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针对磁化水对农业生产的影响,简述了国内外关于磁化水应用的研究动态和发展趋势,介绍了磁化水在促进作物种子萌发、增强抗逆性以及提高产量和改善品质方面的研究进展。  相似文献   
Cover crop use can help mitigate the deleterious effects of common cropping practices (e.g., tillage) and is, therefore, an important component of soil health maintenance. While known to be beneficial in the long-term, the short-term effects of cover crops, specifically mixed-species cover crops in organic systems are less clear. Cover crop effects on tomato productivity and disease severity were recorded over three field seasons (2010, 2011 and 2012) at sixteen field sites in three states, Maryland, New York and Ohio (MD, NY and OH), each with distinct soilborne disease pressure. Plots of five state-specific cover crop treatments were established the season prior to tomato production; the resulting plant residue was incorporated the following spring approximately four weeks before tomato planting. Total fruit yields along with early-season shoot height and fresh weight were used to compare treatment effects on productivity. Treatment disease severity ratings relied on natural inoculum. Interestingly, the effect of a single season of cover cropping on total yield was significant in no more than 25% of all site years. Similarly, cover crop effects on tomato disease levels were significant in 0–44% of the sixteen field sites. However, significant field-specific patterns were observed in every state across multiple years for some treatments. For example, in New York in 2010, tomato yields following all mixed cover crops were greater than the single rye cover crop in one field, but this pattern was reversed in the adjacent field. Thus, no general recommendation of a specific cover crop mixture can be made for near-term enhancement of tomato productivity or for reduction of disease. Therefore, growers should focus on location and operation-specific variables when choosing cover crops.  相似文献   
新疆兵团设施园艺机械化发展现状及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆兵团设施园艺机械化近年来得到了快速发展,但仍然存在着装备结构不合理、社会服务体系不完善、设施农业技术培训跟不上发展需求等诸多制约因素。为此,根据所收集的资料、数据和实际情况,对兵团设施园艺农业机械化发展现状进行了客观的分析、评价、总结,研究探讨了新形势下新疆兵团设施农业现代化产业结构调整及未来的发展方向,并提出了相应的对策及建议,以促进兵团设施园艺农业的可持续发展。  相似文献   
Cover cropping is a common agro-environmental tool for soil and groundwater protection. In water limited environments, knowledge about additional water extraction by cover crop plants compared to a bare soil is required for a sustainable management strategy. Estimates obtained by the FAO dual crop coefficient method, compared to water balance-based data of actual evapotranspiration, were used to assess the risk of soil water depletion by four cover crop species (phacelia, hairy vetch, rye, mustard) compared to a fallow control. A water stress compensation function was developed for this model to account for additional water uptake from deeper soil layers under dry conditions. The average deviation of modelled cumulative evapotranspiration from the measured values was 1.4% under wet conditions in 2004 and 6.7% under dry conditions in 2005. Water stress compensation was suggested for rye and mustard, improving substantially the model estimates. Dry conditions during full cover crop growth resulted in water losses exceeding fallow by a maximum of +15.8% for rye, while no substantially higher water losses to the atmosphere were found in case of evenly distributed rainfall during the plant vegetation period with evaporation and transpiration concentrated in the upper soil layer. Generally the potential of cover crop induced water storage depletion was limited due to the low evaporative demand when plants achieved maximum growth. These results in a transpiration efficiency being highest for phacelia (5.1 g m−2 mm−1) and vetch (5.4 g m−2 mm−1) and substantially lower for rye (2.9 g m−2 mm−1) and mustard (2.8 g m−2 mm−1). Taking into account total evapotranspiration losses, mustard performed substantially better. The integration of stress compensation into the FAO crop coefficient approach provided reliable estimates of water losses under dry conditions. Cover crop species reducing the high evaporation potential from a bare soil surface in late summer by a fast canopy coverage during early development stages were considered most suitable in a sustainable cover crop management for water limited environments.  相似文献   
在分析了陇东旱塬什字塬区农业资源的基础上,运用“农业生态区域法”(AEZ)估算了该区主要农作物的资源生产潜力,分析了限制农田生产力的主要因素,提出了进一步挖掘潜力的战略途径.  相似文献   
基于轻量型残差网络的自然场景水稻害虫识别   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
准确识别水稻害虫对水稻及时采取防护和治理措施具有重要意义,该研究以自然场景中水稻害虫图像为研究对象,针对水稻害虫图像的颜色纹理与背景相近以及同类害虫形态差异较大等特点,设计了一个由特征提取、全局优化以及局部优化模块构成的轻量型残差网络(Light Weight Residual Network,LW-ResNet)用于水稻害虫识别。在特征提取模块通过增加卷积层数以及分支数对残差块进行改进,有效提取自然场景中水稻害虫图像的深层全局特征并使用全局优化模块进行优化;局部优化模块通过设计轻量型注意力子模块关注害虫的局部判别性特征。LW-ResNet网络在特征提取模块减少了残差块的数量,在注意力子模块中采用深度可分离卷积减少了浮点运算量,从而实现了模型的轻量化。试验结果表明,所设计的LW-ResNet网络在13类水稻害虫图像的测试数据集上达到了92.5%的识别准确率,高于VGG16、ResNet、AlexNet等经典卷积神经网络模型,并且LW-ResNet网络的参数量仅为1.62×106个,浮点运算量仅为0.34×109次,低于MobileNetV3轻量级卷积神经网络模型。该研究成果可用于移动端水稻害虫的自动识别。  相似文献   
作物地膜覆盖技术适宜性及其在东北春玉米上的应用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为从源头解决地膜覆盖技术泛用、滥用问题,提高作物地膜覆盖技术的合理利用性。研究提出作物地膜覆盖适宜性的概念,将其定义为"地膜覆盖技术对作物自身环境要素需求与所在地提供环境要素差异的补偿程度"。该研究以东北春玉米为例,构建春玉米地膜覆盖适宜性的评价体系,通过数据检索的方式收集东北地区田间试验中春玉米地膜覆盖功能数据,明确作物地膜覆盖与不覆盖农田土壤温度和水分、经济产量相关关系,量化作物地膜覆盖的增温保墒、增产功效,筛选春玉米地膜覆盖技术适宜性评价指标,并计算地膜覆盖技术适宜指数,参照作物需求阈值标准和经济效益,明确东北不同熟期春玉米地膜覆盖种植范围,形成春玉米地膜覆盖综合适宜性区划。东北地区春玉米不同生育阶段地膜覆盖耕作层土壤温度(土壤含水率)与裸地土壤温度(土壤含水率)及产量与≥10 ℃积温存在良好的线性关系(P < 0.01)。基于春玉米地膜覆盖适宜性的评价体系,计算了地膜覆盖适宜指数,完成东北地区春玉米地膜覆盖综合适宜分区。作物地膜覆盖适宜性相关研究可为中国地膜投入量零增长和地膜污染综合防控提供可靠技术支撑。  相似文献   
以经过初选的31个5年生刺槐无性系为试验材料,1个一般生产品种作为对照,运用数量遗传学原理和多元统计分析方法对各无性系主要性状的遗传变异进行分析和评价,进一步选出优良品系,并为刺槐的遗传改良提供建议。结果表明:参试无性系在7个性状上差异显著,并受较强的遗传影响,说明有必要对各无性系进行选择。  相似文献   
在0.1、0.3和0.5 kV·cm-1不同场强的静电场长期作用下,大豆、黄瓜和油青菜心叶片的叶绿素含量、PSⅡ的潜在活性和原初光能转换效率、叶绿体Mg2 -ATP酶和Ca2 -ATP酶活性以及光合代谢产物可溶性蛋白和可溶性糖含量均有不同程度的提高,表明用静电场长期处理作物能够有效地改善作物的光合性能,促进作物的光合作用与光合产物的积累.不同作物对不同场强静电场的响应有所差异,本试验条件下,对大豆、黄瓜和油青菜心处理效果最好的静电场强度分别为0.1、0.3 和0.5 kV·cm-1.  相似文献   
华北平原是中国最大的粮食生产基地,准确监测其冬小麦种植面积及其变化对粮食产量预测和国家粮食安全具有重要意义。然而,不同土地利用产品所估算的小麦面积、空间分布及其动态均存在较大分歧,不能有效反映出冬小麦的长期变化特征。该研究结合作物物候特征和已有小麦专题数据产品,首先构建动态阈值决策分类算法,以降低传统方法在阈值设定和样本筛选方面的不确定性;进而分析了2003—2022年华北平原区冬小麦播种面积的长期变化规律。结果表明:1)该研究提出的动态阈值决策分类算法能准确地提取冬小麦面积,平均总体精度为93.44%,且与统计数据具有较高的一致性;2)2003—2022年华北平原冬小麦种植面积整体呈上升趋势,不同地区变化类型差异较大;3)研究时段内,持续种植冬小麦的耕地面积仅占各年份种植范围总面积的5%,种植次数低于10 a的面积占比达55%;4)河北中南部、山东省西部和河南省中北部冬小麦种植面积相对稳定,京津冀地区以及山区冬小麦播种面积变化相对频繁。该研究可为大尺度冬小麦动态监测提供了新的方法视角,并对科学制定耕地调控策略具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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