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肖和良 《猪业科学》2020,37(9):134-137
文章论述了"调猪"向"调肉"转变的历史背景,进行了冷却肉代替常温鲜肉的可行性论证,加强对冷却肉营养价值高,口味几乎与常温鲜肉媲美等关于冷却肉的知识宣传,让冷却肉成为肉类消费主流产品,是破解"调猪"向"调肉"困境的主要方法。尖锐指出目前排名前十的猪企纷纷布局的,大城市大型屠宰和肉联厂项目,是走"调猪"的老路和死胡同,会造成极大的资源浪费。提出在生猪主产区建立肉联厂,充分利用和整合现有肉联厂资源,配齐官方兽医,加强产地检疫和屠宰检疫,加快非洲猪瘟快速检测试纸的研发,加强冷却肉加工、质量控制技术研究和国家标准的制订,中国肉类加工企业协会,承接国家主管部门移交的肉类加工社会管理职能等建议,供同行参考。  相似文献   
呼伦贝尔岭东南旱作丘陵区气候资源潜力分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对呼伦贝尔市阿荣旗三道沟镇商品粮生产基地主要粮食作物的光合、光温、气候、气候-土壤资源潜力进行分析,结果表明热量条件是限制该地区粮食增产的主要非可控因素,如能改善热量条件,还有20%~30%的增产潜力;该地区的降水条件对玉米、大豆、马铃薯、水稻四种主要粮食作物的满足程度在80%左右,表明降水量及其季节分布是该镇粮食产量低的制约因素之一,存在的问题是水分利用率较低;土壤养分状况对马铃薯和水稻增产未表现明显的限制作用,而对玉米和大豆增产却是最主要限制因素。  相似文献   
以10 cm航空影像为数据源,以森林资源二类调查为基础,对连云港市花果山的森林植被景观结构进行分析。结果表明,研究区内麻栎树面积最大,分布最广泛;麻栎和松树是主要优势树种,乔木总面积占到研究区植被面积比例的70.75%,研究区植被结构较好。竹林(以金镶玉竹为主)和茶树是研究区内数量较多、分布较广且有区域特色的灌木;除2种主要灌木外,研究区还有大量混合生长的其他灌木,其面积总量和分布范围都仅次于麻栎树。研究区森林景观多样性指数较低,某些树种,如麻栎,景观优势度较大。森林景观以人工林为主,各种树种随机分布,形状受人工干扰较多。  相似文献   
周生路  吕蕾 《土壤》2006,38(6):794-799
首先采用农用地分等中自然质量分值的计算方法对江苏沿海耕地自然质量进行测算,然后在此基础上结合各乡镇耕地面积和人口数量计算人均耕地量,对江苏沿海地区耕地资源量的空间分布态势进行评价。结果表明:研究区北部、中西部和南部除少数地区外耕地质量总体较好,中东部耕地质量较差;耕地质量优良的地区人均耕地量水平较低,耕地质量较差的地区人均耕地量水平反而较高。根据评价结果,从提高土地整体利用效率、合理占用耕地、合理开发土地后备资源、污染排放源头控制与生产过程中治理相结合等几个方面提出了沿海地区耕地资源可持续利用的有效途径。  相似文献   
祁连山保护区森林生态系统现状与保护对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在祁连山保护区森林资源清查基础上,采用生态系统理论和方法,分析了祁连山水源涵养林生态系统存在的问题,提出了创新保护机制、减轻系统压力、科学封山育林、人工造林、按照德国近自然林业理论进行经营、加强科学研究等保护对策,强调保护必须与科学经营相结合,对林草地实行“轮封、轮育、轮牧”,严禁死封硬管。  相似文献   
2003年夏季东海区带鱼资源状况及其秋冬汛渔况的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据东海区渔业资源动态监测网调查资料,对2003年伏季休渔期间的带鱼资源状况进行了分析,并展望了秋冬汛带鱼生产前景。结果表明,2003年伏季休渔前期(6月),东海区带鱼资源重量密度、资源尾数密度及发生量均比常年偏低、产卵期个体重量较常年偏大,亲鱼量属低水平年份;伏季休渔中期(7月、8月),带鱼的产卵群体比例下降,个体平均肛长偏小。同时,海区的水温较2002年偏低,不利于带鱼生长和发育。预计伏季休渔结束后,渔获状况不容乐观,秋冬汛生产前景将差于2002年。  相似文献   
白长财  马志刚 《园艺学报》2005,32(1):155-158
 在对甘肃荚蒾属植物资源调查的基础上, 整理并描述了27个分类群的生境、分布以及观赏性状, 包括叶、花、果实等, 并结合该属植物的资源现状, 提出了可持续开发利用的建议。  相似文献   
Microbial biomass C and N, and activities related to C and N cycles, were compared in needle and leaf litter, and in the uppermost 10 cm of soil under the litter layer in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) and silver birch (Betula pendula L.) stands, planted on originally similar field afforestation sites 23–24 years ago. The ground vegetation was differentiated under different tree species, consisting of grasses and herbs under birch and pine, and mosses or no vegetation with a thick layer of needles under spruce. The C:N ratio of the soils was 13–21 and the soil pHCaCl 2 3.8–5.2. Both showed little variation under different tree species. Microbial biomass C and N, C mineralization, net ammonification, reduction) did not differ significantly in soil under different tree species either. Birch leaf litter had a higher pHCaCl 2 (5.9) than spruce and pine needle litter (pH 5.0 and 4.8, respectively). The C:N ratio of spruce needles was 30, and was considerably higher in pine needles (69) and birch leaves (54). Birch leaves tended to have the highest microbial biomass C and C mineralization. Spruce needles appeared to have the highest microbial biomass N and net formation of mineral N, whereas formation of mineral N in pine needles and birch leaves was negligible. Microbial biomass C and N were of the same order of magnitude in the soil and litter samples but C mineralization was tenfold higher in the litter samples.  相似文献   
天津市农田氮肥施用氨排放量估算及分布特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
氮素是作物生长的必要营养元素,氮肥施用过程中,会导致氨的挥发,而氨是形成可吸入颗粒物的重要前体物,为了解天津市农田氮肥施用过程中氨的排放,为天津市空气污染治理提供技术支撑,通过获取天津市不同农作物的不同氮肥种类施用量,依据国家环保部推荐的排放因子法和天津市的年均温度,对天津市农田氮肥施用过程中氨的排放量进行了估算和时空分布特征分析。结果表明,2014年天津市农田氮肥施用氨排放量为17 999.91 t,排放强度为3.27 t·km-2;从氮肥种类上看,尿素是最大排放源,贡献率为83.13%,其次是碳铵(13.83%),其他氮肥占比为3.04%;从农作物类型上看,蔬菜是最大的排放源,贡献率为38.91%,其次是玉米(29.43%)和小麦(19.66%),其他作物占比为12.00%。氨的排放系数具有明显的时间特征:中午高,夜间低;8月份最高,1月份最低。在各区县中,武清区氨排放量最大,贡献率为27.06%;津南区氨排放量最小,贡献率为1.14%;另外,宝坻区和蓟县的氨排放量也较高,贡献率分别为20.71%、17.86%。氨具有较强的空间分布差异性,在有氮肥施用的农田排放较高,其他区域排放较低。因此在控制天津市农田氮肥施用氨排放中应加强对武清区、宝坻区、蓟县等区县6—8月份蔬菜种植过程中尿素的科学施用。农田氨的时空分布特征可为天津市空气污染的防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Methane uptake to soil was examined in individual chambers at three small forest catchments with different treatments, Control, Limed and Nitrex sites, where N-deposition was experimentally increased. The catchments consisted of both well-drained forest and wet sphagnum areas, and showed uptake of CH4 from the ambient air. The lowest CH4 uptakes were observed in the wet areas, where the different treatments did not influence the uptake rate. In the well-drained areas the CH4 uptakes were 1.6, 1.4 and 0.6 kg ha–1 year–1 for the Limed, Control and Nitrex sites, respectively. The uptake of methane at the well-drained Nitrex site was statistically smaller than at the other well-drained catchments. Both acidification and increase in nitrogen in the soil, caused by the air-borne deposition, are the probable cause for the reduction in the methane uptake potential. Uptake of methane was correlated to soil water content or temperature for individual chambers at the well-drained sites. The uptake rate of methane in soil cores was largest in the 0- to 10-cm upper soil layer. The concentration of CH4 in the soil was lower than the atmospheric concentration up to 30 cm depth, where methane production occurred. Besides acting as a sink for atmospheric methane, the oxidizing process in soil prevents the release of produced methane from deeper soil layers reaching the atmosphere. Received: 27 September 1996  相似文献   
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