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The Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) appears to be a more sensitive tool in the early detection of mineral deficiency in soybeans (Glvcine max. L.) than the sufficiency range approach. A small data bank based on information collected in a survey over a two‐year period on early maturing soybeans grown in Quebec was used to calculate new modified DRIS norms. Remedial measures predicted by DRIS gave greater yield increases than those with the sufficiency range approach. Regional deviation in norms were identified and were more important with ? related ratios  相似文献   
不同pH,温度和水分胁迫对栾树SOD影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
经实验测定:栾树超氧化物岐化酶最适pH值为5.5;最适温度为42℃;在受水分胁迫过程中,0~2.5hSOD活性较强,之后呈下降态势,24h后活性变化较缓  相似文献   

Knowledge of the effect of supplying P to portions of the soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) root system on P influx kinetics and root growth is important in developing P fertilizer placement practices for efficient fertilizer use. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of restricting P supply to portions of the root system on plant P status, root growth, and P influx kinetics. Two solution experiments were conducted in a controlled climate chamber. Phosphorus influx kinetics were determined on 25‐day‐old soybean plants that had been grown with 100, 75, 50, 25, and 12.5% of their roots initially exposed to P. Phosphorus influx kinetics were also measured on 25‐day‐old plants that had been P‐starved for the last 1, 2, 4, and 6 days prior to the determining P influx kinetics in order to relate plant P status to P influx kinetics.

Reducing the portion of the roots supplied with P reduced P uptake. This resulted in a reduction in plant P concentration and was related to a 3.41‐fold increase in maximum P influx measured on 25‐day‐old plants. Restricting the proportion of roots supplied with P had no significant effects on the Michaelis‐Menten constant or on the concentration in solution where net influx was zero. Root growth rate of the roots in the P containing solution was not significantly different from those in the ‐P solution.

Phosphorus uptake was correlated with final root surface area exposed to P (r2 = 0.88??). Starving the plants for P reduced P concentration in the shoot and root and this resulted in as much as a 1.68‐fold increase in maximum influx.  相似文献   
The Fe‐inefficient T203 and the Fe‐efficient A7 and Pioneer 1082 (P1082) soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) were grown hydroponically with no (0 mg Fe L‐1 ; ‐Fe) and a minute level (0.025 mg Fe L‐1 ; +Fe) of Fe to (a) compare their responses to Fe‐deficiency stress and (b) relate Fe‐efficiency in soybeans to their ability to initiate the Fe‐stress‐response mechanism at low levels of Fe. With no Fe in solution, P1082 released similar levels of H+ ions, but released less reductant from their roots and there was less reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ by their roots than by A7 roots. These responses were also one day later and occurred after a more severe chlorosis and a lower leaf Fe had developed in P1082 than in A7. With 0.025 mg L‐1 of solution Fe, it was not necessary for the Fe‐stress response mechanism to be fully activated to make Fe available in A7 soybean, whereas a strongly enhanced Fe stress response was observed in P1082. Increased Fe uptake and regreening of leaves immediately succeeded initiation of the Fe stress response in both cultivars and at both levels of Fe. Thus, P1082 was slightly less efficient than A7 soybean, but would be classed more efficient than the previously studied soybean cultivars A2, Hawkeye, Bragg, Pride, Anoka, and T203. These results support the hypothesis that the most efficient soybeans are those which can initiate the Fe‐stress response mechanism with little or no Fe in the growth medium. The near simultaneous occurrence of the factors in the Fe‐stress response mechanism (H ion and reductant release, reduction of Fe to Fe by roots), and the immediate increase in leaf Fe and chorophyll contents following that response suggest that all these factors act in concert, not independently, to aid in the absorption and transport of Fe to plant tops.  相似文献   
大豆成熟期基因作用的遗传分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
常汝镇 《大豆科学》1992,11(2):127-133
本文利用Clark和Harosoy成熟期等位基因系,研究了成熟期基因E_1e_1、E_2e_2、E_3e_3对出苗—开花、开花—成熟阶段以及全生育期的作用。E_1基因使出苗—开花延迟,但使开花—成熟阶段缩短,E_2和E_3使两个生育阶段都延长,以E_3的作用最小。成熟期基因具累加效应。延长生育期的显性基因使株高、主茎节数和分枝数增加,倒伏加重。但对每株荚数、单株粒重没有显著作用,对蛋白质和脂肪含量的影响也较小。  相似文献   
Acceptability of green soybeans as a vegetable entity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A profile of the sensory characteristics of greensoybean and consumer intent of purchasing the productwere determined. Thirty-one green soybean genotypesfrom maturity groups III to VI harvested between R6and R7 were frozen, boiled, shelled, and evaluated forcolor, texture, sweetness, nuttiness, beaniness,oiliness, aftertaste and overall eating quality bythree sensory panels. Results showed highly significant (p<0.01) variabilities among the genotypes in allsensory parameters and highly significant correlationsamong several parameters. The green soybeans, whenboiled, ranged from lightly green to green, wereslightly resistant to chewing, slightly nutty,slightly beany, not oily, imparted a pleasantaftertaste and had a fairly good overall eatingquality. The green soybeans would be potentiallyacceptable as a vegetable in the frozen state and foruse in recipes. When selecting genotypes forproduction, consideration should be given to thesensory attributes of the genotypes, because there wassignificant variability among the characteristics ofthe green soybeans, and several characteristicstogether enhanced the overall acceptability of thevegetable soybeans. To further increase theacceptability of green soybeans as a vegetable,geneticists need to consider breeding a vegetablesoybean that has as many desirable sensory attributesas possible.  相似文献   
以泥炭土、黄心土、细砂和珍珠岩为基质成分,设计了14种不同的配方,应用灰色关联分析方法探讨不同基质配方与福建紫薇扦插生根效果的关系。结果表明,不同基质配方的生根效果有显著的差异,以泥炭土(33.3%)+黄心土(33.3%)+细砂(33.3%)生根效果最好,生根率达89.3%。灰色关联分析表明,泥炭土有利于提高福建紫薇扦插生根率,细砂有利于增加扦插生根条数,黄心土有利于提高扦插生根长度。  相似文献   
广金钱草绿色药材生产基地环境质量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]使广西临桂县栽培的广金钱草达到绿色药材的标准。[方法]参照国家环保局《环境检测分析方法》布点采样,对广金钱草规范化种植基地的大气环境、土壤环境和水源质量进行检测。[结果]广西临桂县中庸乡宛田村广金钱草种植基地大气质量达到GB3095-1996一级标准,水源质量达GB5084-92标准,土壤环境达GB15618-1995二级标准。[结论]广西临桂县中庸乡宛田村广金钱草种植基地环境质量良好,各生态条件适合广金钱草生长,符合药用植物绿色出口生产基地行业标准(YB-T-1-2003)的要求。  相似文献   
在前文研究已检出与农艺品质性状显著关联的SSR位点的基础上, 本文进一步对与性状关联位点的等位变异作解析, 通过将携带某等位变异的所有材料表型均值与携带无效等位基因(null allele)材料表型均值做比较, 估计等位变异的潜在表型效应增量(减量), 进一步利用该信息估计位点增效(减效)等位变异的平均效应, 鉴别出一批农艺品质性状优异位点、等位变异及携带优异等位变异的载体材料。发现在栽培及野生种质中检出的优异等位变异有同、有异、有互补性。发现关联位点正、负效应等位变异均值间有差异, 可根据育种目标性状选择要求, 选取适合的位点及相应等位变异。同一标记位点可与多性状关联, 其等位变异在不同性状间各有其表型效应的方向和大小; 等位变异在相关性状效应上方向、大小的异同解释了性状间正、负相关的遗传原因。关联作图得到的信息可以弥补家系连锁法QTL定位信息的不足, 并直接利用等位变异信息进行亲本选拔、组合选配及后代等位条带辅助选择以提高育种成效。  相似文献   
大豆室内耐冷筛选及其在田间的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本试验把生长箱大豆耐低温萌发筛选与田间早春播研究相结合,验证耐低温发芽的可靠性。在实验室,萌发期表现抗冷的大豆,田间出昔期仍表现抗冷或较抗冷。实验表明,大豆出苗的生物学最低温度平均为7.1℃,所需有效积温136℃。地温的高低直接影响大豆早春出苗的多寡,两者呈密切的正相关。黄、青、黑豆中,以黑豆抵抗早春不良气候条件的能力最强。  相似文献   
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