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Highly productive, irrigated agriculturecan be found in California's Central Valleymade up of the Sacramento, San Joaquin, andTulare Lake basins. High water tablesthroughout much of the San Joaquin andTulare Lake portions of the Valley threatenthis highly productive region. Due totopographic and environmental constraintsmuch of the region is currently withoutdrainage. In 1990 State and Federalgovernment agencies combined to produce areport that outlined possible steps to dealwith the drainage issue. These stepsincluded: 1) Source control (practices toreduce the amount of drainage water); 2)Drainage reuse; 3) Evaporation systems; 4)Land retirement (cease irrigation); 5)Groundwater management; and 6) Discharge tothe San Joaquin River. General backgroundinformation to the history and hydrology ofthe Valley as well as a discussion of thefeasibility and constraints of providingdrainage by discharging drain water to theSan Joaquin River are presented. Inaddition a general discussion of thetechnical and political limitations ofproviding drainage in the River arediscussed.  相似文献   
研究了长白山区沟谷沼泽乌拉苔草不同构件元素含量及叶片不同季节积累变化及元素间的相互关系。结果表明,乌拉苔草属于抗金属污染植物,不同构件在元素积累和季节变化中有较大差异:Mn、N,P、Mg、Fe、Cu、Zn主要集中在根部,K主要集中在叶鞘。不同季节积累中,N、K主要在营养成长期和生殖生长并存期5月份最多,P在成熟期的8月份最多,金属元素在衰老期的9月份最多,尤其是Fe元素富集量最多,完全可以作为铁污染区的抗性植物和净化植物,而非金属元素在衰老期的9月份最少。金属元素之间相生相互协调关系强,非金属元素之间关系相互协调,而金属元素除Mn和P、N是极显著相关外,P和Ca呈显著相关,与其他关系不显著。说明乌拉苔草各构件中的元素之间没有相互拮抗的关系。  相似文献   
桂西北喀斯特地区不同土地利用类型土壤抗蚀性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
土壤抗蚀性是反映土壤抵抗侵蚀能力的重要参数之一,是土壤侵蚀研究的重要内容。本文选取土壤有机质、水稳性团聚体、团聚体结构破坏率、团聚状况、团聚度、分散率和<0.05 mm粉黏粒含量等7个指标,通过单因素方差分析及主成分分析,探讨了桂西北喀斯特地区5种不同土地利用类型土壤抗蚀性的差异。结果表明:原生林和次生林土壤有机质含量显著(P<0.05)高于撂荒地、坡耕地和人工林,撂荒地土壤有机质含量较坡耕地和人工林高,但差异不显著。原生林、次生林及撂荒地土壤>0.25 mm水稳性团聚体总量及团聚状况显著高于坡耕地及人工林,但其土壤团聚体结构破坏率及分散率显著低于坡耕地;人工林土壤团聚体结构破坏率显著高于次生林,但与原生林、撂荒地和坡耕地差异不显著;人工林土壤分散率则与坡耕地类似,显著低于原生林、次生林及撂荒地;原生林、次生林土壤团聚度与撂荒地、坡耕地差异不显著,但显著高于人工林;次生林、撂荒地及人工林<0.05 mm粉黏粒含量与原生林、坡耕地差异不显著,但坡耕地土壤<0.05 mm粉黏粒含量显著高于原生林。由主成分分析综合评分得到土壤抗蚀性强弱顺序为:原生林>次生林>撂荒地>坡耕地>人工林。因此,喀斯特地区人为干扰严重降低了土壤的抗蚀性,耕地通过撂荒方式能够提高土壤抗蚀性。  相似文献   
While it is widely understood that local abundance of benthic invertebrates can greatly influence the distribution and abundance of wetland birds, no studies have examined if wetland landscape context can mediate this relationship. We studied the influence of wetland food abundance and landscape context on use of agricultural wetlands by wintering dunlin (Calidris alpina) and killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, USA, over two winters (1999-2000, 2000-2001) of differing rainfall and subsequent habitat distribution. We monitored bird use (frequency of occurrence and abundance) at a sample of wetlands differing in local food abundance (density and biomass) and landscape context [adjacent shorebird habitat (defined as ha of wet habitat with less than 50% vegetative cover and within a 2-km radius) and nearest neighbor distance]. We evaluated predictive models for bird use using linear regression and the Cp criterion to select the most parsimonious model. During the dry winter (2000-2001), dunlin exhibited greater use of sites with higher invertebrate density and biomass but also with more adjacent shorebird habitat and closest to a wetland neighbor. However, neither landscape context nor food abundance were important predictors of dunlin use during the wet winter (1999-2000). Use of sites by killdeer was unrelated to either local food abundance or landscape context measures during both winters. Our findings contribute to a growing recognition of the importance of landscape structure to wetland birds and highlight a number of implications for the spatial planning and enhancement of wetlands using a landscape approach.  相似文献   
Turloughs are karst wetland ecosystems that are virtually unique to Ireland. Flooding annually in autumn through springs and fissures in the underlying limestone and draining in the springtime, often through the same fissures or swallow-holes, they have been described as ‘temporal ecotones’. Over 300 have been documented. They are priority habitats in the EU Habitats Directive and support a variety of wet grassland and fen type vegetation. Though the vegetation has been recorded and mapped for over 80 turloughs, records for invertebrates are more sporadic. Characteristic species include some aquatic species-often benefiting from the absence of fish-, and many wetland terrestrial species, including carabid beetles that are rare on a European scale. Due to their shallow nature and the full vegetation cover of the basin, turloughs can host internationally significant numbers of visiting winter wildfowl, particularly whooper swans. The variety of plant and invertebrate communities between turloughs is primarily due to different hydrogeomorphological characteristics, but also depends on the range of grazing practices on turloughs. Since these often vary within a turlough basin, this helps maintain within-turlough biodiversity. The main threat to turloughs in the past was drainage, but pollution by nutrients is also now potentially detrimental. However, a more recent and important threat may be the cessation of farming within turloughs. As potentially threatened wetlands of European importance, turloughs require a full inventory of their biodiversity and the factors affecting it. The collation here of all literature concerning turloughs will provide a basis for an integrated approach to future research on turloughs that is essential for a full understanding of these complex ecosystems.  相似文献   
开垦草地对土壤有机碳库构成与来源的效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以广西西北部喀斯特地区的开垦草地生态系为对象,研究了草地开垦变为不同农田后对土壤有机碳库的效应。结果表明,草地开垦为农田后,土壤可溶性有机碳、微生物生物量碳及总有机碳的含量显著下降。自然草地开垦后,柑桔地土壤有机碳含量高于农作用地土壤。玉米与甘蔗轮作土壤有机碳含量高于甘蔗连作。13C示踪结果表明,柑桔地土壤有机碳中来源于草地的含量高于农田土壤;农田土壤有机碳中来源于草地的随种植年限的增加而降低。在玉米与甘蔗轮作的农田中,土壤有机碳中来源于玉米的高于甘蔗连作土壤有机碳中来源于甘蔗的。  相似文献   
喀斯特地区贫困程度深且致贫原因复杂,科学划分喀斯特贫困乡村地域类型并提出差异化振兴对策,是喀斯特贫困地区的现实需要。该研究通过构建喀斯特贫困乡村地域系统评价指标体系,对贫困村主导致贫因素进行分级与空间排列组合,划分喀斯特贫困乡村地域类型,提出喀斯特贫困乡村的振兴策略。结果表明:1)喀斯特贫困乡村的空间分异主要受地势起伏度、坡度、耕地比例和人均纯收入等的影响,贫困程度与贫困聚集规模均呈现出南高北低的空间格局。2)喀斯特贫困乡村可划分为:弱综合制约型、强综合制约型、单致贫维度制约型、双维度制约型和三维度制约型贫困村。3)生态脆弱性在喀斯特贫困乡村地域分异中起决定性作用,经济基础薄弱是喀斯特贫困乡村的共性特点,生产资源禀赋与区位交通条件起重要作用。该研究能够为喀斯特贫困乡村减缓相对贫困的模式与路径设计及乡村振兴战略实施提供理论支撑。  相似文献   
喀斯特槽谷区的顺/逆层坡面对水动力学参数的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
喀斯特槽谷区不仅存在地上/地下双层空间结构,还存在典型顺/逆层坡两种特殊的地质构造,因此研究喀斯特槽谷区两翼坡面水流移动规律具有重要意义。根据野外调查结果,在喀斯特槽谷区临界坡度25°条件下进行人工模拟降雨试验,采用顺/逆层坡岩层倾角(30°、60°和90°)和3种雨强(30、60和90 mm·h~(-1))作为变量因子,并以裸坡作为对照因子,研究喀斯特槽谷区顺/逆层坡面水动力参数特征。结果表明:喀斯特槽谷区顺/逆层坡主要以薄层浅流为主,顺层坡的岩层倾角越大则坡面流速越小,逆层坡则以岩层倾角60°为临界点,裸坡的流速均大于顺/逆层坡。对于喀斯特槽谷区顺层坡而言,其雷诺数Re和佛汝德数Fr均大于逆层坡而小于裸坡,阻力系数f均小于逆层坡而大于裸坡。雷诺数Re和阻力系数f两个参数呈显著的幂函数正相关关系。地表累积径流量分配比例大小排序为裸坡顺层坡逆层坡,地下累积径流量分配比例为逆层坡裸坡顺层坡。本研究可为喀斯特槽谷区顺/逆层坡的坡面的土壤侵蚀预报模型提供科学依据。  相似文献   
岩溶山地植被恢复中碳酸盐岩红土入渗特征及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
冯娜  刘冬冬  赵荣存  李瑶 《水土保持学报》2019,33(6):162-169,175
退耕还林还草工程实施后岩溶山地林草植被结构明显改善,研究植被恢复中碳酸盐岩红土入渗特征对岩溶生态恢复有重要意义。采用盘式入渗法在不同植被覆盖(荒草、灌草丛和乔木)下分别测定不同负压水头(-0.5,-3,-6,-15 cm)的水分入渗特征,计算不同负压下非饱和导水率、土壤孔隙分布常数、各孔隙级别对水流的贡献率,明确不同植被覆盖碳酸盐岩红土入渗特性差异。结果表明:不同水头条件下荒草、灌草丛和乔木地的土壤稳渗率均随负水头增大而递增,且碳酸盐岩红土入渗达到稳渗状态所需时间较长(约120 min),在低水头下荒草地土壤稳渗率最大(0.17 mm/min),而在高水头下乔木地最大(9.17 mm/min);荒草、灌草丛和乔木地土壤饱和导水率K_s差异极显著(P0.01),乔木地土壤饱和导水率达到最大(4.62 mm/min),而K_3、K_6、K_(15)和Gardner α差异不显著,碳酸盐岩红土饱和导水率K_s仅受土壤有机质含量和土壤电导率控制;乔木地土壤大孔隙数量及其占比显著大于灌草丛与荒草地(P0.05),碳酸盐岩红土导水性能主要受土壤大孔隙对水流的作用控制(70%)。研究结果可为西南岩溶山地生态恢复和水资源承载力分析提供数据支撑和理论依据。  相似文献   
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