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玉米雌穗小花类型,形态,决定时期及其与成粒的关系   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
玉米雌穗有完全花与不完全花之分,不完全花又分退化花和畸形花。总花数受品种遗传性制约,栽培措施影响较小,吐丝前后的温光条件影响较大。性器官形成期是不完全花发生的重要时期。夏播时品种间花数变幅为543——840朵。雌穗分化终止期因品种而异,大多于吐丝前7d至吐丝后1—2d。结实率达总花数80%,其中11—17%为败育粒,是影响小花成粒的首要因素,败育花影响甚微。高产栽培时花数较稳定,减少籽粒败育是提高产量的有效途径,中低产区增花增粒和保花增粒亦不可忽视。  相似文献   
大黍的大小孢子发生,雌雄配子体发育及其淀粉动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过石蜡切片,在光学显微镜下系统观察了大黍有性生殖过程中大小孢子发生、雌雄配子体发育及其淀粉动态。大黍花药壁由表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层4层细胞组成。在花药发育过程中,表皮细胞始终积累大、小不等的圆球状内含物,该内含物经PAS、苏木精分别染色均呈负反应。表皮细胞外壁在花粉成熟时期略有增厚,且具小刺状突起。绒毡层细胞属腺质型。小孢子母细胞在减数分裂过程中胞质分裂属连续型。成熟花粉粒富含较大颗粒的淀  相似文献   
以延胡索药材中五种生物碱的含量作为评价指标分析水煮、水蒸、醋煮和盐煮四种初加工方法的效果。采用甲醇加热回流法提取,高效液相色谱法检测含量。以乙腈-0.01%磷酸水溶液为流动相,按22:78的比例进行等度洗脱,流速1.0mL/min;色谱柱(Inertsil ODS-3)温度:30℃;检测波长为283nm。结果显示,原阿片碱、延胡索乙素、掌叶防己碱、小檗碱、脱氢紫堇碱5种生物碱线性范围分别为1.568~78.4、3.444~172.2、0.72~36.0、0.78~39.0、2.632~131.6 μg/mL(r≥0.9993);平均回收率(n=6)为99.26%、98.85%、102.39%、98.06%、100.23%,RSD≤2.10%;四种延胡索加工方法中有效成分含量由高到低依次为水蒸>水煮>醋煮>盐煮,其中以蒸制5min最佳。该方法简单、准确性高,可为延胡索产地初加工提供科学依据与技术支持。  相似文献   
沙尘暴尘源形成及分布   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
沙尘暴(sand—duststorm)系指强风把地表大量沙尘卷入到空中,使空气特别浑浊,水平能见度低于1000m的灾害性天气现象。是1种危害性极大的灾害性天气。它的发生和发展是加速土地荒漠化的重要过程,又是土地荒漠化发展到一定程度的具体体现。沙尘暴尘源物质的形成及分布是形成沙尘暴必不可少的物质条件。本文在查阅分析了大量关于沙尘暴研究等文献的基础上,从沙尘暴尘源形成因素、尘源种类及分布等方面,对沙尘暴尘源的研究进行了简要的总结,反映沙尘暴尘源方面的研究进展。  相似文献   
为寻找岷江柏木最佳的种质资源保存方式,以马尔康市天然起源岷江柏木为对象,从岷江柏木移植试验入手,结合已有的岷江柏木种质资源保存方法,进行了两方面研究:1)探讨了不同移植时间、不同树龄、不同修枝比例对岷江柏木移植的影响。试验共移植216株个体,1 a后成活8株,成活率3.70%。主根发达、须根偏少,土壤贫瘠且砾石含量多,移植施工的直接伤害、移植地环境难以完全相似等因素,直接影响到岷江柏木移植的成活率。2)比较了原地保护、异地移植、采种育苗、存入种质资源库等岷江柏木种质资源保护方式。提出在原地保存不可行的情况下,应优先采取采种育苗,结合入库保存等方式保护岷江柏木种质资源。  相似文献   
The centre of origin of the globally distributed wheat pathogen Parastagonospora nodorum has remained uncertain because only a small number of isolates from the Fertile Crescent were included in earlier population genetic and phylogeographic studies. We isolated and genetically analysed 193 P. nodorum strains from three naturally infected wheat fields distributed across Iran using 11 neutral microsatellite loci. Compared to previous studies that included populations from North America, Europe, Africa, Australia, and China, the populations from Iran had the highest genetic diversity globally and also exhibited greater population structure over smaller spatial scales, patterns typically associated with the centre of origin of a species. Genes encoding the necrotrophic effectors SnToxA, SnTox1, and SnTox3 were found at a high frequency in the Iranian population. By sequencing 96 randomly chosen Iranian strains, we detected new alleles for all three effector genes. Analysis of allele diversity showed that all three effector genes had higher diversity in Iran than in any population included in previous studies, with Iran acting as a hub for the effector diversity that was found in other global populations. Taken together, these findings support the hypothesis that P. nodorum originated either within or nearby the Fertile Crescent with a genome that already encoded all three necrotrophic effectors during its emergence as a pathogen on wheat. Our findings also suggest that P. nodorum was the original source of the ToxA genes discovered in the wheat pathogens Phaeosphaeria avenaria f. sp. tritici 1, Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, and Bipolaris sorokiniana.  相似文献   
Papua New Guinea has astonishing biological and cultural diversity which, coupled with a strong community reliance on the land and its biota for subsistence, add complexity to monitoring and conservation and in particular, the demonstration of declines in wildlife populations. Many species of concern are long-lived which provides additional challenges for conservation. We provide, for the first time, concrete evidence of a substantive decline in populations of the pig-nosed turtle (Carettochelys insculpta); an important source of protein for local communities. Our study combined matched village and market surveys separated by 30 years, trends in nesting female size, and assessment of levels and efficacy of harvest, each of which was an essential ingredient to making a definitive assessment of population trends. Opportunities for an effective response by local communities to these declines needs to consider both conservation and fisheries perspectives because local communities consider the turtle a food resource, whereas the broader global community views it as a high priority for conservation. Our study in the Kikori region is representative of harvest regimes in most rivers within the range of the species in Papua New Guinea, and provides lessons for conservation of many other wildlife species subject to harvest.  相似文献   
嘉陵江源头景区是宝鸡市乃至陕西省建立最早的几家国家级森林公园之一,目前存在的问题是景区投入总量不足、硬件设施规模偏小、档次较低、结构不优、人气不旺、活力不足、效益不高,发展速度明显滞后等问题仍然比较突出。针对这些问题,提出了要树立可持续发展的新思维、新理念、新创意引领,高起点规划、实施项目带动,加大景区投入、培育和建设森林文化、倡导低碳旅游、重视人才培养,提高景区管理服务水平的对策。  相似文献   
李得慧 《湖南农机》2012,(5):138-140
现在在一个保险环境较为宽松的社会下,随着人们理财观念的转变,越来越多的人开始萌生保险意识,可是人们对保险仍然存在着很多误解。文章通过介绍保险的历史起源,旨在帮助人们扫清对保险认识过程中的盲点,并简要介绍了一些投保的基本常识。  相似文献   
阿维菌素对小鼠雌性生殖细胞的致突变性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿维菌素是我国生产的一种高效广谱抗寄生虫抗生素,对动物的消化道线虫和外寄生虫有很强的驱杀作用。本文选择了第二次减数分裂中期相(MII)卵母细胞和第一次分裂中期相合子染色体畸变分析方法,研究其对哺乳动物雌性生殖细胞的遗传毒性。1.MII卵母细胞染色体畸变分析:根据阿维菌素的小鼠急性毒性试验结果(小鼠经口LD50=19.19mg/kg),设以下剂量组:1.92、3.84和9.60mg/kg(约相当于1  相似文献   
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