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There are concerns that genetically modified soybean might threaten the genetic diversity of the wild soybean populations that are distributed in East Asia because genetically modified soybean has no crossing barrier with wild soybean. A simple and effective method to prevent hybridization via pollen flow is spatial separation between the two species because their hybridization occurs only when they grow in close proximity. Therefore, the invasiveness of wild soybean needs to be known in order to secure the appropriate distances. As wild soybean seeds are dispersed mechanically by pod dehiscence, an experiment was conducted in which white sheets were placed on the ground, concentric circles were drawn around the parent plants, and the number of dispersed seeds within each 0.5 m‐wide zone were counted. About 40% of the produced seeds were dispersed and the number of dispersed seeds gradually declined as the distance from the parent plants increased. The model that explained the relationship between the number and distance of the dispersed seeds was produced by using a generalized linear model procedure. More than 95, 99, and 99.9% of the produced seeds stayed within 3.5, 5.0, and 6.5 m after natural pod dehiscence. Knowing these values is useful for evaluating the level of invasive risk by mechanical seed dispersal. The goal of the work is to efficiently and deliberately prevent hybridization by isolating genetically modified soybean fields and wild soybean populations by vegetation management, including weeding and setting up specific‐width buffer zones.  相似文献   
以黄河兰州段11个不同采样点3种多环芳烃的临测浓度及其对6~38种水生生物的LC50为基础资料,分别应用商值法、概率密度函数重叠面积和联合概率曲线3种风险浮价方法对黄河兰州段苯并(a)芘、荧蒽、芘的生态风险进行了评价.结果表明:黄河兰州段3种PAHs残留具有一定的生态风险.其中低暴露风险条件下(受威胁生物不超过1%),...  相似文献   
非洲橘硬蓟马的检疫特征与风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对非洲橘硬蓟马的形态特征进行介绍,运用有害生物风险分析的方法,从国内分布状况、潜在危害性、寄主植物经济重要性、传播扩散的可能性以及风险管理难度等方面,综合评价了非洲橘硬蓟马的危险性,提出相关的风险性管理对策。以期为非洲橘硬蓟马的检疫鉴定以及制定相关的监测及检疫决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   
针对当前我国水电开发与生态环境的矛盾以及国内外对绿色水电的不同理解,首先提出绿色水电是将可持续发展理念引入水电建设.强调人与自然的和谐相处,实现经济与资源、环境的可持续发展的概念.其次,按照科学的原则分别构建绿色水电设计、施工、运营3个阶段的评价指标体系.最后以云南某水电工程为例进行设计阶段绿色水电评价实例分析,为我国绿色水电的实际操作提供参考.  相似文献   
人工绿洲防护林林下植物多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用"标准地+样方"法,对克拉玛依农业综合开发区防护林林下植物群落进行调查,统计并计算林下植物的丰富度、物种多样性及均匀度。结果表明:(1)研究区防护林林下植物共有33种,主要以农田杂草为主;(2)研究区防护林林下植物物种多样性以紫穗槐林为最高,沙棘、沙枣林和柽柳林次之,杨树林和榆树林最小;(3)高郁闭度的乔木防护林对林下植物的生长有较强的抑制作用,林下植物多样性低,中等郁闭度的乔木防护林林下植物多样性最高,而灌木防护林林下植物多样性和均匀性都比较高,多样性在不同郁闭度下差异不大。文中旨在了解干旱区不同防护林林下植物群落的现状,为该地区防护林建设和经营提供科学依据。  相似文献   
近45年阿克苏地区干湿程度演变分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陈颖  张俊岚 《干旱区研究》2007,24(5):686-690
采用近45年来阿克苏地区年、季气温、降水序列,并通过对各站干湿指标序列的考察,分析了阿克苏地区年代际、年、季干湿状况的变化.结果表明:阿克苏地区年平均气温的增加快于年降水量的增加,两者均以冬季增加为主,临近沙漠地带夏季气温和秋季降水呈微弱的下降趋势.干湿指标分布自山区经平原向沙漠由湿向干变化,由于各区域间降水差异较大,沙漠边缘地带比山区小近30%.阿克苏地区的干湿变化呈现出山区和浅山地带持续增湿,平原增湿速率逐渐减小,局地转为干旱化的特征.  相似文献   
Populus euphratica Oliv. is widely distributed along the Tarim River. Maintaining stability of P. euphratica population is important to local development. This study explored the static life table, survivorship curves and four function curves (survival rate, cumulative mortality rate, mortality density, and hazard rate), and development index of P. euphratica population in the middle reaches of Tarim River. The results indicated that the age structure of P. euphratica population belonged to positive pyramidal type, which meant young age-class individuals occupied most populations. The number ofⅠ-Ⅱage classes accounted for 66.2% of whole population, and this indicated that there were abundant subsequent seedlings resources to support the growth of P. euphratica population in the middle reaches of Tarim River. The survivorship curve of P. euphratica belonged to the Deevey Ⅲ (concave-type) and the development index was 47.72%. Four function curves revealed that the individuals of P. euphratica sharply decreased at the initial stage and then leveled off at the late stage of survival curve. Time sequence prediction models predicted that the number of midlife individuals would increase in future 10, 20, 30 years, and P. euphratica population grew steadily as a result of rich saplings.  相似文献   
火龙果腐烂病是一种对我国新兴的火龙果果业潜在风险较高的真菌病害。近年来,我国口岸多次从越南进口的火龙果鲜果中截获该病害。本文介绍了其病原真菌仙人掌平脐蠕孢(Bipolaris cactivora(Petrak)Alcorn)地理分布、寄主范围、经济危害性、症状及病原菌形态特征、形态学鉴定和分子检测方法 ;分析了病原菌的进入风险和定殖与扩散风险,提出了加强口岸植物检疫,严防病原菌传入及病害在国内发生扩散和蔓延等风险管理措施。  相似文献   
不同放牧率对草甸植被特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对羊草+苔草草甸进行受控放牧实验,定量研究了草地植被结构对不同放牧率条件下的反应特征。结果表明:所有不同放牧小区的四种牧草牧前高度远远低于对照小区,而且留茬高度差异不大。各种牧草放牧后的高度受草地群落生物量和牧草本身适口性的影响,适口性越高,降低程度越大。在整个生长季内,羊草+苔草草甸群落地上部分生物量一直处于不断增加的状态,其中苔草和芦苇地上生物量于6月份达到峰值;羊草于7月份达到峰值;香茅在整个生长季内不断增加,于8月份达到最大值。各放牧小区群落生物量均明显低于对照小区。随着放牧率的提高,多样性指数先增高后降低,即适度放牧有利于多样性的维持。  相似文献   
生态旅游系统管理与生态风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析生态旅游系统内涵、指导思想和管理原则的基础上,将生态风险分析理论与方法引入生态旅游系统管理中,阐述生态旅游系统中生态风险分析的含义、内容、程序以及生态风险分析的方法,分析生态旅游系统中生态风险管理与生态风险分析的关系,探讨生态风险分析在生态旅游系统管理中的应用。  相似文献   
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