中多糖却随之逐渐减少。  相似文献   
徐丽  高玲 《中国农学通报》2015,31(19):74-79
为了探究环境温湿度对黄秋葵结荚量的影响,以矮秆、中秆和高秆3个不同类型的6个栽培种为材料,开展大棚设施环境和海南大田环境栽培,监测环境温湿度,观测黄秋葵结荚量。结果表明:结荚盛期,设施大棚栽培环境下,随着温湿度的变化,LQK-1和HQK-3的小区周平均结荚量明显增加,整体比大田环境高;绿秋葵品种的单株周平均结荚量(35~65)总体比红秋葵品种的单株周平均结荚量(16~39)高,且达到显著差异,其中红秋葵HQK-2的单株周平均结荚量(2~2.7)最低。不同类型黄秋葵结荚量受环境温湿度影响不一致,矮秆型较适合大棚设施环境栽培;结荚量可作为DUS测试的选测性状来区分品种。  相似文献   
The effects of three okra planting densities (28 000; 56 000 and 111 000 plants ha1) intercropped within or between maize rows were investigated in two field trials during the 1990 and 1991 wet seasons at Nsukka. The plant height and the leaf area index (LAI) increased as the planting density increased in sole or intercropped okra while the number of branches per plant decreased with increasing okra planting density. The height of maize plants also increased as okra planting density increased but the LAI decreased. Intercropping reduced the yield and yield components (number and weight of pods per plant) of okra and maize (number of cobs, cob length and 100-grain weight). Increasing okra planting density reduced the sole and the intercropped okra and also the maize intercrop yield by reducing the number of pods and grains as well as the pod and grain size, respectively. Assessment of the productivity ofthe mixtures showed that the highest yield advantage (35%) of growing okra and maize together was obtained at 28000 okra plants ha1 while the highest monetary return was realized at the highest okra planting density of 111000 plants ha1 intercropped between maize rows. The patterns of row arrangement did not have effect on the growth, yield and yield components of the mixtures.  相似文献   
通过综述黄秋葵的食用、药用和饲用价值,总结其种质和育种情况,阐述了黄秋葵的育种前景。  相似文献   

The response of okra plants (Hibiscus esculentus) to root‐and foliar‐applied B at 0, 2 and 4 ppm was investigated in solution culture. Root‐B application higher than 2 ppm resulted in severe root burn and toxicity in the plants, whereas foliar‐B application up to 4 ppm produced adequate plant growth. Chlorophyll and carotene content of the leaves, flower number, stem diameter, plant height and dry matter production were drastically reduced at high root‐applied B when compared to the foliar treatments. Significant negative correlation between root‐applied B and plant height, stem diameter, leaf and flower number was established. Except for a significant negative correlation with leaf number, all other growth components were positively correlated with foliar application of B. At 2 ppm B, leaf‐B, ‐P, ‐K and ‐Ca were higher at the root‐B than at the foliar‐B treatments. Foliar application of B was superior to root‐application as was observed in the healthy growth of the okra plant.  相似文献   

To obtain the potential range in disease development, a progressive increase in spore concentration of the imperfect state of Cochliobolus miyabeanus was used on twelve rice varieties differing in their resistance to brown leaf spot. An analysis of the relative contributory effect of increase in lesion size and numbers on the percentage leaf area diseased was used as a basis to develop a quantitative scoring method in chart form for brown spot disease. The chart was aided by the provision of diagrams of the different categories in disease intensity. The usefulness of this disease scoring chart and its limitations are discussed. Other methods of assessment are proposed to overcome the limitations especially in respect of varietal resistance and seedling blights.  相似文献   
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