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麻具有药用、轻纺、保健、造纸、制作药烟、蜜源等多种经济价值.新疆塔里木盆地两河(叶尔羌河、塔里木河)流域是野生麻(大叶白麻Poacynum hendersonii、白麻P.pictum、罗布麻Apocynum venetum)的主要产区,其中大叶白麻分布广,面积大,储量多.按有关分类方法,将野生麻资源划分为6个群系12个群丛.野生麻分布面积23.56万hm2,有麻面积18.12万hm2,其中大叶白麻占99.51%;白麻占0.49%.鲜麻总产量59.35万t,折合干麻总产量24.41万t.为更好的利用野生麻资源,在对其种类、分布、面积、生物量调查的基础上,对麻的开发前景、野生麻田的保护管理及改良培育、人工麻田的建立、科技攻关5个方面提出了建议.  相似文献   
  • 1. Three classes of habitat used by groups of fish species classified as conservation and management priorities were developed for the Gerua River (also known as the Girwa River, Karnali River) in the Ganges river basin. This river is large (mean annual discharge ca 1500 m3 s?1, up to 900 m wide), surrounded by protected lands of India and Nepal, and upstream of major diversions and river alterations.
  • 2. Fish and habitat sampling was conducted at 45 sites from 2000 to 2003. Data were analysed for 2172 fish of 14 species. Species and life stages found occupying a statistically distinct subset of the river habitats were grouped to identify classes of river habitat for conservation.
  • 3. Most species and life‐stage groups specialized on specific habitat conditions revealed by multivariate analyses of variance and a principal component analysis. The most numerous and diverse group (six species, 15 life stages) was associated with deep depositional habitats with sandy substrate. Two species covering three life stages were primarily oriented to erosional habitat marked by fast current velocity with pebble and cobble substrate. A third group of three species of adults and juveniles were intermediate in habitat use.
  • 4. River conservation for fish faunas should maintain both erosional and depositional channel habitats with depths, substrates, and current velocity inclusive of the ranges reported. The erosional and depositional nature of the key habitats requires that rivers be maintained with flows capable of channel‐forming functions.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
缺水地区城市河流有流域规模小、季节性断流、生态功能弱、景观效果差等特征和问题,使得其健康评价不同于其他地区城市河流健康评价。为了拓展针对缺水地区城市河流的健康评价方法、理论和实践,丰富缺水城市水系管理、河流生态修复的理论基础,本文以太原市九条城市河流为研究对象,从水文水质、河流形态、生物、社会经济等4方面选取13个指标构建适用于缺水城市的河流健康指标体系,采用层次分析法和集对分析法进行评价。结果表明:九条河流均在过去5年里经历过大规模改造,各河流健康状态较为接近,其中,北排洪渠处于健康状态,风峪沙河处于不健康状态,其余7条河流处于亚健康状态;各河社会经济方面均处于健康状态,生物状况、河流形态多处于亚健康状态,水文水质多处于亚健康和不健康状态。评价结果较好地符合现实情况,水文状况较差是目前的主要问题。当前在河道尺度上开展生态补水是改善河流健康状态的主要手段和可行措施,而实施水源涵养、水资源优化配置、河道近自然恢复、海绵城市建设等流域综合治理修复是维持河流生态健康的治本之策。  相似文献   
  • 1. Stream classification systems are widely used in stream management and restoration. Whereas the principal morphological types of these classification systems are increasingly recognized for their ecological connections, the roles of intermediate and mixed morphologies are still poorly understood, yet may be biologically significant.
  • 2. Twenty‐five stream reaches in north‐western Vermont were classified by channel morphology to determine whether fish community diversity differed among pool‐riffle, mixed (i.e. pool‐riffle/cascade, pool‐riffle/other) and forced pool‐riffle stream morphological groups. Stream reach surveys included cross‐sectional surveys, longitudinal profiles, bed substrate characterization, and fish surveys.
  • 3. Three fish community diversity measures were calculated: (1) species richness (S); (2) Shannon–Weaver Index (H′); and (3) Simpson's Index (1/D). Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) followed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to explore potential differences in fish diversity among stream morphological groups. Fish diversity was significantly different for all three community diversity measures (P?0.05), with pool‐riffle/cascade morphology consistently exhibiting the greatest fish diversity and forced pool‐riffle the lowest.
  • 4. These results suggest that fish community diversity is significantly associated with distinct channel morphologies. Generally, pool‐riffle/cascade and pool‐riffle/other stream morphological groups supported habitats that fostered greater species diversity than more homogeneous and uniform pool‐riffle reaches. The observed patterns of diversity are likely to be the result of habitat patches created by variations in flow and other physical characteristics in reaches of mixed morphologies.
  • 5. These results support fish sampling schemes that incorporate morphological heterogeneity, such as proportional‐distance designation. Sampling strategies that focus on homogeneous reaches may underestimate diversity, and misrepresent stream condition when fish community data are used in indices of biological integrity (IBIs). Reaches of mixed stream morphologies should be recognized as areas of biological importance in stream and catchment management and in conservation efforts.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
  • 1. Many rivers and streams across the world have been channelized for various purposes. Channel cross‐sections of meandering rivers are asymmetrical and have cross‐sectional diversity in their physical environment; cross‐sections of a channelized river are typically trapezoidal and have little cross‐sectional diversity, both in physical and ecological conditions. Several programmes to restore stream meanders have been undertaken to improve river ecosystems degraded by channelization. However, the association between diversification in the physical environment due to meander restoration and the macroinvertebrate community structure is poorly known.
  • 2. This study of a lowland river in Japan assessed how the cross‐sectional diversity of the physical environment changed with restoration of a meander in a channelized river, and how the macroinvertebrate communities responded to the changes in physical habitat variation. Comparisons were made between the macroinvertebrate communities of a channelized reach, the restored meandering reach, and a natural meandering reach.
  • 3. Natural meandering and restored meandering reaches showed higher cross‐sectional diversity in physical variables and total taxon richness across a reach than did the channelized reach. Almost all taxa observed in the natural and restored meandering reaches were concentrated in the shallowest marginal habitats near the banks. Shear velocity increasing with water depth had a negative association with macroinvertebrate density and richness.
  • 4. This study demonstrated that the shallow river bed along the inside of bends formed point bars that provided a highly stable substrate, a suitable habitat for macroinvertebrates in a lowland river. It is concluded that meander restoration could be an effective strategy for in‐stream habitat restoration in lowland meandering rivers.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Abstract Numerous freshwater species are consumed or exploited through artisanal fisheries in the rivers of the islands of Guadeloupe, French West Indies. Autochthonous production of organic matter is limited in these flowing rivers and is mainly represented by scarce filamentous green algae and an abundant epilithic biofilm growing on wet stones in the river bed. Stable isotope analysis was used to quantify the relative importance of biofilm and other riverine allochthonous and autochthonous food sources in the diet of tropical shrimps (Palaemonidae, Atyidae and Xiphocarididae) and fishes (Gobiidae and Eleotridae) consumed by the local people. The epilithic biofilm was exploited by most species, constituted an important source of autochthonous carbon and was an important source of organic matter production at the base of freshwater food webs in Caribbean rivers. Biofilm percentages in the diet reached 32% for molluscs, 85% for atyid shrimps, 29% for xiphocaridid shrimps, 14% for palaemonid shrimps and 13% for fish. Assessment of biofilm in nine rivers showed that blue and red cyanobacteria were quantitatively dominant with a moderately rich diatom flora. These results address the interactions between river biofilm and Caribbean freshwater fauna where trophic links between consumers and their potential resources have poorly been documented.  相似文献   
Historical data are widely used in river ecology to define reference conditions or to investigate the evolution of aquatic systems. Most studies rely on printed documents from the 19th century, thus missing pre‐industrial states and human impacts. This article discusses historical sources that can be used to reconstruct the development of riverine fish communities from the Late Middle Ages until the mid‐20th century. Based on the studies of the Austrian Danube and northern Russian rivers, we propose a classification scheme of printed and archival sources and describe their fish ecological contents. Five types of sources were identified using the origin of sources as the first criterion: (i) early scientific surveys, (ii) fishery sources, (iii) fish trading sources, (iv) fish consumption sources and (v) cultural representations of fish. Except for early scientific surveys, all these sources were produced within economic and administrative contexts. They did not aim to report about historical fish communities, but do contain information about commercial fish and their exploitation. All historical data need further analysis for a fish ecological interpretation. Three case studies from the investigated Austrian and Russian rivers demonstrate the use of different source types and underline the necessity for a combination of different sources and a methodology combining different disciplinary approaches. Using a large variety of historical sources to reconstruct the development of past fish ecological conditions can support future river management by going beyond the usual approach of static historical reference conditions.  相似文献   
This study addresses the differences in food availability, diet and feeding activity of the Iberian barbel, between permanent and temporary nonregulated rivers, and the effect of flow regulation on feeding parameters. A total of 267 adult barbels were seasonally collected in four nonregulated and regulated rivers from permanent and temporary basins, and their gut content was analysed. Locally available food sources were evaluated across sites and seasons. Barbels from the permanent nonregulated river exhibit a more variable and diversified diet in which invertebrates assumed a large importance, especially during high flows. Barbels from the temporary nonregulated river presented a more uniform diet composed of plant material and detritus, particularly in drought seasons. Flow regulation affected different flow components in both systems, but the effects on food resources and barbels' diet were similar, resulting in an intra‐annual stabilisation of resource availability and fish diet, with a higher consumption of plants and detritus. Changes in fish diet and feeding activity in both nonregulated and regulated rivers were strongly associated with the seasonal variability of streamflow components, particularly between low‐ and high‐flow periods, and with the reduction in flow variability in the case of dam regulation. Results from this study can be used to improve guidelines for flow requirement implementation.  相似文献   
青海高原区域水电密集开发对河流区段生态影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青海处在青藏高原生态脆弱地区,水电工程建设对河流区段生态因子,如地质、水文气候、生物、人文地理环境等产生影响。黄河干流已建、在建和规划建设的水电站共31座,总装机1970.35万KW,比理论蕴藏值扩大304.35万KW。从河流水能蕴藏量、电站规模、河流原生态的优劣区别、流域区系和生态承受力、开发区段局部影响力等方面分析,青海部分河流水电建设的密集度排序为:隆务河>大通河>黑河>湟水河>格尔木河>黄河;对河流生态影响的综合程度评价排序为:隆务河>大通河>黄河>湟水河>黑河>格尔木河。依青海部分河流 的水电密集开发建设现状,分析评价由此对河流区段局部生态造成的影响程度,并提出对策。  相似文献   
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