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在河流生态系统嵌套层级结构中,地貌单元作为水流和泥沙输移过程的物理表现,是表征河流形态的重要斑块。多样的河流地貌单元特征决定了栖息地的多样性特征,为生态过程提供了物理基础。为更好地理解地貌单元的结构与功能,通过辨析河流地貌单元内涵,对其分类体系与识别方法、地貌单元的生态响应进行了归纳梳理,并总结了河流地貌单元在栖息地调查评估、河流地貌单元制图及河流分类等方面的应用,从而为认识自然河流、修复受损河流提供技术支持。  相似文献   
渭河下游水沙变化趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对近6年渭河下游水沙量数据的统计和分析得出,渭河下游河段年内多沙期较河流主汛期有所提前;年径流量和年输沙量的变化趋势基本一致,而且自60年代至2005年华县站的水沙量持续呈递减趋势;河流的冲淤情况与该河段的降雨量有着直接的关系,当年平均降雨量小的时候河流以淤积为主,当年平均降雨量大的时候河流以冲蚀为主。针对这些特征,分析了渭河下游目前存在的主要问题。  相似文献   
采用1982-2012年的多源遥感数据,结合像元二分模型,分析了三江源保护区不同时期代表性河流源区不同类型草地的植被覆盖度及其动态,并研究了草地植被覆盖度对气候因子的响应.结果表明,三江源草地覆盖度整体上呈现出西北低东南高的特征,全区草地平均植被覆盖度为48.73%,黄河源草地覆盖度最高(65.45%),长江源最低(4.25%),草甸、高山亚高山草甸、平原草原、高山亚高山草原和荒漠草原的平均植被覆盖度分别为59.86%、57.390%、39.50%、33.70%和14.13%;31年间全区草地覆盖度整体上呈现上升趋势,增长速度为每年0.230%,黄河源区的增长速度最快(每年0.27%);整体而言,低温比干旱对三江源草地覆盖度增长的限制作用更强,草甸、高山亚高山草甸和平原草原受气温影响较大,高山亚高山草原和荒漠草原受降水影响较大,在月尺度上草地覆盖度对气温表现出明显的滞后效应,而对降水不存在明显的滞后效应;三江源保护区成立(2001年)后,草地覆盖度的增长速度和增长面积都有所提升,全区草地覆盖度对气温的敏感度有所升高,黄河源草地覆盖度对降水的敏感度有明显下降.生态工程和草地保护措施整体上已经取得了一定的成效,但局部草地覆盖度下降趋势有所加剧,以荒漠草原最为突出,应在今后的保护工作中加以重视.  相似文献   
Giant river prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming plays an important role in the economy of Bangladesh. Presently, it is cultured in around 50 000 ha area with total annual production of 23 240 t. Traditional extensive prawn farming has been expanding over the last three decades through the introduction and adoption of improved culture systems, such as culture of prawn‐carps, prawn‐shrimp‐fish and prawn‐fish‐rice as concurrent and rotational systems. Efforts for the development of improved techniques on broodstock management, seed production and rearing and grow‐out of prawn have been made over the last decade. The outcomes are low‐cost feed for broodstock, production of post‐larvae in net cages (hapa), all‐male prawn culture, periphyton based prawn‐tilapia culture, C/N based prawn culture, organic prawn farming, prawn‐mola culture and prawn‐carp‐mola polyculture. Despite the development of culture technologies, a number of challenges for sustainable development of prawn farming need to be overcome to realize the potentials of this promising sector. Good aquaculture practises at all levels and application of measures for quality control and food safety would ensure sustainable development of prawn farming in Bangladesh.  相似文献   
塔里木河孔雀河中下游地区棉花膜下滴灌节水技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以合理利用和节约有限的水资源为目标,2002年在尉犁县孔雀农场进行了棉花膜下滴灌节水试验。得出:该区棉花膜下滴灌适宜的灌溉量为3 931.5 m3/hm2,最佳产量为皮棉2 997.75kg/hm2。与当地农民大水漫灌方式比较,节约水量8 070~14 070 m3/hm2,增产皮棉747.75 kg/hm2,膜下滴灌是该区目前最节水的棉花灌溉方式之一。  相似文献   
Background  River and lake sediments constitute complex and difficult analytical samples. On the other hand, sediments play a fundamental role in the distribution of toxic compounds in aquatic systems and in the evaluation of the current state and the course of changes taking place in the environment. Among elements present in the environment in trace concentrations, but having well-elaborated toxic properties, one of most dangerous is arsenic. The element occurs in the environment in several chemical forms, predominant are inorganic forms of As(V) and As(III), and methylated forms such as monomethylarsonic acid (MMAA) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA). Objectives  Reported herein are experiments, which were undertaken with the aim of examining the dynamics of arsenic sorption in sediments and its dependence on speciation of the element and the pH in the environment. Simultaneously, influence of organic matter content and chemical composition of the sediments on As sorption, were investigated. Methods  Sediment samples (upper 10 cm layer) were collected from three sites located in the vicinity of Cracow:
•  Rudawa river — 37 km long river, flowing mainly through the suburban area;
•  Vistula river — heavily contaminated, main Polish river;
•  Dobczyce reservoir — artificial reservoir on Raba river, total capacity of 125,000,000 m3, supplying about 60% of drinking water to the city of Cracow.
Using XRD and IR methods, mineral composition of sediments was analysed. Concentrations of iron, manganese, aluminium and arsenic as well as organic matter content in solid samples were analysed. Sorption experiment  100 g of dry sediment sample was placed in a 400 ml volume glass beaker. 300 ml of arsenic containing solution was poured into the beaker. Every 30 min (total experiment time span equalled 7 to 7.5 hours), 0.5 ml of the suspension’ (the beaker content was constantly mixed) was collected and centrifuged, and the concentration of arsenic was determined in the supernatant. In the series of experiments, solution contained about 0.05 μg/ml of arsenic in organic (DMAA) and inorganic forms, at different pH values — 3, 5, 7 and 9. Results and Discussion  Examined sediments of Vistula river and Dobczyce Lake were characterised by relatively high concentrations of arsenic, iron, manganese and aluminium.Rudawa river. At pH 3, the concentration of inorganic As in solution decreased from an initial value of 0.049 μg/ml to 0.012 μg/ml in 7.5 hours time. The same decreasing tendency was found at pH 5 (initial value 0.046 μg/ml, after 7.5 hours - 0.015 μg/ml). Less distinct sorption effects were noted at pH 7 and 9. Vistula river. At all pH values, a very significant decrease of inorganic As concentration up to 80% of the initial value, as well as a short time of achieving an equilibrium state (1 – 2.5 hours), was found. Dobczyce lake. Inorganic As was distinctly accumulated in sediments at pH 3 (decrease of As concentration in solution from 0.052 to 0.007 μg/ml after 7.5 hours of the experiment) and at pH 5. At pH 7, about 40% of As was accumulated in sediments (solution As concentration decrease from 0.050 to 0.030). Only 20% of As adsorbed on sediments at pH 9.Very weak accumulation of organic form of As (DMAA) was found in all examined sediments at pH 3 and 5. At higher pH values no sorption was registered. Conclusions  The following facts were established:
•  inorganic form of arsenic was effectively accumulated in all analysed sediments;
•  inorganic As sorption in sediments strongly depended on pH — for sediments of Rudawa river and Dobczyce lake, the highest sorption was found at pH 3, and a decrease of accumulated As was noted with an increase of pH (at pH 9, the lowest amount of As was immobilised in sediments); in the case of Vistula river sediments, a reverse tendency was found;
•  organic form of arsenic (DMAA) was accumulated only at pH 3 in all sediments and less significantly at pH 5 (Vistula river sediments); no sorption of that form of As was found in the other sediment samples;
•  state of equilibrium (no change in inorganic As concentration in liquid medium) was achieved in 1 hour for Vistula river sediments, after about 2 hours for Rudawa river and after about 4 hours for Dobczyce lake sediments.
Recommendations  The presented method of analysis of As sorption in sediments and results visualization (based on a newly defined coefficient) provides a useful tool for the characterization of sorptive properties of sediments and may be used for other compounds as well. Crucial, functional information — how much of a given element may be accumulated in sediments at a certain pH — is obtained without digestion of the sediment sample, in an experiment taking less than one day.  相似文献   
针对目前河蟹追溯成本高、消费者无法细粒度地追溯单体河蟹信息等问题,提出一种基于迁移学习和金字塔卷积的河蟹背甲图像个体识别算法。该算法使用金字塔卷积层替换普通残差卷积块构建网络模型,可以从蟹背图像中提取多尺度、深层次的特征信息。结果显示:采用金字塔卷积结构的Resnet34和Resnet50的准确率分别为98.38%、98.51%,与使用普通卷积层的模型相比,准确率提升5.49%、1.3%,而当模型深度达到101层时,模型性能不再明显提升。与使用金字塔卷积结构的全新学习模型相比,迁移学习方法的训练收敛迭代轮次从20轮降低至5轮,此时模型准确率为98.88%,较全新学习的准确率提升0.37%,同时弥补了样本量较少的问题。该研究为河蟹个体识别追溯提供了理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   
【目的】分析不同Copula函数参数估计法对函数类型选择及对河流年径流丰枯遭遇的影响,为西安水资源开发、供水调度管理提供理论依据。【方法】利用黑河黑峪口站、沣河秦渡镇站、灞河马渡王站3个水文站55年的年径流数据,基于Kendall系数估计法和极大似然估计法分别估计Copula函数的参数,选择拟合程度好的GH Copula函数,对比分析两种估计法推求的黑河、沣河、灞河的年径流丰枯遭遇频率。【结果】两种参数估计法均表明GH Copula函数是拟合程度最好的函数。极大似然估计法的拟合结果略优于Kendall系数估计法,但两者之间相关系数的绝对差≤0.02%。两种方法估计的河流间两两丰枯同步和丰枯异步的概率≤3%,沣河、黑河、灞河3条河流两两丰枯同步的概率远远大于丰枯异步的概率;丰枯同步的概率中,两条河流同平的概率几乎是同丰和同枯的概率和,同枯的概率略小于同丰的概率;在丰枯异步的概率中,2条河流一丰一枯的概率最小,其中灞河和沣河一丰一枯的概率只有0.048%~0.138%。【结论】在西安供水河流年径流丰枯遭遇分析时,极大似然估计法的拟合结果略优于Kendall系数估计法,但两种参数估计法都是可行的。  相似文献   
塔里木河下游环境退化的因子分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
 为了研究土地荒漠化及其影响因子,对塔里木河下游沿河道布设的39个样地,进行环境退化因子分析。通过数学变换,8个观测指标被转换为3个综合指标(水分指标、沙化指标、盐化指标)。根据本地区的实际,对3个综合指标进行环境解释。依据这3个主分量的贡献率,计算塔里木河下游39个样地的因子得分,并据此进行环境退化程度(荒漠化)的分类。从因子得分结果看,塔里木河下游地区呈明显的随距大西海子水库距离的增加荒漠化程度加重的特点,引起这一结果的主要原因,是水、盐条件逐渐恶化带来的植被衰败。从分类的结果看,与该地区的实际基本相符合。这说明因子分析的方法综合了多指标的综合影响,划分的结果更加客观。  相似文献   
为研究近自然护岸措施对河道岸坡稳定性的影响,以重庆市桃花溪河岸为例,通过布设自然原型护岸措施、天然材料织物垫护岸措施、土工织物扁袋护岸措施3种近自然护岸措施,并以裸地为对照,采用针对水力侵蚀的泥沙起动模型和针对重力侵蚀的土壤抗剪强度模型研究近自然护岸措施下的平衡坡度。结果表明:1)经过2年自然修复,由泥沙起动模型结合土壤抗冲试验得出3种护岸措施和对照河岸的岸坡相对平衡坡度依次为>34.9°、>33.3°、>32.3°、>25.5°,且护岸措施配合织物材料有利于措施布设前期岸坡抵抗水土流失;2)由土壤抗剪强度模型得出3种护岸措施和对照的岸坡相对平衡坡度依次为35.0°、26.2°、30.3°、19.9°;3)3种护岸措施下抵抗水力侵蚀的岸坡相对平衡坡度均大于抵抗重力侵蚀的岸坡相对平衡坡度,故抵抗重力侵蚀的土壤抗剪强度模型更适合模拟当地近自然护岸措施下岸坡相对平衡坡度,3种近自然护岸措施下岸坡相对平衡坡度比对照分别提高15.1°、6.3°、10.4°。  相似文献   
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