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贺50A是以金23A为母本,中9B/161—5B/金23B的F4代单株为父本,经多代择优回交与选择育成的早籼型三系不育系。该不育系具有不育性稳定,株叶形态好,生育期适中,开花习性好,柱头外露率和异交结实率高,米质较优,配合力强等特点。介绍了贺50A的繁殖制种技术要点。  相似文献   
针对转基因741杨硬枝扦插难生根的特性,将组织培养及多种扦插繁殖技术有机结合在一起,建立了转基因741杨综合配套育苗体系,提出了适合无性繁殖的“遮阴间歇喷雾扦插”和“移棚不移苗扦插繁殖”育苗方法。转基因741杨组培快繁中,初始启动培养基为MS 6-BA1.0mg/L NAA0.1ms/L,嫩茎增殖培养基为MS 6-BA0.3~1.0mg/L IBA0~0.3mg/L,茎尖生根培养基为1/2MS 0.3IBA 1.5%蔗糖。不同月份嫩枝扦插培养的苗木中,5月份扦插的嫩枝生长较快,但苗木间分化程度较高;8月份扦插的嫩枝生长相对较慢,但苗木的分化程度低,生长整齐。不同月份苗木移栽后,生长节律相同,经过1a生长,不同月份间苗木生长差异不明显,5月份扦插的苗木生长略优于其他月份扦插的苗木。  相似文献   
The effects of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) rates, P source, and method of P application were tested on growth and nutrition of four clones of hybrid poplar (Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray×P. deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh or P. trichocarpa×P. maximowiczii A. Henry) in a plantation on Vancouver Island. Treatments were applied shortly after planting. Nitrogen (0, 500kgNha–1) was supplied as ammonium sulfate (AS); half of the AS was added at the start of the second growing season. Phosphorus (0, 100, 200kgPha–1) was supplied as triple super phosphate (TSP), rock phosphate (RP), or diammonium phosphate (DAP) and banded or broadcast. Over four growing seasons, stem volumes increased with AS and P additions. The effects of AS and P each were greatest when the other was also added. Volume was greater when P was applied at 100kgha–1 than in the P control and did not significantly increase further at 200kgPha–1. Phosphorus additions were more effective when added as TSP or DAP than when added as RP, but only in P100 and when banded. Banding increased volume when P was applied at 200kgha–1, but increases were significant only for DAP fertilized trees. Roto-tilling associated with the banding treatment also increased volume when AS and P were not added. Rankings of clones with respect to stem volume varied with N supply and changed over time.  相似文献   
This study develops an analytical method that enables the simulation of the deformation of timber-framed plywood panel dome structures, of which strength is largely governed by the rigidity of joints. A hybrid truss structure model was employed to analyze this structure. In this model, we aimed to incorporate the mechanical properties of bolted and nailed joints, which were employed to build the structures, although the present investigation focused on the deformation characteristics of a dome in which the panel elements were connected mutually by elastic springs. The results of the theoretical analysis are compared with those obtained by experiments. The simulated results were found to be in good agreement with the results of the experiments under similar loading conditions.  相似文献   
Age trends in variance components and heritability of overall wood density, earlywood and latewood density, and latewood proportion were investigated in 29-year-old trees of 19 full-sib families of hybrid larch (Larix gmelinii var. japonica × Larix kaempferi) F1. The age–age correlation and optimum selection age for these traits were also estimated and genetic and phenotypic correlations between wood density and radial growth rate were calculated for each growth ring. Intraring wood density data were obtained using X-ray densitometry. The coefficient of additive genetic variance was stable over all ages, whereas the coefficient of environmental variances gradually decreased with increasing age, resulting in increases in heritability estimates with age for overall density. The latewood proportion had the highest heritability estimates at all ages, ranging from 0.44 to 0.66. Overall density and its various components at 28 years of age showed strong genetic correlations with their respective traits at all younger ages. Optimum selection ages for the wood density traits ranged from 8 to 14 years, at which point maximum gain efficiencies per year were obtained. There were negative correlations between wood density and radial growth rate at early ages, although these relationships tended to be weaker with increasing age. These results suggest that selection at a young age is effective for wood density, but particular care must be taken in selecting trees with an improved radial growth rate because rapid growth will result in a low-density wood product, especially in the early growth period.  相似文献   
A Review of Fine Root Dynamics in Populus Plantations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Production of native and hybridized varieties of Populus has received considerable interest in temperate regions as an alternative to agricultural crops and an additional wood source, while acting as a potential carbon (C) sink to offset emissions of fossil fuel-based greenhouse gases. Research of root system dynamics in Populus species is expanding, however, our understanding of the nature and role of fine roots (FR) is incomplete. The study objective, therefore, was to review the literature regarding FR production, mortality and longevity in Populus, and evaluate the magnitude and significance of the FR fraction to C sequestration. FRs, conventionally defined as less than 2 mm in diameter and responsible for water and nutrient uptake, are an essential component of the tree. Populus FRs are relatively short-lived, with reported lifespans ranging from 30 to 300 days, depending on root diameter, tree species and age, and soil environmental factors. Standing FR biomass fluctuates throughout the growing season. Fine root production generally peaks in mid-summer, and ranges between 1.0 and 5.0 mg ha−1 yr−1, while FR mortality has less seasonal amplitude. Production and mortality dynamics in Populus are highly plastic in response to soil environmental conditions, and although opposing conclusions have been proposed, research suggests soil moisture and nitrogen to be most important. Results from the literature indicate annual FR turnover to the soil C pool may be small (0.2–1.6 mg C ha−1 yr−1), but substantial in maintaining or enhancing C levels in natural and managed stands of Populus.  相似文献   
China was one of the first countries to use artificial insemination (AI) in equids, and it achieved international recognition for its widespread application of AI to commercial horse breeding. This article reviews the history of equine AI in China. The technique originated from the high demand for horses to be used in agriculture, transportation, and the military. Artificial insemination was identified as an ideal tool for Chinese horse breeding to improve the productivity of native horses, especially during 1950-1970. Presently, AI is still practiced commonly in China, and it includes the use of fresh semen and transported cooled semen. The use of frozen semen has also been resumed to broaden the range of elite Sporthorse stallions and to preserve threatened or endangered native breeds. Accurate prediction of the optimum time for insemination depended mainly on transrectal palpation of the mare's ovaries. In addition to controlled methods of insemination, factors like volume and number of spermatozoa in the inseminate and timing and frequency of insemination were optimized to accomplish high fertility rates in the field. Production of hinnies and mules for agricultural labor and donkeys for meat and hide gelatin stimulated a nationwide upsurge of research into the reproductive physiology of and AI technology in donkeys. In the future, there will be further increases in the use of traditional and modern AI techniques in the breeding of Chinese equids.  相似文献   
The influence of sex ratio, stocking density and age of hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus X O. aureus) brood fish on seed production in concrete tanks were evaluated in 1992 and 1993. A sex ratio of 1:2 and 1:3 (male: female) and a density of 2 fish m-2 gave the best result with respect to number of seed female-1 day-1 and number of seed kg-1-1 female day-1. Maximum seed production female-1 day-1 was recorded for 3-year-old females and the minimum for 1-year-olds, but in terms of seed kg-1 female day-1 and seed m-2 day-1, 1-year-olds produced the maximum number of seed followed by 2-, 3- and 4-year-old females. Seasonal pattern in seed production was apparently influenced by season and temperature. From the first harvest on 21 April 1993 the production increased gradually, reaching a peak during the third harvest and a second peak during the sixth harvest. Thereafter seed production gradually decreased, reaching a minimum during the tenth harvest on 27 October 1993. No seed were found during the last harvest of 18 November 1993. Maximum production coincided with the highest water temperature of around 28°C.  相似文献   
采用捕自黑龙江水域的怀头鲶为母本,鲶鱼为父本,应用自制催产药物DOS与LRH-A2、HCG进行人工催产,使催产率、受精率分别达到92%和88%。20-21.5℃水温条件下43h孵化出苗,孵化率75%。出膜仔鱼体长3.93mm,7.83mm下塘,池塘培育8天达到34.08mm,培育成活率50%。  相似文献   
在油菜品种丰油730整个生育过程中分别以5种不同的硼肥施肥方法进行处理,研究施硼方法对杂交油菜秧苗素质及产量的影响。结果表明,5种硼肥施用方法均可以提高油菜的产量,其中以苗床和大田施硼肥作基肥,花期追硼肥方法油菜产量最高。  相似文献   
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