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Pest management professionals in California receive more customer complaints about Argentine ants than for any other urban ant pest. Fipronil, applied as a 30 × 30 cm band around the house foundation, has become the preferred treatment used to control these ants. Unfortunately, fipronil is now showing up in urban waterways at levels that are toxic to aquatic invertebrates. Our recent studies are aimed at mitigating insecticide runoff while still controlling the ant infestations. A high priority is preventing fipronil runoff from the driveway to the street, where it can flow into drains and from there to urban waterways. In this paper, two related studies address these issues. Not treating driveways with fipronil reduced by two to three orders of magnitude its runoff when compared with earlier studies. However, not treating the driveway can reduce efficacy of treatments. Granular bifenthrin, indoxacarb, botanicals, and a thiamethoxam ant bait were tested as supplemental treatments. The gel bait showed the best result as a supplement, but only after 8 weeks. We have reduced fipronil runoff while maintaining efficacy of the ant treatments.  相似文献   
基于呼图壁河石门水文站1956—2011年的年径流数据,采用Morlet小波分析和R/S分析方法,对新疆呼图壁河流域径流周期、变化特征和未来趋势进行分析和预测。研究结果表明:(1)通过对呼图壁河1956—2011年径流量的分析发现,径流时间序列存在5 a、10 a、18 a和28 a左右的震荡周期,18 a尺度震荡周期最强,其次是28a尺度。18 a时间尺度上的震荡在56 a研究时段内均较强,且存在4个丰水期和5个枯水期;28 a震荡周期在56 a尺度时段内相对较强,存在3个丰水期和3个枯水期,目前处于偏丰期;(2)利用R/S分析呼图壁河径流量序列,Hurst指数为0.6442,存在明显的赫斯特现象,这就意味着未来一段时间的径流量与过去具有同样的增加趋势。  相似文献   
Fine-scale vegetation patches (<5 m in width) are critically important in many landscapes because they function to obstruct surface flows of water and wind. These obstructions increase the infiltration of runoff and the capture of nutrients in runoff sediments and in wind-blown soil and litter. The importance of redistribution of runoff into runon patches from spaces between patches (fetches) is likely to be greater in drier than in wetter environments. In this paper we examine the hypothesis that the ratio of fetch to patch decreases as rainfall increases, and that this trend will be most evident on intermediate-textured soils because these soils are more prone to runoff. We measured fine-scale patches on 38 sites with sand, loam or clay soils. Sites were located along a 1000-mm rainfall gradient in the savannas of northern Australia. The width and intercept length of patches and the fetch between patches was measuring along line transects of 100–120 m oriented down slope. We found that the ratio of fetch to patch area did not decrease with decreasing rainfall, but increased on both sand and loam soils. This result was because with increasing rainfall mean spacing between patches disproportionally increased while mean patch size and cover declined. The cover of patches was negatively correlated with tree canopy cover, which significantly increased with rainfall. This negative correlation suggests that in higher rainfall savannas the size and spacing of ground-layer patches is controlled by the tree layer, and that as rainfall decreases this control decreases and runoff-runon processes increasingly structure the landscape. For savannas on clay soils these trends were not significant except that on the highest rainfall sites the cover of ground-layer patches was nearly 100% while trees were absent.  相似文献   
旱地保护性耕作地表径流和土壤水分平衡模型   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
在田间试验和对现有径流模型及土壤水分平衡模型改进的基础上,建立了适用于保护性耕作的地表径流和土壤水分平衡模型。该模型以日为步长,根据气象数据、土壤水分状况、作物生长发育及耕作管理措施,模拟不同耕作管理体系下地表径流和田间水分平衡的变化。针对保护性耕作的特点,主要对径流曲线数字(USDA—Curve Number)法进行了改进,在PERFECT模型的基础上增加了坡度和降雨强度两因素的影响,从而使模型较全面地考虑了残茬覆盖、耕作、坡度及降雨强度等多种因素对径流的影响;采用简单实用的Priestley—Taylor公式计算潜在蒸散量,并考虑作物覆盖与残茬覆盖对土壤蒸发与作物蒸腾的影响。通过田间径流试验和根层有效贮水量测定数据的验证,证明了地表径流和土壤水分的模拟值与实测值比较接近。  相似文献   
基于GIMMS/NDVI数据对诺敏河流域1982-2006年间植被覆盖的时空演变特征进行了研究,并结合SCS模型模拟地表径流,在流域和像元尺度分析植被NDVI变化与径流的关系。研究表明:诺敏河流域植被NDVI值较高,但25a间整体呈下降趋势,NDVI减少的区域占总面积的82.5%,植被覆盖有所降低;NDVI空间差异明显,NDVI的高值区主要分布在中上游林区,而耕地分布较多的下游地区NDVI值相对较低。流域尺度上植被NDVI与径流不具有明显的相关性。但从像元尺度来看,植被NDVI和径流的正相关和负相关共存,流域不同空间位置的植被变化与径流的关系并不一致。  相似文献   
介绍了重庆市荣昌县退耕还林工作的实施情况,分析了退耕还林存在的主要问题,结合荣昌县退耕还林工作总体规划和荣昌县的自然环境及退耕还林条件,提出了加强荣昌县退耕还林后续管理工作的五点建议,通过以封促管、以收促管和发展后续产业等方式,实现退耕还林的可持续发展。  相似文献   
近50a西北干旱区气候变化趋势及对荒漠化的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
西北干旱区干旱少雨,生态环境脆弱,土地荒漠化严重。本文根据近1951-2000年的逐月平均气温和月降水量资料研究了我国西北干旱区气候变化趋势,并结合近年来西北干旱区地表径流量变化,分析其对准噶尔盆地、塔里木盆地、河西走廊和柴达木盆地土地荒漠化影响。研究结果表明:(1)近50a西北干旱区气温都升高,变暖最显著的是北疆和柴达木盆地。降水量有增加趋势,其中南疆降水量增加趋势最大。北疆蒸发量有减少趋势外,其他区蒸发量都在增加,尤其南疆蒸发量增加趋势最大。(2)近50a来由于气候变暖,使蒸发量增大,塔克拉马干沙漠、河西走廊沙漠区和柴达木沙漠区的干旱危害加剧,这必然导致沙漠化的易发和其进程的加速。北疆气温升高,降水量增加,而蒸发量减少,有利于古尔班通古特沙漠区沙漠化进程的减缓。(3)气候变化和地表径流量变化有利于准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地的土地荒漠化逆转,而使河西走廊和柴达木盆地的土地荒漠化发展迅速。  相似文献   
新疆哈密石城子河流域水文水资源分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
不同地区的自然地理环境塑造了不同特征的河流,同时,河流的活动也在不断改变着与自身有关的自然环境。我国暖温带干旱区除塔里木河流域的水文特征、水资源及其合理利用有较多的研究外,其余中小河流的研究甚少。哈密石城子河的水文特征基本反映了我国暖温带干旱区众多中小河流域的水文特征。利用石城子河流域水文气象站1956-2001年资料,对该流域径流形成、洪水、泥沙、水质等进行分析,以揭示我国暖温带干旱区中小河流域的基本特征,为科学利用该地带中小河流域水资源提供理论依据。  相似文献   
文中讨论了绿色屋顶的雨水管理基本构成,分析了影响屋面雨水管理效能的各种因素,并从效能优化的角度提出了相应的设计策略。    相似文献   
采用定位观测方法与水集水区试验技术方法,利用1-6月份艰测数据,从土壤水分、坡面径流、集水区径流量等方面对大岗山地区人工针阔混交林、天然常绿阔叶林典型森林集水区的森林水文动态变化规律进行了研究。结果表明:⑴人工针阔混交林森林土壤水分量大值(51.8mm)出现在5月份,最小值(33.2mm)出现在3月份,且垂直变化幅度不大。⑵坡面径流量月变化较大,与一次性降水有密切关系,可用指数式y=0.1266e^0.0502x表示。⑶与人工针阔混交林相比,天然常绿阔叶林具有较强水土保持能力和显著水源涵养作用。  相似文献   
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