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Complete chromosomes 1R and 1B were reconstructed in wheat from the centric wheat-rye translocation 1RS.1BL. Three substitutions: 1R(1A), 1R(1B), 1R(1D), and three new centric translocations: 1RS.1AL, 1RS.1BL, 1RS.1DL were produced from the reconstructed chromosome 1R. Each one of these has the same rye chromosome arm 1RS which was present in the original translocation 1RS.1BL of ‘Kavkaz’ wheat. Reconstructed chromosome 1B and a normal chromosome 1R were used to produce a new 1RS.1BL translocation. This translocation has the long arm from the original 1RS.1BL translocation of ‘Kavkaz’, but a different 1RS arm. The third generation centric translocations were mitotically stable and were normally transmitted to progeny. Misdivision frequency of the reconstructed chromosomes 1R did not change relative to normal 1R, whereas the misdivision frequency of the two reconstructed chromosomes 1B tested was significantly higher relative to normal 1B. These experiments demonstrate that repeated cycles of centric breakage and fusion do not impair the function of centromeres in wheat and rye but may change chromosome's susceptibility to misdivision. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with a genome‐specific repeat, Spelt1, and wheat simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to analyse the chromosome constitution of two Triticum aestivum×Aegilops speltoides introgressive lines. The lines 170/98i and 178/98i carried one and two subtelomeric regions of Ae. speltoides (per haploid genome), respectively, marked by Spelt1 repeats according to FISH data. SSR analysis detected homoeologous substitution of wheat chromosome 7D with Ae. speltoides chromosome 7S in the lines 178/98i and 170/98i as well as the assumed terminal translocation in the short arm of chromosome 3A in the line 178/98i. Anthocyanin pigmentation of the coleoptiles was found in the lines 170/98i and 178/98i and resulted from the 7S (7D) substitution. It was demonstrated that Spelt1 could be effectively used for the rapid identification (without DNA isolation) of terminal translocations of T. aestivum×Ae. speltoides introgressive lines as well as for further analysis of the stability of the hybrid plants.  相似文献   
In hexaploid bread wheat, Triticum aestivum (2n = 6x = 42), little work has been carried out to study the genetic control of the synthesis of reduced, non‐reduced and total non‐structural carbohydrates and soluble proteins in aerial and rooting structures. The aim of this paper was to determine the chromosomal location of genes determining carbohydrate and protein synthesis that could be used for diagnostic selection in segregating breeding populations. A set of wheat intervarietal chromosome substitution lines [‘Chinese Spring’ (CS) × synthetic wheat (Triticum diccocoides×Aegilops squarrosa) (Syn)], was used. Plants were cultivated in hydroponic solutions to the fully expanded third leaf stage. Carbohydrate and protein contents and dry matter were determined for aerial and root parts. The root dry weight did not show significant differences between the parental varieties and the substitution lines, except for 5A, 2B and 6B, which had significantly lower dry weights. The aerial dry weight was significantly higher for Syn and the 2A substitution line. The ratio aerial dry weight/root dry weight was significantly higher in Syn, 1A, 2A and 4B. The protein content of the plant showed highly significant differences between both parental lines but 6A and 1D of the substitution lines showed highly significant differences, with contents as high as that for Syn. Syn produced significantly lower total aerial carbohydrates. The substitution lines 2A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 2B, 3D, 5D and 6D showed highly significant total carbohydrate content increases in the aerial parts compared with both parental lines. The non‐reduced carbohydrate contents showed a pattern similar to that of the total carbohydrates. Syn had a lower reduced carbohydrate content than CS. Only the 5A, 2B, and 1D substitution lines had a highly significantly different content of reduced carbohydrates than CS. In roots, Syn produced the lowest values for every type of sugar. The highest significant values for total carbohydrates were found in substitution lines 2B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 1D and 6D. The non‐reduced carbohydrate levels were significantly higher than CS in 2B, 5B, 6B and 6D substitution lines. Only the substitution lines 3B and 1D showed a significantly higher reduced carbohydrate content in roots compared with CS. The photoassimilate partitioning in Syn, 1 A, 2A and 4B favoured the aerial parts but, in contrast, higher partitioning to the roots was found in the 7B, 1D and 3D substitution lines. Both groups appear to carry interesting patterns worth incorporating in wheat cultivars.  相似文献   
本试验对从八倍体小偃麦与普遍小麦的杂种后代中选出的10个优良小麦种质系,进行了细胞学和田间试验鉴定。结果表明,在这10个小麦种质系中,其中有2个品系为单体异附加系,1个品系为双单体异附加系,2个品系为双体异附加系。有5个品系染色体数目与普通小麦相同,但具有偃麦草的某些特点,细胞学上具有异常行为,它们可能为新的次生六倍体小麦。这些小麦种质系中,有的综合性状较好,具有较好的丰产性能,有希望在生产上直接加以利用;有的虽然综合表现欠佳,但具有突出特点,可作为种质材料在育种上利用。  相似文献   
Researches on the relationship between photosynthesis and wheat yield have equally attracted the attention of both domestic and overseas scholars. No report has existed so far on the study of the effects of exogenous chromosomes on photosynthesis using the substitution series as materials. In this research, Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring-Lophopyrum elongatum (Host) A.L(o)ve disomic substitution series were used as materials and flag leaves as the measuring position. And the CI-310 Portable Photosynthesis System made by CID Co. in USA was used to measure the net rate of photosynthesis of flag leaves in different developing stages and also to correlate photosynthesis with yield. Results showed that, out of the whole developing stages, at the anthesis stage the line of DS2Ee (2A) had the highest photosynthetic rate, therefore it could be used in improving process of the character of kernel number. The flag leaves of DS4Ee (4A, 4B, 4D) lines demonstrated certain high net photosynthetic rate from heading to grain filling stage, so it is valuable in the researh of promoting the yield index like 1000-grain weight through improvement of the photosynthetic rate at grain filling stage.  相似文献   
基于SSSL的水稻重要性状QTL的鉴定及稳定性分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
【目的】单片段代换系(SSSL)是通过高代回交和分子标记辅助选择构建的,只含有来自供体亲本的一个染色体片段,遗传背景与受体亲本相同的品系。本研究的目的是利用SSSL检测不同环境条件下水稻重要性状的QTL。【方法】以32个SSSL为材料,随机区组试验设计,在2~4个季节中对水稻22个重要性状的QTL进行分析。【结果】共鉴定出59个QTL,分布于第1、2、3、4、6、7、8、10和11号染色体上。其中的18个QTL能够在2次以上重复检出,稳定性较好的QTL占检出QTL的30.5%,大多数农艺性状的QTL效应较小、稳定性较差。不同的性状,QTL稳定性不同,千粒重、粒长、谷粒长宽比、抽穗天数等性状的QTL较稳定。稳定性好的QTL,不仅具有较大的加性效应,而且受环境影响较小。【结论】利用单片段代换系可以有效地对水稻重要性状的QTL进行多年多季的稳定性分析。水稻大多数重要农艺性状QTL的不稳定性,反映了水稻生长发育过程的可塑性,可能是通过栽培措施使水稻品种获得高产优质的重要遗传基础。  相似文献   
本文参考有关文献资料,结合应用核磁共振~(13)C 谱鉴定两个四环二萜类化合物结构的工作,对一些天然化合物,如具有含氧基团的环己烷体系的化合物中,由于其含氧基团的取代情况不同而引起其核磁共振~(13)C 谱各相关碳信号呈现出的规律性变化,进行了较详细的讨论。  相似文献   
以实例的方法,探讨基于配电GIS平台实现潮流计算的方案。利用GIS平台中的全局唯一编码(GUID)描述配电网络拓扑模型,取代传统前推回代方法中的节点、支路编码方式,为潮流计算提供更完整、精确、更新及时的参数。在Matlab环境下设计配网潮流计算模块,在GIS平台上集成该模块,实现可视化的潮流计算,将结果直观的显示在配电网地图上。  相似文献   
采用淹水密闭培养-间歇淋洗法,研究了有机肥(猪粪和牛粪)与化肥(尿素)氮以不同比例配施后对水稻土铵态氮释放特征的影响。结果表明:与单施100%尿素处理相比,培养到28 d,配施有机肥处理(除80%尿素氮配施20%牛粪氮、70%尿素氮配施30%牛粪氮和50%尿素氮配施30%牛粪氮处理)显著降低土壤铵态氮的累积释放量,且随有机肥配施比例的增加降幅增大,降低幅度为5.78%~41.20%(P0.05);培养28~90 d,配施有机肥处理(50%尿素氮配施30%牛粪氮处理除外)的土壤铵态氮释放量显著提高;至培养90 d,50%尿素氮配施50%猪粪氮和80%尿素氮配施20%牛粪氮处理的土壤铵态氮累积释放量显著高于单施100%尿素处理,提高幅度分别为4.81%和9.32%(P0.05)。培养结束时,氮素减施20%(单施80%尿素氮、50%尿素氮配施30%猪粪氮和50%尿素氮配施30%牛粪氮)处理的土壤铵态氮累积释放量与单施100%尿素处理无显著差异。本研究表明,50%尿素氮配施30%猪粪氮既可以降低土壤铵态氮前期释放速率,又可以增加水稻土持续稳定的供氮能力,对减少氮肥损失维持作物生产具有重要意义。  相似文献   
水稻抽穗期是重要的农艺性状。本研究以一个带有华粳籼74遗传背景的单片段代换系为试验材料,对水稻抽穗期基因进行评价,发现单片段代换系W06-26-35-1-5-2带有极晚抽穗期基因,在山东种植,抽穗期稳定且表现为晚抽穗。该代换系的代换区间为PSM152-PSM154-PSM155-RM25-RM547-RM72-RM404,在第8染色体上带有抽穗期基因qHD8-1。对该代换系与受体亲本华粳籼74杂交发展的F2分离群体的单株进行抽穗期鉴定,发现晚抽穗和早抽穗单株数符合3:1的分离比,说明晚抽穗为一个显性基因控制。  相似文献   
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