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《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(4):299-310
Abstract Extractable li with ammonium acetate was determined by flamephotometry, in normal soils, alkaline soils and saline soils in the Province of La Pampa (Argentina). The soils were originated from differents parent material, with various rainfalls (arid to subhumid climate) and management. The higher contents were found in saline soils. In the other soils the extractable lithium content depends on the parent material, but not on rainfall. Different patterns of vertical and horizontal distribution of extractable lithium were found. The origin of extractable lithium is here discussed. 相似文献
羊草种群各类地下芽的发生、输出与地上植株的形成、维持动态 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
羊草地下芽库中各类型芽及所形成子株和母株的季节动态变化研究结果表明,当年返青母株是由上一年母株形成的80%的分蘖芽与分蘖芽子株,15%的根茎顶芽与根茎顶芽子株,以及5%根茎节芽和根茎节芽子株组成的,分蘖芽与分蘖芽子株是返青母株的主体。随着返青母株的生长,根茎顶芽是在5月20日早于分蘖芽和根茎节芽1个月发生,并首先呈水平生长方式远离母株,占据生态位;在6月20日水平根茎顶芽开始向地面弯曲,输出子株的同时,分蘖芽和根茎节芽开始形成,并输出子株。羊草母株以产生低比例根茎芽和高比例分蘖芽的扩展和丛生联合生长方式,以年内和年间的芽、子株、母株之间的不断循环,年复一年地维持着种群的无性繁殖机制。高降水年份可显著地增加地下芽库各类型芽数量,从而使地上子株和母株密度增加。 相似文献
Xiao-xue Yuan Bin Zhang Li-li Li Chao-wu Xiao Jue-xin Fan Mei-mei Geng Yu-long Yin 《畜牧与生物技术杂志(英文版)》2012,3(1):1-8
Soybean isoflavones are structurally similar to mammalian estrogens and therefore may act as estrogen agonists or antagonists. However, it has not been determined if they have any negative effects on reproductive parameters in male livestock. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of soybean isoflavones on male reproduction using Chinese mini-pig boars as a model. Fifty Xiang boars were randomly divided into five groups and fed diets containing 0, 125, 250, or 500 ppm soybean isoflavones or 0.5 ppm diethylstilbestrol for 60 days.Results
Dietary supplementation with 250 ppm of soy isoflavones markedly increased the testis index (P < 0.05), fructose content (P < 0.05), and α-glycosidase content in testicular tissue (P < 0.01), as well as increased the number of viable germ cells (P < 0.01) and the level of Bcl-2 protein (P < 0.01). However, 500 ppm of soybean isoflavones significantly reduced both testis and epididymis indexes (P < 0.05) and lactate dehydrogenase levels (P < 0.01), as well as reduced serum LH and testosterone levels (P < 0.05). High levels of soybean isoflavones also increased malondialdehyde levels (P < 0.05), as well as increased the numbers of early and late apoptotic germ cells (P < 0.01) and the level of Bax proteins (P < 0.05) in the testis.Conclusions
The results of this study indicate that consumption of soy isoflavones at dietary levels up to 250 ppm did not adversely affect reproductive parameters in Chinese mini-pig boars whereas higher levels of soy isoflavones may adversely affect male reproduction. 相似文献84.
为获得更多用于构建甘蔗遗传连锁图谱可用的多态性SSR标记,本研究以6个高抗甘蔗褐锈病品种和6个高感甘蔗褐锈病品种为亲本,根据感病母本×抗病父本选配12个杂交组合,筛选在亲本间条带清晰、多态性明显、重复性较好的引物。结果表明,组合柳城03-1137×德蔗93-88、Mex105×粤糖00-236亲本间的多态性引物数最多,分别占总数的52.38%和47.62%;其中,10对引物(18-mSSCIR34、22-mSSCIR38、25-mSSCIR48、32-mSSCIR67、51-mSSCIR50、57-MSSCIR21、71-SMC1490CL*、73-SMC278CS*、75-SMC31CUQ*、77-SMC336BS*)在组合柳城03-1137×德蔗93-88中多态性最好,7对引物(22-mSSCIR38、25-mSSCIR48、45-mSSESTC04、51-mSSCIR50、67-mSSCIR9*、76-SMC334BS*、80-SMC486CG*)在Mex105×粤糖00-236中多态性最好,利用筛选得到的引物,更有利于构建分子遗传图谱。本研究结果为抗褐锈病新基因定位和开发与其紧密连锁的分子标记研究提供了一定的理论依据。 相似文献
在同一条件下研究比较杜洛克(D) 与A、B、C3 个新品系猪杂交后代的肉用性能。结果显示, DA、DB、DC 的生长速度分别为757-32 、718-81 、686-67 g/d 。料重比依次为3-58 、3-54、3-70 。屠宰测定, DA、DB 的胴体瘦肉率比DC分别高7-51 % ( P< 0-05) 和13-38 % ( P< 0-01) ,脂肪率DC比DA、DB 分别高14-84 % ( P < 0-05) 和31-15% ( P < 0-01) , DA 和DB 无显著性差异。其它胴体性状水平各组间无显著性差异。DA、DC 的肉质性能良好, DB 表现轻度的PSE 肉 相似文献
河南省成土母质与土壤空间分布多样性的特征 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
成土母质作为土壤发育的主要形成因素,二者间的关系密切。选取河南省作为研究区,从多样性的角度运用经典的仙农熵测度方法分析成土母质和土壤要素的构成组分多样性、不同母质基础上各土壤分类级别的多样性特征,并运用改进的仙农熵公式研究5 km×5 km网格尺度下不同成土母质对土类空间分布离散程度的影响及不同成土母质和土壤的空间分布多样性特征和相关性。结果表明:(1)成土母质类型虽少,但其构成组分多样性高于土类,这与二者分类系统的分支率有关;(2)6类母质类型中,残积、坡积物母质面积最大且发育土壤类型最为复杂;15种土壤类型与6类母质之间的关系有一对多、一对一和多对一3种类型;(3)不同母质上发育的土类的空间分布离散性程度不同,残积、坡积物母质上分布的优势土类为粗骨土,河流冲积物和河湖相沉积物母质上的优势土类分别是潮土和砂姜黑土,洪积物和黄土与红土母质上发育较好的两种土类为黄褐土和褐土,风积物母质上仅发育了风砂土一种土类;(4)潮土和河流冲积物母质分别是是河南省面积最大、空间分布多样性值最高的土类类型和成土母质类型,且成土母质与土类空间分布多样性间存在不同程度的相关性。综上,河南省的6大类成土母质与15种土类的构成组分多样性和空间分布离散性程度存在差异,且二者的空间分布多样性间存在一定的相关性。 相似文献
我国水污染日益严重,Ⅰ类地表水地区较少,目前可供饮用的Ⅲ类水成为研究土壤地表水体系污染状况的热点。选取具有代表性的长江三角洲地区4种母质(河相、湖相、海相沉积物和沟沟堆积物)发育而成的土壤,通过加入不同量的外源铜、锌金属培育污染土样,使其分别达到国家土壤环境质量三级标准的0.25、0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0、2.5倍。在此基础上研究雨水和模拟酸雨条件下,对模拟污染的土样进行解吸,并对解吸曲线进行拟合,在基于地表水Ⅲ类水质标准的铜、锌环境容量的基础上,计算了4种土壤在不同情况下的土壤环境容量,并通过探讨国家土壤标准的吻合性,提出针对不同母质的土壤,对其重金属的土壤污染临界值进行适当的调整,以达到Ⅲ类水标准,保障人类的安全与健康。结果表明,在模拟雨水情况下,基于地表水Ⅲ类标准的4种土壤的环境容量分别为:SEBC-06:铜10002mg·kg^-1,锌848.1mg·kg^-1;SEBC-19:铜1162mg·kg^-1,锌612.9mg·kg^-1;SEBC-20:铜9796mg·kg^-1,锌1047mg·kg^-1;SEBC-25:铜720mg·kg^-1,锌180.2mg·kg^-1。 相似文献
YANG Lin A-Xing ZHU ZHAO Yuguo LI Decheng ZHANG Ganlin ZHANG Shujie Lawrence E. BAND 《土壤圈》2017,27(2):344-357
High-resolution and detailed regional soil spatial distribution information is increasingly needed for ecological modeling and land resource management. For areas with no point data, regional soil mapping includes two steps: soil sampling and soil mapping. Because sampling over a large area is costly, efficient sampling strategies are required. A multi-grade representative sampling strategy, which designs a small number of representative samples with different representative grades to depict soil spatial variations at different scales,could be a potentially efficient sampling strategy for regional soil mapping. Additionally, a suitable soil mapping approach is needed to map regional soil variations based on a small number of samples. In this study, the multi-grade representative sampling strategy was applied and a fuzzy membership-weighted soil mapping approach was developed to map soil sand percentage and soil organic carbon(SOC) at 0–20 and 20–40 cm depths in a study area of 5 900 km2 in Anhui Province of China. First, geographical sub-areas were delineated using a parent lithology data layer. Next, fuzzy c-means clustering was applied to two climate and four terrain variables in each stratum. The clustering results(environmental cluster chains) were used to locate representative samples. Evaluations based on an independent validation sample set showed that the addition of samples with lower representativeness generally led to a decrease of root mean square error(RMSE). The declining rates of RMSE with the addition of samples slowed down for 20–40 cm depth, but fluctuated for 0–20 cm depth. The predicted SOC maps based on the representative samples exhibited higher accuracy, especially for soil depth 20–40 cm, as compared to those based on legacy soil data. Multi-grade representative sampling could be an effective sampling strategy at a regional scale. This sampling strategy, combined with the fuzzy membership-based mapping approach, could be an optional effective framework for regional soil property mapping. A more detailed and accurate soil parent material map and the addition of environmental variables representing human activities would improve mapping accuracy. 相似文献
Particle arrangement and internal porosity of coarse fragments affect water retention in stony soils
Caroline Andrade Pereira Rodrigo Pivoto Mulazzani Quirijn de Jong Van Lier Fabrício de Araújo Pedron Paulo Ivonir Gubiani 《European Journal of Soil Science》2023,74(3):e13382
Information about water retention in stony soils lags behind due to methodological difficulties. We applied a new strategy to measure the water retention in soils with coarse fragments (CFs) and to get insights into the effect of CFs porosity on water retention. Water retention at zero, 10, and 150 m suction, bulk density, and the mass fraction of six particle size classes were measured in undisturbed blocks from soils with variable CFs contents, originating from three parent materials. The results showed that some soils contain porous CFs (2–250 mm) with a water holding capacity as high as the fine fraction (<2 mm). The water held in the suction range of 1–150 m in a soil with porous CFs was twice as high as in soils with non-porous CFs. Multilinear regressions revealed that both the water retention capacity at 1 m suction and in the range 1–150 m were more dependent on bulk density than on the fraction of CFs and fine particles. In the soil with porous CFs, there was no correlation between their fraction and soil water retention. These results show that the bulk water retention capacity of soils with CFs is underestimated when not considering the internal porosity of the CFs. A better understanding of the effect of the porosity of CFs on bulk soil porosity and water retention is important to propose suitable pedotransfer functions and refine physically-based hydraulic functions for stony soils. 相似文献