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河岸带植被重建的生态修复技术及应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以上海市崇明生态岛的杜鹃河坡岸示范工程为例,探讨了以生态修复和稳定坡岸为目标的植物护岸技术在城镇生态型河道坡岸修复中的应用.在不同河段分别采用了全系列生态护岸、土壤生物工程护岸和复合式生物稳定等3类植物护岸技术;对比了工程实施后河道坡岸10个月来的坡岸土壤剪切力、生境条件和生物多样性变化.研究和示范工程表明,在生态型河道中采用植物护岸技术可以稳定坡岸、改善坡岸的栖息地质量、修复河道的生态环境.生态型河道的植物护岸技术可以在我国各类岸坡的生态修复和边坡稳定中广泛运用. 相似文献
为探明天津市河流、水库浮游植物群落结构及其与环境因子的关系,于2009年5月、7月、9月对天津市的5条河流和4个水库进行采样分析。结果表明,天津市河流浮游植物为7门100种,优势种为绿藻、蓝藻;水库为8门81种,优势种为硅藻、蓝藻。环境因子在河流和水库间差异极显著的为透明度、pH、总磷和重碳酸盐碱度(P<0.01)。影响浮游植物群落结构的环境因子,河流依次为:浮游动物丰度、高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、碳酸盐碱度、磷酸盐浓度、总磷;水库依次为:重碳酸盐碱度、钙离子浓度、氨氮、透明度、溶解氧、水深、叶绿素(a、b)、总碱度、总硬度、pH。 相似文献
PAN Lin-yan;XIE Xiao-lin;DAI Jun-feng;WU Zhi-qiang;WAN Zu-peng;XU Bao-li;ZHANG Hong-yan 《中国农村水利水电》2022,(10):20-26
When the factors affecting the spatial and temporal variation of nitrogen and phosphorus in rivers of karst watershed are considered, the unique karst geomorphic and its accompanying land use features of underlying surface cannot be ignored. To reveal the effects of karst feature and land use types on nitrogen and phosphorus of the Huixian karst wetland rivers , water samples from Mudong River, Huixian River and Xiangsi River were collected monthly for nitrogen and phosphorus analysis from October 2017 to September 2021. Based on the statistical analysis of river N and P concentration in catchments ranging from 21.79 to 376.42 km2, in combination with Pearson and Grey correlation analysis, the relationship between N, P concentrationof rivers and the area proportion of landuse type, karst landform, as well as the hydrometeorology factors was studied. The results showed that ① During the monitoring period, total nitrogen (TN) pollution was more serious than total phosphorus (TP) pollution. The concentrations of TN and TP varied from 0.30 to 27.55 mg/L and 0.03 to 2.49 mg/L, respectively, with 70.3% of 518 samples had TN > 1.0 mg/L and 35.1% had TP>0.2 mg/L. Under the influence of hydrometeorology, the peak concentrations of TN and TP appeared in the dry season, and the mean concentrations decreased in the wet season. ② The nitrogen and phosphorus in rivers mainly came from agricultural land (include paddy field, dry land, and orchard) which was significantly affected by human activities. Wetland and ponds contribute to nitrogen and phosphorus reduction. The covered karst area has a positive effect on nitrogen and phosphorus emission levels. ③ The correlation between the concentrations of phosphorus (TP and TDP) and precipitation is stronger than that of nitrogen (NH4+-N, NO3-N and TN), especially in the wet season. This research helps to improve the knowledge about the status and main influence factors of N and P pollution in Huixian karst wetland rivers. It is important to pay attention to nitrogen and phosphorus in karst wetland system for water quality safety and management. 相似文献
YAN Shao-jun;DONG Jian-hua;FENG Liang 《中国农村水利水电》2022,(10):6-11
With the development of industrialization and urbanization, the pollution of rivers and lakes is becoming increasingly serious. Reasonable evaluation of the ecological health of rivers and lakes is the basic premise for the restoration of rivers and lakes. Therefore, a study of evaluation system of river and lake ecological health for Tianmen Han Diversion Irrigation District has been carried out, by taking Hanbei River and Bantou Lake as examples. Firstly, the evaluation index system of river and lake ecological health is established, which is composed of 22 indices from five aspects: physical morphology structure, hydrological characteristics, water quality, aquatic organisms and benthos. The classification standard of each index is determined according to five grades: health, near health, sub-health, slightly morbid and morbid. Finally, the evaluation model is established by using analytic hierarchy process and entropy weight method to evaluate the ecological health of the typical river and lake in the Han Diversion Irrigation District. The results show that the water quality, hydrological characteristics, aquatic organisms and benthos of Hanbei River are at the “near healthy” level, and the overall ecological health is good, except that the physical structure of the river is “sub-healthy”. The indicators of Bantou Lake are basically “slightly morbid” or “sub-healthy”, and the overall ecological health is poor. The evaluation results objectively reflect the actual water ecological status of Hanbei River and Bantou Lake in the Han Diversion Irrigation District, and provide a scientific basis for the environmental management and ecological restoration of rivers and lakes in the irrigation area. 相似文献
太湖流域江苏片区工业源污染负荷研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用第一次全国污染物普查数据对太湖流域江苏片区工业源的原始产生量、出厂排放量按行业类别及排放去向进行了统计分析,由于仅COD、氨氮两项指标被纳入普查工业源重点因子,为全面分析工业源污染负荷量,选取常州、苏州、无锡、镇江地区共计1424家典型企业对TN、TP因子进行了补充监测,同时,对各县市共214家污水处理厂排口浓度进行了详细调查,在此基础上,对工业源直排入河量及污水厂处理后入河量进行了测算。结果表明:太湖流域江苏片区工业源原始产生废水19.59亿吨、COD 118.7万吨、氨氮3.47万吨,经过企业内部处理后出厂排放废水量约11亿吨,其中35%的废水接入了污水处理厂;太湖流域江苏片区最终入河的工业源污染物量分别为COD 10.6万吨/年、氨氮4665吨/年、总磷934吨/年、总氮1.84万吨/年。 相似文献
上海市河道底栖动物群落结构及其水质评价 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1
2012年5月-2013年1月对上海市八区县共8条河道的底栖动物进行了调查,并对河道的水质进行了生物评价。共鉴定出底栖动物44种,隶属3门19科33属,霍甫水丝蚓(Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri)和黄色羽摇蚊(Chironomus flaviplumus)为主要的优势种。上海市河道底栖动物的年均密度为382 ind/m2,霍甫水丝蚓对其贡献率最大,其密度为214.1 ind/m2,占总密度的56.1%;年均生物量为24.62 g/m2,铜锈环棱螺(Bellamya aeruginosa)对其贡献率最大,其年均生物量为21.17 g/m2,占总生物量的86.0%。各季度底栖动物密度夏季冬季春季秋季,生物量冬季秋季夏季春季。各个区县河道密度最高的是闸北区徐家宅,最低的是闵行区友谊河。生物量最高的是金山区勇敢河,最低的是闸北区徐家宅。水质评价结果表明上海市河道水质处于轻污染到重污染状态,其中,上海市八区县8条河道中只有崇明县琵鹭河处于轻污染,青浦区中横港、宝山区毛家塘、闵行区友谊河处于中污染,嘉定区瞿门河、奉贤区新陆港、金山区勇敢河、闸北区徐家宅处于重污染。与Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')、Margalef丰富度指数(D)、Pielou均匀度指数(J)等多样性指数相比,BI生物指数和Goodnight修正指数(GBI)更适合评价上海河道的水质状况。 相似文献
人为活动影响下陆地生态系统退化对于土壤碳库损失的影响规模是当前全球变化研究的热点。在青海省三江源区选择了8个高寒草甸典型样区,划分4种不同退化程度样地(原生植被、轻度退化、重度退化、极度退化),收割法采集地上部植物生物量,10cm等深度采集表土土壤样品,分析了地上生物量、可食牧草生物量以及土壤有机碳含量变化。结果表明,随着退化程度的加剧,地上生物量和饲草生物量均表现强烈下降的趋势,但后者的下降幅度更大,在极度退化下损失达99%。研究区内高寒湿地土壤的表土有机碳含量出现极大的变异性,随退化程度的加剧而呈显著下降。与原生植被下相比,轻度退化、重度退化和极度退化下0-30cm土壤有机碳含量分别平均降低了25%、44%和52%。这种损失固然与地上部生物量下降有关,有机碳分层系数显示土壤侵蚀也是重要因素。估计退化下土壤有机碳平均下降36tC·hm^-2,累积退化下表土有机碳损失可能在200TgC以上,保护高寒草甸生态系统,对于三江源区土壤的畜牧业可持续发展和我国陆地生态系统碳库具有极重要的意义。 相似文献
[目的]新疆渭干河-库车河三角洲绿洲农业生产资源丰富,但遭受着土壤盐渍化的严重威胁.进行盐渍地时空动态变化特征分析及提出盐渍地防治措施,可以为区域农业及经济的可持续发展提供科学借鉴.[方法]采用基于知识决策树分类法构建模型提取研究区1989、2001和2007年盐渍化土壤专题信息,使用动态度模型分析研究区土壤盐渍化的动态变化.[结果]渭-库绿洲在1989~2007年,盐渍地总面积增加了192.76 km2.1989~2007年间盐渍地总面积的动态度达到0.232;.[结论]近20年间研究区土壤盐渍化呈现不断扩展的趋势,盐渍化危害程度加深.结合渭-库绿洲灌区的发展现状和区域特点,提出了水利工程、农业、生物和化学等方面的土壤盐渍化治理改良措施. 相似文献