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熊蜂授粉技术在早春大棚番茄生产中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为改善早春大棚番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)的品质,并达到增产增收、省工、省力、省成本的目的,开展了早春大棚番茄生产应用熊蜂(Bombus sp.)授粉技术试验。结果表明,熊蜂授粉处理比激素点花处理增产937 kg/667m2,单果重增加11.2 g,单株坐果数增加3.8个,畸形果率下降17个百分点,节省人工投入185元/667m2,共节本增收2 621元/667m2。同时熊蜂授粉技术比激素点花技术的番茄果形周正、果实饱满多汁,改善了番茄的风味与口感,提高了果实硬度;在生产过程中还减少了农药使用次数和激素残留。  相似文献   
单杆芦荟离体快速繁殖,芽增殖培养基以MS+BA2.5mg/L NAA0.2-0.3mg/L,生根培养基以1/2MS+NAA 2.0mg/L 活性炭0.2%-0.3%,壮苗培养基以1/2MS+IBA2.0mg/L为好。培养温度以28℃最佳。快速繁殖方法用分叶法比常用的分株、分芽方法,繁殖系数高。培养出的壮苗移栽于河沙中,成活率一般在80%以上。  相似文献   
微生物菌剂对番茄生长发育及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究微生物菌剂对番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)生长发育和产量的影响,采用田间试验的方法,研究了不同浓度微生物菌剂对番茄幼苗的生长发育、营养生长、病虫害、产量及品质的影响。结果表明,稀释200倍的微生物菌剂处理对番茄生长发育、产量和品质的促进效果最好,幼苗的出苗率、主根长度、鲜重分别比对照提高了42.81%、20.20%、26.23%,株高、果实横径、果实纵径、叶片相对叶绿素含量分别比对照提高了46.84%、49.76%、53.37%、44.03%,显著降低了病虫害的发生率,产量比对照增加16.16%,果实品质明显高于对照。实际应用可采用稀释200倍的微生物菌剂处理。  相似文献   
为探讨冬枣叶龄、叶片解剖结构与锈病侵染和发病程度的关系,对冬枣3种不同叶龄的叶片进行锈病接种试验,并对叶片组织解剖结构进行了测定。结果表明:3种叶龄叶片感病程度由低到高依次为:成熟叶< 长成叶<嫩叶,由此可见,成熟叶对锈病的抵抗力最强;3种叶龄叶解剖性状在角质层厚度、上表皮厚度、下表皮厚度、叶片厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、栅海比、叶片结构紧密度、叶片结构疏松度、气孔密度和气孔大小等指标有显著差异,但气孔开张结构性状差异不显著。文章筛选出了与冬枣锈病发生有关的叶片形态结构指标,为合理的控制冬枣锈病和筛选抗锈病冬枣优良单株的提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
不同生态区8种芸芥根系生物量的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过管栽模拟试验,研究了不同生态区8个芸芥类型(高抗旱类型的会宁芸芥、陇西芸芥,中抗旱类型的张北芸芥、Varomin芸芥、兴和芸芥、和田芸芥,低抗旱类型的西凉芸芥、四川芸芥)的根系生长情况。结果表明:芸芥根系生物量的垂直层次分布模型可用多项式y=a bx cx2 dx3描述;会宁、陇西、兴和、西凉芸芥与张北、和田、Varomin、四川芸芥的各参数值(a、b、c、d)总体相差较大且根系总生物量、各层次的生物量和根/冠比前者均低于后者;各层次根系生物量的百分含量也呈现不同的垂直变化规律。无论是总的还是各层次的根系生物量,强抗旱芸芥类型的趋于中等大小,中抗芸芥类型的有大也有小,低抗芸芥类型的均较大。  相似文献   
Cd2+对番茄幼苗生长和蛋白质组的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈丽  王炼  王振英  彭永康 《作物学报》2010,36(12):2154-2161
以3 d龄番茄幼苗为试验材料, 从生理、生化和蛋白质组角度, 分析0.01~1.00 mmol L–1 Cd2+处理72 h后对幼苗的影响。结果表明, Cd2+处理导致幼苗生长严重受抑, 幼苗高度从对照组的4.76±0.50 cm分别降至3.79±0.05 cm (0.01 mmol L–1 Cd2+处理, P<0.01)和1.77±0.15 cm (0.03 mmol L–1 Cd2+处理, P<0.01)。根长度从对照组的6.07±0.04 cm降至4.77±0.58 cm (0.01 mmol L–1 Cd2+处理, P< 0.01)和3.65±0.66 cm (0.03 mmol L–1 Cd2+处理, P<0.01)。叶绿素含量在0.1 mmol L–1 Cd2+处理后开始下降。当幼苗用0.05 mmol L–1 Cd2+处理时, 根系中有10个蛋白质斑点, 叶片中有21个蛋白质斑点产生变化。利用MS/MS技术, 根系中有4个蛋白质斑点得以鉴别, 它们是ribosomal protein L 20 (斑点1)、F-box /LRR repeat protein (斑点2)、ribosomal protein small submit 4 (斑点4)和CBL-interacting protein kinase (斑点5)。在叶片中, 有2个蛋白质斑点消失, 4个蛋白质斑点合成, 它们是ABC transporter (斑点16)、maturase-like protein (斑点17)、chalcone synthase (斑点1)、a hypothetical protein (斑点3)、an unknown protein (斑点4)和a predicated protein (斑点6)。这些被鉴别的Cd2+反应蛋白参与生物合成、mRNA转录调控和蛋白质转运。  相似文献   
E. M. M. Paul 《Euphytica》1985,34(2):467-473
Summary At present research into the inhibition of plant growth by sub-optimal temperatures is concerned with the examination of a large number of factors. No single aspect of the response to temperature has been found to be of paramount importance. As a consequence selection for low temperature tolerance is complicated.Here a new approach is proposed in which inhibition of cell division is regarded as a limiting process in growth under sub-optimal temperatures, and the role of other processes as the supply of substrate for cell division. This approach may be of use in the examination of the response of plant growth to temperature and could form the basis of a method for screening and selection for cold tolerance using cells in culture.Guestworker Project Group Tomato Physiology.  相似文献   
The Alternaria stem canker disease of tomato is caused by the fungal pathogen Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici and its host-selective AAL-toxins. Resistance to the pathogen and insensitivity to the toxins are conferred by the Asc locus on chromosome 3L. Sensitivity to AAL-toxins is a relative character; the toxins inhibit development of all tested tomato tissues but susceptible cultivars are much more sensitive than resistant cultivars. In addition to tomato, some other plant and animal species are sensitive to the toxins as well. The likely mode of action of AAL-toxins is interference with sphingolipid biosynthesis by specific inhibition of ceramide synthase activity. To molecularly isolate Asc, transposon tagging and positional cloning strategies are applied. As a first step, transposon insertions and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers are identified in proximity of the Asc locus. Subsequently, the transposons are used to inactivate Asc by insertion mutagenesis, and the RFLP markers are used to identify yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) with tomato DNA inserts. Once an Asc-insertion mutant and/or a YAC encompassing Asc has been obtained, physical isolation and characterisation of Asc will be conceivable. Elucidation of the molecular role of Asc will illuminate the specificity of host recognition by Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici.Abbreviations AAL-toxin Alternaria alternata lycopersici-toxin - A. a. lycopersici Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici - Asc Alternaria stem canker - HST host-selective toxin  相似文献   
Resistance at the TM-2 locus in the tomato to tomato mosaic virus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
T. J. Hall 《Euphytica》1980,29(1):189-197
Summary There are three known tomato mosaic virus (TMV) resistance factors, Tm-1, Tm-2 and Tm-2 2, in the tomato. Tm-2 2 is currently the most widely utilised in glasshouse cultivars. Both Tm-2 and Tm-22 can induce systemic necroses in response to virus infection. These are considered to be hypersensitive resistance reactions in view of the low virus concentrations in affected plants and because sub-inoculation usually fails to infect all plants possessing the same resistance gene. The literature relating to TMV resistance at the Tm-2 locus in the tomato is reviewed.Virulent strains may readily establish when Tm-1 or Tm-2 are used, but Tm-2 2 confers more effective resistance. The possible development of aggressive isolates capable of affecting Tm-2 2/Tm-22 plants is discussed. The establishment of virus types which cause systemic necrosis at normal growing temperatures is considered more likely than widespread infection from fully virulent strain 22 mutants. However, the growing of crops isolated from the TMV reservoirs in the soil considerably reduces the likelihood of even this occurring.  相似文献   
Six lines, i.e., H-2, H-11, H-17, H-23, H-24, and H-36, resistant to Tomato Leaf Curl Virus (TLCV) have been developed with controlled introgression of L. hirsutum f. glabratum into Lycopersicon esculentum. The disease incidence, 120 days after inoculation, of those lines derived from L. hirsutum f. glabratum ranged from 8.3 to 35.0 %, whereas in susceptible varieties it ranged from 95.0 to 100 %. The coefficient of infection (CI) values in the resistant lines were very low, ranging from 0.25 to 4.55, whereas in susceptible varieties CI values ranged from 60.56 to 88.96. Line H-2 had the highest resistance by showing the least disease incidence and CI values. The fruit size and days to maturity in resistant lines were close to those of cultivated susceptible varieties. These lines have the scope for being used as varieties in the TLCV infested areas or as foundation lines for further genetic improvement.  相似文献   
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