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黑木耳烘干控制系统,采用压缩式热泵,AT89C51单片机、SHT75型温湿度传感器、加热器等组成温湿度控制电路。控制干燥室内的温湿度,完成对干燥室内的黑木耳进行低温、高效率的去湿干燥。  相似文献   
我国防沙治沙科研的突破口初探-以河西走廊沙区为例   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
河西走廊的防沙治沙科研在我国广大沙区具有代表性。河西走廊防沙治沙科研存在的主要问题是 :⑴宏观战略研究薄弱 ,研究缺乏系统性。主要表现在 :治沙措施散件得不到优化组合 ,其功能得不到充分发挥 ;研究客体之间互相割裂 ,缺乏从总体上控制沙漠化的研究 ;农业开发与生态资源保护的结合点问题没有解决 ;研究课题重复。⑵散件成果多属定性结论 ,缺乏操作性。运用系统科学的思想方法是治沙科技发展的突破口 :只有运用系统科学的思想方法才能科学处理生态资源保护、生态环境建设和资源开发利用三方面的关系 ,才能实现各种防沙治沙措施的优化配置 ,才能实现治理结果的持续稳定。运用现代数学方法建立沙区生态环境综合治理数学模型才能科学处理多系统的复杂关系。现代数学方法是系统科学的主要方法。运用系统科学的思想方法和现代数学方法是治沙科技发展必须达到的 ,是治沙科技发展的突破口。  相似文献   
Cocoa is a key or source of income and poverty reduction in the humid forest of Southern Cameroon. Cameroon like other African countries went through a major economic crisis in the early 1980s with a decline in international commodity prices and significant changes in macroeconomic policies. Structural adjustment reforms following the economic crisis led to removal of fertilizers and pesticides subsidies, cocoa price liberalization and the overall withdraw of Government interventions from the cocoa sub-sector. Cocoa input price increases have been compounded by the devaluation of the CFA Franc, which doubled the prices of the imported pesticides which were considered key to the control of cocoa pests. This overall economic shock led to changes in cocoa producer's production decisions as a response to minimize cost. Among the changes the use of alternatives to imported chemicals for cocoa pest control. Farmers responded to the high prices of pesticides by developing, from local botanical knowledge and pest management strategies, which include plant extracts and plant extracts mixed with pesticides at different proportions. This is a major decision given the importance of imported chemical in the cost of production of cocoa. Valuable indigenous knowledge from farmers could be used also as an effective support system for communicating and diffusing modern knowledge and technologies to farmers. The paper describes the farmer knowledge-based alternatives to chemical pesticides for pest control in cocoa fields as a response to high pest control costs. Pest management specialists are urged to take advantage of this shift in practice and assess their effectiveness for further use. Two sets of questions are posed: (1) were the conventional insecticides, with all their problems, really necessary? and (2) are the materials derived from locally grown plants effective pest management agents or are they, in some way, placebos?  相似文献   
Summary Stem thickness of the weed Solanum nigrum and the crop sugarbeet was determined with a He–Ne laser using a novel non‐destructive technique measuring stem shadow. Thereafter, the stems were cut close to the soil surface with a CO2 laser. Treatments were carried out on pot plants, grown in the greenhouse, at two different growth stages, and plant dry matter was measured 2–5 weeks after treatment. The relationship between plant dry weight and laser energy was analysed using two different non‐linear dose–response regression models; one model included stem thickness as a variable, the other did not. A binary model was also tested. The non‐linear model incorporating stem thickness described the data best, indicating that it would be possible to optimize laser cutting by measuring stem thickness before cutting. The general tendency was that more energy was needed the thicker the stem. Energy uses on a field scale are discussed.  相似文献   
辣椒疫病发病主导因素及综合防治技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过3a在多年辣椒重茬地的田间试验及调查研究,基本明确了辣椒疫病发生与灌水方法、栽培方式、降水、中心病株的出现等主导因素的关系。提出了栽培防病、化学治疗的综防技术,达到控病增产的目的。  相似文献   
调查分析稻粒黑粉病、穗颈稻瘟等两系杂交稻制种穗期主要病害的发生原因,提出了清除菌源、轮换制种、健身栽培、对口药剂防治等防治措施。  相似文献   
克萎星对棉花黄萎病的防治效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
克萎星可溶性粉剂是河南省濮阳农业科学研究所研制生产的防治棉花黄萎病的新农药,田间药效试验结果表明:克萎星防治棉花黄萎病,发病初期叶面喷施,防效71.7%~100%,最佳施用浓度500~1000倍液,间隔期7~10d,棉花安全。  相似文献   
Cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers, is a major dietary staple in tropical Africa where it is most often cultivated. The production is, however, greatly hampered by severe infestation and damage by insect pests including the cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch. The damage and bionomics of the aphid are briefly introduced. Chemical, cultural, physical and biological methods, and use of plant resistance for A. craccivora control in cowpea are reviewed. Finally, prospects for integrated pest management are discussed  相似文献   
陈京  胡伟贞 《植物检疫》1997,11(2):81-84
番茄环斑病毒(TmRSV),烟草环斑病毒(TRSV),南芥菜花叶病毒(ArMV)的病汁液和PEG粗提纯液,经适宜温度或甲醛处理,均丧失侵染性而有抗原性。TmRSVPEG粗提纯液经60℃(水浴)处理10分钟或28℃7天,TRSV粗提纯液置25℃一个月,Ar-MV在40℃7天条件下均可做为阳性对照的灭活处理的最佳方案。可保存抗原性在7~12月以上。为了防止危险性检疫病毒的侵入,对入境种苗进行检疫,需建立快速、准确、标准化检疫程序,而在血清学快速诊断试验中,提供阳性对照,对提高判断准确率是必要的。因此,为了解决在诊断试剂中提供阳性对照但又不能使其检疫性病毒人为扩散这一重要问题,我们在研究三种外检病毒(TmRSV,TRSV,ArMV)的检验技术的同时,又进行了一些灭活试验,用化学和物理方法钝化病毒,使其失去侵染性而保持抗原性,并应用于酶联诊断试剂盒中,本文报道了初步试验结果  相似文献   
春麦田除草剂的应用与杂草群落演替   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
作者采用定点定位试验,对春麦田除草剂应用与杂草群落演替趋势进行研究。结果表明:在杂草群落多样性麦田,小麦连作并分别连续5年施用同一种除草剂,原杂草群落中占优势的靶标杂草得以控制,而非靶标杂草和抗、耐药性杂草因失去竞争和制约对象而猖獗发展,发生量较原来增加几倍至几十倍,并形成优势种群,对小麦造成新的更严重的危害。一种除草剂在同田块连续施用4年,由于杂草群落演替,抗、耐药杂草兴起,除草效果显著下降而失去其使用意义。作者提出除草剂配套使用、轮用、混用等措施,并配合以合理的轮作制度,以减轻杂草群落长期受到单一的定向选择性压力。  相似文献   
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