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舟山渔场人工鱼礁投放海域生态环境前期评估   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
虞聪达 《水产学报》2004,28(3):316-322
根据2002年6-7月在舟山渔场朱家尖外侧开展人工鱼礁投放海域本底调查所获的海洋生物和海洋水文环境资料及以往有关文献中对该海域的调查资料,对朱家尖外侧拟投人工鱼礁海域的海水理化因子和海洋生物种类组成、数量分布和群落结构特征作了较详细的分析研究,以评估该海域是否适于投放人工鱼礁.结果得知:该海域底质为粉砂质粘土,浮游生物种类和数量及底栖生物种类和数量较多,水深为14~19m,温、盐度季节变化明显、透明度较高、水色相对较清,水质绝大多数指标符合国家一、二类水质标准,海域适合沿岸岛礁性鱼类如石斑鱼、褐菖、鲈鱼等的栖息生长,历史上渔业资源丰富,也无工厂废水排放,不会对海洋生态环境产生重大污染,因此,可以为良好的投放人工礁之场所.  相似文献   
智利外海渔场竹筴鱼资源分布特征   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
根据在智利 2 0 0海里专属经济区外海的渔场周年探捕调查 ,对智利竹鱼 (Trachurusmur phyi)单位努力量渔获量 (CPUE)的构成和季节变化及其资源分布特征进行了初步探讨。结果显示 ,竹鱼在智利外海分布广 ,30°~ 43°S ,78°~ 87°W海区均可形成拖网作业渔场。南半球冬季竹鱼密集分布区较偏南 (38°~43°S) ,8月密集分布区向北偏移至 35°~ 40°S,春季鱼群继续向北洄游至 30°~35°S ,并开始分散索饵 ,集群性较差 ,到翌年秋季再集群向南洄游 ,在 38°~ 43°S ,78°~ 85°W形成越冬场。CPUE以冬季最高 ,春、秋季次之 ,夏季最低。冬季以 6月份平均CPUE最高 ,达 1 5 .1 8t/h ,夏季以 3月份平均CPUE最低 ,仅 1 .1 2t/h。  相似文献   
The ability to discriminate local stocks of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus was assessed based on data from four elements (K, Na, P, and Sr) using an electron probe micro analyzer (EPMA) and data from three elements (Ba, Mn, and Sr) using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) from the otoliths of 40 anchovy (23.6–47.0 mm body length). Anchovy were caught at three sites (Aki-nada, Hiuchi-nada, and Osaka Bay) in the Seto Inland Sea, and one site (Kuroshio extension) in the Pacific Ocean in 2002. In order to discriminate different spawning grounds, EPMA data from the core portion (from core to 30 μm in the core-posterior axis) were used. Results showed that it was difficult to discriminate between the Seto Inland Sea and the Pacific anchovy by EPMA data. Conversely, it was possible to discriminate between the Seto Inland Sea and the Pacific anchovy by ICP-MS data from bulk otoliths. Our results showed that Mn contents of otoliths using ICP-MS discriminate between spawning grounds most, and Ba and Sr discriminate less. The difference in elemental compositions in anchovy otoliths between the Seto Inland Sea and the Pacific Ocean might be reflected by cumulative experienced elemental composition of ambient sea water during life history between the Seto Inland Sea and the Pacific anchovy.  相似文献   
[Objective] The aim of this study was to provide the theoretical basis for variety identification of carambola and pomiculture.[Method] The molecular structure of vessels in stem secondary xylem from three carambola varieties of Malaysia 8,Misi and Malaysia B17 were studied by cell image analysis system and microphotography.[Result] The molecular structure of vessels in stem secondary xylem from carambola was as follows:the first type had tails in two ends,the second type had tail in one end,and the third type had no tails in two ends.The average length of vessel elements was from 328.88 to 366.09 μm,while its average width was from 44.61 to 52.43 μm.Most of the end wall was simple perforation plates,while the alternate-opposite pitting was the major forms of pitting.[Conclusion] Most characteristics of vessel elements from carambola were evolutionary characters of vessel elements in the process of phylogeny,but there were more primitive characters,for example,both two ends of vessel had tails or just one end had tail,and end wall was inclined.The molecular structure of vessel from carambola was in accordance with its ecological adaptability,and the growth characteristics of different varieties were also in accordance with the difference of molecular structure of vessel.  相似文献   
宋维秀  樊萍  陶永明 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(14):7242-7243
[目的]选出适宜唐古特白刺出苗及苗期生长的生长调节剂。[方法]对唐古特白刺进行容器播种育苗试验。[结果]用生根粉(6号)处理出苗率最好。吲哚丁酸处理后的唐古特白刺平均株高达到7.14cm。生根粉、萘乙酸、吲哚丁酸、赤霉素处理对唐古特白刺的地径生长均有一定的效果。生根粉(6号)、吲哚丁酸处理的主根长生长较好。吲哚丁酸处理后的生物产量最高。[结论]生根粉(6号)、吲哚丁酸、赤霉素是促进唐古特白刺幼苗生长良好的生长调节剂。  相似文献   
Florida manatees inhabit shallow coastal and estuarine waters of the southeast US, a range that brings them into frequent contact with vessels. More than 30% of documented annual mortalities are attributed to vessel collisions, and most living animals bear the scars of multiple, non-lethal encounters. To document the behavior of manatees in the presence of vessels, we recorded their movements with an overhead video system. We scored six aspects of behavior during 170 vessel approaches, and compared their behavior with 187 control segments when no boats were present. Manatees in shallow waters and at the edge of the channel responded to approaches by orienting towards the nearest deep water, a boat channel, and increasing their swimming speed. Close boat approaches and shallow water depths exacerbated these responses. Our results indicate that manatees detect and respond to approaching vessels with an apparent flight response, a response which includes movement towards deeper water. If given sufficient time, i.e., approached or passed slowly, the manatees may then be able to reach deeper water and safe depths.  相似文献   
We investigated spatio-temporal variability in the abundances and biomasses of four species of inshore serranids (the dusky grouper Ephinephelus marginatus, the island grouper Mycteroperca fusca, the painted comber Serranus scriba, and the blacktail comber S. atricauda) throughout the Canarian Archipelago (central-east Atlantic Ocean) with underwater visual transects. By means of a multiscaled sampling design spanning three orders of magnitude of spatial variability (from 10 s of meters among replicated 100 m2 transects to 100 s of kilometres among islands) and four sampling periods, we related differences in the distributions of serranids to differences in the degree of human pressure, such as fishing intensity and human population. Differences in human pressure among islands provide the most parsimonious explanation for many of the consistent inter-island differences in the abundance and biomass of the analyzed species. Larger-bodied serranids (E. marginatus and M. fusca) are more vulnerable than the smaller species (S. scriba and S. atricauda). In fact, the larger, more vulnerable species have been almost completely extirpated from the most intensely fished islands. Our results show that the larger groupers have been overexploited throughout the Canary Islands, and highlight the urgent need for stringent management measures and better control of littoral reef fish resources.  相似文献   
Fleet dynamics was addressed for three cephalopod taxa of commercial interest, the squid Loligo vulgaris, the octopuses Octopus vulgaris and Eledone cirrhosa, and the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis, for 48 trawlers of the fish trawling fleet. Landing profiles (LP) were identified based on the species composition of the landings using hierarchical cluster analysis. Four out of a total of 12 different LP were related to cephalopods and other species associated with them.The effects on the landing proportions of a number of variables, year, season and vessel, are analysed for each of the species studied using generalized linear models (GLM). The factor “vessel”, including an ensemble of technical characteristics as well as the abilities of individual skippers, explained most of the model deviance, strongly reinforcing the existence of a fleet component dedicated to catch cephalopods. However, time also explains much of the variation found in the data.Seasonal alternation between landings of octopodidae and cuttlefish was observed within a small group of old trawlers operating mainly off the south coast, following the abundance cycles of these species. For a larger group of more modern trawlers, operating off the western coast, inter-annual shift between octopus and squid was found, together with a well marked seasonal pattern between the catches of cephalopods and horse mackerel.Spatial patterns of activity were identified using vessel monitoring system (VMS) data available for trawlers in Portugal, demonstrating the existence of cephalopod targeting strategies in Portuguese fish trawling activities.  相似文献   
渔船雷达是渔船导航系统的重要组成部分,在海上复杂气象条件下,具有不受能见度影响进行全天候观测的优势。从雷达信号向可判读图像信号的反演过程中,对雷达照射夹角间的缺失数据进行重建是反演过程中计算和时间花费最大的部分。依据渔船反演过程中的特性,将统计力学模型引入到雷达图层轮廓的重建计算当中,应用最大后验概率马尔可夫随机场框架实现了渔船雷达的快速雷达图像反演过程。文章成果对于减少反演时间,提高雷达刷新率,及时准确地发现海上强对流灾害目标具有重要的意义和实用价值。  相似文献   
福建省休闲渔业暨“水乡渔村”品牌建设浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪以来,中国休闲渔业发展迅速、效益良好、潜力巨大,是我国旅游业发展的一种新态势,传统渔业发展出现新契机。福建位于海峡西岸经济区,是我国东南海洋大省,更是渔业大省,发展休闲渔业条件十分优越。休闲渔业样板"水乡渔村"将与"森林人家"、"农家乐"共同打造海西农业休闲旅游的三大品牌。从福建省休闲渔业现状出发,对水乡渔村品牌发展进行分析,提出保障措施。  相似文献   
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