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We examined the utility of a site-based simulation model for corn (MAIZE) applied to the Upper Great Lakes Region (UGLR) of the United States for 1992–1996. To evaluate model outputs, we used a modeling applications system integrative framework (MASIF) to simulate corn yields in the UGLR. We divided the region into two ecological zones (upper UGLR-1 and lower UGLR-2) and compared MAIZE and USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service (NASS) yield estimates in each zone. There was greater agreement between MAIZE and NASS yields at lower yield values. As NASS yields increased, MAIZE yields also increased, but to a greater extent than did NASS yields. We conducted a mean spatial analysis of maize yield from 1992 to 1996. We also conducted a spatial analysis of 1994, 1995 and 1996. There are both spatial and temporal differences when yields are mapped.  相似文献   
Most methods used to predict irrigation water consumption at a regional scale are based on biophysical models and cropping patterns. Their aim is to provide accurate estimations of “water demand” that are useful for water resource management. However, in the case of free access to the water resource, for example pumping from a water table, it is only possible to prevent overexploitation by “managing” the demand for water, which thus needs to focus on farmers’ choices and behavior. In this paper, we propose a framework to represent agricultural activities using typologies of farms and production units aggregated at a regional scale. The framework can be used to estimate consumption of irrigation water and of other inputs, as well as the production of outputs. The framework can also be used to evaluate the effects of technical, economic or institutional changes on farm income, and to predict the consequences of changes for farmers’ choices at regional scale. We used this method in Central Tunisia to estimate irrigation water demand in 1999. We then simulated the changes that would occur if drip irrigation were adopted. The results of the simulation showed some savings in water and in labor, and, with fertigation, an increase in yields. Using drip irrigation would consequently enable farmers to extend the area of drip-irrigated land. We then simulated the widespread adoption of drip irrigation and the resulting extension of irrigated areas: the results showed no savings in water at the regional scale. These hypotheses were confirmed in 2005 using new typologies to estimate the new demand for irrigation water. We also simulated the effects of economic changes on farm incomes. A major increase in the cost of water affected a minority of farms, which consumed only 17% of total irrigation water, whereas a slight decrease in watermelon and melon prices affected a majority of farms, which consumed 78% of total irrigation water. Water demand management tools therefore need to focus on the effects of technical, economic, or institutional changes and on farmers’ choices.  相似文献   
车内低频噪声直接影响到车室内的声学舒适性,利用有限元软件ANSYS建立汽车驾驶室声-固耦合有限元分析模型。计算在典型的外界激励情况下车内声场的分布情况,为改善车内声学特性,对车内噪声进行预测提供了参考。  相似文献   
The proportion of growth allocated to reproductive organs can be an important determinant of yield variation between cultivars and environments. The main aim of this paper was to evaluate the adequacy of a model assuming constancy in partitioning coefficients (PC, the slope of organ weight to total weight relationship) within periods whose limits are associated with phenological phases to describe variation in reproductive growth (including seeds when present) in the Andean seed crop quinoa. A second objective was to analyze the dynamics of panicle and stem growth to advance our understanding of factors determining yield in this species. To do this, we used data from two experiments conducted in 2 years under field conditions in the Argentinean pampas, using four cultivars belonging to the Sea Level Type and adapted to temperate environments, under three densities. Reproductive partitioning followed a bi-phasic pattern; panicle biomass increased gradually until reaching a total biomass value, and then there was an increase in the slope of panicle vs. total aerial biomass relationship. Partitioning coefficients for the initial stage varied between some cultivars and densities in the first year, but not in the second. No significant differences were detected when PCs for the second stage were considered. The start of panicle growth was associated with thermal time to first anthesis (R2 = 0.62) while thermal time to change in partitioning from low to high PC and that to end of flowering were strongly related (R2 = 0.93). Combining data across cultivars, years and densities gave a PC of 0.15 for the initial stage and 0.90 for the second stage. Using these relationships and parameters dynamics of panicle biomass accumulation was predicted satisfactorily in an independent data set for a different environment, confirming the usefulness of a single model approach to describe partitioning across cvs. and environments in this crop. Besides, crop yield estimations improved when compared to those obtained by a seed number estimation model, predictions were only 7.25% lower than observed values compared to −24.5% using a seed number approach. There is a trade-off between final partitioning to reproductive structures (higher in short-cycle cvs.) and total crop biomass, one of the factors contributing to this trade-off being a negative association between the panicle–stem relationship at harvest and duration in thermal time units of stem growth; so, selection for high partitioning rate should be targeted at long duration cvs. within this germplasm.  相似文献   
利用GIS软件和MSPGS组件生成重庆市决策气象服务图形产品地图模板,利用数据融合技术对气象数据进行转换,使其既能被GIS软件识别,又可以在Micaps软件中使用,并通过建立模型,登陆MSPGS的客户端进行任务的定制和自动执行,实现了决策气象服务图形产品的自动生成,有效节约了时间,增强了决策气象服务产品的时效性和针对性。  相似文献   
应用"3414"设计的田间肥料试验结果,探讨蔬菜氮磷钾三元肥效模型的Monte Carlo建模法。莴苣试验结果表明,采用最小二乘法回归建模,NP、NK二元肥效模型属于非典型式,PK二元和NPK三元肥效模型属于典型式;而改用MonteCarlo建模法,NP、NK和PK二元肥效模型以及NPK三元肥效模型均属于典型式。采用最小二乘法回归建模,不同蔬菜作物建立的34个三元肥效模型的典型式出现机率为41.2%,而Monte Carlo建模法的典型式出现机率为91.2%,提高了2.2倍。Monte Carlo建模法是适当放弃数学上偏差平方和最小的最优性,使待估参数达到专业上最优而数学上较优,从而提高典型肥效模型的出现机率。对莴苣氮钾非典型肥效模型的推荐施肥表明,Monte Carlo法的结果明显优于产量频率分析法。因此,Monte Carlo建模法为建立蔬菜多元肥效模型和推荐施肥提供了一种有效方法。  相似文献   
秸秆还田种类对稻田N2O排放及硝化反硝化微生物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以太湖流域典型单季稻田的原状土柱为研究对象,通过设置温室土柱试验,同步监测3种秸秆(水稻秸秆RS、小麦秸秆WS、玉米秸秆MS)施用下水稻各生长期N2O排放、水稻产量和土壤理化因子,同时定量化分析多个N2O排放相关菌群及功能基因的丰度,以阐明N2O排放对不同种类秸秆施用引发的微生物响应机制,筛选控制单季稻田N2O减排增效最佳的秸秆种类。结果表明:与对照相比,RS、WS和MS处理下水稻生长期N2O排放量分别增加162.32%、107.11%和9.48%,其中RS处理显著高于MS处理。水稻生育期内,土壤氨氧化菌(AOA、AOB)和反硝化菌群落(nir S、nos Z)丰度均呈现先上升后下降的变化趋势。与对照相比,拔节期RS处理显著增加AOA、AOB、nirS和nosZ拷贝数,MS和WS处理对上述功能基因丰度均无显著影响。各生育期土壤NH4+-N含量整体高于NO3-N含量,二者均在水稻分蘖期达到峰...  相似文献   
The impacts of a leguminous summer cover crop (sunn hemp; Crotalaria juncea) on nitrogen leaching from a corn (Zea mays L.) field was evaluated by direct measurements of soil water content and nitrogen balance components, complemented by direct and inverse modeling as an exploratory tool to better understand water flow and nitrogen balances in the soil. Water and nitrogen inputs and outputs were measured during winter corn production in an experimental field located in the south Miami-Dade basin in southern Florida (USA). Data from the last two seasons (2001-2002 and 2002-2003) of a 4-year study are presented. The field was divided into six 0.13 ha plots. One-half of the plots were rotated with sunn hemp (CC plots) during the summer while the remaining plots were kept fallow (NC plots). Sweet corn management was uniform on all plots and followed grower recommended practices. A numerical model (WAVE) for describing water and agrochemical movement in the soil was used to simulate water and nitrogen balances in both types of plots during the corn seasons. The hydrodynamic component of WAVE was calibrated with soil water data collected continuously at three depths, which resulted in accurate soil water content predictions (coefficients of efficiency of 0.85 and 0.91 for CC and NC plots, respectively). Measured components of the nitrogen balance (corn yields, estimated nitrogen uptake, and soil organic nitrogen) were used to positively assess the quality of the nitrogen simulation results. Results of the modeled water balance indicate that using sunn hemp as a cover crop improved the soil physical conditions (increase in soil water retention) and subsequently enhanced actual crop evapotranspiration and reduced soil drainage. However, nitrogen simulation results suggest that, although corn nitrogen uptake and yields were slightly higher in the CC plots than in the NC plots, there were net increases of soil N content that resulted in increased N leaching to the shallow aquifer. Therefore, the use of sunn hemp as cover crop should be coupled with reductions in N fertilizer applied to the winter crop to account for the net increase in soil N content.  相似文献   
The provision of recreational opportunities is one of the important human goals of marine protected areas. However, as levels of recreational use increase, human disturbance is likely to cause significant detrimental effects upon wildlife. Here we evaluate the best managing options to mitigate the impact of sea-based tourism on the foraging activity of an endangered population of European shags, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, in a coastal marine protected area (Cíes islands, north-western Iberia). Boat disturbance elicited a characteristic avoidance behavior that resulted in a substantial reduction in foraging activity as levels of boat use increased. Moreover, boats excluded shags from the best feeding areas, resulting in higher densities of foragers in areas of little boat traffic. We used a behavioral model to explore the effects of managing strategies aimed at reducing the impact of boats on the foraging activity of shags. Our model suggested that in low boat disturbance scenarios limiting the number of boats using the reserve would be a better management option than habitat protection (i.e. the establishment of set-aside areas free of boat traffic). On the contrary, when boat disturbance levels are high the protection of habitat is recommendable, even if spatial variation in habitat quality is unknown or poorly assessed. Our study stresses the point that management strategies to minimize disturbance to foraging seabirds may depend on the spatial overlap between sea-based recreational activities and foraging seabirds and the spatial variation in marine habitat quality for seabirds.  相似文献   
The interaction of 5-Iodouracil with human serum albumin (HSA) was investigated in aqueous solution by fluorescence quenching spectrum in combination with UV absorption spectrum and modeling method. The quenching mechanism and binding characteristics of 5-Iodouracil with HSA were obtained from the fluorescence measurement. The binding constants were calculated according to the Lineweaver-Burk equation at different temperatures. And the thermodynamic parameters, enthalpy change (ΔH) and entropy change (ΔS), were calculated by thermodynamic equations. The results showed that the hydrophobic interaction played a major role in the binding of 5-Iodouracil with HSA. The binding distance was obtained according to Föster’s non-radiative energy transfer theory. The effect of some normal ions on the binding constants was discussed. Modeling method was applied to elucidate the interaction mode between 5-Iodouracil and HSA, which was agreed with the calculated result by thermodynamic method. Moreover, the synchronous fluorescence technique was successfully applied to quantify total protein in human body fluids including serum, urine, and saliva samples. The results showed that this method was stable, reliable, selective, sensitive, and practical for the determination of HSA.  相似文献   
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