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现代社会的不断变化,影响着人们获取并利用资源的方式。其中,电力已成为我国社会不能缺少的重要能源。因此保证电力供应的安全与质量,是许多电厂必须考虑的问题。配电网自动技术的应用,能很好地解决这一问题。  相似文献   
基于改进PSO算法的电机控制系统PID参数优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粒子群算法(PSO,Particle Swarm Optimization)作为一种新型的随机优化方法,其算法结构简单,鲁棒性强,在组合优化和自适应控制等领域的非线性优化中有着广泛的应用前景.为此,提出一种改进的PSO优化算法,并将该算法应用于电机控制系统的PID参数优化设计.仿真结果表明,利用改进PSO算法优化的PID参数能有效改善控制系统的性能指标.  相似文献   
面向过程设计是变电站综合自动化系统的基础和核心,使系统最终满足带有用户功能折过程要求,描述了面向过程设计中动态响应,系统范围内的任务,面向信息和一般处理任务等4项基本任务的内容。  相似文献   
Surface irrigation rehabilitation in the South-East of France has shown success ever since the beginning of its development in the early 1980s. The gradual introduction of surface distributors, mechanized or automated has resulted in water savings and above all in decreased labor input. The distributors used are: gated pipes, layflat tubing, buried low pressure pipe and cablegation. They are used over an ever increasing area which attained about 1000 ha in 1987.Improvement is made in furrow head distribution as well as in field levelling, furrow flow evaluation, flow control at the head of the furrow and in the collective system.The effect of a modernized system and improved knowledge has been to make automated surface irrigation (particularly furrow irrigation) a modern application method in competition with techniques such as sprinklers and localized irrigation.Abbreviations ASAE American Society of Agricultural Engineers - CEMAGREF Centre d'Etude du Machinisme Agricole du Génie Rural des Eaux et des Forêts, Division Irrigation, BP 5095, 34033 Montpellier et BP 31 Le Tholonet 13612 AIX - ENGREF Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural des Eaux et des Forêts, Département Maîtrise de l'Eau et Développement, BP 5093, 34033 Montpellier - IRAT Institute de Recherche en Agronomie Tropicale, Zolad Mini Parc Bt7, 34100 Montpellier - P.V.C. Polyvinyl chloride - RNEDHA Réseau National Expérimentation Démonstration secteur Hydraulique Agricole, BP 5095, 34033 Montpellier - SCP Société du Canal de Provence et d'Aménagement de la Région Provençale, BP 100, 13603 AIX en Provence  相似文献   
玉米是我国主要农作物之一,其生产效率与生产质量的好坏,直接关系着我国粮食安全。传统的玉米播种方式,不仅生产效率、作业质量和标准化程度均比较低,无法实现高效率全自动大面积玉米播种或者套种的实际需求。在新时期,随着城镇化进程加快,农村劳动力日益短缺,加上社会经济发展与科学技术的进步,为我国玉米移栽机自动化技术开发设计提供了必要的支撑条件。为此,对我国东北地区玉米试验田进行相关研究,就自动化玉米移栽机及其送苗装置技术的研发、设计进行探究,并重点阐述其基本工作原理。  相似文献   

Seventeen historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) had the unique distinction of being designated land-grant institutions in 1890. There is surprisingly little information in the library literature describing the state of automation in academic libraries and even less about the state of automation in the seventeen historically black land-grant universities. The authors designed a questionnaire that would serve as the instrument for a base survey of the state of automation in these libraries. The results of this survey are presented in the following article.  相似文献   
如何选择油罐自动化计量装置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙国锋 《油气储运》1999,18(5):45-46
油罐自动化计量方法可分为静压法、液位计法和混合法,通过对这一种方法的测量功能分析得出,静坟法适用于静态监控和发油监控,保能满足油罐油口自动化计量管理的一般要求;液位计法适合于单一的静态监控;混合法弥补了前两种方法的不足,不仅可以测量油位和水位,对进出油品进行跟踪监控,而且减少了运算环节,增加了系统的可靠性。  相似文献   
Fault detection of the distribution systems is one of the key techniques for feeder automation. At all times, it is still very difficult for the exact detection of single phase to ground fault. First of all, the distinguishing rules of the faulted phase are presented when ground fault occurs in distribution systems. This paper analyzes the fault detection technique for single phase to ground in system with floating neutral point. Based on faulted phase's current, a method realizing ground fault protection is proposed and the algorithm model of action criterion is given out. The simulation results show that the method will be with very good selectivity to ground fault, and it can be used preferably in feeder automation. The detection method for short circuit fault is also introduced simply.  相似文献   
该文根据我国目前电气设备的制造水平和控制技术,以哈尔滨新仁电力排灌站为例,分析了排灌站供电设备、动力设备、控制设备和无功补偿容量对泵站效益的影响,进而提出了合理选择这些电气设备的原则和计算公式。  相似文献   
精确灌溉与施肥自动化管理系统的研制与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
精准灌溉与施肥自动管理系统是利用人工智能技术,在收集气象资料和田间试验的基础上,依据农田水量平衡原理与作物目标产量及土壤养分状况、土壤类型、土壤墒情等资料信息,采用C语言编程而建立的。控制器以单片机为核心,高精度土壤水分探测仪、喷灌、施肥罐与控制器相连接,形成一个完整的土壤水分探头水分传感,控制器采集数据,通过人机对话与菜单选择相结合的方式,自动给出作物各生育期所需灌水量和施肥量,由控制器控制喷灌流量,自动完成灌溉施肥过程。系统可针对不同的作物、不同地域、不同时期的气候与作物生长状况,判断土壤储水量是否下降至作物灌水的下限指标,根据作物需肥量,精确确定灌溉和施肥量;系统在运行时,可以根据地块的宽度自动调节喷灌射程,还可根据地块面积划分为若干个小区,根据肥料的兼溶性,配制肥料,自动调节肥料的喷施浓度,喷施流量,实现自动精确灌溉施肥。系统可提供小麦、玉米、棉花等7种作物精准灌溉与施肥的决策实施方案,并具有良好的扩展性。  相似文献   
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