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洋葱过氧化物酶活性测定及性质分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
赵岩  韩硕 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(3):1275-1277
[目的]寻找过氧化物酶含量丰富且活性高而稳定的植物原料。[方法]从洋葱中分离、纯化过氧化物酶并测定其活性,同时对其酶学性质进行鉴定并研究NaHSO3、抗坏血酸和EDTA对酶活性的影响。[结果]洋葱过氧化物酶在20~60 s内反应速度恒定,证明酶有活性;所提过氧化物酶的最适反应pH值为6.5,最适反应温度为60℃,温度高于100℃时,过氧化物酶基本失活;抗坏血酸和NaHSO3对过氧化物酶活性有抑制作用,且随NaHSO3浓度增加,其对酶活性的抑制作用增强;EDTA对酶活性的抑制作用不明显。[结论]该研究为过氧化物酶加工工业的进一步发展提供了借鉴。随着NaHSO3浓度的增加,抑制作用逐渐加强;EDTA的抑制效果最不明显。  相似文献   
广东南岭自然保护区翼手类物种资源调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年9月,对南岭自然保护区翼手类物种多样性进行了调查。采集蝙蝠标本9种36号,其中西南鼠耳蝠和中管鼻蝠为广东省蝙蝠新纪录。结合以往调查资料,得出该保护区共有翼手类25种,隶属5科12属,其物种多样性十分丰富。  相似文献   
物种多样性是群落结构和功能复杂性的一种度量,物种多样性的空间分布格局受许多环境因子的影响。运用多样性指数,多层感知器网络,分析了松山保护区森林群落物种多样性与群落类型、结构和生境之间的关系。结果表明:(1)大果榆+山杨混交林、油松+青杨混交林物种丰富度、多样性和均匀度均较高,而大果榆林、华北落叶松林的各项指数值均较低。Patrick指数和Shannon-Weiner指数在森林群落中均表现为草本层>灌木层>乔木层;Pielou指数在榆林中表现为草本层>乔木层>灌木层,而在其他森林群落中表现为灌木层>草本层>乔木层。(2)功能层物种多样性在海拔梯度上的变化趋势不同,在乔木层,丰富度、多样性和均匀度随海拔的升高逐渐降低;在灌木层,丰富度、多样性和均匀度均呈比较明显的单峰曲线变化趋势;在草本层,丰富度和多样性随海拔的升高都呈下降趋势,而在草本层,均匀度变化不大。(3)用多层感知器网络预测功能层多样性效果很好,结果发现坡向对乔木层和灌木层物种多样性的影响最大,而海拔高度对草本层物种多样性的影响最大。  相似文献   
于2012~2014年采用样带法对22条样带开展掌叶木资源调查。结果表明,茂兰保护区野生掌叶木现存量为37 809~66 917株之间的估计值,平均3.703 2株/hm2,最大胸径57 cm,最高16 m;分布海拔上限906 m;野生种群生长良好,受危害因子主要是村民生产活动带来的少量薪柴及家具用材;掌叶木为林区优势建群种,分布格局从次生林到原始森林均有分布,以次生林多见。另外,掌叶木野生种群幼苗严重不足,种群呈衰退趋势,并多处出现克隆繁殖现象。  相似文献   
Many biotic and abiotic factors influence recovery of soil communities following prolonged disturbance. We investigated the role of soil texture in the recovery of soil microbial community structure and changes in microbial stress, as indexed by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles, using two chronosequences of grasslands restored from 0 to 19 years on silty clay loam and loamy fine sand soils in Nebraska, USA. All restorations were formerly cultivated fields seeded to native warm-season grasses through the USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program. Increases in many PLFA concentrations occurred across the silty clay loam chronosequence including total PLFA biomass, richness, fungi, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, and actinomycetes. Ratios of saturated:monounsaturated and iso:anteiso PLFAs decreased across the silty clay loam chronosequence indicating reduction in nutrient stress of the microbial community as grassland established. Multivariate analysis of entire PLFA profiles across the silty clay loam chronosequence showed recovery of microbial community structure on the trajectory toward native prairie. Conversely, no microbial groups exhibited a directional change across the loamy fine sand chronosequence. Changes in soil structure were also only observed across the silty clay loam chronosequence. Aggregate mean weighted diameter (MWD) exhibited an exponential rise to maximum resulting from an exponential rise to maximum in the proportion of large macroaggregates (>2000 μm) and exponential decay in microaggregates (<250 μm and >53 μm) and the silt and clay fraction (<53 μm). Across both chronosequences, MWD was highly correlated with total PLFA biomass and the biomass of many microbial groups. Strong correlations between many PLFA groups and the MWD of aggregates underscore the interdependence between the recovery of soil microbial communities and soil structure that may explain more variation than time for some soils (i.e., loamy fine sand). This study demonstrates that soil microbial responses to grassland restoration are modulated by soil texture with implications for estimating the true capacity of restoration efforts to rehabilitate ecosystem functions.  相似文献   
Biodiversity conservation policies focus on securing the survival of species and habitats according to their current distribution. This basic premise may be inappropriate for halting biodiversity decline under the dynamic changes caused by climate change. This study explores a dynamic spatial conservation prioritization problem where climate change gradually changes the future habitat suitability of a site’ current species. This has implications for survival probability, as well as for species that potentially immigrate to the site. The problem is explored using a set of heuristics for both of two policy objectives focusing on (1) the protection on current (native) species, and (2) all species, including immigrating species. The trade-offs between the protection of native species versus all species is illustrated. The study shows that the development of prediction models of future species distributions as the basis of decision rules can be crucial for ensuring the effectiveness of conservation plans. Finally, it is discussed how more adaptive strategies, that allow for the redirection of resources from protected sites to privately-owned sites, may increase the effectiveness of the conservation networks. Climate change induced shifts in the suitability of habitats for species may increase the value of such adaptive strategies, the benefit decreasing with increasing migration probabilities and species distribution dynamics.  相似文献   
A field-scale experiment arranged in a complete randomized block design with three N addition treatments including a control (no addition of N), a low N (5 g m^-2 year^-1), and a medium N (10 g m^-2 year^-1) was performed in each of the three typical forests, a pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) forest (PF), a pine-broadleaf mixed forest (MF) and a mature monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest (MEBF), of the Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve in subtropical China to study the response of soil fauna community to additions of N. Higher NH4^+ and NO3^- concentrations and a lower soil pH occurred in the medium N treatment of MEBF, whereas the NO3^- concentration was the lowest in PF after the additions of N. The response of the density, group abundance and diversity index of soil fauna to addition of N varied with the forest type, and all these variables decreased with increasing N under MEBF but the trend was opposite under PF. The N treatments had no significant effects on these variables under MF. Compared with the control plots, the medium N treatment had significant negative effect on soil fauna under MEBF. The group abundance of soil fauna increased significantly with additions of higher N rates under PF. These results suggested that the response of soil fauna to N deposition varied with the forest type and N deposition rate, and soil N status is one of the important factors affecting the response of soil fauna to N deposition.  相似文献   
No-take reserves constitute one tool to improve conservation of marine ecosystems, yet criteria for their placement, size, and arrangement remain uncertain. Representation of biodiversity is necessary in reserve planning, but will ultimately fail for conservation unless factors affecting species’ persistence are also incorporated. This study presents an empirical example of the divergent relationships among multiple metrics used to quantify a site’s conservation value, including those that address representation (habitat type, species richness, species diversity), and others that address ecological processes and viability (density and reproductive capacity of a keystone species, in this case, the black chiton, Katharina tunicata). We characterized 10 rocky intertidal sites across two habitats in Barkley Sound, British Columbia, Canada, according to these site metrics. High-richness and high-production sites for K. tunicata were present in both habitat types, but high richness and high-production sites did not overlap. Across sites, species richness ranged from 29 to 46, and adult K. tunicata varied from 6 to 22 individuals m−2. Adult density was negatively correlated with species richness, a pattern that likely occurs due to post-recruitment growth and survival because no correlation was evident with non-reproductive juveniles. Sites with high adult density also contributed disproportionately greater potential reproductive output (PRO), defined by total gonad mass. PRO varied by a factor of five across sites and was also negatively correlated with species richness. Compromise or relative weighting would be necessary to select valuable sites for conservation because of inherent contradictions among some reserve selection criteria. We suspect that this inconsistency among site metrics will occur more generally in other ecosystems and emphasize the importance of population viability of strongly interacting species.  相似文献   
以红松洼自然保护区草原植物群落为研究对象,采用样方法对研究区2012—2016年连续5年围栏封育植被进行了调查分析。结果表明:围封5年的植物群落优势种并未发生明显更替变化,但随围封年限增加,围栏内优势种及其他物种的重要值发生改变,其中地榆(Sanguisorba officinalis)、裂叶蒿(Artemisia tanacetifolia)重要值明显增加,细叶苔草(Carex rigescens)降低最多。围栏封育使植物群落的高度、盖度、生物量均明显增加(p0.05)。从不同经济类群分析,其优良牧草类、药用类植物比例增加,而杂类草比例相对下降。围封5年,植物群落丰富度指数、物种多样性指数、均匀度指数显著增加(p0.05)。  相似文献   
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