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黄土丘陵沟壑区植被恢复过程中物种组成及多样性   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
通过小流域内不同生境条件下的植被调查,研究了半干旱黄土丘陵沟壑区植被恢复过程中的物种组成和植物多样性。结果表明:各植物种占总数比例为多年生草本一年生草本灌木乔木;阳坡灌木作用较大,半阳坡和半阴坡乔木树种与灌木树种作用相近,阴坡明显以乔木树种作用占优势;不同人工林类型之间植物多样性不存在显著差异,而立地条件是影响植物多样性的主要因素,人们对退耕地的经营活动,不利于生物多样性恢复。  相似文献   
北京山区典型低频泥石流特征及危险性研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
通过2015年3月对北京密云水库上游白马关河流域内黄梁根桥沟现场调查,收集该区历史上泥石流灾害事件资料,对该沟的物源特征、降雨激发条件进行了分析;参考该区域其他泥石流沟的堆积物,分别进行了泥石流的密度、流速、流量和总量计算;最后对该沟的泥石流潜在危险性进行了分析,并提出了相应的减灾对策,可为该沟以及该区域其他低频率泥石流防治、预测预报提供参考。结果表明:黄梁根桥沟内物源总量为17.99万m3,大部分堆积在斜坡坡脚,严重挤压主沟道。短历时降雨是该沟以及该区泥石流暴发的主要激发条件,当暴雨强度在31.79~40.20 mm/h时,泥石流暴发可能性较大。受物源体影响,该沟为稀性泥石流沟,流速接近5.0 m/s;20年一遇暴雨条件下洪峰流量为187.41 m3/s,一次固体总量为6.82万m3,超过沟口目前的拦挡坝库容。   相似文献   
黄土高塬沟壑区退耕地土壤抗冲性及其与影响因素的关系   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
为了评价退耕地土壤抗冲性的变化,该文以黄土高塬沟壑区自然退耕农地为研究对象,通过径流小区冲刷法对不同覆盖度塬面退耕地(TAL,table-land abandoned land)和沟头退耕地(GAL,gully-head abandoned land)土壤抗冲性进行了研究。结果表明,1)与对照(Ⅰ)相比,TAL和GAL处理水稳性团聚体、根系密度和根系生物量均显著增加(P0.05),覆盖度大于0时,崩解速率显著减小44.87%~79.16%和33.79%~70.65%,有机质显著增加70.12%~222.70%和59.20%~194.88%,覆盖度最大时,土壤容重和渗透系数才显著减小和增大。2)TAL处理0覆盖度小区抗冲系数(AS,anti-scouribility)较对照无差异,其余覆盖度则显著增大2.31~7.57倍,GAL处理AS较对照显著增大0.99~7.12倍,覆盖度越大,根系提高土壤抗冲性能的效果越显著。3)TAL和GAL处理AS分别与容重、崩解速率、水稳性团聚体含量、渗透系数均呈极显著指数函数关系,与有机质含量、根系生物量及根系密度均呈极显著线性函数关系。水稳性团聚体是影响塬面和沟头退耕地土壤抗冲性的关键因子。结果可为研究区退耕还林还草工程生态功能评价及水土流失治理提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Only few studies have focused on quantifying and/or modeling changes in gully-head shape. The present paper proposed a non-linear technique based on fractal method for describing gully-head changes quantitatively, and carried out a case study in the Yuanmou Basin in the Longchuan River Valley, Yunnan Province, southwest China. Seventy-seven gullies under 5 different land-uses were investigated in 1998 and again in 2002. For the study period, the gully-head retreat rate in different land-uses showed a decreasing order BL (bare land) > FL (farmland for only crops) > OC (mixture of orchards and crops) > FG (combination of forest and grass) > FSG (combination of forest, shrubs and grass). Correspondingly, the three proposed fractal characteristics (the fractal curvature Pτ, ΔPτ = change in the fractal curvature Pτ, ΔD = change in the fractal dimension D) of the gully-heads followed the same order BL > FL > OC > FG > FSG, also. These findings suggested that the three parameters (Pτ, ΔPτ, ΔD) proposed can sensitively reflect the gully-head changes associated with land-use, and may be used as feasible parameters for understanding and predicting gully development under land-use change and global change.  相似文献   
Dino Torri  Lorenzo Borselli 《CATENA》2003,50(2-4):449-467
An approach to gully erosion is presented in this paper. The approach is based on general equations derived from theoretical considerations. The equations apply to a situation of intense erosion rate, such as at peak discharge during the few critical rainstorms, able to generate or to widen gullies.Equations linking gully widening to gully deepening are derived. They do not depend on the way in which concentrated flow aggressiveness is estimated. The equation expressing gully width/depth relationship was successfully compared with data from the literature.When runoff aggressiveness was estimated through unit stream power and bottom flow shear stress, the width/discharge relationships found were similar to those expected on the basis of previous studies (e.g., Leopold and Maddock [U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 252 (1953) 57 pp.]) even if slope gradient explicitly appears in contrast with empirical evidence. Only threshold conditions for gullies indicate that flow shear stress (for laminar flow conditions) can explain the observed trends. This astonishing result most probably indicates that gully initiation needs more complex contexts to be explained than the one here used (based on a Montgomery and Dietrich [1994. Landscape dissection and drainage area–slope thresholds. In: M.J. Kirkby (ed.), Process Models and Theoretical Geomorphology. Wiley, 221–246] approach).A selection of the proposed equations have been arranged into a research model and an example of the outcome has been given for two situations typical of cropland in southern Tuscany (Italy). The results indicate that the spatial distribution of soil characteristics and of land use influences significantly gully generation and evolution. This further confirms that gully morphological thresholds cannot be explained by simple approaches.  相似文献   
Knowledge of soil moisture distributions in gullies, which are highly variable spatially and temporally, is important for both restoring vegetation and controlling erosion in them, but little attention has been paid to this spatio-temporal variability to date. Therefore, we examined soil moisture profiles and their variability along three transects traversing sidewalls of a well-developed gully with steep slopes in a hilly area of the Chinese Loess Plateau. We took intensive measurements at 20-cm intervals from 0 to 160 cm depth, using a portable time domain reflectometer, from September 3 to October 20 2009 and from April 5 to July 20 2010. The results indicate that the mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation of moisture content vary with time, their responses to precipitation vary at different depths, and moisture content is most variable when mean values are moderate (15–20%). Revised fitting functions developed and introduced by Famiglietti et al. (2008) captured with confidence the relationship between spatial variability (SD and CV) and spatial mean of moisture content (RMSE ranging from 0.0015 to 0.0293). Soil moisture clearly varied along the transects, the vertical distribution of soil moisture differed in different seasons, and correlation analysis showed that soil texture influenced the variability of surface soil moisture more strongly than terrain attributes (except during distinct rainfall events, when this pattern reversed). The results presented here should improve understanding of spatio-temporal variations in soil moisture profiles in well-developed gullies in the Loess Plateau, and potentially elsewhere.  相似文献   
黄土高原沟壑区苹果园土壤剖面水分及矿质氮分布特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
路远  党廷辉  成琦 《水土保持学报》2021,35(2):106-112,121
面对苹果园大量施肥带来的潜在环境问题,在黄土高原沟壑区典型流域,分别选取不同树龄和地貌类型的苹果园,分析土壤水分含量和土壤矿质氮在土体剖面中的变化,为促进该流域农业发展提供相关数据支持。在陕西长武县王东沟流域,分别选取不同树龄(14,18,23,28,32树龄)和地貌类型(塬、梁、坡地)的果园,用直径为4 cm的土钻,在每株果树周围距离树干1 m处,采集15个不同样地0—400 cm土层样品,12个果园样地0—600 cm土层样品,分别测定土壤水分、硝态氮、铵态氮含量。结果表明:随着树龄的增加,0—600 cm土壤含水量和贮水量出现明显下降,尤其在300—600 cm处,不同树龄果园贮水量差异显著(P<0.05),贮水量大小表现为18树龄>23树龄>32树龄。流域内各树龄果园各土层铵态氮含量均较低,对矿质氮在土体中的分布基本不构成影响;硝态氮含量较高,矿质氮在土壤中的分布主要受其影响。各果园不同树龄600 cm以上土层硝态氮含量变化幅度较大,且硝态氮主要分布在土层深处。坡地果园18,23,32树龄0—200 cm土层硝态氮累积总量分别占0—400 cm土层累积总量的50%,41%和38%,表现出土壤硝态氮随树龄的增长而向深层累积的趋势。3种地貌类型下硝态氮累积量都表现出随果园树龄增长而增加的特点。黄土高原沟壑区果园土壤深层干燥化和硝态氮累积现象明显,而且随着果园树龄的增加趋于严重。  相似文献   
黄土丘陵区沟谷地植被恢复群落特征研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对黄土丘陵区2个不同沟向沟谷地植被群落特征进行样方调查,统计分析沟谷地植物物种频度和植物种群相似系数。调查共记录植物81种,隶属31个科,菊科、禾本科和豆科物种分别占物种总数的19.75%、16.05%和14.81%;封禁20年左右的沟谷地植被演替表现出良性演替的趋势;目前该沟谷地植物群落生活型中草本植物仍占主导地位,尤其是多年生草本,而灌乔生活型植物也已占有重要地位。灌乔木树种对植物群落多样性和结构等方面具有重要影响,沟谷地植被分布的斑块格局较为突出,不同沟向沟谷地的灌乔植物种的重要值构成格局存在一定差异,南北沟向较西东沟向分配均匀;沟向不同,沟谷地所形成的植被种群相似性具有一定差异,主要是由于受到一些伴生种和罕见种的影响。此研究对掌握该地形植被演替方向,明确植被恢复任务和目标具有一定意义。  相似文献   
黄土丘陵沟壑区坡向对产流产沙影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
坡向是坡面产流产沙的重要影响因素。以黄土高原岔巴沟流域新庄径流试验场阴坡和阳坡2个径流小区为研究对象,根据发生在阳坡农地和阴坡荒坡地上的11场降雨事件,对阳坡和阴坡上的产流产沙状况进行了对比分析。结果表明:2个径流小区的产流产沙差异显著。阳坡农地由于太阳辐射量和温度高于阴坡,土壤含水量较低,同时表层土壤扰动较阴坡荒坡地大,土壤孔隙度高,使其产流能力小于阴坡;阳坡土质疏松,沙量来源充沛,径流含沙量和侵蚀模数大于阴坡的概率分别在88%和85%以上。降雨强度对阴坡、阳坡产流产沙差异的影响显著,阴坡和阳坡的产流产沙均在0.05的概率水平上受平均降雨强度的显著影响,表现出平均降雨强度越大阴坡、阳坡产流产沙差异越明显的特征,而降雨量对阴坡、阳坡产流产沙差异的影响并不明显,这是黄土高原超渗产流的特征之一。  相似文献   
Gully erosion is one of the main causes of soil loss in drylands. Understanding the dominant mechanisms of erosion is important to achieve effective erosion control, thus in this study our main objective was to quantify the mechanisms involved in gully bank retreat as a result of three processes, falling of entire soil aggregates, transport of soil material by splash and by water running along gully banks (runoff), during rainfall events. The study was conducted in the sloping lands of the KwaZulu-Natal province, a region that is highly affected by gully erosion. Artificial rain was applied at 60 mm h−1 for 45 min at the vertical wall of a gully bank typical to the area. The splash material was collected by using a network of 0.045 m2 buckets. The sediments in the running water were assessed by sampling the runoff collected from a microplot inserted within the base of the bank, and collecting the fallen aggregates after the rainfall simulation was complete. Results indicated that the overall erosion for the simulation was 721 g m−2 h−1. Runoff erosion proved to be the dominant mechanism and amounted to 450 g m−2 h−1, followed by splash and fall down of aggregates (about 170 g m−2 h−1). Gully bank retreat occurred at a rate of 0.55 mm h−1 and assuming that the soil bulk density is 1.3 g cm−3, this corresponds to a retreat of 8.8 mm y−1. Extrapolations to the watershed level, where about 500 m2 of gully bank are observed per hectare, would lead to an erosion rate of 4.8 t ha−1 y−1. These limited results based on a simulated storm show that the three main mechanisms (runoff, splash and fall down of aggregates) are responsible for the retreat of gully banks and that to mitigate gully erosion, appropriate measures are required to control all three mechanisms. Further research studies are needed to confirm and to scale up, both in time and space, as these data are obtained at one location and from a single artificial storm.  相似文献   
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