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酸性染料在桦木中的渗透与吸附   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用扫描电镜和傅立叶变换红外光谱分析手段研究了木材染色过程中染料在桦木中的渗透与附着过程:当染料质量分数较高时,在放大1 500倍的SEM照片中观察到大量染料分子发生聚集,较多地吸附在单板表层;而当染料质量分数较低时,则观察不到染料分子。这种情况同时发生在单板芯层。在试验中,用肉眼观察到的颜色变化证明了单板已经吸附了染料分子。通过对染色过程中酸性橙Ⅱ的脱附和FTIR谱图分析可以推断,酸性橙Ⅱ与桦木的结合是以物理吸附为主,但这种吸附力较弱,染料较易流失。  相似文献   
Leaf photosynthetic potential, a major determinant of yield potential in rice, is mostly explained by stomatal conductance (gs) as well as leaf N content (Rubisco protein content). Therefore, the rapid and precise evaluation of gs as well as leaf N content would be a valuable addition to rice breeding programs aimed at improved yield potential. We established a simple method based on infrared thermography to estimate varietal differences in gs. Seven rice varieties were cultivated in two-row plots in 2007, and canopy temperatures in three varieties, including a control variety, Koshihikari, were simultaneously measured to determine canopy temperature difference (CTd) between Koshihikari and the other varieties on clear days. The varieties Takanari, Habataki, and TUAT1-5-6a displayed significantly (P < 0.05) lower leaf temperature and higher gs and leaf photosynthetic rate (Pn) than Koshihikari. CTd was closely correlated with gs and Pn. These results indicate that CTd may be useful as a relative index to estimate varietal differences in gs. A significant CTd was still observed even under cloudy conditions in 2008. Takanari and TUAT1-5-6a had lower leaf temperature than Koshihikari on cloudy days as well as on clear days. Subsequent investigation of photosynthetic light response curves revealed that Takanari and TUAT1-5-6a had higher gs and Pn than Koshihikari under lower irradiance. These results suggest that infrared thermography may be a simple method of evaluating varietal differences in gs through CTd, and that it may be practicable even under cloudy conditions.  相似文献   
为了分离纯化及鉴定枯草芽孢杆菌BSD-2代谢产物中抗菌肽,采用盐酸沉淀、Sephadex G-50层析以及反相HPLC对其进行分离纯化,并利用Tricine-SDS-PAGE、MAIDL-TOF-MS、红外光谱和核磁共振技术对其分子量、氨基酸序列以及结构进行初步解析。结果显示该抗菌肽是由29个氨基酸组成,分子量为3514Da,等电点为10.46。红外光谱和核磁共振分析其结构中含有-CH2-、-CH3、-OH、-NH2、-CH、-CO-以及苯环等官能团。  相似文献   
[目的]红外光谱可提供黏土矿物及微生物表面吸附重金属前后官能团的变化情况,从而为重金属吸附机理的判断提供较为丰富的信息。[方法]采用红外光谱技术探讨了耐重金属细菌NTG-01对褐土胶体、红壤胶体吸附Cu^2+、Cd^2+的影响。[结果]细菌促进了褐土胶体表面的Si-O-H-Si基团与Cu^2+、Cd^2+的反应;加菌前后吸附Cu^2+、Cd^2+的红壤胶体表面功能团红外光谱特征频率无明显差异。[结论]微生物在土壤吸附重金属元素的过程中起着重要作用。  相似文献   
近红外光谱分析技术是近年发展起来的一种定性、定量分析技术,其具有快速,不破坏样品,操作简单等特点,已广泛应用于各个领域。利用近红外光谱分析技术的特点,首先对54 份不同年份的普洱茶近红外光谱图吸收峰的差异进行分析,然后对普洱茶的年份进行鉴别。结果表明,随着普洱茶年份的增加,其内含主要化学成分不断减少,近红外光的吸收值也不断减少,因此波峰的尖锐程度也不断减少。随后应用聚类分析技术对不同年份的普洱茶进行定性分析,从聚类分析得到的三维立体图中可以看出,各个年份的普洱茶有比较明显的聚类现象,其中有3份茶叶样品被判断为错误,识别准确率为94.444%。  相似文献   
近红外光谱是一种快速光谱分析的新方法,伴随着光谱技术与化学计量法的发展,近红外光谱已广泛应用于农业、食品、医药、石油化工等行业,极大地提高了各行业信息化水平。基于近红外光谱在家禽养殖领域的应用现状,本文总结了近红外光谱技术的发展及其在饲料成分检测和禽肉检测中的应用。在饲料检测和家禽肉类检测方面,通过将禽肉样品的光谱信息与质量指标的参考值相关联,建立了预测饲料和待测肉类高精度、高稳定性的数学模型。与传统方法相比,近红外光谱技术具有信息量大、数据计算速度快等优点。本文还归纳了近红外光谱技术在饲料品质检测和肉类品质检测的应用现状,指出了近红外光谱在家禽养殖领域的大规模应用推广的可能性。同时指出近红外光谱技术存在的问题和未来发展方向,结果表明近红外光谱技术在饲料和畜产品检测领域具有良好的发展前景和应用价值。  相似文献   
通过红外相机监测可以获得海量的野生动物影像数据.然而,许多自然保护地在红外相机数据管理方面依旧面临红外数据海量、存储方式原始、缺乏数据技术、数据挖掘空白等困境.如何科学存储和管理海量的红外相机影像数据,专业高效完成数据鉴定和科学分析并运用于管理和科研,已成为红外相机监测工作中的重大难题.基于以上问题,利用四川自然保护红...  相似文献   
以哈尔滨市常见的26种主要绿化树种为研究对象,利用LCA-4型红外气体分析系统,观测了绿化树种7月的降温增湿效应.结果表明:不同树种的降温增湿效应存在差异.乔木树种中,白桦日释水总量最大(1 963.44 g/m2),樟子松最低(252.72 g/m2);小乔木树种中,文冠果的日释水总量最大(2 877.12 g/m2),野梨和稠李较低;灌木树种的日蒸腾释水总量和日蒸腾吸热总量差异较大.  相似文献   
The applicability of commercially available remote sensing instrumentation was evaluated for site-specific management of abiotic and biotic stress on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) grown under a center pivot low energy precision application (LEPA) irrigation system. This study was conducted in a field where three irrigation regimes (100%, 75%, and 50% ETc) were imposed on areas of Phymatotrichum (root rot) with the specific objectives to (1) examine commercial remote sensing instrumentation for locating areas showing biotic and abiotic stress symptomology in a cotton field, (2) compare data obtained from commercial aerial infrared photography to that collected by infrared transducers (IRTs) mounted on a center pivot, (3) evaluate canopy temperature changes between irrigation regimes and their relationship to lint yield with IRTs and/or IR photography, and (4) explore the use of deficit irrigation and the use of crop coefficients for irrigation scheduling. Pivot-mounted IRTs and an IR camera were able to differentiate water stress among irrigation regimes. The IR camera distinguished between biotic (root rot) and abiotic (drought) stress with the assistance of groundtruthing. The 50% ETc regime had significantly higher canopy temperatures than the other two regimes, which was reflected in significantly lower lint yields when compared to the 75% and 100% ETc regimes. Deficit irrigation down to 75% ETc had no impact on lint yield, indicating that water savings were possible without reducing yield.  相似文献   
阎华  吴传兵  刘慧红  林淦 《土壤》2007,39(4):643-645
在水合法制备针铁矿过程中添加HBO3,对合成的样品作红外光谱和比表面积分析.结果表明,共沉淀法合成的样品在1343 cm处有特征吸收峰,说明在针铁矿形成过程中,如果有H3BO3参与,则形成的氧化铁中存在Fe-O-B键结构,可能在氧化铁内部有一种新硼铁化合物生成.比表面积测定表明,含B氧化铁比表面积增加4倍以上,反映了氧化铁与H3BO3并非机械混合物,其表面性质因为Fe与B反应而发生改变,B阻止氧化铁向高聚合态转变.  相似文献   
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