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Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and/or the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are required to account for their direct human-induced carbon emissions and removals including those from forestry and other land use related activities. In most European countries, the forestry related greenhouse gas inventories are largely or exclusively based on converting tree volume data from national forest inventories to biomass using biomass conversion and expansion factors (BCEFs). However, country specific data for many species are often lacking, which considerably increases the uncertainties of the greenhouse gas inventories. The focus of this research was to develop, using internationally published datasets that cover a large geographical area, an extended set of generalized curves of such biomass expansion factors for several species or species groups by age, growing stock and site index.  相似文献   
The ecosystem service concept has been proposed as a meaningful framework for natural resource management. In theory it holds concomitant benefit and consequence for the forest product sector. However, numerous barriers impede practitioners from developing concrete and enduring responses to emerging ecosystem service markets, policies, and initiatives. Principle among these barriers is that the ecosystem service concept has a complex history, numerous definitions in use, and an astounding diversity in rationale and application. This article provides a conceptual review of ecosystem services and its economic foundations, distinguishes among several current definitions of the term and their relatedness to strategies in practical application, discusses diverse approaches to valuation, and explores potential for future relevance in forest product and other sectors.  相似文献   
Changes to ecosystems caused by introduced herbivores can be predictable, stepwise transitions or unpredictable and even irreversible state changes. This study's objectives were to explore effects on forest succession and soil development 5 years after moose (Alces alces L.) were fenced out of areas within and adjacent to a national park in Newfoundland, Canada. Study plots spanned a range of understorey broadleaf plant associations with regenerating balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.), an important winter forage plant for moose and a dominant canopy tree throughout Newfoundland. After 5 years, height–diameter ratios were significantly larger for larger basal diameters of understorey balsam fir in unfenced, but not in fenced subplots, suggesting that growth of the conifer is compromised within the exclosure. In contrast, for most broadleaf trees and shrubs, moose removal by fencing results in greater heights and basal diameters than in control subplots. The competitive advantage of broadleaf trees and shrubs over balsam fir in the short-term may be a result of past sustained heavy moose browsing benefiting plants that are better at investing resources into below-ground growth or benefiting plants that have broader leaf canopies. It is not clear how long the broadleaf transition state we document will continue. Restorative actions intended to mimic usual patterns of forest regeneration in this region of Newfoundland might best consider moose removal with site preparation and/or planting to historic densities.  相似文献   
Sudden oak death (SOD), caused by the recently discovered non-native invasive pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum, has already killed tens of thousands of native coast live oak and tanoak trees in California. Little is known of potential short and long term impacts of this novel plant–pathogen interaction on forest structure and composition. Coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) and bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) form mixed-evergreen forests along the northern California coast. This study measured tree mortality over a gradient of disease in three time periods. Direct measurements of current mortality were taken during 2004, representing a point-in-time estimate of present and ongoing mortality. Past stand conditions, c. 1994, were estimated using a stand reconstruction technique. Future stand conditions, c. 2014, were calculated by assuming that, given a lack of host resistance, live trees showing signs of the disease in 2004 would die. Results indicate that coast live oaks died at a rate of 4.4–5.5% year−1 between 1994 and 2004 in highly impacted sites, compared with a background rate of 0.49% year−1, a ten-fold increase in mortality. From 2004 to 2014, mortality rates in the same sites were 0.8–2.6% year−1. Over the entire period, in highly impacted sites, a 59–70% loss of coast live oak basal area was predicted, and coast live oak decreased from 60% to 40% of total stand basal area, while bay laurel increased from 22% to 37%. Future stand structures will likely have greater proportions of bay laurel relative to coast live oak.  相似文献   
To test effects of litter quality and soil conditions on N-dynamics, we selected seven forests in Luxembourg dominated by beech (Fagus sylvatica, L.) and hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.), and located on acid loam, decalcified marl or limestone, and measured organic matter characteristics, microbial C and N and net N-mineralization in a laboratory incubation experiment. Organic layer characteristics were significantly affected by species, with lower litter decay and higher accumulation under the less palatable beech, even on limestone. However, beech and hornbeam did not show any differences in N-cycling at all. Instead of species, N-cycling was affected by site conditions, albeit different than expected. Microbial N generally increased from acid loam to limestone, but acid loam showed higher net N-mineralization, especially in the organic layer. Also, acid loam showed high instead of low efficiency of N-mineralization per unit microbe, in both organic layer and mineral topsoil. In addition, acid loam showed net consumption of DOC instead of release in both soil layers, which suggests that not N, but C was a limiting factor to decomposition. In contrast, limestone showed low net N-mineralization in the organic layer, despite high mass and well-decomposed organic matter, and low efficiency of N-mineralization per unit microbe in both organic layer and mineral topsoil. DOC was net released instead of consumed, which supported that not C, but N was a limiting factor. The general lack of differences in net N-cycling between species, but relatively clear site effects, is discussed in relation to different microbial strategies. Acid soil may have high net N-release despite low biological activity, because N-requirements of fungi are also low, while in calcareous soil, high bacterial N-demand may counteract high gross N-release. Thus, species producing litter that decomposes rapidly may be planted to improve soil conditions and plant biodiversity, but litter quality effects on N-availability may be less important than soil conditions.  相似文献   
Forests that encompass the border triangle of Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia currently suffer from centuries of inadequate forest management strategies, including overexploitation during the countries’ respective communist regimes and high stress levels due to airborne emissions from heavy industry. Since the fall of the Iron Curtain, each country has approached forest monitoring, protection and the improvement of forest conditions in its own way. Spaceborne remote sensing of forest changes across country borders offers great potential for better understanding the underlying drivers of change and for developing comparable indicators between countries.  相似文献   
The Warra Silvicultural Systems Trial (SST) in Tasmania, Australia provides a framework for investigating the responses of beetles (Order: Coleoptera) to three alternative systems in lowland wet eucalypt forest: aggregated retention; dispersed retention; and understorey islands retained in clearfelled areas. Beetles from three families known to be sensitive to forest management, the families Carabidae (ground-beetles), Curculionidae (weevils) and Leiodidae (fungus-beetles), were collected with pitfall traps prior to harvest, and in the first and third years post-harvest. The retained aggregates in the aggregated retention system maintained beetle assemblages reasonably typical of mature forests, at least in these early years following harvesting. These aggregates appear to provide a stable habitat, with similar species composition in the first and third years post-harvest. In contrast, the harvested areas of the aggregated retention system contained low numbers of beetle species affiliated with mature forest, as did the understorey islands and the dispersed retention system. Relative to clearfelling, all alternative silvicultural systems appeared to be of some benefit to beetles affiliated with mature forest, but aggregated retention retained far greater numbers of these beetles compared to the other systems in Tasmanian wet eucalypt forest.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to investigate differences in soil chemistry and understory composition between recent forests (sites afforested in the last 170 years) and ancient forests growing on non-acidic soils. The study was carried out on hardwood forests at moderate elevation (400–600 m asl) in the Jura Mountains (N.E. France) on four main pedological substrates with different characteristics. The floristic composition of 127 stands from recent forests (n = 65) or ancient forests (n = 62) was surveyed. Some functional traits and the Ellenberg indicator values of the surveyed species were recorded. In addition, the topsoil from 30 stands was analysed. The composition of the flora was analysed by Detrended Correspondence Analysis and the species which were typical of one class of forest age were identified using a chi-square (χ2) test. The difference between forest classes for plant traits, their indicator values, or soil chemistry was tested using the generalized linear model and Bonferroni t-tests (or Kruskall–Wallis tests). The floristic composition of the ancient forests was significantly different from that of the recent forests and was characterized by a high occurrence of shrub species in recent forests. These differences were associated with higher specific leaf area, low-range seeds dispersal, and some life forms like geophytes. There was no clear difference in soil chemistry between the two classes of forests, except for δ15N values. The weakness of the difference in the soil between ancient and recent forests suggested that changes in soil chemistry caused by a former agricultural land use were not responsible for the differences in understory composition recorded. The differences in functional traits between the two forest classes supported this conclusion. We finally concluded that (i) past land use modifies the vegetation composition of current forests, even on neutral soils and that (ii) in our context, biological filters were probably responsible for these changes.  相似文献   
Although the effect of forest management on lichens in temperate forests has been widely examined, little is known about the influence of management-related factors on their biodiversity relative to factors that cannot be altered by management. Here we determined whether forest structure or climate determines lichen diversity in the Bavarian Forest National Park in southeastern Germany, taking spatial variables into account. We investigated 517 single tree stems along 4 transects in 113 pre-stratified plots (8 m in diameter) in this montane forest. We grouped environmental variables into three sets: climate (macroclimate, non-manageable), forest structure (manageable), and space. The explanatory powers of these sets of variables for lichen diversity were compared using variance partitioning for the lichen community, species density, and threatened species density. The relationships of single characteristics of forest structure with lichen species diversity were analyzed using generalized linear models (GLM). Lichen diversity was better explained by stand structures than by climate. Spatial effects influenced the number of species per plot. Among the structural features, the availability of dead wood and sycamore maple as well as forest continuity were most important for the enhancement of lichen diversity. Open canopy structures affected the total diversity positively. Although the availability of large trees was not an influential factor in the GLM at the plot level, high diversity levels were generally associated with large stem diameters at the level of single stems. We provide recommendations for sustainable forest-management practices that aim at specifically enhancing lichen diversity in temperate areas experiencing low levels of air pollution.  相似文献   
2006年9月~2008年10月,泾源县抽调专业技术人员,采用"3S"等高新技术,利用人机交互目视解译卫星遥感影像(SPOT5)区划土地类型和判读小班林分因子,遥感定量测算小班蓄积量,GPS定位验证的方法。全面查清了全县森林、林地和林木资源种类、数量、质量与分布,建立和更新了森林资源档案。本文对泾源县森林资源现状和重点林业工程建设成效进行分析,找出特点,并提出保护利用对策,现报告如下,目的是使泾源县在制定森林采伐限额,进行林业工程设计和森林资源管理,制定县域国民经济发展和林业发展规划,实行森林生态效益补偿和森林资源资产化管理,指导和规范全县森林科学经营等方面有一定的参考依据。  相似文献   
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